Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 382: The Terror of Strong Samsung

"What a coincidence!"

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up, and he looked at the thunder falling from the sky with great interest.

Thunder is sharp, like a long knife splitting the world.

"Lei Family Fengrui Avenue!"

Xiao Lang sensed the familiar power fluctuations of the Great Dao from this thunder. This was also the first type of thunder-type Great Dao power he perceives after becoming a Venerable.

However, Xiao Lang certainly wouldn't just rush to **** it because of this.

That is looking for death!

The battlefield below was too fierce. With the power of the great power, Xiao Lang felt that as soon as he entered, he would be directly ground into meat sauce.

Just when this thunder roared, and there were still dozens of miles away from the circle of war--


A dull low roar roared out of the thunder, and then, under Xiao Lang's surprised gaze, it suddenly turned into a wolf with a height of tens of meters, full of purple intent, mighty and domineering, with its giant claws raised towards Shoot directly under your body!


Hongmeng Ling, treasure, spirit appeared!

How strong will it be?

Xiao Lang couldn't help but open his eyes wide, expecting its performance, but at this moment--


With a loud shout, Deng Chun, who was fighting with Dark Star Demon Venerable, seemed to be very angry at being disturbed. Without looking back, he slapped it. The flaming slap almost filled most of Xiao Lang’s vision, five fingers. It fell fiercely on the body of the evil wolf, and contained its throat before it could not exert its full power!

Artifact spirit is transformed by the power of the Great Dao, not an entity. It stands to reason that even if you stop its throat, you cannot kill it. However, it is also necessary to see who is holding it.


Xiao Lang saw the surging flames erupting in the huge palm of Deng Chun's manifestation. The wolf didn't even have a chance to resist. The huge body suddenly collapsed. Deng Chun's seemingly random big hand waved, and a purple spear fell on it. In his hands, Xiao Lang didn't even have a chance to observe carefully. In front of him, the spear had been thrown into the storage ring by Deng Chun and disappeared.

So fast?

Xiao Lang was shocked and surprised.

too frightening!

Xiao Lang knew that this was not because the spirit was too weak, but because Deng Chun was really too strong. I didn't see it, even the Dark Star Demon Venerable didn't dare to fight Deng Chun head-on, just dared to fight on the sidelines?

With a single blow, kill the weapon spirit!

Deng Chun's strength is evident!

And you must know that he is still in the battle with the Dark Star Demon Venerable, and the power of a blow is so terrible, how much pressure the Dark Star Demon Venerable will have to bear!

Xiao Lang had a better understanding of Deng Chun's strength.

"I just don't know who is stronger, Deng Chun or Venerable Wuxiang."

Venerable Wuxiang is the only top Venerable Xiao Lang is familiar with. Now that he sees Deng Chun so strong, he can't help but compare the two directly.

It's a pity that in the battle of Magnolia City, when the Venerable Wuxiang arrived, Xiao Lang had already fainted. He didn't see the scene where the Venerable Wuxiang came and the heavens and the earth evaded him. Otherwise, Xiao Lang would definitely Will not hesitate on this issue for too long.

"Should the Venerable Wuxiang be a bit more powerful?"

Xiao Lang hesitated to make a judgment: "After all, Venerable Wuxiang also has a master of the immortal monarch..."

The comparison of the combat power of the two top veterans turned out that the Venerable Wuxiang won for this reason, and Xiao Lang couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Too little knowledge.

Such judgments are not accurate at all.

"And it doesn't make any sense."

Xiao Lang abandoned his distracting thoughts and once again set his sight and focus on the battlefield in the distance. The power of the great road on the ground roared, the ground moved and the mountains shook, and another rainbow light suddenly appeared above the void, lighting up Xiao Lang's Eyes.

Hongmeng Lingbao!

the second!

It is a fire-attribute Hongmeng Lingbao with a complete road inside. Similarly, like the first spear, when it is still dozens of miles away from the battlefield, the flames soars and suddenly transforms into a strange shape, making Xiao Lang unable to distinguish for a while. Big flame bird coming out.

This time, the target of this Hongmeng Lingbao was no longer Deng Chun and other top venerables. It roared sharply, and rushed directly into the battle circle of the same tragic Era Realm.

An Era Realm from the Tianfu Palace, a small perfect Venerable, raised his head and looked to the sky. He immediately saw a big flame bird rushing, his face suddenly changed, and he fought against the demon in front of him. The power of Zhen was out of the battle circle.

His position was immediately topped by another venerable, as for him, he naturally fell into the battle with the big flame bird.

Hundreds of miles away, Xiao Lang felt that the Big Flame Bird had the same breath as the evil wolf manifested by the thunder spear before, and the strength was almost the same. However, the different strengths of the opponents also caused the difference in the battle situation. .

That evil wolf, Deng Chun slapped it away with just one slap, but when Venerable Xiao Perfect in the era of the floating palace and the blazing bird fought together, it immediately turned into a fierce battle, a difficult fierce battle. !


A new battlefield was opened up.

Among them, the flames are transpiring and roaring. That day, the Venerable Little Perfection of the floating palace era and the big flame bird kept blasting, and the flames were splashing and falling from the void. It was really beautiful, but Xiao Lang and others could more clearly sense that his breath Constant transpiration and weakness.

This is a tough battle!

But even without Li Xueya's guidance, Xiao Lang could see that in the end it was the Era Realm of the Floating Palace that day, the Venerable Little Perfection could win the final victory.

Although his state is declining, the flame bird is no better than him. The flame bird does not have any source of power. It just fights with the killing instinct and consumes more.

Therefore, it is destined to fail!

But even if they knew the final result of this war, Xiao Lang and others couldn't help being speechless.

It's too fierce!

True Monarch Ice and Fire did not deceive people, even if it is the Era Realm Xiao Perfect Venerable on this third level, it is very likely that he will die and die miserably. As for the late venerables of the Era Realm, even if they have innate Lingbao nearby, I am afraid they are definitely not the opponents of these Hongmeng Lingbao. Once they are targeted, if there is no help from others, they will definitely die!

And know, this is just the beginning.

According to the character previously displayed by True Monarch Ice and Fire, the Hongmeng Lingbao that appeared at the beginning must be the worst among them, and it was just a low-grade Hongmeng Lingbao.

If it is medium or top grade, or even top grade...

"One-on-one, if these Era Realm Xiaowans face it alone, the possibility of death is also great!"

Xiao Lang's eyes shrunk. When he thought of this, he felt the horror of the strong three-star ruins for the first time since he came to this ancient proverb star ruins!

Era Realm Xiaomeng might die!

This level of danger is beyond ordinary people's imagination. Outside, the Era Realm Venerable Little Perfection mastered a complete avenue, and his fighting power was strong, and the dangers that could threaten them were very few, but here, there are everywhere!


Just when Xiao Lang's heart was shaking, the void was constantly shaking. Under his horrified gaze, within a few dozen breaths, a dozen or so rays of light fell from the sky, and various beasts roared out toward him. The established goal rushed away.

Immediately, the situation of the entire battle circle has undergone tremendous changes.

Fortunately for Deng Chun and others, they not only completely control a great road, but also stretch their arms and fully exert their power according to their own understanding. They have supernatural powers in their hands, and their fighting power is powerful. The light and shadow could not pose a threat to them, and the fierce battle between the top nobles continued.

But that was not the case in the battle between the young masters of the era realm.

When these Hongmeng spirits roared down, their battle circle was immediately dispersed, and they quickly dealt with it, no matter how difficult it was to attack each other. After all, with their strength, just simply dealing with the Hongmeng Ling Ling Bao Ling, the pressure is already very great, a little carelessness may die away, let alone take care of another battle.

The Moxiu and the Righteous Monks encountered the same problem. While dealing with them cautiously, they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief in their hearts.

Fortunately so.

If oneself and others encounter the threat of the Hongmeng Ling Baoling, but the other party does not, then that is the real enemy!


In an instant, the weapon spirit that was close to twenty Hongmeng Lingbao descended, and its combat power was getting stronger and stronger. When Xiao Lang watched this scene, he was frightened and surprised.

"Why didn't we meet?"

"Is it because we didn't make a move?"

Can only use this to explain. And Xiao Lang was still very happy that he and others had not attracted Hongmeng Lingbao, at least he didn't have to work hard to deal with it.

Xiao Lang knew best about the true strength of his team. Li Xueya was a weapon repairer. Although his combat power was above the same level, he would definitely win if he faced a weapon of the Great Meng Lingbao.

But if there are two handles, the lives of myself and others will even be threatened!

After all, Huang has no combat power!

"fair enough."

Here, Xiao Lang is rejoicing that the fierce battle ahead hundreds of miles is still heating up, because there are too many Hongmeng Lingbao that have arrived, and the weapon spirit’s combat power is getting stronger and stronger. Finally, even in those eras. Venerable Xiaomeng united together, and was unable to resist their violent offensive.

This is true whether it is the righteous side or the magic repair!


Someone was slapped on the shoulder by a mad lion, blood flew across the shoulders, and the shoulders collapsed, and the horrible wounds even saw the bones. The man fell directly from the void, his face pale, although it was almost the same without fainting, obviously no more The power of World War I.

Someone was pierced through the chest and managed to avoid the heart of the heart, but the big hole in the chest was also shocking, and he quickly got into the circle of companions and took refuge for the time being.


And all are seriously injured!

"The rank of Hongmeng Lingbao has been greatly improved? Is it now a top-grade Hongmeng Lingbao?"

Xiao Lang has been paying attention to all the changes in the battle circle, and found that the power of Hongmeng Ling’s treasure spirit has been greatly improved for the second time, from low-grade to medium-grade, and from medium-grade to high-grade, but this time it is more violent. From the beginning, there was an Era Realm Venerable Little Perfection who was injured, and still seriously injured!

If this continues, they will even die!


Not only Xiao Lang discovered this, but also Deng Chun and Dark Star Demon Venerable who are closest to the Era Realm Small Perfection Circle, their faces changed suddenly, and the two looked at each other and saw the gleaming light in each other's eyes. , The two seemed to have a tacit understanding, and almost at the same time, they smashed towards the small perfect team of their respective camps and offered a helping hand.


With Deng Chun and Dark Star Demon Venerable assisting, the battle situation was quickly reversed, and the two high-grade Hongmeng Linglings were killed by dozens of breaths.

Xiao Lang saw this scene from a distance, but his face was not good at all, and he was not happy for this scene.

Because he found that even Deng Chun's killing of that high-grade Hongmeng Ling Baoling took dozens of breaths of time.

too difficult!

This is only top grade!

What if the superb Hongmeng Ling and Baoqi Ling appeared?

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