Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 321: anxiety

"Trash, a bunch of trash!"

In the darkness, Mr. Gong's angry roar came.

If Li Qingshan were here, he would be surprised to see Mr. Gong's appearance. As one of the strongest among the four levels of invincibility, and also an elite of the younger generation of the Li family, the object of intensive training, the number of times Li Qingshan and Mr. Gong have met should be the most among the many venerables on the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Proving Ground.

But every time he saw Mr. Gong, the latter looked calm and relaxed, not to mention his anger, he never felt even the slightest anger.

Which is like this, like a mad dog.

"Ice and snow this waste!"

"Trash! These so-called four-layer invincibles, really special trash! Just because of the death of ice and snow, I dare not fight? A bunch of trash!"

The envoy of the Flame Demon Lord was still beside him, looking at Mr. Gong, who was immersed in rage and unable to extricate himself, his heart trembled, and he wanted to explain:


Before he could say a word, Mr. Gong was already glaring at him:

"You still have the face to talk?"

"You are also a rubbish! You are still the person in charge of the Flame Demon in the Demon Flame Palace. It's really a idiot. The most good thing about the rise of the Balrog is to threaten others. You didn't learn a little bit of it? Even the **** Move, tell me, what is the difference between you and their trash?"

Mr. Gong became more and more angry, and even transferred his anger to the Flame Demon Lord.

When the envoy of the Flame Demon Lord heard this, a trace of anger flashed through his eyes. As a member of the Demon Flame Palace, it is the eyeliner carefully cultivated by the Flame Demon Lord. One can imagine his respect for the Flame Demon Lord. How can he not be angry when Mr. Gong insults the Flame Demon Lord?

But he did not directly attack.

Endure it!

A barking dog can bite!

He was afraid that Mr. Gong would let him go off the court and challenge Xiao Lang if he was furious. Although he was the messenger of the Flame Demon Lord, but if Mr. Ruo Gong gave orders to him in the name of the three major stewards of the Demon Blood Pavilion, he really couldn't refuse and could only play.

And he can only be regarded as the fourth-tier invincible middle stage, how could it be Xiao Lang's opponent, I am afraid that he will die immediately when he enters the ring.

But even though it didn't happen, he was ready. After leaving here and returning to the Demon Flame Palace, he would definitely take a copy of Mr. Gong to the Flame Demon Lord, and even directly deprive him of his position as the fourth floor manager of the Demon Blood Pavilion.

"Without the identity of the Demon Blood Pavilion in charge, you are a shit!"

The envoy of the Flame Demon Lord cursed in his heart, but he dared not show any signs of his face.

Mr. Gong has served in the Demon Blood Pavilion for many years, and his control of the human heart is by no means comparable to that of the Venerable. As long as the envoy of the Flame Demon Lord changes his eyes, he can't escape Mr. Gong's capture in his heart.

Mr. Gong knew what he was playing, pay attention, and smiled coldly, but didn't care.

If his position was so easily handed over, he would not have been one of the three chiefs of the Demon Blood Pavilion.

After venting, Mr. Gong finally calmed down, his brows furrowed, and his eyes were bright.

"I can't go on like this, I must think of a way to prevent his winning streak!"

"But, those four-layer invincibles are afraid of death and are unwilling to make a move, and he does not leave the demonic blood trial field, what can I do?"

Mr. Gong was a little worried.

There is no longer the feeling of strategizing and winning a thousand miles before, only that I am quite passive.

"Is there a way to lead him out of the Demon Blood Trial Ground? Heavenly material and earthly treasures? No, he has heavenly material and earthly treasures on his body, and his rank is not low. The ordinary heavenly material and earthly treasures certainly cannot attract him. note."

"But other than that, what else?"

"Does he also know the legend? Li Qingshan probably told him, and he also knows his identity! If so, it will be even more troublesome. I am afraid that no matter what the temptation, he will not take personal risks and leave. The Devil Blood Trial Ground!"

Mr. Gong scratched his head with both hands and was about to pull his hair off!

Feeling irritable, Mr. Gong suddenly turned his head and glared at the envoy of the Flame Demon Lord beside him, and roared:

"Hurry up and find a way!"

"Otherwise, I will let you go down and die!"

The Envoy of the Flame Demon's spirit shrank, with a wry smile on his face. Mr. Gong's sudden anger, this is a disaster. Although he didn't know why the Flame Demon Lord and Mr. Gong cared about Xiao Lang so much, because of his own life and death, he immediately turned his mind and thought about it carefully.

It stands to reason that one is the messenger of the Flame Demon Lord, and the other is Mr. Gong, who has been in a high position all year round. The two have similar wisdom. One person can think of another one. But I don’t know if it’s because of anxiety and chaos. This time, the envoy of the Balrog Lord really thought of a good way--


"Although we have nothing to do with the wolf, we can start with the people next to him."

people around me?

Mr. Gong was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at the Envoy of the Flame Demon in surprise:

"Go on."

The Envoy of the Flame Demon smiled slightly and said:

"Chi Lian!"

"Let’s start with Chi Lian! I remember, that guy has a sister hiding, right? His sister seems to have the power of light and is incompatible with the world of demon blood, so she is weak since she was a child and can only rely on the treasures of heaven and earth. Continue my life, I don’t know how many talents and treasures Chi Lian has exhausted these years, enough to see that Chi Lian is very concerned about his sister."

"We just let out the news, saying that his sister was caught, how?"

Hearing this, Mr. Gong looked at the Envoy of the Flame Demon with an idiotic look, and said coldly:

"You wise!"

"For so many years, I don't know how many people want to find his sister, and then control Chi Lien, but who has found Chi Lien where his sister is hiding?"

"Besides, you have a fart to cheat Chi Lian out!"

"Although he recognizes that the wild wolf is the master, to the wild wolf, Chilian is just a slave. Will he care about Chilian's life and death?"

The Envoy of the Flame Demon Lord was scolded again, but this time, he was not in a hurry, instead he smiled mysteriously and said:

"He will definitely care."

"When Chi Lian is gone, you will spread another message, saying that he was caught during the Chi Lian, and he was arrested by the old soul refiner. Do you think the wild wolf will be calm? When that happens, he will definitely Come out of the demonic blood trial field and save Chi practice, because if he doesn't save, he will also die!"

Old man soul refining?

Hearing this, Mr. Gong's eyes suddenly lit up for the first time after the violent violent, and he looked at the Envoy of the Flame Demon in surprise and joy, fully understood the latter's idea, and his heart was moved.

"This way of you is kind of interesting..."

Mr. Gong's eyes flashed brightly, thinking about the possibility of the successful implementation of this plan, his pupils getting brighter.

This plan mainly lies in the old man soul refining!

The old soul refining man was also the master of the entire world of demon blood, and he could be called the first soul cultivator under the top veterans. Although it is a soul cultivator, since you have not become a top venerable, it is difficult to pose a threat to the top veteran, but the soul-refining old man is different.

The Soul Dao method he cultivates is quite weird, and even the top veterans will be greatly threatened!

Because he doesn't fight head-on with the top venerable, what he is targeting is the servant of the top venerable!


It is a servant who has contributed soul blood!

His Soul Dao method can directly pose a huge threat to the slave's master through the soul blood sacrificed by the servant!

Of course, he was already dead.

Tens of thousands of years ago, because he offended the Flame Lord, he was attacked and killed by the latter! However, not many people knew that he had died, and it was only known to some of the top people in the Devil Blood World.

Mr. Gong knew, and so did the envoy of the Flame Demon Lord.

But as for the other people on the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Proving Ground, Mr. Gong is sure that even Li Qingshan and Li Xueya don't know this secret!

"Pull the tiger skin, pull the flag?"


Mr. Gong regained a smile on his face, looked at the envoy of the Flame Demon in surprise, and said coldly:

"Unexpectedly, your trash is still useful."

"Just follow this plan!"

"You come to the implementation, I will go to see the Flame Demon Lord, make other preparations!"

With that, Mr. Gong turned around and left. The envoy of the Flame Demon Master was taken aback for a moment, and shook his head helplessly. No way, although he is the messenger of the Flame Demon Lord, Mr. Gong can instruct him to move him, but he instructs Mr. Gong not to move him, just like the latter can see the Flame Demon Lord anytime and anywhere, but he can’t, he can only wait. The dispatch of the Balrog Lord.

But after a while, his spirit was rejuvenated, and he looked down at a box that looked ordinary on the surface, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, wolf!"

"Since the master values ​​you so much, your identity must be no small thing. In this case, if I can successfully kill you, I will definitely have a lot of credit. This idea is mine!"

"Although Lao Tzu is not your opponent, let's see how Lao Tzu plays with you in applause!"

With that said, the envoy of the Flame Demon Lord took out a sound transmission stone and has already begun his first plan...


In the treasure box, Xiao Lang, Li Qingshan and others are still waiting.

According to Xiao Lang's judgment, Mr. Gong must still attack him, but first and second class, this is a full hour passed, and the rest time after the ring battle is gone, but there is still no one standing on the fourth floor. Come out to challenge Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang was a little confused.


"Mr. Gong gave up?"

"It's not that simple? Now that he has doubted my identity, and has acted on me, then he must know that if I become the master of this world, what kind of threat will be caused to him. Until then, no matter what Any conspiracy, I will know, he will definitely not survive."

"What is he thinking? Or, after seeing the power of violent Lei Lin, he has no other way?"

Xiao Lang thought for a long time.

Finally, it seems that even Li Qingshan has no patience.

"Brother Wild Wolf, I think you should finish the ring battle first. It will not be too late to fight back after Mr. Gong targets you. It is very likely that he did not have time to make a move and you have completed all the ring battles. You can only wait for five hundred years."

Li Qingshan has never doubted Xiao Lang's identity. In his opinion, as long as Xiao Lang completes the owed arena, Mr. Gong will have to wait at least five hundred years before he wants to target him.

Xiao Lang nodded slowly when he heard the words.

fair enough.

Anyway, as long as he completes the owed ring battle, he can verify the authenticity of the legend. As for Mr. Gong's conspiracy, it is completely unimportant!

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang walked directly out of the ring and threw his token to the registration table. The Demon Blood Trial Ground chose an opponent for him. He was a fourth-tier invincible mid-level opponent, not a magic repair. At the moment of being selected, that person His face turned pale, and he waved his hands again and again to show that he was not malicious and just wanted to discuss.

Xiao Lang thought about it for a moment, and satisfied his request, without hurting the killer.

As a result, this ring battle will take a quarter of an hour to end. In the Treasure Class box, Li Qingshan, Li Xueya and others saw this scene, their expressions changed slightly, but they were helpless.

"Brother Wild Wolf is still too kind."

Hearing Li Qingshan's sigh, Li Xueya smiled slightly: "Don't you like friends like this?"

Li Qingshan smiled when he heard the words, but did not speak. A pair of eagle eyes continued to sweep the entire fourth floor of the Demon Blood Trial Ground, searching for any sneaky figures, but he did not see a figure walking straight toward the box door.

Chi Lian saw it.

I don't know if it was Yuan's suicide hand's keenness or something else. When he saw this figure walking to the box, his heart trembled suddenly, and a faint uneasiness surged into his heart, making him unable to settle...

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