Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 216: Tough

"It's the Frost Great Ape! A fierce beast in the late world stage!"

"Xiao Lang is in big trouble! The Frost Great Ape is natural, and once it enters the mature body, it is the late world stage. Although Xiao Lang is the pinnacle of the world realm, the difference in combat power between the fierce beast and the human race cannot be purely based on the martial realm. Divide. The combat power of this Frost Great Ape is enough to pose a fatal threat to the World Realm Xiao Perfect pinnacle human race!"

Seeing the Frost Great Ape that Xiao Lang encountered, there was an uproar and shock inside and outside the Magnolia City Martial Arts Arena.


They knew that the Ning family had remodeled the Magnolia Tower, but they didn't expect the transformation to be so big!

The danger in the Magnolia Tower has always been from weak to strong. In normal times, the fierce beast at the entrance of the Magnolia Tower might not be in the world. After all, the Ning family also had to consider the strength of the entrant. The fierce beasts of the late world stage, such as this frost great ape, generally only exist in the deepest part of the Magnolia Tower.

And Xiao Lang encountered it as soon as he entered!

Among them is fraud?

Do not.

When everyone saw the fierce beast encountered by the two brothers Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli, they immediately abandoned this conjecture.

The fierce beasts the wolf brothers encountered are also very strong!

"Golden Maniac! The mid-world realm fierce beast! Strong vitality, even more powerful, if hiding in the dark, it is enough to pose a threat to the strong of the world's small perfect level. Even if it is fighting head-on, it is not weak!"

In general, Xiao Lang and Lang Yunli and Lang Yunfeng had similar opponents. But this was already enough to make everyone's minds about Xiao Lang and the Lang Family brothers who could get the first magnolia flower first result changed.

"Xiao Lang should be hopeless."

"He's just the World Realm Dzogchen, and his opponent is about the same as his combat power. It must be a fierce battle. And Lang Yunli is already the pinnacle of the World Realm Dzogchen, and there is no pressure on him to kill the golden maniac."

"Xiao Lang is in danger. After this battle, his combat power state will definitely be greatly affected. Lang Yunli and Lang Yunfeng should be able to penetrate the depths of the Magnolia Tower earlier."

The warriors of Magnolia City are naturally familiar with the Magnolia Tower, knowing that the closer they are to the deepest part of the Magnolia Tower, the more magnolia flowers there will be. Outside, sometimes killing a fierce beast does not necessarily result in a magnolia flower. In the deepest part, sometimes there may even be two or three magnolia flowers in the body of a fierce beast. Which one is more valuable, naturally. It is clear.

Getting deep first will definitely get a bigger advantage!

However, just as everyone inside and outside the Magnolia City Martial Arts Arena judged the current situation of Xiao Lang and Lang Yunfeng, suddenly—


Xiao Lang shot!

Everyone saw that when the Frost Great Ape, which they regarded as a great hindrance, had just emerged, without any other movements, Xiao Lang seemed to be not surprised at its appearance. He didn't even blink his eyes. The claws and the ape's arms are shot, and the speed of the body shape is not weakened at all, like an arrow from the string, directly at the heart of the Frost Great Ape!

The light curtain manifested only images and no sound, but even so, everyone could feel Xiao Lang's fierce aura from this series of actions!

rush ahead!


The Frost Great Ape is not an entity, but is transformed into a magic circle in the Magnolia Tower, but it has 100% of the deity’s combat power. Under the blessing of the magic circle, it is surprisingly sensitive and responds extremely fast. It opens its mouth and roars. The counterattack has come out. Relying on his huge and mighty body, he swings his fists and directly faces the battle. On the other hand, Xiao Lang did not evade the threatening Frost Great Ape, and the offensive remained!


Is Xiao Lang going head-to-head with the Frost Giant?

Isn't this looking for death?

Magnolia City Martial Arts Arena immediately exclaimed. In their view, Xiao Lang's choice was irrational. What if you win head-to-head?

For the next three hours, will you continue to fight with a half-dead body?

But at this moment, a shocking scene happened——

"True Dragon Power!"

"Angry Dragon!"

"Split God Prajna Palm!"

The three magical abilities came out together. For a time, Xiao Lang's body radiated with tens of thousands of rays, piercing his eyes. Everyone only saw that Xiao Lang's body was stagnant at the moment when he was about to collide with the Frost Giant, and the two sides immediately rubbed shoulders. After that, the positions were exchanged.


The offensive of one man and one beast has failed?

Everyone in the martial arts are astonished, but someone suddenly heard someone shouting: "Exquisite! A hundred punches are thrown in a single thought, and the punches are directed at the heart of the Frost Great Ape. Such judgment and courage are really amazing!"

Everyone looked in surprise, and saw that the chanter turned out to be a veteran powerhouse of the Ning family. He has long been known throughout the city. The martial arts cultivation is as high as the pinnacle of the Great Perfection of the World Realm. He is also considered the number one figure in the Ning family, but he is here. When did you praise Xiao Lang?

Is Xiao Lang's performance just now really amazing?

Everyone subconsciously looked towards the main arena in the center of the martial arts arena, and saw that several Era Realm powerhouses including Ning Guanghe and Ning Huo were also surprised, although there was only a trace, but this was enough to shock everyone's mind.

The performance of Xiao Lang surprised the Venerable Era Realm!

Everyone finally realized that it was not that Xiao Lang was too stupid, but that they were too weak to capture the subtlety of Xiao Lang's blow!

The only people who are qualified to discuss Xiao Lang's performance just now, apart from a few Era Realm Venerables on the main ring, only a few of the Ning Family's limited World Realm Dzogchen, with solemn expressions.

"His fighting instinct is too strong! It's really hard to believe that he has only been promoted to the small perfect world in the past few decades, and he has reached the extreme of his own power control."

"I can't do this."

"How many killings have to be experienced before you can control your power to such a precise level!"

Everyone was at a loss as they listened to the comments of several powerful world leaders in the Ning family. In this case, of course they can understand, but they can't see it at all, but this does not mean that their hearts are less shocked than these people.

The strong look at the details, and they focus on the results.

They had already seen that the fierce Frost Great Ape just now had a burst of chest, and it seemed that he was hit by hundreds of mountains all at once, his breastbone shattered, and his heart shattered into powder.


The frost great ape transformed into thousands of light spots, shining on everyone's eyes, shocked.

one strike!

With just one blow, Xiao Lang killed the Frost Great Ape whose frontal combat power was theoretically even higher than that of him. How brutal it was!

"Is this his true combat power?"

For a while, no one dared to underestimate Xiao Lang anymore. Some caring people began to think about what many powerful Ning family said, trying to get something out of it.

Unfortunately, how easy is it to learn?

This has nothing to do with talent.

As the Ning family's master of Dzogchen in the world said, although Xiao Lang's attack was short, it was the result of his thousands of years of practice!

Xiao Lang experienced too many killings and dangers, too many to exceed ordinary people's imagination, and even the four Era Realm Venerables present did not have as many trials of life and death as he experienced.

Fight, kill the enemy.

For Xiao Lang, this is instinct. Just like just now, Xiao Lang didn't even need to think, he could see the Frost Great Ape's combat power and weakness at a glance, and instantly assessed how much strength he needed to sacrifice to kill it.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Lang was like a robot, so he just followed suit.

It seems simple, but it is complicated, with countless thoughts inside. But for Xiao Lang, this is instinct, his instinct for killing all!

In terms of combat power and martial arts cultivation, Xiao Lang may not be as good as many people in the Magnolia City Martial Arts Arena. But in terms of combat experience...

Xiao Lang doesn't persuade him!


Killing the Great Frost Ape with one blow, Xiao Lang glanced back, but without hesitation at his feet, he ran straight forward. Because in the brilliance of the explosion of the frost great ape, there is no shadow of the magnolia flower.

"Oh, what a pity."

Everyone sighed in the fighting arena.

Xiao Lang's luck is not so good.

However, having seen Xiao Lang's fierceness, many people in the fighting field who had previously doubted Xiao Lang's final victory also changed their minds.

"If he has been able to maintain such swift killings, the magnolia flowers he finally got must be above Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli!"

Because at this moment, the battle between Lang Yunli and Lang Yunfeng has not yet ended.

Lang Yunli is indeed very strong, the martial arts cultivation at the peak of the Dzogchen World Realm is enough to crush the golden maniac. But again, a battle is not only determined by the martial arts realm of both sides.

Lang Yunli was in trouble.

And this trouble is not the golden maniac in front of him, but the wolf Yunfeng beside him!

Lang Yunfeng is too weak, but the martial art realm in the late world realm has not even reached its peak. If he were to fight the Golden Maniac alone, he might have died long ago. Even so, he became a burden to Lang Yunli. Under the agile assault and struggle of the golden maniac, he could only run and flee, causing great trouble to Lang Yunli.

Of course, the golden anaconda died in the end and was slashed by Lang Yun. Their luck was obviously better than Xiao Lang's. After the golden maniac body burst, it left a pure white flower in the void.


The first magnolia flower of this Magnolia Festival finally appeared!

Seeing Lang Yunfeng excitedly stepped forward and grabbed the magnolia flower in his hands, the faces of everyone in the fighting field showed disdain.

Drag the oil bottle!

In the practice world, martial arts are respected!

People like Lang Yunfeng who just rely on the strength of others and can't even kill the beast at the entrance, everyone is qualified to express disdain even if the martial art is poor.

But this time, they didn't immerse themselves in this emotion for too long. The next moment they turned their heads and looked at another light curtain, reflecting Xiao Lang's light curtain.

Xiao Lang encountered a fierce beast again!

The bloodthirsty bull, the top fierce beast at the peak of the latter stage of the world, the frontal combat power is even stronger than the Frost Great Ape encountered before, but this time, no one thought Xiao Lang would be in danger.


In an instant, the war ended and the bloodthirsty bull burst into the void. And, still a blow!

Everyone was pleased to see that Xiao Lang's luck had returned. This time the bloodthirsty bull gave him a magnolia flower and raised his mouth:

"It seems that Xiao Lang is going to win this time. This guy is really fierce, and there is nothing wrong with confronting a fierce beast. Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli are facing opponents this time."

Sure enough, just like everyone's judgment, in the next half an hour, Xiao Lang's body skills were swift and fast, and he saw the fierce beast as a broken claw, and he was not afraid of the blossoms of magnolia flowers. Among them, there are more than thirty.

On the other hand, Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli only got a total of 17 flowers!

Everyone saw this rhythm, even if Xiao Lang's battle was refreshing, they still felt a little regretful:

"Could it be that this competition for magnolia blossoms has just begun and can be declared over?"

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