Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 388: Avenue Origin


The moment the words of True Lord Binghuo sounded, Xiao Lang thought, and looked at Lin Hao in the distance. He happened to see the latter smash the fierce beast transformed by the supreme Hongmeng spirit with a punch, turning a pagoda-like Hongmeng spirit. Bao grasped it in his hand, looking surprised.

The Hongmeng Lingbao that Lin Hao got should be the last piece on the third floor of the Ice and Fire Temple.


"I forgot this!"

Xiao Lang was unwilling and blamed himself secretly.

Qiu Yan is not dead.

The moment the voice of True Lord Ice and Fire sounded, the three of Deng Chun had already stopped, and with the previous things, they did not dare to violate any order of True Lord Ice and Fire.

Not finished!

This is where Xiao Lang is most unwilling.

There is only one person left in the hidden demon gate, and the entire army of the Ming Dynasty was destroyed. As early as just now, the three of Deng Chun attacked Guo Yan and others. It was a complete sweep without any accidents.

"I had known it earlier and let Lin Hao take the shot slowly."


Deng Chun, Yang Guang and others also showed unwilling expressions on their faces, while Qiu Qian was overjoyed. This time he simply lost his life! If it weren't for True Lord Binghuo's words suddenly sounded, I'm afraid he would be dead in less than ten breaths!

But now, he dare not say a word, dare not make any sound.


"Now, you can decide whether to go to the fourth floor. Similarly, if you want to leave, you can go."

Before True Monarch Binghuo had finished speaking, Qiu Yan rushed up.

"Senior, I am willing to leave! Please send me out!"

Xiao Lang and others looked even more gloomy when they saw this scene.

But there is no way.

Since True Lord Ice and Fire said that he could no longer shoot, no one dared to disobey his orders and the proposed rules. Those who died in the front have confirmed this with their lives.


Qiu Wei was sent out as he wished, and Deng Chun and others looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

"no way."

Deng Chun looked at Xiao Lang:

"Little friend Xiao Lang, let you down."

Xiao Lang knew that Deng Chun had already seen his purpose. As a high-ranking member of Taiyuan, Deng Chun has extraordinary experience, and he is not surprised to see his thoughts Xiao Lang, not to mention that he did not want to hide it before.

Xiao Lang shook his head and smiled:

"It's okay."

"Anyway, it can't be done once and for all."

Xiao Lang knew that his thoughts were only extravagant hopes, because even if they really killed all the venerables who had entered the third floor of the Ice and Fire Temple, the news that he was carrying the treasure would not be concealed for long.

Because a lot of people left on the second floor.

Most of them are casual cultivators, and there are also the demons of the Hidden Demon Sect. When they go out, the news about themselves will definitely not be hidden, and it will inevitably be passed to the mouth of the five major families and forces including the Lingmu Xingmu family.

But now Xiao Lang doesn't care about these anymore.

The five great powers and families in the West Desert Star Sea can only be regarded as medium-sized families, and there is not even a top venerable seat. And the speed that Huang showed on the first and second floors of the Ice and Fire Temple has already made people think that he is one of the top venerables. If the five major powers and families have no problem with their brains, they should not attack him.

What Xiao Lang is most worried about now is the Hidden Demon Gate!

There are also families in the West Desert Star Sea with top venerables.

If they hear the news that they are carrying a huge treasure, some people will definitely be unable to sit still, and trouble will continue in the future.

But there is no way.

at this point.

Xiao Lang knew that this was due to his lack of strength.

"If I really have the strength of Deng Chun, why should I care about it?"

Xiao Lang sighed secretly in his heart, that he wanted to become a top venerable one more, his eyes flickered, but his thoughts were quickly converged, and he thanked Deng Chun, Yang Guang, Shi Qian, and Lin Hao:

"Thanks to the four seniors for taking action."

The four of Deng Chun smiled softly, and Deng Chun shook his head:

"It's that we should thank you, Xiao Lang, little friend. Without the help of fellow daoists, our plan would not have been implemented so smoothly."

"Brother Yang Guang's melee strength really opened his eyes to Deng. I didn't expect the elders of Tianfu Palace to be so strong. Seeing the strength of Brother Yang today, the old man suddenly wanted to meet the 18th elders of your family. "

Deng Chun looked at Yang Guang with war intent splashing in his eyes. Yang Guang saw this scene, not surprised but delighted, repeatedly arching his hands:

"If Brother Deng wants to see the Supreme Elder of my Tianfu Palace, of course, there is no problem. Yang is willing to introduce Brother Deng. If my Supreme Elder hears of Brother Deng's visit, he will definitely smile and welcome him!"

Deng Chun smiled when he heard the words, but then frowned slightly:

"It's a pity, the Eastern Region seems to be too far away..."

Deng Chun is worried about this?

Yang Guang smiled upon hearing this:

"Brother Deng Chun doesn't have to worry at all. Not long ago, one of the Supreme Elders of my Tianfu Palace had already arrived in the West Desert Star Sea, and was..."

In the middle of Yang Guang's words, there was already Divine Soul Transmission, Xiao Lang couldn't hear it at all, but seeing the smiles of Deng Chun and Yang Guang, they obviously talked quite happily.

"it is good!"

"Then, after the ruins are out, the old man will definitely visit him some time. When that happens, he will have to bother Brother Yang."

Yang Guang beamed with joy when he heard the words, and put on his chest again and again to promise.

"Brother Deng, don't worry, it's all on me!"

Xiao Lang didn't interrupt when he saw this scene. Although he was also very curious, which one of the eighteen elders of the Tianfu Palace came to the West Desert and Star Sea, he did not ask any questions.

It can be seen from Yang Guang's cautious attitude that this is a secret to the outside world, and it is inconvenient for others to know.

Of course, if Xiao Lang was willing to blew himself up and took out the token that Venerable Wuji had given him, Yang Guang would definitely not hide it from him, but Xiao Lang thought about it for a while and gave up.

It can be done, but it is not necessary.

"It should not be Venerable Wuji."

"I heard Ning Fu'er say that they were sent by Venerable Wuji to the Tianfu Palace headquarters, so he should be still there now. It should be the other Supreme Elders who came to Xingchenhai in West Desert, and I am not familiar with him again. , There is no need to get together."

Xiao Lang thought this way, his mind settled. What he still doesn't know is that it is precisely because of this thought that he has missed the opportunity to meet Venerable Wuji.

At this moment, Xiao Lang suddenly received Yang Guang's transmission:

"Little friend Xiao Lang, thank you very much this time."

"If it weren't for you, I really don't know when I can get involved with Tai Yimen."

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately understood a lot.

"It seems that the Tianfu Palace is really not good at being in the West Desert, Stars and Seas, and it hasn't reached a cooperative relationship with Taiyi Men. I didn't expect what I did today, inadvertently opened a way for Tianfu Palace. "

Xiao Lang smiled, and also responded:

"The predecessors are absurd. Everyone is their own, and these are what the younger generation should do."

Yang Guang heard this, his pupils brightened, and nodded repeatedly:

"Yes, my own person, my own person."

"Little friend Xiao Lang, if there is a chance in the future, we still need to keep in touch."

Xiao Lang smiled when he heard the words, just nodded, and said nothing. He knew that Yang Guang must have misunderstood him. He regarded what he said he was doing on the third floor of the Ice and Fire Temple, but he did not explain it. He only exchanged the sound transmission stone seal with Yang Guang. The invitation of the person did not directly agree.

Yang Guang’s invitation is undoubtedly to get to know the forces behind him. In the eyes of Yang Guang and Deng Chun, since there are top venerable masters like Huang, there must be huge forces behind them, but what Yang Guang doesn’t know is , There is no huge strength behind him, they are all from Tianfu Palace.

"I'll talk about this later."

Xiao Lang did not directly agree, and Yang Guang was still a little bit disappointed, but he adjusted his mood quickly and continued to chat with Deng Chun intimately.

After that, Deng Chun reminded Xiao Lang again to pay attention to the Hidden Demon Gate:

"You must be careful of the Hidden Demon Gate. Their demon cultivation is extremely cruel. More importantly, their means of hiding their breath are quite powerful. If I hadn’t seen Dark Star before, I wouldn’t recognize him this time. ."

Hidden Demon Gate?

Xiao Lang thanked him, but he didn't take it seriously.

No need to worry.

Because there is a shortage.

When he saw Huang's extreme speed for the first time, Xiao Lang knew that as long as it wasn't for the Immortal Monarch, he would almost never die.

As for the existence of immortal monarchs, how could they take action against them in the early stage of a small era?

Monarchs of the Immortal Realm also have a good face.

Therefore, although Xiao Lang replied with his lips, he actually did not take Deng Chun's reminder to his heart.

Have a bottom, don't panic!

Everyone chatted for a while, but they were actually waiting for True Lord Ice and Fire to speak again. Since the rest are all my own, I don't care about the dangers of the fourth floor.

If there is any danger, you can solve it together.

If it is said that the danger that exists on the fourth floor of the Ice and Fire Temple cannot be solved by the existence of their five top venerable levels, then this time the ancient proverb star relic is definitely not just a three-star strong.

It's certainly not that difficult.

Finally, with everyone waiting, the words of True Monarch Ice and Fire finally sounded again:

"Dear warriors, congratulations to you for successfully passing this level, and we congratulate you."

"You are also looking forward to what is on the fourth floor? I can tell you directly, and I will never disappoint you."

In the void, the light and shadow of True Monarch Ice and Fire raised the corners of his mouth, smiled mysteriously, and said:

"The fourth level can be said to be the pinnacle of our refining together. After stepping through this door, you will come to our former refining place and residence. There is not much space. Inside, there are a total of 64 things. Individuals can choose the same as the final reward."

Choose something?

No danger?

Xiao Lang and the others couldn't help but be surprised when they heard this.

Before they thought about it, the fourth level should be more dangerous than the third level!

"This true prince of ice and fire is indeed not a person who plays cards according to common sense."

Xiao Lang sighed helplessly.

If the Qiu Yan, who fled immediately after the third level test, knew this, I am afraid that he would even regret his intestines now!

Distracted thoughts flashed in his heart, Xiao Lang continued to hold his breath and listened to the introduction of the fourth layer by True Lord Ice and Fire:

"Sixty-four things, but only sixteen of them are real, and the others are false."

There are fake ones?

Doesn't it mean that if you choose a fake one, you will get nothing?

Deng Chun and others frowned upon hearing this.

This probability is a bit small.

But before they put their emotions on their faces, they heard the voice of True Monarch Ice and Fire resounded:

"But you don't want to be too small. These sixteen things, the worst, are also treasures and magic weapons of the highest grade Hongmeng Lingbao level, and there are even four of them containing the origin of the Dao!"

Origin of Avenue?

When Deng Chun and other top venerables heard these four words, their eyes straightened!

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