Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 412: Eventually become a disciple

"So fast!"

It only took a total of three to five breaths from Xiao Lang to the forty-seventh stage of the ring to the death of his opponent. If he took the initiative, this ring battle could even end sooner!

But even so, it was enough to make True Monarch Ice and Fire horrified.

Suddenly, seeing that Xiao Lang was about to reach the forty-eighth stage of the arena, True Monarch Ice and Fire was shocked and woke up suddenly:

"Be careful!"

"The 48th level is much better than the opponent in the 47th level!"

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard the words.

Much stronger?

How strong is it to make the True Lord of Ice and Fire-take the initiative to speak out and warn?

"Thank you senior for reminding."

Xiao Lang thanked him and stepped directly into the ring.

Just so confident!

The heart is like a bright mirror, coupled with being a Taoist, and the perception of various avenues by the Dao spirit body, so that Xiao Lang is completely not afraid of any opponents, at least he is not afraid of opponents in the Tongtianqiao arena, and can easily see through.

Much stronger?

Xiao Lang was not afraid at all.

Perhaps in the eyes of True Lord Binghuo, the combination of the power of the three great avenues is already his strongest blow, but Xiao Lang himself knew that this was not his limit!


With a flash of figure, Xiao Lang directly straddled hundreds of feet of distance and stood on the 48th pass. For True Monarch Ice and Fire, this is a crucial level, because it represents whether Xiao Lang can become the first disciple of Zhan Taizong since the broken of Zhan Taizong, hundreds of millions of years. But for Xiao Lang, this was just an ordinary level.


The power of the avenue evaporates, and soon, on the other side of the ring opposite Xiao Lang, a figure manifests as a young man, with black mist lingering around him, but it is not the power of the dark avenue, but the power of the earth-based avenue!

The other party was also in the middle of the Era Realm, but the moment he saw him, Xiao Lang couldn't help but his pupils shrank slightly.

It's really strong!

True Monarch Ice and Fire’s warning was not without a target. Under Xiao Lang’s observation, the opponent’s combat power increased dramatically.

Ninety times!

It is more than four times higher than the opponent in level 47!

And most importantly, the opponent's aura was perfect, and Xiao Lang didn't find any weakness or flaw in his body.

"So complete?"

Xiao Lang was indeed surprised. It can be said that this is a flawless opponent. To defeat him, he must be crushed in all aspects. Like his performance in the 45th level, it is impossible to wait for an opportunity to kill the opponent.

"The soil warrior does have such an advantage."

Xiao Lang knew how this was done.

Among the Five Elements, I am afraid that only the Earth Warriors can do this. The soil warriors originally focused on defense, but once they achieved something in killing and cutting, they would be more difficult to deal with than any other powerhouse. In addition, they are based on the earth and they are endless, and only they can do it. To the degree of such a balance on offense and defense.

But is Xiao Lang afraid?

Of course not afraid!

Seeing his opponent as before and motionless before he did not move, Xiao Lang smiled.

"Since it is the last level, let me give you a happy one."

"Also try my strongest blow in this retreat, what level can it reach."

Xiao Lang muttered to himself, suddenly the power of the great roads around his body was transpiring, and the thunder light was rippling.

True Monarch Binghuo had been paying attention to Xiao Lang, and he was immediately shocked when he saw this scene.

"this is……"

Take the initiative?

After having been on the Tongtian Bridge for so long, this was the first time True Lord Ice and Fire saw Xiao Lang actively urging the power of the Dao to start killing.

"He also felt the opponent's strength and oppression? So he chose to preemptively?"

Just when True Lord Binghuo was surprised, suddenly--

"Thousand Shadows!"


Xiao Lang stepped out in one step, and the afterimage rushed towards the opponent hundreds of feet away. His movements were simple, or even too simple, ordinary and ordinary, just raising his fist and smashing it down.


In an instant, the opponent moved, and his body armor condensed. Under Xiao Lang's perception, his defense increased steadily. When he came in front of him, the opponent's defense increased by ninety-five times. Many, and still rising!

"What secret technique is this?"

At this moment, Xiao Lang realized that he was still a small opponent, and he had a secret technique to increase his combat power!

Terrible secret technique!

However, Xiao Lang was not surprised and rejoiced, the corners of his mouth curled up, and his evil smile bloomed.

"Just right."

"This is a bit challenging!"


Xiao Lang's speed did not change, but the punch was still dazzling. At this moment, True Monarch Binghuo, Li Xueya and others naturally also noticed the changes in Xiao Lang's opponents, but they found that Xiao Lang was still rushing forward, and his expression suddenly changed.


Do not!

Xiao Lang certainly wasn't brave, he was...

Really strong!

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, suddenly, another violent aura swept out of Xiao Lang's body, and the power of the Great Dao roared.

The power of double avenues?

In fact, it is not only True Monarch Ice and Fire, Li Xueya and others have also seen that Xiao Lang seems to have the ability to integrate the power of the Great Dao.

Just now Xiao Lang rushed into the two big arenas, using the ability to integrate the power of the three great powers. Therefore, when Xiao Lang's body once again surged with a great power, they shouldn't have been so surprised, but in fact, it was the opposite. Everyone including True Monarch Ice and Fire couldn't help being shocked. His mouth opened wide, incredible.

Because, the second power of the Great Dao surging from Xiao Lang's body is surprisingly...

"The power of the fire system!"

"Avenue of Violence!"

The power of different kinds of great fusion?

Could Xiao Lang be crazy?

However, under their horrified gaze--


The power of the thunderstorm road and the fire power of the fierce road, the two kinds of violent powers belonging to different heavens are like streams of water in Xiao Lang's hands, surrounded by each other, like arms stretched out, and in a flash, a red and blue cross Lotus takes shape in his boxing table!


Before the confrontation, Xiao Lang's body trembled abruptly, as if he could not withstand the devastation of this force, but he did not care about it. The five elements of life core in his body turned rapidly, repairing all wounds, and his eyes were bright and scary, extremely excited— —

"Thunderfire strike!"

The violent avenue, the fire system has the strongest avenue power!

Thunderstorm Avenue, the strongest power of the avenue erupted by the Thunder Element!

When these two forces are perfectly integrated, what kind of power will erupt?

In the next moment, the answer has been shown in front of everyone——


The explosion roared and the earth was shaking. For an instant, the entire arena was wrapped in thunder and fire, but before that, everyone could clearly see that everything that thunder and fire passed was turned into powder, and the power of the earth system was like this, before Xiao Lang The same is true of opponents of, even--


A figure was thrown out fiercely, and fell to the ground, as strong as a sky bridge also shook suddenly.

It's Xiao Lang!

He was actually taken off by the explosion of his own blow!

And his current state is not good, his clothes are torn and blood is flying. However, they were all skin injuries, and they had all recovered in the blink of the blue light, but his face was still slightly pale.


Xiao Lang laughed, very happy. He is very satisfied with the power of his punch!

How about a ninety-five-fold increase in defense, isn't it smashed by one's own punch?

It's just that it was the first time to use this trick after all, so he didn't even think of the consequences. However, this punch is really cool!

Xiao Lang smiled happily, but the next moment--


The smile on Xiao Lang's face froze suddenly, because he saw that the mist on the Tongtian Bridge dispersed and continued to spread. At the end of his vision, another ring appeared...

"There is even the forty-ninth level?"

"This is not the last level?"

Xiao Lang was shocked, but the next moment, he was interrupted again.


The sky above Tongtian Bridge was splashed with colorful light, and auspicious clouds stretched across the sky. Suddenly a thick golden light descended, covering Xiao Lang's whole person. Xiao Lang was no longer surprised by this scene, because he had already experienced it once when he passed the twenty-four levels before, and he immediately looked down at the token on his waist.

The quaint token was also dyed gold, and the four words "True Disciple" on it were dissolving, and the other four words replaced it——

"Teach the disciples!"

It's done!

Xiao Lang couldn't help but shocked when he saw this scene. Although these three ring battles ended too easily for him, this achievement is still very solid.

Especially when he saw that the string of numbers engraved below has also changed dramatically, from 80,000 points to ——

287,000 points!

Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly burst.

As a disciple of the master teacher, Tongtianqiao actually rewarded himself with 200,000 points at once?

You know, from the twelfth level to the forty-eighth level, he has not redeemed any points. Coupled with the reward of becoming a true disciple, he only got a total of 80,000 points, and he became a master disciple. The points are doubled and more!


Xiao Lang was indeed shocked by this number.

However, in addition to the changes in points, the rewards of Tongtianqiao seem to be more than that. When the golden light dissipated, Xiao Lang suddenly discovered that in the void in front of him, there was suddenly a simple dress with a simple style, which he had not noticed before. How did it appear.

"This is also a reward?"

Xiao Lang reached out his hand subconsciously, the moment his fingertips touched the shirt—


The clothes were directly over his body, it seemed to have adapted to his body shape voluntarily, very close to the body, and then...

There's no after that.

"It doesn't feel much."

The clothes were as light as nothing, and they did not give Xiao Lang any other feelings. Xiao Lang couldn't help but frown, and just as he was about to check what was peculiar about the clothes, suddenly--

"Good good!"

A series of excited applause came from the void, Xiao Lang only felt a flash of light in front of him, True Monarch Ice and Fire had come before him, behind him were Li Xueya and others with a bewildered look, they obviously didn't know what was going on.

"Congratulations, you have finally become my master disciple of Zhan Taizong!"

Li Xueya and others' expressions changed drastically.

Master disciple?

They finally knew what it meant for Xiao Lang to pass through the forty-eight passes.

The disciple of Zhan Taizong!

This title sounds quite unusual!

Could it be that Xiao Lang will become the head teacher of Zhan Taizong in the future?

Everyone was shocked.

But Xiao Lang knew that this was impossible. Zhan Taizong has been shattered, and listening to the previous meaning of True Lord Ice and Fire, Zhan Taizong has no plans to be born again.

However, the master disciple is indeed the core figure of Zhan Taizong.

However, what Xiao Lang cared most was not this, but the clothes that he took on his own initiative.

"Senior, what is this?"

True Monarch Ice and Fire was still immersed in joy, and he smiled and replied:

"You'll know after a drop of blood refining."

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

Still dripping blood?

Good simple refining method.

Xiao Lang did so, a drop of blood dripped on the cuffs, but at this moment, Li Xueya and others suddenly discovered that Xiao Lang's complexion changed drastically, and endless horror emerged from his eyes.

"This...this...its defense..."

Xiao Lang was stunned.

At the moment when he was dripping blood and refining, he clearly sensed that an invisible force surrounded him. Although he couldn't describe how powerful this force was, Xiao Lang faintly felt that if the current one had entered Li Xueya's Thunder Tribulation In the middle, it can also be guaranteed not to be hurt at all!

Is this an illusion?

And the next words of True Monarch Binghuo immediately let Xiao Lang understand that this was not his illusion——

"It's really a direct vest that only my disciple of Zhan Taizong can have. It is based on blood. One piece per person."

"Its defensive power can block the full blow of the immortal monarch-lord triple world!"

The full blow of the immortal monarch under the triple heaven!

When True Monarch Ice and Fire made this statement, the audience was dull.

What kind of monster baby is this!

But what made everyone even more shocked was the next sentence of True Lord Ice and Fire——

"This is just one of them."

"Become the master disciple of my Zhan Taizong, you can enter the treasure house of my sect, and you can choose six Hongmeng Lingbao, and they are the best kind."

Xiao Lang was stunned when he heard this.

There are only four words in my head--

What is wealth?

This is the real wealth!


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