Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 173: :traitor

The young man wore a blue shirt with arms around his chest, and he was looking at Yin Guoyuan and the others with a smile, as if he was gloating.

"Fang Jun!"

Yin Guoyuan's face immediately became gloomy.

He knew this Fang Jun, who was the enemy of the Yin family.

Yin Guoyuan never thought that he would meet a Fang family here.

This Fang Jun is the eldest son of the Fang family. It stands to reason that he should be in the Fang family mansion at this time. How could he appear in this wild land?

A bad premonition quickly emerged from Yin Guoyuan's heart.

Feizhou's speed gradually slowed down, and finally stopped at a place about ten miles away from Fang Jun.

"Haha, Patriarch Yin, you are finally here, but I have been waiting for you for several hours!" Fang Jun clasped his fists and said with a smile at Yin Guoyuan.

This sentence made Yin Guoyuan's heart a little heavier, and he said coldly: "What do you mean by this? Do you know I will come?"

"Hehe, I know it naturally. During the day, I accidentally heard a message saying that your Yin family is preparing to launch a general attack on our Fang family tonight, so I will wait for the ride in advance." Fang Jun Said with a smile.

Yin Guoyuan's face was gloomy and said: "Where did you hear the news?"

Fang Jun shook his head and smiled: "This question is not convenient to answer at this time."

Yin Guoyuan's face was even more ugly. He guessed that someone might have leaked the secret. Otherwise, Fangcheng is hundreds of thousands of miles away from Yin City. Could this news fly by with wings?

The rest of the Yin family also looked angry, especially the great elder Yin Sun Yin and the second elder Yin Yunhong, whose expressions were even harder to see the extreme.

They have worked so hard for so many years in the family, but there is a ghost?

"Did you come alone?"

At this time, Yin Guoyuan asked.

"Of course not." Fang Jun shook his head and smiled: "Your Yin family came out aggressively, how dare I wait here alone."

After speaking, Fang Jun turned around and shouted: "Everyone, come out, your old friends are here."

"Hahaha, Yin Guoyuan, I really didn't expect that you, who are as timid as a mouse, would actually make such a decision, dare to take the initiative to attack us?"

A loud laughter resounded, and then Xiao Lang, Yin Guoyuan and others saw the stream of light flying from the mountains below.

The number of those streamers is more than a thousand.

Soon, the person who had just spoken came to Fang Jun, his brilliance dissipated, revealing a figure.

It was a middle-aged man, his age was about the same size as Yin Guoyuan, his tall body was wearing a purple-gold robe, a smile hung on his square face, and he looked at Yin Guoyuan on the opposite flying boat with a smile.

"Fang Mingfeng, it really is you!" Yin Guoyuan's expression changed, and he recognized the person who came, who was the current owner of the Fang family, Fang Mingfeng, who was also the one they wanted to sanction this time.

When Fang Jun saw his father appear on the stage, he consciously stepped aside. Fang Mingfeng stood in the forefront and said with a smile: "Yin Guoyuan, to be honest, I really didn't expect you to take the initiative to our Fang family."

Yin Guoyuan snorted coldly and said, "How about it? Am I waiting for the three of you to join forces to come to the door? Anyway, it's a death, it's better to fight to the death."

"This is not like your style!" Fang Mingfeng smiled and said, his gaze shifted slightly and fell on Xiao Lang beside Yin Guoyuan, and continued: "If I guessed correctly, I'll give you this idea. Isn’t it the fellow Taoist beside you?

Yin Guoyuan's face was gloomy. He had already determined that someone must have leaked the news. Otherwise, how could Fang Mingfeng even know such things?

"Fang Mingfeng, a good method! I can actually collude with the insiders of our Yin family. I really didn't see that you are such a sinister person." Yin Guoyuan mocked.

"It's no wonder that I, who told you that the Yin family is about to fall, some people are insecure and can't see hope, so they naturally abandon the dark and cast light." Fang Mingfeng said with a smile.

Yin Guoyuan ignored him, turned his head to look at the group of Yin family members behind, and said coldly: "Who disclosed the news, still refuses to stand up and admit it?"

A group of Yin family members look at me and I look at you. No one took the initiative to admit it.

Yin Guoyuan's eyes were sharp, looking around the crowd and observing the situation.

Finally, a deacon from the Yin family revealed a flaw, his eyes panicked and he looked around, as if looking for an opportunity to escape.

Yin Guoyuan's eyes were cold, he swept over, and took it out with one hand.


The deacon of the Yin family was severely thrown to the ground by Yin Guoyuan, making a dull crash.

"Asshole thing, dare to betray the family, the crime is punishable!" Yin Guoyuan scolded, the majestic body constantly overflowing with divine power, which is a manifestation of anger to the extreme, and even the breath is unstable.

"Patriarch, be merciful!" The deacon had broken a few bones, but at this time he could no longer care about the pain in his body, and crawled over, begging for mercy.


At this moment, Great Elder Yin Sunyin stepped out and kicked the deacon's body severely. The deacon was kicked out like a ball, until it hit the railing on the edge of the flying boat.

Yin Sunyin's face was full of icy cold, and angrily said: "You beast, for your own personal interests, you exposed the entire Yin family to danger. What face do you have to ask for mercy?"

The deacon's mouth was bleeding, and many bones were broken all over his body, which was extremely miserable.

Seeing Yin Sunyin walking towards him again, the deacon showed fear, and got up with strong support, and was about to flee over the flying boat.

"Where to go?"

Unfortunately, it is impossible for Yin Sunyin to let him go like this. Before the deacon could crawl out, he was caught back alive.

The deacon was shocked and quickly shouted, "Patriarch Fang, please me!"

Fang Mingfeng did not act. He folded his hands on his chest and stood motionless, as if watching a good show.

"Fool, do you really think Fang Mingshan will save you? In his eyes, you are just a pawn, and you lose it after you use it." Yin Guoyuan screamed from behind.

"Grand Elder, Patriarch, I know I was wrong, please give me a chance to reform and rehabilitate!" The deacon knelt on his knees and kept kowtow to admit his mistakes. Now the Fang family has abandoned him, and he is now in a dilemma. Up.

"You will have to pay the price if you make a mistake, go to the ancestors of the other family underground to repent!" The elder looked cold, and shot out with a palm, trying to take the deacon's life.

The deacon's face was as gray as death. Knowing that he was in danger this time, he gritted his teeth, and a hideous color appeared on his face: "Old things, the big deal will die together!"

After all, the energy in the deacon's body went into a state of riot, and his body became bloated as a result, and his whole person grew several laps.

"Bastard stuff!"

Yin Sunyin did not expect that the deacon would want to explode, and suddenly became furious. The deacon was a monk in the mid-world realm, and the power of self-detonation was not trivial. Most of the Yin family elites on the flying boat were just Void True Gods and could not stop the self-destruction of the world realm. Power.

It can be said that once the deacon blew himself up, at least half of the people on the flying boat would die. This was undoubtedly a huge blow to the Yin family.

"call out!"

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of the deacon out of thin air, as fast as a teleportation.

As soon as that person appeared, he punched the deacon's pubic area.


This punch hit directly on the deacon's dantian, and with a muffled sound, the crazy color on the deacon's face came to an abrupt end, because he felt the energy in his body was fading fast.

"This bastard!" The deacon showed hatred, staring at the young man before him, wishing to tear him into pieces.

Unfortunately, the rapid passing of energy in the body made him impossible to be the opponent of youth.

The youth grabbed him casually and picked him up like a chicken.

"Friend Xiao Dao, please also leave the life of this traitor, and my Yin family will severely punish him!" Yin Guoyuan spoke in time to stop the young assassin.

Only then did Xiao Lang curb his ultimate move, and threw the deacon in front of Yin Guoyuan, saying: "Patriarch Yin, the cohesion of your Yin family needs to be strengthened!"

Yin Guoyuan glanced at the deacon who had become like a dead dog, and immediately clasped his fist to Xiao Lang, "What Xiao Daoyou said is that after I go back this time, I will reorganize my family style."

Xiao Lang waved his hand and said nothing more.

"Come here, arrest this traitor for me and take care of it strictly." Yin Guoyuan shouted, and the majesty of the Patriarch revealed.

Immediately, two Yin family masters walked over and dragged the limp deacon up.

"Haha, what a great show!" At this moment, Fang Mingfeng's voice came over.

Yin Guoyuan’s expression was very cold, and the deacon’s affairs made him feel very bad. Although the latter had betrayed the Yin family, he was after all a powerhouse in the mid-world realm. What happened now is actually the same for the Yin family. Big loss.

"Fang Mingfeng, I'll take note of this matter first." Yin Guoyuan said coldly.

"Yin Guoyuan, you'd better pass today's level before talking!" Fang Mingfeng said with a sneer.

Yin Guoyuan snorted coldly, pointed at the Fang family masters behind Fang Mingfeng, and sarcastically said: "Just rely on your hand?"

There were more than 1,000 people behind Fang Mingfeng, but nearly 3,000 people came to the Yin family this time. The gap between the two sides is relatively large, so there is no need to worry.

"Plus how about us?"

But at this moment, another strong voice came from behind, Yin Guoyuan's complexion changed, and he suddenly turned his head to look behind.

I saw in the sky behind, a group of people were flying towards this side quickly, almost in the blink of an eye, they had already arrived behind the flying boat.

"Nie Hongyuan!"

Looking at the familiar face standing in the forefront, Yin Guoyuan's complexion was ugly to the extreme. This Nie Hongyuan was the current Patriarch of the Nie family, and like Fang Mingfeng, he was the enemy of his Yin family.

Yin Guoyuan did not expect that not only Fang Mingfeng was here to wait and see, but Nie Hongyuan, the owner of the Nie family, also came.

"Trouble now."

Yin Guoyuan glanced at the back of Nie Hongyuan, the more than 1,500 masters of the Nie family, such a sentence popped out of his heart.

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