Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 228: cut


Xiao Lang sighed.

From the perspective of a spectator, talking about Lang Yunfeng and Lang Yunli, Xiao Lang would have the same evaluation of them as outsiders.

I hate it against Lang Yunfeng.

Lang Yunfeng is a standard dude, arrogant and domineering, not only on the Yanlang Star or the Eastern Tianfu Palace, Lang Yunfeng's body is full of stains and disgusting. In people's eyes, he is a man who sits and eats the sky. In the second generation, everything can only depend on the family. In the past, even the quota for entering the Tianfu Palace was won by the family, and paid a considerable price. Perhaps the wolf family had hope that Lang Yunfeng could be in the Tianfu Palace during this time Wake up and re-behave, but now it seems that this wish is probably shattered.

Lang Yun Li is another extreme.

Most of the people who know Lang Yunli and Lang Yunfeng brothers have great opinions on Lang Yunfeng and look down on them, but for Lang Yunli, they often say two words after being silent—

"Protect shortness."

Is protecting shortcomings a disadvantage?

of course not.

Lang Yunli is such a person. Outsiders can't even tell him any obvious shortcomings. The only thing he can say is to protect his shortcomings, and even this is because it is related to Lang Yunfeng. .

Lang Yunli's achievements at his age are even admired by the young masters who come from a large family like him. In the Tianfu Palace, Lang Yunli is not the only genius trained on the back of a big family, and some people are even more prominent than him. Even so, Lang Yunli can still win the second place in the Golden Armor disciple. One can imagine the effort he put in behind.

His only weakness is probably his brother Lang Yunfeng.

Lang Yunfeng went astray and fell into the magical way. Perhaps the most uncomfortable thing was that Lang Yun was severe. He suddenly asked himself to wait. It was reasonable. Therefore, Xiao Lang did not act cruelly, and his movements were stagnant and cold. Look at Lang Yun Li.

Say a few words about dying.

But if Lang Yunli really wanted to ask himself to let Lang Yunfeng go, it would definitely be impossible!

Lang Yunli obviously didn't expect Xiao Lang to speak so easily. Just about to be grateful, he met Xiao Lang's solemn and cold eyes, Lang Yunli's heart trembled, and his spirits shivered, passing by Xiao Lang, in Lang Yun Standing in front of Feng, the two brothers who were still fighting side by side in the Magnolia Tower half a day ago are now standing on two sides. Such a scene can't help but feel a lot of emotion.

But now, Lang Yunfeng has no thoughts to sigh.

Feeling a fart!

Life is gone!

"Brother, save me! I don't want to die!"

Lang Yunfeng knelt in the void, his fart was peeing, his face was sticky, and he couldn't tell whether it was snot or tears. He looked extremely pitiful. His knees alternated, and he wanted to crawl to Lang Yunli's feet, begging for forgiveness.

He seemed to see hope of survival.

Lang Yunfeng knew that Xiao Lang would definitely not forgive himself, but Lang Yunli was different. That's his big brother!

"I really know that I was wrong, brother! I swear, I won't dare anymore! It's me who was inspired by profit, I am so lofty, I..."

Lang Yunfeng kept grabbing the ground with his head, crying, and begging constantly. When Lang Yunli saw this scene, his heart was naturally full of complexity, but when he was about to soften his heart, the outside light saw Xiao Lang's cold gaze, his heart trembled, and his spirit was horrified, but he never dared to make a desertion again. It was flooded with images of other people again.

Lang Yunli closed his eyes, and when they opened it again, there was already ice cold inside, his voice was cold, and he said:

"Brother can't save you."

"Today, you must die. If you don't die, everyone in my wolf family will die."

With that said, Lang Yun turned his head to look at Xiao Lang, took a deep breath, and his voice was low, as if he was the next to interrupt Xiao Lang's desire to say:

"Brother Xiao, let me do it."

Lang Yunfeng was shocked when Lang Yunli said this.

Is it possible that you interrupted suddenly for this?

The eldest brother who used to spoil me so much, actually wanted to kill me himself?

Lang Yunfeng was stunned.

Xiao Lang was also taken aback, but in an instant, his brows stretched and he gave Lang Yun a sharp look. Xiao Lang saw through Lang Yunli's plan--


The same as the purpose of his sudden intervention earlier, is to wash himself.

Of course, Lang Yunli had nothing to do with Demon Dao, and it was not a whitewash, just to prove that he and Lang Yunfeng and Langwu were not all the same!

He wants to prove it to himself, to the Venerable Era Realm in Tianfu Palace, and killing Wolf Yunfeng with his own hands is undoubtedly the best proof! Of course, the reason why he chose this way was definitely for the wolf family, the rest of the wolf family!

After Xiao Lang understood everything, he just hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement.

He had no reason to disagree.

What's more, Lang Yunli intervened and saved himself and Nymph. There was no need to give him this opportunity.

Lang Yunli was overjoyed when he saw Xiao Lang nodding his head. The next moment, the golden sword was already raised. When the golden light reflected by the falling sunlight crossed Lang Yunfeng's eyes, the latter was finally awakened and jumped off the ground. stand up.

"No! Brother..."

He subconsciously continued to ask for help, but when he saw the coldness of Lang Yunli's eyes, he immediately despaired, knowing that his eldest brother had completely left him.

But he didn't give up the struggle, his eyes gurgling around, as if he had caught the last life-saving straw, looked at Xiao Lang hurriedly:

"Xiao Lang, stop him!"

"I'm telling you the secrets of Nymph, and I will tell you all! Only I know this secret, and only I can break it! Tell you, she has great dangers and great opportunities! If you don't solve it, Within twenty years, Nymph will definitely die!"

"As long as you let me go, I will tell you everything!"

The secret of Nymph?

Lang Yunli had already raised the long knife in his hand and was about to drop it in the next moment. He suddenly heard these words of Lang Yunfeng, his movement of swinging the knife and falling suddenly stiffened, and he looked at Xiao Lang subconsciously.

Xiao Lang frowned.

Nymph has a secret!

He also only learned about it not long ago, from the mouth of Nymph's parents, but he didn't know what the secret was. The only thing he could be sure of was that it was because of that secret that Nymph was caught by Lang Yunfeng. , Langwu is eyeing.

Will Lang Yunfeng use this secret in exchange for his life?

And also said that only he can crack this secret?

Xiao Lang's eyes narrowed, and the cold glow was piercing. Just when Lang Yunli felt a dilemma, Xiao Lang suddenly said:


Simply, decisive!

From beginning to end, Xiao Lang only said this one word, but he had already fulfilled Lang Yunfeng's fate in this life. When Lang Yun heard the words, a goblin light flashed under his eyes, and the knife he held up high finally fell fiercely!

"No! You..."

Lang Yunfeng never expected that Xiao Lang would be so cruel and decisive, still trying to struggle, but there was no chance again. The golden knife swung down, and the blood soared.

Cut it off!

To his death, Lang Yunli's horror had never been cut away. It seemed that Xiao Lang didn't care about Nymph's life or death at all.

Lang Yunli slashed Lang Yunfeng with a single knife, watching the latter's body fall, his face could not help showing a bleak look.

What happened today was beyond his imagination.

How could he guess that one day, he would kill his favorite brother with his own hands?

For a time, Lang Yun had mixed feelings, but most of them were relaxed.

it's finally over.

Today is definitely an escape from the dead.

But what surprised him most was Xiao Lang's final decision. Lang Yunli looked at Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang seemed to sense the question in his sight. Instead of looking at him, he looked at Ning Fuer behind him and said:

"Relax, don't listen to him talking nonsense. Even if you are dangerous, he is not the only one who can remove it. Since he can, there must be someone in the world."

"He has fallen into the devil's way, it's no different to stay more.

Ning Fu'er nodded deeply when she heard the words. What Xiao Lang said is very reasonable, as long as a person with a little brain can understand it.

Even if Xiao Lang really left Lang Yunfeng with his life, would he tell the truth?

not necessarily.

Lang Yunfeng is not stupid either. He knows that once he tells all the secrets, whether Xiao Lang kills or slashes, it is all based on Xiao Lang's pleasure. He will definitely procrastinate again and again, and will not tell the truth in the end, until the battle in Magnolia City comes out.

If Ning Yuan, Ning Guang, and the two won, he wouldn't have anything to say, because he wouldn't be able to survive anyway. If Langwu and Ninghuo won, let alone he, because Xiao Lang and Lang Yunli would definitely die!

In that case, it's better to just kill!

It took a long time for Lang Yunli to finally figure it out. He sighed silently, and then suddenly felt the emptiness in his body, and his body was almost hollowed out of his fatigue.

He was indeed almost hollowed out, his body's supernatural power was less than one tenth, and his spirits and spirits were already on the limit.

Lang Yunli hurriedly sat on the ground to rest, but did not sink his mind. He used two purposes and asked Xiao Lang:

"Brother Xiao, what are you going to do?"

Lang Yunli's face was obviously lighter than before. He did everything he wanted to do, and the result was even better than previously expected, quite satisfying, and a little more dazed.

He is not dead.

What happens next?

Keep running?

This is undoubtedly a pretty good choice. I am afraid that the current Magnolia City has already been covered by the war. How can there be no eggs under the artillery fire? It is obviously inappropriate to return to Magnolia City. If you continue to escape, escape from the inspection of Langwu and Ninghuo, hide in the Tianfu Palace and discover the change of Yanlangxing. When they are the first-hand experience of today's change, it will undoubtedly make sense. Extraordinary, there is no need to worry about death.

Run away, a hundred.

Doesn't Xiao Lang have such thoughts in his mind?

This is the easiest.

However, when his gaze fell on Nymph's body, he couldn't help but was taken aback, and saw that Nymph had been looking at the direction of Magnolia City. His beautiful eyes were absent, covered in dead ashes, and the light was like a candle in the cold wind. , It seems that adding a few more gusts of breeze can blow it out, where is the little lively and lovely?

Ning Fuer, worried about her parents, her... Ning family!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lang suddenly had no thought of running away. On the contrary, an extremely bold idea emerged from his mind, turning his head to look at Lang Yunli, without answering the question:

"How long do you think they will fight? Who can win?"

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