Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 224: A knife



As his thoughts flowed, Xiao Lang didn't dare to stop for a while, he smashed into a straight line in the alley. There are twelve demon puppets that are comparable to the pinnacle of Dzogchen in the world chasing after them. Who dares to stop?


Break a **** road!

As for whether the Dao Spirit Body could suddenly erupt at a critical moment and save his life, Xiao Lang did not dare to have too much hope. Hope so, but what if there is no outbreak?

Xiao Lang did not dare to bet.

Because he is not only facing the danger of life and death, but also the Nymph in his arms!

Therefore, he can only rush.

Even if Xiao Lang knew that if his back hand hadn't arrived, he would run out of energy for a moment. After that, he would live and die, he still had to count on Dao Spirit Body.

However, now and then.

Now that there are other possibilities and hopes, then you absolutely cannot admit your fate!

Dadao Spirit Body, perhaps his last trump card!


Xiao Lang hurriedly all the way, even if he held Ning Fu'er in his arms, his movements were not slow at all, his speed was only a little slower than the wolf Yunfeng and the twelve demon puppets chasing after him.

Can hold...about a quarter of an hour!

Xiao Lang gritted his teeth, using all his energy to control his own flesh, stepping out like a tiger leap, flying over the mountains and rushing, trying his best to be the longest while saving the strength.

Between life and death, the slightest fight!

Even if Lang Yunfeng kept making noise behind him, no matter how bad his words were, Xiao Lang treated him as if he hadn't heard them. He is no longer the impulsive boy who fights out because of a disagreement. Xiao Lang knew what was most important to him at this time--

Life is most important!

The Nymph in her arms is the most important!

Controversy? It's just a waste of energy.


Walking and running, Xiao Lang perfused himself on the road, feeling the changes in his body every step he took. At this moment, his spiritual thoughts were concentrated as never before, and the thunder light all over his body flickered, and every thunder sound seemed to echo the changes in his body.

Even Xiao Lang didn't notice that the distance he took every step of the way was increasing, although the increase was very subtle, but it was lasting and obvious. Originally, he used his holy thunder body, and his whole body flashed with electric lights, like a thunder god, his appearance was amazing, but now, the whole body of thunder has melted into his flesh without sound.

Is it tempered?

Do not.

The process of using the power of thunder and lightning to temper the body is quite rough, just like tempering the magical soldiers and hammering iron. If you insist on finding a word to describe the inexplicable changes between Xiao Lang and the thunder and lightning in his body at this time-


This is the most suitable!

Endless Thunder is like returning home like a swallow, submerged into Xiao Lang's body, immersed in the skin and bones, and finally melted and disappeared in the bone marrow.

If Xiao Lang could look inside at this time, he would definitely find that his bones were glowing! Purple is full of meaning, lightning flashes, not like a normal body. If it was said that the previous Xiao Lang was only under the control of the Thunder God when he used the Holy Thunder Body, then now he can finally be considered as one with Thunder, the most sacred power between heaven and earth, regardless of each other.

Refining thunder into the body!

This is already the pinnacle of the martial skill of Saint Thunder Body, only one step away from transforming thunder into soul!

Thunder rider, unparalleled speed!

This was also reflected in Xiao Lang's body naturally. He stepped a full dozens of miles in one step. Later, Xiao Lang felt that the ground beneath him had a faint feeling of blocking his own speed, and finally rose into the sky, turning into a thunderous madness. Rush.

Xiao Lang's speed at this time was even taken aback by himself.


Xiao Lang was taken aback, and finally realized his own changes. The thunder light was hidden in his skin, but did not send out. Similarly, this also supplemented the loss of supernatural power in his body, and he recovered enough in just a cup of tea. 30%!

Divine power returned to 70%!

And the Saint Thunder Body transformed once again, adding another hole card!

Xiao Lang's pupils lit up, shining brightly. He saw hope, but not the hope of counterattack. Because he knows that even if his Saint Thunder Body transforms again, it will not be the opponents of the twelve demon puppets that are comparable to the peak of the Dzogchen World Realm. It may be possible to defeat one by one, but now he still carries the Nymph, absolutely Can't do it!

But at least there is hope, isn't it?

Xiao Lang's face finally relaxed. But at this moment, Lang Yunfeng also noticed the changes in Xiao Lang's body, felt his speed increase, and his face changed suddenly.

"Trash! Can't catch up with people!"

Regardless of whether the surrounding demon puppets could understand him or not, Lang Yunfeng opened his mouth to curse, flipped his wrist, and had a blood-red token in his hand. Obviously, this was the soldier Talisman Wolf E gave him.

Magic puppet order!

"The demon puppets listened to the order, burst into blood, and caught up with him!"

Explode blood!

This can be said to be a forbidden technique for Momen Xie Xiu. The spirit of qi and blood is the core of their cultivation. It can be said that it is the source of martial arts. Even a slight loss is a huge loss. I don’t know how much time and blood food will be needed to make up, let alone exploding qi and blood. For life-and-death crisis, only do this when there is no other choice.

But the golem is different.

They did not have independent consciousness and only listened to people holding the magic puppet order. Therefore, when Lang Yunfeng gave the order, they did not even hesitate, and the rich blood light suddenly exploded!


This explosion is like the previous explosion of the Shadow Demon Puppet in the Magnolia Tower. At the beginning, even the Venerable Ning Guanghe of the Era Realm was freed from its control and control by the Shadow Demon Puppet, showing its explosive power. Strong.

When this power is fully applied to speed... the effect is terrifying!


The twelve demon puppets burst out suddenly, and their speed has doubled! Of course, this is only an instantaneous speed, not long-lasting. When their self-destructive energy is exhausted, their speed will immediately slow down.

But just this period of time was enough to pose a huge threat to Xiao Lang!

In an instant, the distance of 300 miles between each other was only a hundred miles away, and this distance was still rapidly decreasing! Xiao Lang's expression changed drastically in an instant. In a hurry, he had only one choice--



Xiao Lang blew himself into thunder, and saw the purple glow flashing behind him, and his speed also began to soar. Although it was not as fast as the twelve demon puppets were willing to explode their origins, they finally reduced the speed by a few points.

But it's not enough!

"A cup of tea!"

"If this goes on, there is only one cup of tea time, and I will be caught up!"

Xiao Lang's face was ugly.

The situation is critical, it can be described as a critical matter!

He also exploded the origin of martial arts? It was even more dangerous. Once he was overtaken, he didn't even have the power to fight back, so he could only let Lang Yunfeng kill him! But if you don't blew yourself up, you can only stick to one cup of tea.


Xiao Lang hesitated, but the wolf Yunfeng behind him obviously didn't want to give him time to hesitate. He seemed to be unsatisfied with the demon puppet's performance and let out another roar:

"Then blast me!"


The demon puppet, who regarded military orders as fate, once again loyally executed the orders, and this time, Xiao Lang didn't even have time to hesitate. Because the twelve statues blew themselves twice in succession, the martial arts aura was about to fall into the world of great perfect demon puppets. Instantly bullied him and surrounded him, even if Xiao Lang didn't turn around, he could already smell the stench from them.

The enemy is over!

Life and death pursuit, since the two words of life and death have been hung, of course no one will hesitate. The same was true for Lang Yunfeng, especially since he witnessed Xiao Lang's breakthrough in speed with his own eyes just now, and he certainly did not dare to delay. If Xiao Lang is given time to make another breakthrough, he will most likely be beheaded!


Lang Yunfeng yelled and ordered that the twelve demon puppets had already taken action as soon as they deceived the body, with both hands and ten fingers sticking out, with the devilish energy and sharp claws, they looked straight into Xiao Lang's heart, and Xiao Lang suddenly felt that half of his body was paralyzed. , Was motivated by murder!


After all, I still cannot escape.

Xiao Lang let out a long sigh in his heart, but there was no trace of sadness in his eyes. He had already thought of this scene, but it had finally arrived. As for his response, naturally it is also naturally simple-


Meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!

Even if you die, you must stand and die!

Xiao Lang exerted his force, and his entire body was thunderous in an instant. The thunder roared like a doomsday disaster. While protecting Nymph with one hand, the other was steady and firm, and he held up a mountain with one hand.

I have Longxiangfeng, so I can control the demons in the world!


The magic peak of Longxiang Town was infused with the divine power of Xiao Lang's whole body, and rose up against the wind, but in an instant it exceeded the size of a hundred meters. It was the first time he had performed this magical skill to such an extent since he practiced this magical skill. Between life and death, Xiao Lang's potential exploded!



The Demon Peak of Dragon Elephant Town is like a shield, and the sharp claws of the twelve demon puppets are spears. The contradictions intersect, and suddenly bursts, and the sound of breaking the claws one after another.

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat a dead hand.

If it is one-on-one, Xiao Lang can do a string of twelve. The dragon elephant town magic peak alone is enough to crush all demons of the same order. But now, he is not facing a single person, but a full twelve. Respect the magic puppet comparable to the pinnacle of Dzogchen in the world!


When the giant force struck, Xiao Lang was repelled, and the magic peak of Dragon Elephant Town and all seven pairs of sharp claws disappeared together. Xiao Lang, who vomited three liters of blood and flew upside down, watched the remaining five demon puppets bear weight. Chuang but still has the power to fight, avoiding the fragments of the collapsed Dragon Elephant Town magic peak, and the devil's claws are like swords, sharp and unparalleled!

Or... is it going to die?

Xiao Lang watched this scene as the cold wind blew his face, his heart depressed and unwilling. If he died today, Xiao Lang was of course unwilling, but he did not want to. He still protected the Ning Fuer behind him with one hand, with a smile in his eyes.

After running for half a day, Xiao Lang finally laughed at this moment.

"It would be a good thing to die with you."

Xiao Lang's voice came to Nymph's ears, and he ran for a long distance. His voice was already hoarse, but there was endless tenderness. The girl trembled suddenly, and there was no voice response, but there was a pair of small hands wrapped around Xiao Lang's. His waist hugged tightly. At this moment, Xiao Lang smiled more vigorously, like a flower.

What do you want?

Xiao Lang closed his eyes, wanting to welcome the coming of death, but at this moment, between the eyes that were almost closed, a dazzling cold light suddenly flashed across the world, and at the same time, he smashed the closest distance, only with Xiao. A magic puppet that has a lag of more than ten feet!


The remaining demon puppets roared with anger, seeming to be fearful, and as if they were the death of their angry companions, but no matter how loud their voices were, they couldn't conceal Lang Yunfeng's cries of surprise:


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