Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 191: Fenghu Island

In the White Wind City Lord's Mansion, Xiao Lang frowned. Didn't he expect that the White Wind City Lord would directly call him back? He desperately needs points now, and if he goes back now, his title of Golden Armor disciple will be lost.

Thinking about this, Xiao Lang immediately said: "Sir City Lord, since the Sect is willing to give me this task, he naturally trusts my ability, so please rest assured, Lord City Lord, I am sure to complete the task."

The host of Baifeng City said with an expression on his face: "Everyone who comes here for information has the same idea as you, but few have successfully completed the task, so I advise you to think about it again."

"Since I have come here, I have already considered it." Xiao Lang said firmly.

City Lord Baifeng frowned. He didn't expect Xiao Lang to be so reluctant to listen to advice. He immediately asked, "What strength are you now?"

Xiao Lang thought for a while, and directly revealed his strength. City Lord Baifeng squinted his eyes and said: "The world is small and perfect, but it's not bad, but you may not know the strength of Tongyou Sect. Let me tell you this. , It’s the fact that the few Golden Armored disciples in the top ranking of the sect are here, and they may not be able to complete this task, so I still don’t think you can complete the task."

Xiao Lang shrugged, he couldn't guarantee this kind of thing, he could only be silent.

Upon seeing this, the White Wind City Lord nodded for a moment, and finally said: "Well, since you insist on going, then I will not advise you. I can give you the information you want, but I am not responsible for your life or death. You Do it yourself."

After speaking, City Lord Baifeng threw a jade card to Xiao Lang and said, "All the information you want is recorded in this jade card, you can see for yourself!"

"Thank you City Lord." Xiao Lang clasped his fist to thank him, and immediately he directly sensed the information in the jade card.

After a while, Xiao Lang stopped feeling, with a clear look in his eyes. He had received all the information in the jade card, and his understanding of Tongyou Sect had improved a lot.

There was a bit of surprise in his eyes. According to the information in the jade card, the people of Tongyou Sect were very cunning, and they even established dozens of strongholds in the Southern Territory, and they often changed their headquarters in these strongholds. Come, the outside world doesn't know where the headquarters of Tongyou Sect is, unless they look for it one by one. However, it takes too much time to do so, and it's easy to get started.

Fortunately, Baifeng City is not vegetarian. After many investigations, Baifeng City has listed five strongholds that are most likely to be the current headquarters of Tongyou Sect. In other words, Xiao Lang only needs to look for these five strongholds. No need to explore them one by one.

Of course, Xiao Lang's heart is quite awe-inspiring, because from the information point of view, this Tongyou Sect is not so easy to provoke. It is said that there are only two powerful people in the world realm of Dzogchen. Five, the strongest is the leader of Tongyou Sect, who turned out to be an Era Realm Venerable.

This kind of strength, if placed in those medium-sized worlds, would definitely be the existence of a side hegemon.

"City Lord, I will accept the information first, and I will report when the matter is completed." Xiao Lang collected the jade medal, and immediately clasped his fist to thank the city lord on the first seat.

"You still refuse to give up?" White Wind City Master said helplessly.

"I have to try it." Xiao Lang smiled.

Upon seeing this, the White Wind City Master shook his head helplessly and waved his hand: "Since you insist on going, then you go!"

He didn't bother to persuade Xiao Lang anymore, after all, the latter was not his disciple, so there was no need to bother.

Xiao Lang turned and left the White Wind City Lord's Mansion, and then hurried to the Teleportation Array Square.

The strongholds of Tongyou Sect were spread over half of the Southern Region, and there were dozens of them. The five strongholds Xiao Lang was going to this time were all located in the eastern region of the Southern Region.

By riding the teleportation array, Xiao Lang only took two days to arrive within the range of the first suspicious stronghold.

This stronghold was built inside a giant mountain range, and the Tongyou Sect people hollowed out the entire mountain range and turned it into an important base for the Tongyou Sect.

According to the information, the name of this stronghold is called the Crouching Tiger Mountain stronghold. Tongyou Sect has high-level figures and a large number of disciples stationed here all year round, and few people dare to set foot in this place.

However, Xiao Lang not only had to set foot in the scope of Crouching Tiger Mountain this time, but also wanted to find an opportunity to get inside to see if it was the current headquarters of Tongyou Sect.

If so, he will go deep into it, looking for the target of this mission, the Nether Magic Orb.

Xiao Lang's camouflage skills were superb. He quickly passed the eyes of the Tongyou Sect disciples who were patrolling the outskirts of Wohu Mountain, and entered the Wohu Mountain smoothly.

After half a day, Xiao Lang walked out of Crouching Tiger Mountain, with a trace of depression on his face, because he had found out that this was not the current headquarters of Tongyou Jiao, and he needed to look elsewhere.

At the moment, Xiao Lang quietly left the area of ​​Crouching Tiger Mountain and headed to the location of the next stronghold.

This time it took Xiao Lang six more days, but when Xiao Lang arrived at the second stronghold, he was still disappointed to find that this was not the basis of Tongyou Sect.

No way, Xiao Lang had to go to the third base...

After more than half a month, Xiao Lang had already checked the four strongholds, and only the last one had not been checked.

"There is only the last one left. The headquarters of Tongyou Sect should be there, right?" Looking at the sign of the last stronghold on the map, Xiao Lang shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

After finding four strongholds in a row, he was empty, his luck was bad enough.

The name of the last stronghold is Fenghu Island. This stronghold is built on an island and is surrounded by a huge lake called Fenghu. It is shrouded in mist all the year round, and the situation inside can not be seen clearly.

The location of Fenghu Island was very remote, and there was no teleportation array nearby. It took Xiao Lang seven or eight days to reach the edge of Fenghu Lake.

At the entrance is a huge lake with no end in sight. In the middle of the lake, a large area of ​​mist is shrouded in fog, blocking the view.

Xiao Lang checked around, and after making sure that there was no risk here, he swept directly into the lake with his toes.

Although this lake is huge, but at the speed of Xiao Lang, it only takes half an hour to reach Fenghu Island in the center of the lake.

However, in order to avoid revealing his whereabouts, Xiao Lang deliberately slowed down and swept towards the middle of the lake quietly.

After a while, Xiao Lang entered a huge mist.


Not long after Xiao Lang entered the mist, he heard a low roar from behind, and then Xiao Lang noticed a stinking gust of wind rushing towards him, almost blowing away the fog here.

Xiao Lang responded immediately, flashing to the side like a teleport, and the fish-like monster rushed into the air.

Xiao Lang's eyes were cold, this fish-like monster looked fierce, and his strength reached the early stage of the world. It stands to reason that this level of monsters could not catch up with him, but he had deliberately lowered his speed in order to avoid throwing grass and scaring snakes. A chance for this monster to catch up.

"The dead animal, looking for death!" Xiao Lang scolded coldly, and patted directly at the head of the fish-like monster with a palm up.

"Roar!" The fish-like monster let out a ugly roar, opened its blood basin and mouth, and bit towards Xiao Lang.


Following a dull impact, Xiao Lang landed on the lake smoothly, and the fish-like monster had already turned into a corpse at this moment.

Xiao Lang didn't even turn his head and left here, but the fish-like monster's body was quickly eaten by the creatures under the lake.

Xiao Lang's journey was not smooth, because he deliberately reduced his strength, after he entered the mist, underwater monsters and beasts would chase him from time to time. Fortunately, these miscellaneous fish were not a threat to Xiao Lang. Just solve these troubles.

After some setbacks, Xiao Lang finally arrived near Fenghu Island.

Just when Xiao Lang was about to land on the island, suddenly, there was a huge rumbling sound over the lake.

Xiao Lang was taken aback, and quickly looked up, only to see a huge flying boat in the sky, shining brightly, so majestic.

The flying boat was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it entered the sky above Fenghu Island and disappeared.

Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly narrowed. The flying boat just now was a high-rank world artifact. Ordinary monks are not qualified to possess this kind of thing. Only the high-level figures of Tongyou Sect, even the master of Tongyou Have the strength.

From this perspective, Fenghu Island is likely to be the current headquarters of Tongyou Jiao!

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's mind suddenly became active. If this is the headquarters of Tongyou Sect, then he must be careful. After all, most of the strong people of Tongyou Sect will gather here, showing a little flaw. It may be exposed.

At the moment, Xiao Lang condensed his aura again, and did not move on until no trace of aura leaked.

The current Xiao Lang is like a ghost wandering in the mist, completely silent, even if a powerful person in the Dzogchen realm of the world stands in front of him, as long as he doesn't look at it with his eyes, he can't sense his existence.

Xiao Lang found a remote location, went ashore quietly without anyone finding it, and immediately swept directly into the depths of Fenghu Island.

However, before Xiao Lang had traveled far, he suddenly stopped, dodged and swept into the jungle on the side.

After the three breaths, a patrol team armed with weird weapons walked over a small path. There were a total of forty or fifty people. The aura on each of them was very cold, and their black eyes scanned everything around them like poisonous wolves.

"You cheer me up, no corners can be let go, if someone sneaks into the island secretly, none of you should try to keep your head!" a burly man with the appearance of a captain shouted loudly.

When the patrol members heard the words, they all trembled and became more concentrated, even observing the insects on the leaves.

After a while, the patrol team left here and disappeared at the end of the trail.

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