Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 379: Hidden Demon Gate

Mystery is Xiao Lang's identity.

Strong is the speed and strength that Huang has shown!

Both are frightening, and it is difficult to say a word for a while. Until Deng Chun took the lead in breaking the calm:

"It seems that Xiaoyou really doesn't plan to make a move."

"Oh, nothing."

If you are inferior to humans, you are willing to go downhill.

Deng Chun shook his head and said nothing more, which surprised Xiao Lang.

Deng Chun is really Buddhist.

At least it seems so now. After getting the list of the relics of ancient proverb stars, Xiao Lang also asked about Taiyimen. In general, Taiyimen's reputation in the West Desert is quite good. In Peng Liang’s description, Taiyi's status in the West Desert and Star Sea is even comparable to the Tianfu Palace in the Eastern Region!

"The top power really has some background."

Xiao Lang smiled and said nothing.

Hang it first!

Yes, this is Xiao Lang's purpose. Huang's shock was completed perfectly, which can be seen from the changes in the expressions on the faces of Deng Chun, Ming Dynasty, Tianfu Palace and others.

"At least they dare not shoot me at will."

Xiao Lang was still very satisfied with all this.

Not bad.

Xiao Lang did plan to go to the third and fourth floors of the Ice and Fire Temple.

Opportunities are hard to find.

The opportunities are in front of me, if I give up, wouldn’t it be a pity

If he was always on the disadvantaged side, Xiao Lang would definitely be counseled and would not take his own life to joke, but now, he has a certain right to speak, but he did not see that Zhou Xian, who had been in contact with him before, is now Don't you dare to speak? Only Deng Chun is communicating with himself.

This shows that in the eyes of top venerables such as Taiyimen, Tianfu Palace, and Ming Dynasty, he can already sit on an equal footing with them. Even if Xiao Lang understood that this was because Huang showed the ultimate speed just now, but this is also part of his strength, isn't it?

Since the opportunity has come, let it go!

Xiao Lang pursed his mouth and stopped talking. Seeing that the faces of the people of the Ming Dynasty became more and more difficult to look at, the corners of his mouth raised, very happy, but he still secretly transmitted to Li Xueya and others, and exhorted:

"Don't show up!"

Li Xueya and others just woke up from their astonishment and responded quickly. Seeing the voices of the divine soul in front of him, the vigilant gazes from the many venerables of Taiyimen, Tianfu Temple, and Ming Dynasty who talked about it from time to time, the mouth became dry, except for the shock of Huang's speed, only the right was left. Xiao Lang admired it.


The so-called one trick is fresh, eat everywhere.

Xiao Lang relied on Huang's astonishing speed to forcefully intervene in these three top forces.

Li Xueya was certain that from now on, whether it was Taiyi Sect, Tianfu Palace, or Ming Dynasty, it would definitely be impossible to ignore Xiao Lang's existence, let alone forcing him.

They dare not!


Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng and others also had bright pupils, looking at Xiao Lang's calm and composed back, little stars appeared in their eyes, and couldn't help asking themselves, if they were to help each other, would they have such courage, in front of the three tops In the face of the forces, a total of one hundred and eighty innate spirit treasures were taken, and one of them was reserved for the three top forces.

the answer is--


They can't do Xiao Lang so simply and thoroughly!

This is what Xiao Lang admires most.

Of course, this is also because they grew up to this point in a different path. Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng, and Chi Lian did fight every day on the fourth floor of the Demon Blood World, and they fought a lot of life and death battles, but that was after the Era Realm.

Even on the fourth floor of the Demon Blood Trial Ground, there are many venerables who clearly have the strength to kill them, but due to the strength of the Li Family and Zhao Family, they dare not really kill them.

Xiao Lang is different.

He used to be a mortal and climbed up from the bottom a little bit. Walking along this way, Xiao Lang suffered far more than them! Things must use their extremes, and people must do their best!

How can you get the most benefit if you don't fight or grab or fight, and don't be cruel to yourself?

Everyone understands this truth, but if you say you can do it... Li Xueya can't compare with Xiao Lang!

When the audience was silent, finally, the figure of True Monarch Ice and Fire reappeared in the void, and laughter spread:

"it is good!"

"Since you have accepted the benefits of this level, please go to the second level."


As the voice of True Monarch Ice and Fire settled, the weapon rack deep in the hall suddenly changed and turned into a gate. Everyone looked at each other. Deng Chun looked at Xiao Lang again, and smiled and invited:

"Little friend, please!"

Xiao Lang raised his brows, made no secret of the surprise in his eyes, and smiled:

"Senior, are you too polite, how can junior He De walk in front of the seniors? Or should the seniors ask first, and the juniors should follow."

Deng Chun smiled upon hearing this, and shook his head:

"It's useless to walk ahead, and you can't get magical soldiers."

Xiao Lang laughed. It turns out that Deng Chun's stalk is here. But even so, Xiao Lang still didn't mean to take the lead in the forefront. Deng Chun waited for a while, and saw that Xiao Lang really didn't intend to move, and did not respond. Finally, he secretly sighed and walked towards the gate leading to the second floor. Go.

What he said earlier was just polite?

of course not.

There is temptation.

Of course, Deng Chun was not satisfied with the reason for the temptation, but he was even more helpless.

Xiao Lang did not let go, which meant that he would obviously still let Huang take a shot on the second floor, and the result was the same as on the first floor, except for Xiao Lang, no one on the scene could get a magic weapon.

This result is really not what they want to see.

But there is no way...

Half an hour later, the magic weapons on the weapon rack on the second floor of the Ice and Fire Temple were also taken away. This time, the Ming Dynasty, Taiyimen, and Tianfu Palace were much smarter, and no one took action.

Because they know that even if they make a move, they can't take away a magic weapon from Huang's hands. Why should they be embarrassed?

However, there were a few casual repairers who didn't know what was good or bad, and took the lead, but unfortunately, before they rushed to the normal distance of the weapon rack, the weapon rack was empty.

Huang shot again.

Of course it was under Xiao Lang's order.

But this time, Deng Chun and the others were prepared. They kept their eyes on Huang, trying to learn more from his body skills, but unfortunately, even with their eyesight and spirit, they only saw Huang's figure flash. When he reappeared in the same place, he had already had eighty magic weapons in his hand!

As for the action...

I didn't see it.

They felt that Huang had never left before, and the magical soldiers went into his hands.

This scene undoubtedly made Deng Chun and others even more shocked.

Intentionally observe the strong who still can't see any clues, this is the most terrifying!

"The end of the second layer."

"Now you have half an hour to make a choice, whether to continue to the third floor or leave."

The voice of True Monarch Ice and Fire sounded, and most of the people present were startled, their eyes shaking.

The time has come to decide to stay.

From the third level, there is no such harmony, there will be crazy battles!

With the participation of the top venerables, even the small perfect venerable of the era is very likely to die! Although on the surface, Dzogchen in the Era Realm and Little Perfection in the Era Realm are only a small difference, and they both have a complete road to comprehend, in fact, the difference in their combat power is not a little bit different, even than that The gap between the Early Stage and the Era Realm Small Perfection will be big!


Someone sighed and made a decision:

"I leave."

There was the first and the second. Soon, among the more than 200 sages who came here, eighty or ninety stood up and chose to leave. They are still casual cultivators, and the three top forces have not yet decided.

But you don't have to think about it or know that those in the middle of the era and the late era of the era are definitely going to leave. The trial belonging to them is over.

If they make it to the third level, it's not a trial, but a court death!

Not to mention the Era Realm Great Perfection, even the Era Realm Dzogchen can kill all of them with one move!

In one category, it was obviously Deng Chun who made the final decision to screen personnel. But when True Monarch Binghuo's voice settled, he did not make a decision immediately, but looked at Xiao Lang again:

"Little friend Xiao Lang, is there really no possibility of trading?"

"I think there are so many innate spirit treasures that Guizong can't use up, right? As the saying goes, it's good to stay on the sidelines and meet each other in the future. What do you think?"

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Too one did not give up!

This was completely in Xiao Lang's expectation, especially after the second-tier Innate Lingbao was handed over, Xiao Lang was more certain that Deng Chun would not give up so easily.

Because the innate Lingbao on the second floor is much better than the first floor!

Although it was only 80 handles, which was a hundred less than the first layer, each of these innate spirit treasures was above the medium grade.

Ten handles of medium grade.

Fifty top grade innate spirit treasures!

The best innate spirit treasure, as many as twenty handles!

This is not the most critical thing. The most critical thing is that all innate spirit treasures on this second level, except for a few, contain dual or even triple attributes!

This means that this innate spirit treasure can be chosen by more people and meet the needs of more people!

Ordinary innate spirit treasures are okay, too one can give up, but these dual and triple attribute innate spirit treasures, Deng Chun can't give up.

"Senior still refuses to give up."

Xiao Lang smiled and said, as if moved by Deng Chun's persistence, he hesitated and said:

"it is good."

"Since the predecessors have said so, it is of course impossible for the juniors to lose the face of the predecessors. Then, I can separate some innate spirit treasures.

"One hundred low-grade innate spirit treasures, I have no use, and sell them all. For middle-grade innate spirit treasures, I can have 80 handles, and there are ten remaining, but for these ten, I will definitely keep the best."

"The high-grade Xiantian Lingbao and the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao, I also leave ten handles, and the others can be sold. Seniors think, how about this junior?"

Sell ​​all?

Deng Chun was taken aback when he heard the words, a little dazed, and seeing a sly flash in Xiao Lang's eyes, he finally understood that he was fooled.

Almost all sold!

Is this the one Xiao Lang said before that he will not sell it?

Do not.

He just sits on the floor and raises the price!

"You kid..."

Deng Chun shook his head helplessly. Halfway through the conversation, he realized that his words were wrong, and said with a straight face:

"it is good."

"But with so many innate spirit treasures, we can't finish eating them in one category. We came to the ruins this time, and we didn't bring many things. I hope the little friends don't ask too much."

Until then, the people around realized that Xiao Lang was actually going to sell the Innate Spirit Treasure, his pupils widened, and he saw hope.

Tianfu Palace was the first to react:

"Little friend Xiao Lang, are we eligible to participate?"

Xiao Lang smiled upon hearing this:

"Friends from Taiyimen, Tianfu Temple, and some casual cultivators present here are all qualified."

When everyone heard this, their complexion immediately became extremely difficult to look.

Did not mention us?

Yue Shan knew that Xiao Lang really did not intend to sell these innate spirit treasures to himself and others, but the value of these innate spirit treasures was so tempting that he couldn't just sit idly by.

Yue Shan cast a look, and immediately, someone from the Ming Dynasty team stood up and asked bluntly:

"Xiao Lang..."

Without waiting for him to finish a sentence, or even just spit out two words, Xiao Lang's expression suddenly became gloomy, and he interrupted directly:

"Da Ming Dynasty, don't sell it!"


At this moment, Yue Shan really wanted to kill, and his heart was burning with anger, and he couldn't stand himself. If it weren't for the rules of True Monarch Ice and Fire, he would have been afraid of the famine behind Xiao Lang, he could not help but shoot.

Shi can be killed, not insulted!

Xiao Lang was hitting them in the face of Ming Dynasty!

And Xiao Lang obviously didn't intend to say anything to them anymore, and he was even too lazy to take a look at them before turning around. Here, Taiyimen and Tianfu Palace have begun to discuss separately, and suddenly someone came forward:

"Little friend Xiao Lang, I also want to buy some innate spirit treasures."

Xiao Lang turned to see the visitor.

Casual repair?


Xiao Lang hadn't planned to store so many Innate Spirit Treasures in his hands. If they could be sold, they would subconsciously agree. But at this moment, he saw Deng Chun frowned suddenly and looked at the old man beside Xiao Lang. His eyes were extremely cold:

"Hidden Demon Gate, you also want to buy Lingbao?"

Hidden Demon Gate?

When Xiao Lang heard the words, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Magic repair!

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