Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 310: Lotus bloom

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For an instant, there was only this thought left in Xiao Lang's heart, and his body reacted instinctively. Sixty-four afterimages appeared behind him in an instant, and the linkage state of Xiao Lang Dao was immediately broken.

People are dying, so what kind of road linkage is needed to pay them back!

Can the avenue linkage block the four-layer invincible blow?

It's impossible!

Otherwise, avoid it as quickly as possible, or force it with the same sharp killer move, or just resist. For the latter two, Xiao Lang couldn't do what Xiao Lang wanted to do, only relying on the speed of Lei Ying!

But is Raikage fast enough?

The answer is obvious.

Far from enough!

call out!

The blood sword came and arrived in front of him. At this moment, Xiao Lang seemed to have smelled the smell of death, cold and evil, and furious, he also thought of Li Qingshan's previous reminder:

"Don't let the four-layer invincible powerhouse take the lead. You are qualified to kill them, but with your martial arts foundation, you are likely to die!"

Although Li Qingshan couldn't understand why Xiao Lang could offer a killer move capable of slicing four levels of invincibility, he could see that in fact Xiao Lang could not do this originally, his understanding of Thunder Avenue had not reached the early stage of the Era Realm. Peak level.

Xiao Lang's foundation is insufficient.

This also means that if the fourth-tier invincible opponent takes the lead and is caught off guard, he has no time to defend and evade, and it is very likely that he will not have time to exert all his combat power and fall directly into the ring.

At this moment, Li Qingshan became an idiot.

"Crow's mouth?"

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly in his heart, but he did not complain about Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan has done a lot for him, even because of Li Qingshan’s sound transmission, he believes that Nie Yun in front of him is also a fourth-tier super strong, and he is not afraid, and directly uses the avenue to attack, but it is precisely because of this. At one point, he seemed to have taken the lead, but he also lost the possibility of dodge.

Xiao Lang blamed himself.

He was too careless!

With the blood sword coming, Xiao Lang had even smelled the strong **** smell coming from the blood sword, sharp and fierce, shocking. At the moment when Lei Ying barely avoided a position, Xiao Lang clearly saw that the blood sword had also turned a corner, still rushing straight towards his heart.

It even has the ability to track itself?

At this moment, Xiao Lang's heart was completely cold.

Can't stop it!

Even if he didn't want to admit it, Xiao Lang knew that he had to accept this reality.

He is likely to die!

"Can Wood Spirit instantly make up for the deficit caused by this sword?"

Xiao Lang was helpless, so he could only pin his hopes on the wood spirit. At this moment, he didn't care how many wood spirits were left in the storage ring. When he thought of his heart, the blue mansions all over his body made the breath of life crazy. In this situation, Nie Yun's sword finally fell on him!


Sharp and ruthless!

Xiao Lang's body trembled, and only his heart numb. Suddenly, the circulation of Qi and blood all over his body stopped. It was like the source of a stream was blocked by someone. Xiao Lang stopped in the air, looking down, and seeing it on his chest. , A small blood stain appeared.

The wound is very small.

Small enough to be ignored.

But it was this small wound that directly penetrated his chest and penetrated his heart!

"so small?"

Xiao Lang was puzzled by the power of Nie Yun's sword, and subconsciously wanted to urge the vitality of the wood system in his body that was about to explode to complement his heart. He could recover from such an injury in an instant, even if it was the heart that was penetrated.

But at this moment, suddenly--


The blood fiend power that poured into the body broke out! As if the fireworks burst out suddenly, it was as sharp and ruthless as Nie Yun's sword. Xiao Lang saw that with that sword mark as the center, his body suddenly began to shatter!

The true power of the blood sword was originally hidden at this moment!

"Do not!"

Xiao Lang's eyes widened suddenly, and he saw that his heart was first twisted into powder, followed by the fascia, ribs, and internal organs in his body. At this moment, Xiao Lang even forgot the pain. He only heard the sound in his ears. When Li Qingshan and Zhao Feng roared unwillingly, they felt the coming of death.

"I'm dying?"

Xiao Lang himself was surprised at how calm he was when he was dying, or in other words, he knew that he no longer had any backhand strength. The sword energy condensed by the blood evil spirit is horizontal and horizontal, and Mu Jingpo even just played its role, it has been shattered by the biting sword energy and forced out of the body.

Wood Spirit, invalid!

Since it came to the Demon Blood Trial Ground, it has not known how many times it has used its powerful recovery ability to preserve Xiao Lang and restore its peak state, but at this moment, it finally became invalid.

Smoky crystals are useless.

It can only resist the power that invades the souls and true spirits, and is completely useless for attacks on material levels such as Jianguang!

"This is what it's like to die?"

Xiao Lang felt the collapse of his physical body, and quickly lost control of his entire physical body. He smiled bitterly. Although his face was cracked and his skin fell piece by piece, he could not make any expressions, but he did. Is smiling wryly.

Xiao Lang felt that if he died at this moment, he was really dead.

This feeling is so true that he finally dispelled the last speculation about the small world of Demon Blood Heaven and Earth——

"It is not false, but real!"

"I am the successor selected by Ting Chaohou. I didn't expect that I would die in the small world he created?"

At the end of his life, Xiao Lang seemed to sigh the impermanence of life and death, and seemed to be unable to do anything else, because until now, although his physical body had not completely shattered, his internal organs had been in a mess, especially Xiao Lang felt , The attack of the blood evil sword aura has reached the position of the sea of ​​knowledge!

Once the true spirit is shattered, he is really dead!

Do not!

Even if the true spirit survives and his body is annihilated, it is still dead!

In a word, if there is no miracle, Xiao Lang will die anyway and cannot escape!

Xiao Lang was of course unwilling.

But is it unwilling to be useful?

Time cannot be reversed.

"Nymph...a knife..."

At this moment, Xiao Lang didn't think about himself, but about others, with the last nostalgia for the world in his heart.

"I promised you that I will accompany you to grow old. It seems that I will break the contract first."

Xiao Lang banned the five senses and was ready to welcome death in the calmest posture. But at this moment, when the blood evil sword aura is about to touch the most vulnerable true spirit, the latter will be ruthlessly strangled, suddenly—


Xiao Lang "sees" that the imprint of the colorful lotus flower engraved on his true spirit suddenly shines!


The colorful lotus flower that has not reacted at all since it was engraved on his true spirit suddenly shined brightly at this moment... No, it was not light, but a descriptive power, a great road that Xiao Lang had never felt before. Strength, the inner five elements, but it seems to be different from the five elements, the infinite vitality of life, directly towards the blood evil sword aura!

"this is……"

Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly widened.

A miracle has come?


The colorful rays of light diffused out, and Xiao Lang clearly saw that the moment when the power of the blood evil sword energy met with it, the blood evil sword energy was drowned...


Not being forced out, but submerged!

A mighty life force, which is not known how many times stronger than the power in the wood spirit soul, surging surgingly, rushed directly into Xiao Lang's body like a divine initiation, and he was pleasantly surprised to see that where this force passed, blood evil The sword qi disintegrated, and the internal organs, heart, fascia and even bones that he had burst just now began to crazily recover and be reborn!

"The five elements grow together?"

"This is the power of the origin of the five elements? I have been recognized by it before, until now it finally works?!"

Xiao Lang was overjoyed, and his heart was moved away like a mountain, feeling relieved.

A miracle happened!

He doesn't need to die!

It was just a moment, yes, for a real moment, Xiao Lang was pleasantly surprised to see that his physical body had recovered, and the blood evil sword energy belonging to Nie Yun in his body had completely disappeared, completely clean, and the state was unprecedentedly full, and he watched. The multicolored power disappeared into the invisible, and seemed to be completely exhausted. Even the multicolored lotus mark on the true spirit was dimmed. For a while, Xiao Lang could not explore it.

Nie Yun is still there!

The crisis is still there!

Although the multicolored lotus mark suddenly broke out and won a life for himself, it was clear that if he was attacked and killed by Nie Yun, he would still die!

And Xiao Lang faintly felt that in a short time, the multicolored lotus mark on his true spirit should be difficult to explode a second time.

Must seize this vacancy and kill Nie Yun!


At this moment, Nie Yun whispered clearly in surprise, and looked at Xiao Lang in surprise.

not dead?

He felt very strange.

"No, I did see his body shattered under my God Slaughter Sword, how could he not die?"

Nie Yun was stunned for a moment. But what he didn't know was that this moment had also become his fatal moment. He looked at Xiao Lang in surprise, but saw a pair of blood-red eyes. Against the blood-colored background, there were manic thunder and the most solid and sharp murderous intent!



A low roar suddenly erupted from the arena, and everyone saw that behind Xiao Lang, a sea of ​​thunder appeared, and his body flashed with thunder, and suddenly his feet stepped on the void, and the thunder light came, rushing towards Nie Yun, fists. The shadow is like a shuttle, tearing the air, and howling fiercely.

"court death?"

Nie Yun sneered, looking at Xiao Lang who was coming straight, his eyes disdainful.

"No matter what weird you have, you can actually block me with a sword, but since I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time. I don't believe it anymore. Your hole cards can help you a second time!"


Nie Yun flipped his hand and the **** sword in his palm was formed again. It seemed that it could be cut out in an instant, but at this moment, he did not see the thunder light rolling on Xiao Lang's arm, which was infused with the power of Tingfeng's sharp avenue. Opening a gap, the Thunder Mang inside is completely different from the Thunder Mang on his arm——


Ben Lei!

Fusion, the mark of the avenue!

In an instant, a mighty and violent aura suddenly rose from Xiao Lang. Regarding the aura, it was not even below Nie Yun. It was shocking and horrified. He couldn't help but look away from Nie Yun and fell on Xiao Lang. .

They saw a familiar scene--


Xiao Lang threw his fist and smashed, simply decisive, Nie Yun hurriedly raised his sword to greet him, but Xiao Lang smashed the blood sword in his hand with a punch, hitting the head!


With a crisp sound, endless blood burst out, and it also shook the hearts of all the people on the fourth floor of the entire Demon Blood Trial Ground. They saw that Nie Yun’s head suddenly disappeared. It was replaced by one. A clenched iron fist!

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