Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 203: Heavier than one

When Xiao Lang came out, he immediately saw Xiaodao squeeze his eyebrows and glared at him. When he left the courtyard, she saw Ning Fu'er standing outside with her eyebrows down and shy. After seeing Xiao Lang, she was originally pink. The unreturned face was stained with red clouds.

Xiao Lang smiled inwardly, stepped forward to say hello, and said, "You are here."


Ning Fu'er replied weakly, and she glanced at Xiao Lang secretly in the middle. He wanted to talk, but his eyes seemed to be full of words.

The girl is pregnant with spring, but that's all.

Xiao Lang didn't say it when he saw it through, and coughed dryly, breaking the embarrassment: "Are you all ready?"

Nymph's face suddenly turned redder when she heard the words. She stayed for a while and replied in a panic: "You are ready, you can go anytime."

Xiao Lang glanced at Ning Fu'er strangely, not knowing what the latter thought of, but at this time, Xiao Lang knew that he could not ask more, otherwise the atmosphere would definitely be more embarrassing, pretending to see nothing. Nodded and said: "Okay, then let's go."

"Xiaodao, you and Dulong take good care of the house and wait for me to come back."

The knife gave a silly smile and said, "Don't worry, brother."

This farewell seemed quite serious.

Xiao Lang smiled with satisfaction and turned around to leave. Ning Fu'er followed Xiao Lang's back. She didn't even notice her. She was obviously going to go back to her house. It seemed that she was going to meet with Xiao Lang. Like the ugly daughter-in-law of her in-laws, she was anxious.

In fact, she really felt like a deer bumping into her heart, she didn't dare to admit it, in fact, she didn't need to prepare anything at all.

When Xiao Lang asked afterwards just now, she almost revealed her stuff.

What I didn't expect was that when Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er were about to get out, they heard the voice of the knife making fun of them again in their ears:

"Don't go too fast, don't come back early, and enjoy your two-person world."


Xiao Lang staggered under his feet and almost fell to the ground. He turned his head and glared, but the knife had already prepared and closed the doors, and there was even more kindly teasing from Dulong and others in the courtyard.

"This guy……"

Xiao Lang shook his head and smiled helplessly. In fact, he sometimes really doubts whether the knife has a sweetheart. At least he is sure that he is not as honest as the surface, and sometimes he is more agile than himself.

Xiao Lang was embarrassed to say to Ning Fu'er; "You ignore them, they are just idle."

The blush on Nymph's face had already spread to the roots of her neck, her head lowered, and a very small voice came out: "I know."


what do you know?

Xiao Lang looked at the Nymph like a quail, smiled bitterly, and hurriedly moved forward. He didn't dare to stay any longer. If he stayed any longer, God knew what Xiaodao Dulong would tease about, and it would be embarrassing if it was difficult to end the scene.

Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er did not rush all the way, rushing towards the teleportation array of the Sky Floating Palace.

There are very few teleportation arrays in Tianfu Palace leading to the outside world, less than ten, all of which are large planets. At the beginning, Xiao Lang still didn't understand. As the controller of the Eastern Region, both on the surface and in reality, the Tianfu Palace with so few teleportation formations, wouldn't it weaken its control over some other territories?

It wasn't until he knew the existence of Zhengmozha that he understood that this was Tianfu Palace out of caution.

The teleportation array is teleported on both sides. If a teleportation array is captured by the magic way, and risking death to break into and destroy it, the power is too great, and the interior of the Tianfu Palace absolutely cannot bear it.

Yanlangxing is just a small planet, and of course there is no teleportation array in Tianfu Palace. Therefore, if Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er wanted to rush to Yanlang Star, they had to toss and go at least many times, and it would take a full ten days.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er had left the Tianfu Palace and came to the first stop, the Silver Grey Star, as soon as they landed, they immediately swept towards the location of the teleportation formation leading to the next planet.

At this time, Nymph's face returned to a bit normal.

Before that, Xiao Lang had been thinking about how to ask, but when Ning Fu'er's expression recovered, he found the opportunity to ask, and said:

"Miss Ning, your Ning family has three Age Realm venerables, right?"

Ning Fu'er didn't expect Xiao Lang to ask that. She was taken aback, then her face blushed, and she lowered her head again. Xiao Lang was taken aback for a while.

What the hell.

This is a serious question for me, okay, don't you look like you are being molested by me, it will be misunderstood by others!

What Xiao Lang didn't know was that Nymph had indeed misunderstood.

"He is investigating me!"

This was Nymph's first reaction after hearing Xiao Lang's question. If other people realize this, they will definitely be on guard against Xiao Lang immediately. But Ning Fu'er's heart is on Xiao Lang, how could she think so?

What she thinks is--

"He must want to know more about me!"

Ning Fuer replied in a low voice: "Yes. There are six ancestors in my Ning family, three of whom are in the Era Realm. They are my grandfather, the second grandfather, and the fourth grandfather."

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard this.

No need to be so detailed.

Xiao Lang didn't know what the girl was thinking, so he bit the bullet and continued to ask, "Can you tell me how they got promoted?"

Xiao Lang finally asked. As soon as Ning Fu'er heard it, she immediately understood Xiao Lang's meaning. She knew that she had made a mistake before. She was a little bit affectionate, but she was not angry. She raised her head and looked at Xiao Lang in surprise: " What are you asking this for? Are you preparing for the Era Realm?"

When Xiao Lang heard this, he subconsciously nodded his head to tell Ning Fu'er about the battle between the righteous and demons, but then he thought about it, since Tianfu Palace only informed these things after the disciple received the title of Jinjia disciple, they must have been there. He immediately changed his mind and said vaguely: "It's early, I just ask."

Of course, Ning Fu'er believed in Xiao Lang 100%, no doubt about him, nodded and said:

"This is actually not a secret. Although my Ning family has three ancestors, only the grandfather and the second grandfather have traveled the world and made breakthroughs. As for the fourth grandfather, he spent all his accumulation hundreds of years ago in exchange for one A breakthrough pill broke through."

Speaking of cultivation, Ning Fuer didn't think much about her children's affection, and her expression became a little natural.

Xiao Lang knew what he said.

In the Era Realm, there are really many breakthroughs with pill!

After all, Era Realm is not a Chinese cabbage, it is not a breakthrough just to make a breakthrough. However, Xiao Lang was still not satisfied with Nymph's answer, because he could not completely resolve the confusion in his heart.

"Are there any tricks? Or is there a mystery? Walking the world is not just for experience, right?"

Ning Fuer nodded: "Of course it's not just for experience. I have heard the grandfather say that in the Era Realm, the natural fortune of luck cannot be broken through by accumulation and experience, but more opportunity and epiphany. It is just that there is accumulation and experience. , It is possible to have a greater epiphany, to accumulate enough luck, to be recognized by the origin of the world, and to transform and promote."

It's luck again!

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Nymph has finally come to the whole question!

Xiao Lang hurriedly asked, "What is the relationship between Era Realm and Qi Luck? Does Qi Luck really exist?"

In Xiao Lang's consciousness, Qi Yun is illusory and only exists in legends. Some people say that every person is doomed from the moment of birth, and represents the limit of his future achievements. Some people are born to be favored by destiny, and good luck will be added to them. Not only will they not die, but they will even get benefits that ordinary people can't imagine. This is called good luck!

But some people are not so lucky. With bad luck, they may stumble when walking on flat ground. This is called Tianhu Shaxing!

However, this was just a legend, Xiao Lang didn't know whether luck really existed.

But seeing Ning Fu'er immediately affirmed: "Of course it exists. I heard the grandfather say that when a cultivator breaks through the era, he will clearly feel the strength of his own qi. There are even some talents and strange talents. People with blood can detect their own and other people’s accumulation of qi fortune when the world reaches the Great Consummation. Only qi fortune can be recognized by the origin of the world. This is traceable, but for the ordinary world. , This seems to only exist in the legend."

Seeing Ning Fu'er's firm tone, Xiao Lang was finally determined.

"It seems that those who have had an epiphany and made breakthroughs in promotion are the ones who have great luck."

Xiao Lang didn't expect himself to be such a person. But when he heard Nymph's unusual talent, he remembered it.

"My Dao Spirit Body, is it a kind of talent?"

Xiao Lang guessed in his heart, but did not try immediately. His promotion to the World Realm Small Perfection has already brought enough shock to Ning Fu'er. If it is higher, I am afraid that the shock will turn into panic. Xiao Lang will forget it after thinking about it, and try again in the future.

"How to improve luck?"

Xiao Lang continued to ask key questions. He thought that Ning Fu'er might not be able to answer this question, but he did not expect that the latter answered immediately: "I have also heard the grandfather say this. Martial artist focuses on persistence and expertise. 1. If you study hard, it will definitely be easier than others to get the affinity of the power of luck."


Xiao Lang nodded when he heard the words, and silently remembered it in his heart.

Which one should I focus on?

Along the way, Xiao Lang asked Ning Fu'er a lot about the Era Realm. Some Ning Fu'er could answer some questions, but of course she couldn’t. After all, she was far from the Era Realm, but it was enough for Xiao Lang was surprised.

In the general world, Nymph definitely doesn't understand much!

Xiao Lang looked at Ning Fuer who was talking about the money, and realized:

"Even though Ning Fuer is only in the world, her status in the Ning family is not low, at least, among the descendants of the Ning family, she is definitely the darling of the older generation."

"However, it's normal for her to receive grace alone in the Tianfu Palace."

Not to mention the Ning Family, that is, the entire Yanlang Star is nothing in front of Tianfu Palace, and Ning Fuer certainly has the qualification to be favored. No wonder, even if the marriage contract has already been made, the Ning Family will consider it when Ning Fu'er makes an opinion.

In this way, all the way, like traveling around the mountains and playing water, after ten days, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er finally appeared on Yanlang Star's teleportation formation. This teleportation formation was in Fengyu City controlled by the Ning family, which meant that from this moment, Xiao Lang officially entered the Ning family.

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