Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 417: Invincible Sun Wuji

Above the void, Yue Sheng's body was surrounded by the power of the surrounding wind system. The blue light was hazy, and he looked mysterious and palpitating, but his face was not so good-looking, cold as water, and his eyes filled with Sun Wuji. fear.

He was really shocked by the shot Sun Wuji had just shot!

Indeed, as said before, the strongest one has strengths and weaknesses.

Yue Sheng originally thought he would be much stronger than Sun Wuji. After all, he is also a super powerhouse with four complete wind system avenues, but Sun Wuji's shot just now...

He can't do it!

"Tianfu Palace, Sun Wuji?!"

Yue Sheng gritted his teeth and finally recognized Sun Wuji's identity. His voice was almost forced out of his teeth, and he was cracking. As the strongest venerable of the Ming Dynasty and the spokesperson of the emperor, Yue Sheng naturally knew all the powerful in the world, so it was not surprising that he could recognize Sun Wuji.

It's just that he didn't expect Xiao Lang to be Sun Wuji's apprentice!

He heard the brief exchange between the two just now, and his face became even more ugly.

Sun Wuji's eyes were like electricity, locked on Yue Sheng. It was not surprising that he heard the latter reveal his identity, and smiled coldly:

"I'm not interested in knowing your name, but I am very interested in your dog life!"

Sun Wuji's killing intent was not concealed at all, Yue Sheng's heart suddenly shocked when he heard this, his heart became angry, and he gritted his teeth:

"Even if you are Sun Wuji?"

"You can't save him!"

"Xiao Lang dared to kill the top sage of my Yue family, he must die! This is the order of my Emperor Daming! Sun Wuji, are you trying to arouse the emperor's anger?"

Emperor Daming?

Use the name of the immortal monarch to crush me?

Sun Wuji smiled coldly when he heard the words, did not speak, but looked away from Yue Sheng, and fell on the two streams of light that were about to descend from the outside of Niujiaocheng through the sky.

It is Deng Chun and Yang Guang.

Just when Yue Sheng was fighting with Sun Wuji, the two of them finally arrived, with horrified faces, they saw Xiao Lang at first sight, and settled down beside him.

Sun Wuji smiled:

"You are optimistic about him."

Deng Chun and Yang Guang nodded quickly, like pounding garlic. It was not only Yue Sheng who was scared by Sun Wuji's shot just now, but also them.

next moment--


Gun out, people follow!

Sun Wuji flicked the spear in his hand, like a dragon, with blue light around his body, rising from the ground, and in a flash, he was in front of Yue Sheng, a spear stabbed out, a bit of cold light like the stars of the night, bright and gorgeous!

Sun Wou-ki still shot!

In other words, he was not prepared to stop at all. The reason why he didn't make a move just now was because he waited for Deng Chun and Yang Guang to arrive, for fear that Yue Sheng would have any hidden companions on the sidelines that would threaten Xiao Lang's life.

Now that Deng Chun and Yang Guang have arrived, he certainly won't hesitate anymore!


Yue Sheng was shocked when he saw this. He didn't expect that he even brought up the name of his father, Emperor Daming, and Sun Wuji dared to shoot himself.

The battle of the strong, seize the day!

Yue Sheng's hesitation almost killed himself.


Although Sun Wuji's shot did not penetrate the space, it also made the space rippling and ripples grew. Yue Sheng was unprepared for a while and was immediately pierced through his shoulders, blood poured out, and the pain that came from him also instantly awoke him.

Sun Wuji wants to kill him!

The shot just now, if not for him to hide quickly, his eyebrows would have been pierced! =

"Damn it!"

"Sun Wuji, since you are looking for death, then I will let you die happy!"


The sound of the wind whizzed, Yue Sheng greeted him with one hand, hurriedly, his other hand flipped over, and a blue long sword appeared, greeted Sun Wuji's long spear.


The golden stone blasted through the void. In an instant, the entire void above Bullhorn City was completely flooded by hurricanes. The blue light was dazzling, and the wind was violent. I don’t know how many houses were lifted. Go down, stop in the distance, watching this scene in horror.

Among them, there are many top Venerables of Dzogchen in the Era Realm. They are a person no matter where they go. They are also standing thousands of miles away at this time, and they don't dare to come closer.

too strong!

Whether it is Yue Sheng or Sun Wuji, they are both the strongest venerable, and among the strongest venerable, they also belong to the pinnacle. Sun Wuji is because of the large number of integrated avenues, and Yue Sheng is because of the power of weapons!


The hurricane was rolling, tearing auspicious clouds, and the battle between Sun Wuji and Yue Sheng was so powerful that even the vision of heaven and earth was broken, so every scene could be clearly reflected in everyone's eyes.

Yue Sheng was clearly at a disadvantage!

Except for the blood on his shoulders at the beginning, in the next few breaths, he was pierced through his body by the spear in Sun Wuji's hand one after another. Will eliminate it, very embarrassed.

With a long sword alone, he couldn't stop Sun Wuji at all!

So not long after the battle began, he once again offered a shield. But with the intention of resisting, he is equivalent to falling under the wind, unable to fight back, and can only rely on the long sword in his hand and the shield under his feet to deal with Sun Wuji, like a turtle with a shrunken head.

On the other hand, Sun Wuji, opening and closing with one hand, unscrupulous, more sturdy than when he first shot, and the invincible posture flew freely.

"Master, so strong!"

Standing at the bottom of the battlefield, Xiao Lang could clearly see every change in the battle circle, dumbfounded.

He knew that Venerable Wuji, as one of the eighteen supreme elders of the Tianfu Palace, definitely had something to do with others. He also guessed that he was the strongest Venerable, but he never expected that he would be the strongest Venerable even in a battle. The winner's Yue Sheng and Sun Wuji can also have the upper hand.

Deng Chun and Yang Guang also looked straight.

It was also the first time that they saw Sun Wuji making a shot with their own eyes. Although as the top venerable, they could not fully appreciate the subtlety and power of Sun Wuji's every spear, but...

There is no harm without comparison!

They recognized the identity of Sun Wuji's opponent, Yue Sheng——

Yue Sheng!

The first prince of the Ming Dynasty!

It is rumored that a strong man who has integrated four complete avenues of wind system!

In front of Venerable Wuji, he could only be crushed and beaten. There was no strength to fight back. Venerable Wuji's strength was evident!

"It's amazing!"

"Even the first prince of Emperor Ming who merged the four roads is so miserable. Senior grandson is really too strong!"

Deng Chun sighed, but Yang Guang couldn't help showing pride.

This is the Supreme Elder of their Tianfu Temple, their pride!

Xiao Lang's heart suddenly shocked when he heard this.

Ming Dynasty, the first prince!

Xiao Lang didn't care about Yue Sheng's strength, anyway, he was inferior to Venerable Wuji. What he cares about is Yue Sheng's identity!

"The first prince... Doesn't that mean that his father is the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the true immortal monarch?!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's heart trembled suddenly.

Immortal Realm, Lord!

This is a level of existence!

Venerable Wu Ji obviously has the strength to kill Yue Sheng, but if Yue Sheng died here, because he died here, then his master... Tianfu Palace...

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang immediately stunned and said:

"Master, will it be troublesome to kill him?"

"I don't want to cause trouble to our Tianfu Palace."

Xiao Lang was anxious, his voice hurried, but seeing that Venerable Wuji was fighting, he still had time to turn his head and look at him with a smile, and said:

"rest assured."

"Your master, but there is still a master!"

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this.

Lord Blue Moon!

At this moment, Xiao Lang suddenly remembered that Qin Hai had said that the immortal monarch of his Tianfu Palace could be ranked in the forefront even in the entire Lihuo Great World.

"So, Lord Blue Moon is not afraid of Emperor Daming at all?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang felt a little relieved, and said no more. At this moment, the battle on the void has clearly entered a white-hot stage——


Venerable Wuji Fengrui opened and closed his eyebrows and pointed it directly at Yue Sheng's eyebrows, but the latter used a shield to block it. The shield is strong, obviously of the highest grade Hongmeng Lingbao level, and has blocked the hundreds of spears of Venerable Wuji, but it is obviously not invincible.

One shot settled-


A white mark immediately appeared on the surface of the shield, and cracks appeared.

It can't hold it anymore!

"Damn it!"

Yue Sheng was manic, almost crazy, and his emotions exploded. The reason why he did this was of course not only because the shield in his hand was difficult to support, but also because of the battle with Sun Wuji. From the very beginning, he had been squeezed and beaten with a long sword in his hand, and he could not even launch a counterattack.


As the prince of the Ming Dynasty, has he ever suffered such abuse?


The groan of the shield and the cracking sound from inside shattered Yue Sheng's pride even more.

Even if he has a magic weapon in his hand, he is not Sun Wuji's opponent!

This kind of powerlessness made him mad in an instant, his eyes were red, as if in a demon!


Yue Sheng's energy and blood exploded and merged into the avenue and the long sword in his hand, unexpectedly exploded with great power, blocking Sun Wuji's blow frontally, but the price he paid for it was also huge, coughing up blood, his face was pale as paper.

"Sun Wuji, don't force me!"


Venerable Wuji was also taken aback by Yue Sheng's sudden eruption, but when he heard the latter's angry shout, the corner of his mouth sneered.

"Forcing you?"

"As the first prince of the Ming Dynasty, for the sake of face, are you going to blew yourself up here?"


Venerable Wuji did not change his face, but he shot out again. Yue Sheng was dumbfounded, his expression changed drastically.

Venerable Wuji has long recognized his identity!

It's just that I haven't said it before!

It was even more hateful at this time. Venerable Wuji directly revealed his identity, and his voice spread through the wind with the help of the wind. Yue Sheng even saw the restlessness of the crowd thousands of miles away, the appearance of a lot of discussions, anger attacking the heart, and another blood mist. .



Venerable Wuji not only wanted to kill him, but also ruin him!

Sun Wuji sneered, disregarding it, and shook his spear, making the offensive more fierce. In his opinion, Yue Sheng had exhausted his methods, and the lamp had run out, and it would not last long.

But what he never expected was--

"Remember, you forced me! I didn't want to do this, you forced me!"

Yue Sheng shouted hoarsely, facing his own shot, he suddenly gave up resisting, but he turned his body to avoid the vital point, and the hand that did not hold the long sword turned over, and a golden token suddenly appeared in his hand. The radiating breath made Sun Wuji's heart trembled.

"this is……"

Sun Wuji recognizes what this is, but can make any adjustments in the future--

"If you want to kill me and destroy the glory of the Ming Dynasty, I will kill your disciple and destroy your fame of Venerable Wuji I!"

"Father, please show up and kill Xiao Lang!"


As Yue Sheng spouted a mouthful of blood mist, spilled on the token, and burst into a heartbreaking roar. A golden light flashed from the token, fast as lightning, reaching Xiao Langqiu, who was still sluggish on the ground. go with--

"Do not!"

Sun Wuji's eyes widened, and he didn't even care about Yue Sheng for a while. The hand-held spear was stabbed at the back. However, his movements were still slow. He could only watch, the golden light rose in the wind and instantly turned into one. The figure, the dragon robe added to his body, a stepped to Xiao Lang with a surprised face, pointed out, and landed on his lower abdomen——


Xiao Lang was smashed into the ground instantly as if struck by lightning, only blood spurted out!

at the same time--


In the depths of the Ming Dynasty, in an independent space, a burly figure suddenly opened his eyes, with surprise on his face.

"Sung'er used my differentiation body so soon?"


A ray of spirit tears through the space and heads straight towards the ancient proverb star...

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