Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 207: Behind the attack

Demon Wusan is naturally the name of Moxiu.

Demon column, fifty-three.

In fact, Demon Fifty-Three is his real name, but in comparison, Demon Fifty-Three is obviously easier to understand, and more importantly, easy to say.

On the second floor of the restaurant, in the darkness, the two faces are half hidden in the night and half exposed in the moonlight. Under the reflection of the white moonlight, they look more gloomy and terrible. Their face is pale, and the face is like golden paper. It is ugly. It's terrible, enough to stop crying at night.

Of course, they didn't mean to be scary.

On the contrary, what they looked like at this time was completely frightened by the battle at the corner of Fengyu City.

There are different dimensions of space isolated, and the breath ban cannot be leaked. They can't see what happened in it, but they can clearly know how long time has passed.

For a moment.

In an instant, just a thought, like the speed of Demon Wusan passing through the darkness, in their opinion, in the blink of an eye, Demon Wusan should have penetrated the darkness and swept into that **** inn, but the result was— —

The time was the same, but Yao Wusan died in the end.

The death was silent, and did not even leave a ripple in the silent night of Fengyu City.

Two pale faces, two pairs of eyes that shrank with horror stared at the blood-colored fragments on the ground. The blood spirit orb shattered before it landed. This is also the most direct evidence that Demon Wusan has fallen!

After a long silence and fear for a long time, one of the two finally shuddered to break the silence: "Who killed it? Is there a master who can't guard him beside the kid?"

"The Demon Wusan is already the Great Perfection of the World Realm, so..."

It is difficult for this person to continue speaking halfway through.

Can kill a World Realm Dzogchen in a matter of seconds, is it an Era Realm Venerable who shot it?

Thinking of this, the hearts of the two couldn't help but twitch abruptly, glanced at each other, and saw each other's serious horror and shock. Such speculation is really daunting!


The other person spoke with a hoarse voice, like metal rubbing, which was the result of modification and concealment, but even so, he could hear the panic in his heart, and hurriedly said: "Impossible! I have investigated him, but only from It's just a casual cultivator who walks out of the dark boundary, and there is no support from any family or force behind him. How can he have a guardian of the era realm!"

"A guardian of this level, but even I am not entitled to it, only my brother can do it!"

The voice was hoarse, and there was a heart-piercing hideousness hidden in it, aggrieved.

He glared at the people around him and said: "Try again!"

The latter was startled when he heard the words and saw his crazy face, his heart twitched, but his face suddenly became cold: "Second Young Master, you are too much!"

"This demon column and demon puppet, even my master considers it a treasure, and I dare not use it arbitrarily. What's more, this is in Fengyu City, in the territory of my Ning family. You know that my master used the demon column this time. How much risk did the puppet take! If the other party really has an Era Realm Venerable Guardian, it can be regarded as a coincidence once, but if it is done again...we may both die here!"

The person called the Second Young Master finally woke up, in a cold sweat, and realized the seriousness of the problem.

It is indeed unrealistic to make another move.


He turned his head and looked at the darkness where Yao Wusan was dead with the moonlight bitterly, his eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness: "But if this guy really enters the gate of the Ning family, there will still be Era Realm behind..."

He felt a strong sense of crisis!

The people around him felt his worry, and said a little bit of relief: "Don't be afraid, Second Young Master, you have the support of the Venerable behind you, and we also have it here. If there is only one Venerable behind him, he will not be able to overcome any big waves!"

"My little princess still belongs to you. I just hope that after the second young master and my little princess get married, don't forget the hard work of the villain threading needles in the middle."

The second young master heard this, his face finally warmed up a little bloody, looked at the flattering face beside him, grinned hard, and said:

"It's easy to talk."

"When my Wolf family and Ning family become one, I will definitely remember the hard work of Director Xing. You have a share of this credit!"

Wolf family!


There is only one who can be called the Second Young Master in the wolf family——

Wolf Yunfeng!

It was he who planned to assassinate Xiao Lang tonight! And the other person, Director Xing. If Ning Fu'er heard it here, she would be surprised.

General Xing is not an ordinary general manager. Although he is a foreigner, he is the steward of the entire Ning family mansion and the foreigner most trusted by the Ning family. However, he did not expect that there are monsters such as blood spirit beads in his hands. , And even from his words, one can hear that among the three venerables of the era of the Ning family, there are people who have hooked up with the magic door!

Lang Yunfeng's assassination tonight had already been planned.

If it was as he said on the surface, Xiao Lang was just an ordinary casual cultivator, he would never take such a risk. It's just that Xiao Lang's progress is really great. In just over 20 years, he is already a disciple of the Golden Armor. If he is given a few more years...

When he learned that Xiao Lang had become a disciple of the Golden Armor, it was also the first time Lang Yunfeng felt awe and fear for him.

He no longer dared to show off his might in front of Xiao Lang, even if he was backed by the big tree of the wolf family. No matter how sturdy the wolf tree is, can it be compared to Tianfu Palace?

And Xiao Lang has become a disciple of the Tianfu Palace Golden Armor, which means that he may go to the Tianfu Palace headquarters in the future, and even be absorbed among them, becoming a true core disciple, or even a true disciple!

At that time, Xiao Lang will reach the sky in one step and achieve extraordinary achievements. He will no longer be Xiao Lang's opponent, even if the entire wolf family sits behind him.


Once Xiao Lang becomes the core disciple of the Tianfu Palace headquarters, and even worships the Venerable Era Realm as his teacher, with strong backing and blessing, they are the wolf family, what a shit?

Lang Yunfeng didn't want to see that day come.

Therefore, when he discovered that Xiao Lang had become a disciple of the Golden Armor, followed Ning Fu'er to visit the Ning family, and gradually revealed a power beyond his control, Lang Yunfeng panicked.

He directed this attack.

Unexpectedly, what I get is deeper horror and fear.

Of course, the failure of the attack did not make him feel completely desperate.

"I still have a chance!"

"There are two Era Realm Venerables who support me, what am I afraid of!"

"Nymph, it must be mine! The secret in her must belong to me!"

Lang Yunfeng retreated, with a look of unwillingness and madness, and gradually disappeared into the night. The first thing he did when he went back was to investigate carefully whether there was no Era Realm Venerable behind Xiao Lang's support!

Time is pressing, he only has one night.


In the darkness in front of the inn, Xiao Lang was also investigating.

The head of the Demon Wusan in the pool of blood burst, and he couldn't see his expression before he died. Of course, Xiao Lang didn't care. He only cared about who instigated this magic repair.

There are no unprovoked attacks.

The Nether Demon Cult’s You Linfeng, other demon cults’ raids against Tianfu Palace’s golden armor disciples... Xiao Lang originally guessed these directions, but as this attack ended and ended, Xiao Lang had a new one. guess.

In spite of the blood on the ground, Xiao Lang fumbled for a while on the corpse of the Headless Demon Repairer, and found nothing. He straightened up and looked around, only to see that the entire Fengyu City was silent and silent.

An ordinary night, very ordinary.

But with this demon repair's surprise attack, it's not so ordinary.

Xiao Lang frowned deeply, paying for himself: "The Devil entered the city, and Fengyu City didn't react at all? Didn't find it, or something else?"

Ever since he knew the existence of the Great Demon War, Xiao Lang has also learned from the ancient books that every human clan often has an inscription pattern array to detect qi, blood and devil qi. Once the demon head approaches, it will surely cause the array to oscillate. Play a warning role.

But just now, no.

The demon ban on the periphery of Wind Language City seemed to have suddenly failed.


Xiao Lang didn't think so.

Why doesn't it fail at other days, but it just fails tonight?

Yes, Xiao Lang doubted the Ning family. Because this is the site of the Ning family, just the failure of a big city's ban on demons is enough to label him suspect!

If the other magic gates, including the Nether Demon Cult, act on themselves, they will definitely wait for an opportunity, and they will definitely not do it in a big city. The danger is too great.

"What's more, we have only been here for half a day, and we have been spotted, and we even found a specific residence. In Fengyu City, what kind of people have such great energy?"

Xiao Lang muttered to himself, the doubt in his heart became clearer and clearer——


In addition to Ning's family, there is another--

"Wolf Yunfeng!"

In Xiao Lang's mind, Lang Yunfeng also had huge doubts. Lang Yunfeng is a disciple of the Hall of Compensation and Punishment, and the news that he became a disciple of the Golden Armor of the Tianfu Palace must not escape his eyes. Similarly, his own movements must have been kept under constant scrutiny, and this time when he was in Ningjia.

He also has a reason to shoot.


"The collusion demon's door shot me, is the price too high?"

Xiao Lang frowned and suddenly understood.

Neither Lang Yunfeng nor the Ning family dared to do anything to themselves on the bright side. Because he is a disciple of the Jin family of Tianfu Temple, it symbolizes the face of Tianfu Temple.

Who dares to hit the face of Tianfu Palace?

They dare not do it, so it's a wise thing to collude with the magic door. If things are exposed, they can also put the blame on the demon door and clear their suspicions.

This plan is really subtle.

"Send the body of this demon to Tianfu Palace to expose the Ning Family and Lang Yunfeng?"

At this point, Xiao Lang shook his head again to dispel the thought.

No evidence.

The above are all my own guesses, they are innumerable, and they cannot be the fists to defeat Ning Family and Lang Yunfeng.

"Unless, I can really produce enough evidence, definite evidence!"

Xiao Lang said silently, stood up and walked out of the alley, over the wall and returned to the inn, his feet calmly, just as he felt at this time.

He is not in a hurry.

On the contrary, because of the appearance of the magic cultivator, his heart felt a little relieved.

"Perhaps, this will also be a good opportunity!"

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