Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 362: Strong Samsung Ruins


Along with the shocking sound, it was not only Xiao Lang and others who were shocked.


Over hundreds of huge auras rose into the sky everywhere in Bullhorn City.

All are Venerable!

And the venerables above the late Era Realm account for most of them!

After knowing that the ancient proverb star ruins were at least three-star ruins, many of the venerables below the late era realm left. If you want to challenge the three-star ruins, you can barely protect yourself at least in the late era of the era. This is still quite lucky, and you will definitely not dare to enter below the late era of the era.

In the face of death and chance, not many people are reckless.

The Venerables who stayed below the Era Realm in Oxhorn City must be the same as Xiao Lang and Li Qingshan. Not only did they have certain confidence in their own strength, but there was also a strong person who was at least the pinnacle of the Era Realm to accompany him.

Of course, if the ancient proverb star ruins were opened this time at the two-star level, these venerables below the late Era realm, including Xiao Lang and others, would definitely not go in again.

After all, the two-star ruins are very likely to be unable to protect themselves, let alone protect others.

How many star ruins are they?

Xiao Lang, like everyone else, opened his eyes wide, looking at the power of heaven and earth constantly transpiring in the sky.


This was the first time Xiao Lang witnessed the opening of a ruin with his own eyes, and he was immediately shocked. The huge aura rolled over. Even if Xiao Lang had faced the battle between tens of thousands of sages in the Demon Blood World, at this moment, he was also frightened. Vibrated.


The shocking power contained in it is too violent, and the coercion is amazing. In front of it, it seems that Li Xueya, who is at the peak of the Era Realm, is nothing. As long as he dares to rush up now, he will immediately stop the steaming power from crushing to pieces. !

Can the powerful in Era Realm Dzogchen contend with it?

Xiao Lang had never seen a top-notch in the true sense, even if the Venerable Wuxiang was, he had never seen the Venerable Wuxiang made an all-out effort. In the battle of Magnolia City, when the Venerable Wuxiang made an effort to kill demons. , Xiao Lang has fainted.

"Presumably not..."

How can the power of heaven and earth allow manpower to contend?

"Perhaps only by witnessing eternity, achieving immortality, and possessing the true power of heaven and earth, can we contend with it!"

Distracted thoughts flashed in Xiao Lang's heart, focusing on the center of the transpiration of the power of the sky above the sky, and finally, a faintly visible portal gradually took shape.


Xiao Lang, like everyone here, couldn't help but trembled when he saw this fuzzy portal.

The gate of the ruins!

This is the gateway to the outside world and the space within the ruins!

Immediately after--


The Xia Guang was wanton and transpired, Xiao Lang caught, a peculiar halo rippling out of the portal, and when it expanded to a range of about a hundred meters, it immediately dissipated and collapsed between the sky and the earth.

At the same time, all the Venerables who saw this scene in Bullhorn City could not help but meditate in their hearts.


This halo is a sign of the ruins and ranks. On the first day when he came, Xiao Lang knew it from Peng Liang.

The lowest relic is a halo, which proves that the gate of space is barely formed and is the lowest nine-star relic. The rank of the ruins is inversely proportional to the number of halos.

According to previous detections, the ancient proverb star is at least a three-star relic, so there will be at least seven halos!

Is it true?

Everything went well.

Everyone including Xiao Lang counted softly, and in just over ten breaths, the seventh halo emanated from the space portal, and the misty fluctuations were fascinating.

At least Samsung!

The detection of predecessors is not wrong!

But will there be an eighth way?

For a while, most of the venerables of Bullhorn City couldn’t help but grabbed their hearts. Some of the top venerables had eyes full of expectation, and some others looked nervous and did not want to see the eighth halo appear, because if the eighth halo is Once there, it is impossible for them to venture in.

If you buy all the places, you can’t get in. That’s a loss.

Xiao Lang's heart was also quite nervous.

Under everyone’s attention, the answer was revealed quickly--

Silently, the door of the space shook slightly, and another purple halo slowly emerged from it.

"It's over!"

"It turned out to be a two-star relic!"

Xiao Lang's heart twitched, and he was instantly cold.

Isn't this time of preparation wasted?


In Oxhorn City, a depressed sigh sounded even more directly, and everyone was helpless. After all, the relics of this ancient proverbial star were of such a rank that they were not in their control, and could only be resigned.

"It seems... over?"

Xiao Lang also shook his head helplessly, and could only let himself accept all this as soon as possible, but when Xiao Lang was so disappointed, suddenly--


Above the sky, there was a strange wave suddenly, and then, under everyone's astonished gaze, the eighth halo on the door of space had not yet completely formed, it suddenly collapsed!


At the moment when the eighth halo dissipated, the door of space became stronger than ever before, standing in the sky, as if no one could shake it, and the shape became clearer and stronger.

"The eighth halo is broken? What does this mean?"

Xiao Lang was surprised and inexplicably. The first time he saw the ruins opened, he completely didn't understand what this scene meant, until, suddenly, a happy exclamation came from the corner of Oxhorn City:

"Strong Samsung!"

"It has not reached the difficulty of the two-star ruins, but it also exceeds the ordinary three-star ruins. It is a strong three-star ruins!"

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up instantly.

Strong Samsung, that is also Samsung!

There is a play!

Xiao Lang immediately focused his attention on Li Xueya. After all, if they wanted to enter the ruins this time, they would first rely on him. Whether Li Xueya was willing to go in and roam was very important, and even closely related to the actions of the entire team.

Xiao Lang saw that Li Xueya's eyes suddenly lit up, and the surging fighting spirit disappeared. As if sensing his gaze, Li Xueya turned her head to look at it, and she nodded heavily at Xiao Lang.

go with!

Li Xueya's opinion is quite clear.

Since it is still in the category of Samsung, how can we not go?

For a moment, the hesitation in Xiao Lang's heart disappeared.

Go and go, who is afraid of anyone!


Xiao Lang took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement.

"Get ready, let's make a reservation for this ancient proverb star relic!"

Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng, and Chi Lian were surprised when they heard the words, but they also didn't hesitate in their eyes. Obviously, they were not unexpected to Xiao Lang's final decision, and they even quite agreed with this decision.

Martial arts must fight!

Since you can compete, how can there be a reason not to go?

"it is good!"

Everyone was emotionally surging, and immediately turned around and returned to the bedroom to start practicing in retreat, recuperating and cultivating state, hoping that the door of space on the sky will be completely stable and can be restored to its peak state when people can enter.

The same is true for Xiao Lang.


Today's Bullhorn City is particularly lively, because the rank of the ancient proverb star ruins has been determined, so it is naturally the turn of these powerful people in Bullhorn City to decide whether to stay.

There are trading places, and some are making final preparations for entering the ancient proverb star ruins. Bullhorn City is very lively.

Under this situation, Zhenbaoge was quite busy with countless business, but what Xiao Lang did not expect was that Peng Liang actually came in the evening.

"Are you busy?"

Chi Lian opened the door, and Xiao Lang just walked out of the bedroom. He was surprised to see Peng Liang who looked exhausted and exhausted.

Peng Liang smiled bitterly:

"Busy, why not busy."

"But I would like to thank the seniors for worrying about it. Even if the younger generations are busy, they must first take care of their own family."

With that said, Peng Liang flipped his wrist and took out a stack of ancient books from the storage ring. Some of them were obviously newly bound, and some were obviously bound before. I don't know how long they have been in the treasure pavilion.

"these are?"

Seeing Peng Liang's movements, Xiao Lang's heart was guessing, his brows raised, and his face was surprised. Sure enough, just as he guessed, Peng Liang replied respectfully:

"Return to senior, knowing that the seniors and the others have not left yet, the juniors thought, I am afraid that the seniors and others are really going to go to the ancient proverb star ruins. The younger generation has been busy all afternoon, specially collecting the list of the teams that entered the ancient proverb star ruins this time. ."

Peng Liang pointed to the newly bound booklets, and pointed to others:

"These are all what we have seen and heard from the Tianfu Palace entering the ancient proverbial relics over the years, and there are some other family powerhouses, which were specially purchased by our Treasure Pavilion. I hope these things can be useful to the seniors."

When Xiao Lang heard this, his pupils had already lit up, like stars in the night.

good stuff!

More than useful?

Simply useful!

How much energy will this save him!

Originally, the ancient proverb star ruins were a strange place to him. This was also the first time Xiao Lang participated in the opening of the ruins of the West Desert Star Sea. To be honest, Xiao Lang really had no idea about this business.

But with these things sent by Peng Liang, he finally had a bottom in his heart!

"Guardian Peng is interested!"

Xiao Lang stepped forward and took everything from Peng Liang's hands. He was very grateful. After returning these ancient books to the storage ring, he changed his mind and turned his hand, and several squares of wood spirit appeared in his hand.

"These things are of great use to me, these wood spirit spirits, please accept Peng Guanshi, and count on my heart."

Peng Liang's eyes shrank suddenly when he saw these wood spirit souls in Xiao Lang's hands.

Too expensive!

Even to the Venerable Era Realm, these wood spirit souls can be called treasures, not to mention that he is only the pinnacle of the World Realm Dzogchen.

"I can't use it, my lord..."

Peng Liang tried his best to wave his hand to refuse, but how could he stop Xiao Lang?

Xiao Lang's expression straightened and said solemnly:

"Accept it!"

"I, Xiao Lang, is not a person who knows the gratitude and does not repay it. You can take advantage of these wood spirit souls. If you don't accept it, I think you have another plan."


Hearing the words, Peng Liang stagnated and saw that Xiao Lang's will was really firm and helpless, so he had to put Mu Jingpo in his arms and bowed lower.

"Thank you for the gift!"

"Lord's gift today is unforgettable for the villain!"

Xiao Lang smiled upon hearing this.

"I should thank you."

"But these days, if there are any other changes, remember to tell me in time, I'm so prepared."

Hearing this, Peng Liang immediately raised his head, his eyes lit up, and he patted his chest to ensure:

"Of course!"

"My lord, don't worry, our Treasure Pavilion is not strong, but there is absolutely no one who can collect information!"

Peng Liang's mind was exquisite, and until now time was extremely important to Xiao Lang and others, and after making a guarantee, he immediately left.

When Peng Liang left, Li Xueya and others in the courtyard who had known what was happening outside immediately walked out of the bedroom and gathered around Xiao Lang.

"Come on, open it, and see who our opponents are."

Li Xueya urged, Xiao Lang of course would not hesitate, and immediately opened the newly bound booklet, and when he saw the densely packed names and numbers listed on it, Xiao Lang's eyes immediately condensed and his heart trembled.

If you have to find a word to describe Xiao Lang’s first feeling when he sees the list on this booklet, then there are only four words——

The strong are like clouds!

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