Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 427: Devour the planet

Black alert!

Only the immortal monarch...

Do not!

Sun Wuji said before that the black alert is more dangerous than those seven missions. It is indeed beyond the abilities of the strongest venerable, but it may not necessarily be able to resist the immortal monarch!

It is a range, not a degree!


When he realized what had happened, Xiao Lang's mind suddenly became confused.

The calamity that triggered the black alarm actually appeared on the planet where Tianyu City was located, and Nymph, the knife, and the poisonous dragon were all on that planet!


"Knife... poison dragon!"

Xiao Lang was stunned, but was awakened by the thunderous voice in his ears instantly:

"Don't be restless."

"All disciples of the world realm, return to their homes and rest. From now on, all teleportation formations in Skyfloor City will be banned. No one can enter and leave at will. Skyfloor City has officially entered a state of preparation for war, and the elders have activated the combat readiness regulations."

The sound was thunder, but not high-pitched at all.

Xiao Lang was awakened in an instant, and turned his head to look at Sun Wuji for the first time, his face full of shock.

He is very familiar with this voice, he has heard it before--

Lord Blue Moon!

The contemporary palace lord of Tianfu Palace, the super immortal monarch in Qin Haikou who is strong enough to rank among the top three in the Lihuo Great World, the master of his own master Sun Wuji, the master of Blue Moon!

He really came!

In an instant, Sun Wuji also raised his brows, and he was about to step out subconsciously, but at this moment, he suddenly thought of something, suddenly turned his head and looked at Xiao Lang, his brows frowned:

"Yang Guang, you are responsible for settling them."

"Xiao Lang, come with me."

In two words, Sun Wuji had already arranged everything. For an instant, Xiao Lang was in shock, he only felt a surging force engulfing his body, he had risen from the ground, and he was out of the mission hall in an instant, flying straight into the sky.

Xiao Lang subconsciously looked down, and saw the rush of people on the streets of Tianfu City, gathering or mobilizing under the greetings of at least the venerables of the Xiao Perfect level of the Epoch Realm, it was a mess.

This is the power of the black alert!

It represents that what happened is very likely to threaten the foundation and existence of the entire Tianfu Palace!

Tianfu City has become a mess, which is the result of strict control by many elders. It is conceivable that the pressure brought by the black alarm to people felt so strong, which also made Xiao Lang more worried about the three of Ning Fuer, Xiaodao and Dulong.

But soon, Xiao Lang couldn't see it.

Sun Wuji sprinted along, the complete wind system avenue lingered around him. Soon, Xiao Lang's vision was obscured by the mist, and he could no longer see everything in Tianfu City.

Xiao Lang's face turned white, his teeth clenched, and he said nothing.

He faintly guessed where Sun Wuji was going.


After just a few breaths, Sun Wuji finally stopped. Xiao Lang looked at him and was shocked, and saw that there was a mountain in front of him, a mountain floating above the void!

When the two of them came here, Void had already suspended more than ten people, Xiao Lang did not look at it, not because he had no distracting thoughts, but because--

One of these people is really eye-catching!

A young man in a gray robe.

In other words, he just looked like a young man with an ordinary look, but his eyes were extremely deep and full of vicissitudes. It seemed that he had seen through all the changes in the world, and there was nothing to make his heart waver.

Although it looks ordinary, not even as distinctive as Sun Wuji, when he appeared in this void, it was as if the moon rose into the sky, and the surrounding stars instantly lost their color.

Even if Xiao Lang knew that those who were qualified to come here must be on the same level as Sun Wuji, at least at the level of the strongest venerable. But the brilliance of this gray-robed youth enveloped everything, making people never look at other things.

"he is the one……"

Xiao Lang was horrified, he was guessing, but he saw Sun Wuji kneeling on one knee directly in the void, and the young man in the gray robe made a big gift:

"Apprentice son and grandson Wuji, see Master!"


Xiao Lang's body trembled suddenly, and he was hesitating whether he wanted to bow down and how to call him, but when he saw Lord Lanyue look towards this side, he nodded his head insignificantly, only seeing himself. At that time, a glimmer of brilliance in the eyes flashed away.

"He remembers me!"

"He recognized me!"

Xiao Lang's spirit trembled, and he instinctively wanted to kneel and salute, but at this moment, Lord Blue Moon had already looked away, as if he didn't care why he appeared here.

It could also be--

No time to care!

"Everyone is here, go!"

Sovereign Lanyue gave an order, Xiao Lang did not feel the slightest bit from him, even if it was the fluctuation of the power of the Great Dao, the voice did not fall--


The surrounding space burst instantly, and the power of the space like a monstrous flood surged in, enveloped them, and then plunged into the turbulence of the space.

Xiao Lang only felt a flower in front of him, and the familiar spatial turbulence around him couldn't help being shocked.

"I was walking through the turbulence of space without any protection?"

It was because of the protection of Linglong Flying Boat that Xiao Lang saw the existence of space turbulence with his own eyes. He also imagined that one day he could fly safely in the turbulence of space. When he wanted to come, this must be after he was promoted to Immortality. Something happened, or he realized the complete spatial avenue, but he didn't expect it to be realized today.

Of course Xiao Lang was not excited because of this, but was shocked by the strength of Lord Blue Moon.

too strong!

You know, Lord Blue Moon is not flying alone now, but has brought more than a dozen people, like flying boats, and there is no blessing from any magic circle, all of them are he alone.

Moreover, the speed of Lord Blue Moon is much faster than Linglong Flying Boat!

"But it takes a few days to reach Tianyu City with Linglong Flying Boat. How long can Lord Blue Moon save him no matter how fast?"

Xiao Lang was worried about Fu'er, Xiaodao, and Dulong, and his whole body was full of anxiety. And at this moment--


Lord Blue Moon’s calm voice sounded, Xiao Lang only felt that the power of the space in front of him seemed to tremble suddenly. Before he could comprehend what had happened, Lord Blue Moon said the same words seven times in a row. "When it settles--


The void exploded, and everyone jumped out.

Turbulence through the space? !

Xiao Lang had traveled through the turbulent space in an exquisite flying boat. He was naturally familiar with this scene, and because of this, he was even more shocked.

How long is this?

Ten breaths or eight breaths?

Xiao Lang had already observed the distance between Tianfu City and Tianyu City from the Eastern Territory Star Chart. There were hundreds of millions of miles away, and there were unknown planets and voids.

Sovereign Blue Moon arrived so soon while still taking them together?

This is almost teleported, OK!

Xiao Lang was not surprised, and was dragged out of the spatial turbulence with almost no resistance.

"Where will it fall?"

"Is it directly in Tianyu City?"

Xiao Lang thought about it, so as soon as he came out, he immediately raised his head. The emptiness under his feet told him that he was still in the emptiness. Just as he was confused and couldn't help asking Xiang Sun Wuji, he suddenly caught everything in his eyes. , So that he can no longer move his eyes.


There is a planet in front of them!

Xiao Lang realized that it was the planet where Tianyu City was located. Under the reflection of sunlight, it should have a clear outline, but in Xiao Lang's eyes at this time, it was not.

It will be swallowed by darkness!

Yes, it is darkness.

It's not the kind of darkness in the void.

There is no light in the void, or there is only a faint light. It is originally a darkness, but the darkness surrounding the planet is different. Even if the void is dark, it is not as dense as it is. It permeates the planet, like a wild beast. I opened my mouth wide and wanted to swallow it whole!

what is this?

what happened? !

Xiao Lang was shocked, but couldn't understand everything in front of him. He looked at Sun Wuji subconsciously, but saw that the other party had a solemn face, and there was even strong fear in the depths of his eyes, and his brows frowned.

"this is……"

Almost everyone behind the Blue Moon Sovereign had the same expression. Someone exclaimed in shock, but the words were halfway through, but they were immediately accepted.

"Yes, Devil Swallowing Stars."

"The Devil, it has appeared."


With this sound, the space around the crowd shattered again, two figures stepped out, one with bright stars, the other with sky blue clothes, a man and a woman, and he nodded slightly when he saw Lord Blue Moon.

Monarch of Immortality!

Two again!

Xiao Lang's heart trembled, but he didn't even dare to breathe.

The immortal monarchs who were regarded as gods appeared one after another, which Xiao Lang had never expected. At this moment--

"Uncle Master."

The words of Sun Wuji and others came out, which shocked Xiao Lang again.

Uncle Master?

Doesn't this mean that they are the younger brothers of Lord Blue Moon?

There is more than one immortal monarch in Tianfu Palace!

A man and a woman stood beside the Lord Blue Moon. The woman had a dignified face, while the man sighed helplessly:

"I can't stop it. We have lost this planet and the resources on it."

"Unexpectedly, the Demon Realm actually appeared."


Xiao Lang couldn't help but stunned when he heard these two words again.

The demon of the demon war?

But didn't the Zhengma War take place in the Great World of Lihuo? Why did the Demon Realm come out?

However, no one answered his question.

Sovereign Blue Moon heard this, his face finally no longer the same as before, and his eyes flickered:

"Maybe I can try again."

"Even if they really created the Demon Realm, it would definitely not be that stable."

"Shoot and stop him."

Sovereign Blue Moon had a firm voice, as if he was about to do what he said. The man next to him seemed to trust the Sovereign Blue Moon. He immediately changed his mind and looked at the woman beside him. He decided to try it out according to the words of Sovereign Blue Moon.

But at this moment, suddenly—

"Hahahaha, Monarch of Immortality?"

"You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The sound was like a wave, more like a rushing thunder, resounding through the entire void, and it could come from such a distance, and it seemed to penetrate the space, and it blasted in everyone’s ears. The faces of Sun Wuji and others were instantly more difficult to look at, beside Lord Blue Moon The woman and the basket also stiffened suddenly and didn't move anymore.

Because just the sound can be heard, they are enough to hear--

In the darkness, there are also immortal monarchs!



The black mist expanded like breathing, and a figure appeared in front of everyone...


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