Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 260: Four magic skills

Hungu mining area, waste mine.

I don't know how many stars are apart, Xiao Lang naturally can't know what happened in Lingmu Xingmu's house. At this time, he was immersed in the sea of ​​thunder, enjoying the infiltration of thunder.


The deeper he understands the way of Thunder, the more Xiao Lang feels the comfort of being immersed in the Thunder Ocean World. For him, Thunder is not as cruel and ruthless, full of bursts and destruction as seen by outsiders. On the contrary, he only feels unobstructed in such an environment.

Is this what the real Thunder looks like?

Do not.

Xiao Lang did not directly believe that because of his own feelings.

Thunder is brutal and full of destruction.

Xiao Lang knew very well that one of the big reasons why he felt this way now was--

"What I feel is not a real sea of ​​thunder!"

"There are only avenues here, there is no real thunder and lightning. It can only be part of the real thunder!"

"The reason for this is probably because of Smoky Crystal!"

At this moment, Xiao Lang couldn't help sighing again the magic of Mo Jing, and marveling at its power.

Pulling away from the main road and away from the complexities, you can even realize the sharpness of the thunder that you want to comprehend the most. The ability is too powerful!

"Where did it come from?"

"Is it really transformed by heaven and earth?"

"Treasures of heaven, material and earth, is there such a strange and powerful supernatural power?"

Xiao Lang doubted this. Xiao Lang tried to explore the origin of Mo Jing, but found that he had no way of starting, so he had to give up. Of course, he has not been immersed in these minutiae, nor has he enjoyed it for too long under the infiltration of Thunder Avenue. Soon, Xiao Lang sank into introspection, recalling the previous battle with Mu Ming, and checking the lack Trap.

Xiao Lang has grown up step by step from being weak to the present, and no one knows the importance of doing this better than him.

Only by introspecting yourself can you be stronger!

"My attack methods are too simple. Although they are powerful enough, they are all within the range of close combat. If I encounter a strong person who is good at long-range attacks, I will most likely be dead long ago!"

Mu Ming is not good at long distance attack.

This was discovered when Xiao Lang and Mu Ming fought against each other.

But even so, he almost died and was on the verge of death under the siege of the wooden name hundred wooden spears. Fortunately, at the last juncture, he realized the key to double beating thunder and determined the victory in one fell swoop.

"The method is simple and limited to close combat. This is my biggest problem. Changing to another opponent, maybe I can't win at all."

Xiao Lang frowned slightly, thoughtfully, and slowly shook his head:

"Perhaps, my previous judgment was wrong."

"Venerable, he is more important than one, but he will not cling to one, and ignore the other great roads. As a warrior, you should take advantage of it and make up for its shortcomings."

"Thunder's Edge might be the best for me, but it is unwise to abandon other Thunder Avenues directly."

"If I could be faster in today's battle, the trauma I received would not be so severe, and even his hundred wooden spears would not touch me at all! Moreover, if I could disrupt his siege, Waiting for an opportunity to break through, successfully display love and space, and succeed in a surprise attack, without delaying so long and fighting so tragically."

For a time, Xiao Lang's brain was surging, and every scene of the battle today flashed crazily in his mind, exploring various possibilities. From the beginning of the battle to the end of the battle, it can be called a frame-by-frame skimming, meticulous and thorough, and Xiao Lang's various conjectures are more integrated.

"If I...maybe..."

This hypothesis kept emerging in Xiao Lang's mind, and what immediately burst out was the evolution of different battles.

I don’t know how long it took, Xiao Lang finally had inspiration in his heart, thousands of simulations, and finally turned into four directions——


"Lei Zhen!"

"Lei Guang!"

"Lei Zhifengrui!"

"Except for the Thunderbolt that I have already understood, the other three, even if I can control any of them, I am afraid this battle can be a hundred times easier!"

Of course, simulation belongs to simulation, always hypothetical. Xiao Lang was never a utopian, and after delineating roughly in four directions, he immediately sank into the corresponding enlightenment.


The thunder roared, the void rang!

As Xiao Lang's thoughts changed, the sea of ​​thunder around him was also undergoing drastic changes, just as when he had chosen the edge of thunder before, for a while, the thunderbolt that fell from the sky was like a sea of ​​thunder, beside Xiao Lang, It was full of thunderstorms, shaking the mind.

Xiao Lang's insight into the new Thunder Avenue has begun!

Just like his previous imagination and hypothesis, like pushing a boat along the water, thunderstorms roar and contain the great road, they are like flowing water, poured into the true spirit of Xiao Lang, and integrated with it, making Xiao Lang feel the comfort of enlightenment again.

In Xiao Lang's view, this seems to be taken for granted. The so-called "Hua Dao" means blending with the Dao? Since he is now in a state of turning into a Tao, of course it is easier to get close to the Tao.

But what he didn't know was that if all the things he was experiencing personally at this time were known to outsiders, even those who had been in a crisis of transformation would surely be shocked and shocked.

Huadao is indeed a fusion of God and Tao, and it is easier to get close to the Tao than ordinary people. And such closeness also contains great danger!

Not everyone can be so harmonious with every avenue.

For example, a water attribute martial artist, who has practiced since childhood, his martial arts, exercises, and even mysteries are all related to water attributes. Then, how can he be perfectly integrated with the fire system?

I am afraid that if he approaches the Fire Element Avenue slightly, his true spirit will directly collapse!

This is the danger of Huadao.

Even if it is of the same department, it is extremely difficult to merge the avenues of different directions. If you are not careful, the confusion of the soul is light, the true spirit is broken, and the body is dead, which is more common.

Therefore, what Xiao Lang did at this time, in the eyes of other venerable epoch realms, was actually extremely risky and would go astray at every turn. Because of this, the changes in the Thunder Ocean around Xiao Lang at this time made them so surprised.

Or is it because of smoky quartz?

As the source of this thunder ocean, it is not surprising that Smoky Jing has such a delicate control. Especially compared with Xiao Lang's performance.

In a very short period of time, after comprehending the two major directions of Thunder and Ting, and even more directions, Xiao Lang's true spirit was still calm, showing no signs of disorder?

This is incredible!

Is it related to the Dao Spirit Body?

If Venerable Wuxiang knew about this, he would definitely think about it in the direction of the Dao Spirit Body. And Xiao Lang himself didn't have this kind of consciousness, and even in his opinion, this situation was completely normal.

The so-called newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

Of course, because he didn’t know these "common sense" among the venerables of the Era Realm, Xiao Lang would not feel any pressure in his heart. He was immersed in it, unable to extricate himself, and amidst the lightning and thunder, he could vaguely see his figure standing or standing in it. , Or stand, not stop enlightenment.


As the saying goes, there is no time in the mountains, and there is no Jiazi in cultivation.

Intensive practice will often make people forget the passage of time, especially the enlightenment of the great avenues at the level of the Era Realm. One retreat is even more frequent for decades or even hundreds of years. They are not sure about it themselves.

But Xiao Lang obviously would not encounter such a problem.

He is a Taoist!

Going into the body, how terrifying is the speed of comprehension?

It can be said that as long as he wants, as long as his true spirit can bear it, then it is not a problem!

After just one day--

Xiao Lang, who was sitting cross-legged in the breath-holding formation, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes showed a strange lavender, like a thunderbolt. The next moment, he stood up suddenly, strode out, and the inter-minded breathing array burst immediately, Xiao Lang stepped out, suddenly thunder raged under his feet, more intense than the hurricane, supporting his figure and rushing instantly. A thousand feet away, the speed is not known how many times faster than before, I am afraid that even the world's Dzogchen peak martial artist is extremely difficult to capture with the naked eye.


Xiao Lang's figure disappeared in the same place for a long time, and then the breath-holding array on the ground burst suddenly. It seemed that he couldn't bear the huge power permeating the soles of Xiao Lang's feet. For a time, the earth and rock splashed, and a huge deep pit appeared on the spot. There are a few feet!



Xiao Lang rushed through the abandoned mining area, wrapped in thunder, and the sonic boom was the next best thing. Whenever he turned and adjusted his direction, he could hear the thunderbolt behind him, like a wind and thunder!

Xiao Lang went faster and faster, until the end--


At a distance of thousands of meters, Xiao Lang only took three steps to arrive. When he stopped and turned his head to look, three purple shadows slowly drifted away behind him.

Virtual image!

Xiao Lang's current speed is actually sufficient to reveal three virtual images. One can imagine how terrifying his current speed is!

After counting the harvest, Xiao Lang finally showed a smile on his face. But soon, he had a new movement, his thoughts moved, and the power of Thunder Avenue lingered around his body, staining the surface of his body with a layer of purple, and then—


Xiao Lang began to growl, and suddenly—


The thunder burst, the dazzling light radiated like thousands of swords, bright and dazzling, and the entire invisible abandoned mining area suddenly seemed to be sunk in the day, which made people unable to hide their eyes.

The thunder light comes quickly, and it goes quickly. When the thunder light dissipates, where is Xiao Lang's figure in the same place?

He had already mastered the thunder and came to the deeper part of the abandoned mining area, still feeling unfinished, the depths of his eyes and pupils flashed, his throat rolled, he suddenly opened his mouth, and there was faint flash of thunder between his mouth and nose, and his tongue burst into thunder:



The huge sound wave swept away, the shock and roar, it was quite bearable at first, but as it spread rapidly, especially in the closed environment such as the abandoned mining area, the sound swept across, impacted each other, and the roar became stronger and stronger. In the end, when the sound wave slapped on the rock wall and whizzed back, even Xiao Lang couldn't help his face change, the operation divine power blocked, the body protection light shook violently, and it took a long time to finally calm down, but the abandoned mine in the distance has collapsed unexpectedly. There are as many as three!

Xiao Lang roared, it was so terrifying!

Obviously, this is not a simple roar.

Seeing the collapsed abandoned mine ahead, Xiao Lang seemed to be very satisfied with the destructive power he caused, and finally a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"It's done!"

"Thunder shadow, thunder flash, thunder, three secret techniques, finally practiced!"


Thunder, thunder flash, thunder!

Xiao Lang's short retreat this time, he directly comprehended the three martial arts moves at the level of the Three Great Era Realm Venerables!

Including Ben Lei, he already has four master moves, and these four martial arts are all derived from his own comprehension!

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