Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 431: Breaking the world

More than ten days later.

At this time, Chi Yan Xing had become a mess of porridge.

The magic door invades, as! It is a huge disaster! In just over ten days, Chiyan Star has become a slaughter feast for the disciples of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect!

At the same time, Tianfu Palace is still making various preparations for the upcoming battle of Zhengmo.

The volume of Tianfu Palace is really too big.

The entire eastern region away from Huo Great World covers an area of ​​one-sixth, but gathers nearly one-third of the population from Huo Great World.

The war is imminent, and it is very likely that more people will survive. This is the philosophy of Tianfu Palace!

But obviously, some people think otherwise.


Above the huge sky floating city, a space has been opened.

It was just an ordinary space, which was forcibly opened up with the power of the immortal monarch level. Almost all immortal monarchs have this ability, but they are different in size, far not as high-end as the heavenly devil.

A large hall stood in the center, surrounded by falsehoods.

Outside the hall, the two are bidding farewell.

One of them was a silver-robed woman who had appeared next to Monarch Blue Moon when Scarlet Yan was swallowed by the Heavenly Demon Realm. She was wearing a cyan gown, looking gentle and elegant, and bid her farewell.

"Lord Fanxing stay, hope that one day I can have a chance to cooperate with Guizong."

Monarch Fanxing smiled and nodded, watching the latter leave, but at the moment when the man in the green shirt broke the boundary and left, her face was already full of icy cold, revealing endless coldness.


As soon as the Starry Monarch flicked his robe, he was about to re-enter the hall, at this moment--


A gentle voice suddenly rang in the ears of the Starry Monarch, and the ice cold on the latter's face immediately dissipated, his eyes became more respectful, and he turned his head.

At some point, someone appeared behind her.

Lord of the Blue Moon.

The Lord Lanyue looked calm, as if he had read everything in the world, he had gone through endless years, nothing in this world could shake his mind.

But the Star Monarch obviously had no such disposition, and his disgust for that person could not be hidden under his eyes.

"more or less."

"Qing Shanzi only came to ask about the characteristics of the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Heavenly Demon Realm. He would not hear about our invitation and would not answer at all. It is more abominable than just refusing!"

"If you don't do anything, you want to benefit from our Tianfu Palace. It's really wishful thinking!"

Lord Lanyue looked at the irritable Lord Fanxing, sighed slightly, and shook his head helplessly:

"The Heavenly Demon Sect is present, this is a major event, and what should be told is still to be told."

After hearing the words, Lord Fanxing stagnated, looking at Lord Lanyue's calm face, he made a heartfelt complain, but when the words came to his lips, he immediately changed, and said helplessly:

"Brother, it's been tens of millions of years. You still have a temperament. You never complain about other people's bad things. You love the world. But what do we care about them, as long as we keep the Tianfu Palace?"

"We could do it ten million years ago, we could do it 15 million years ago, and we can do it this time too!"

"Different road non-phase plan!"

"In my opinion, let's leave them alone!"

When the Lord Blue Moon heard the words, his expression still did not fluctuate much. It seemed that he had long expected that the Lord Fanxing would say such words. He pondered a little, and slowly shook his head under the disappointed gaze of the latter:

"Do not."

"This time is different."


The Starry Monarch was surprised.

As the immortal monarchs of Shouyuan and Tianqi, they have experienced several times just because of the battle of the demon.

"Is it different? Why didn't I find it?"

The Monarch Fanxing recalled the scene where Scarlet Star was swallowed by the Heavenly Demon Realm that day, frowned slightly, and fell into thought.

In the eyes of others in Tianfu Palace, the engulfing of Red Yan Star by the Heavenly Devil Realm may be a major event that could shake the foundation of Tianfu Palace. In fact, the impact is indeed great, but in the eyes of Lord Blue Moon, Lord Fanxing, etc., this is normal.

Since the Sky Demon Sect is about to emerge, the movement must be quite large.

It's just a bit unlucky this time, it's Red Yan Star that was lost.

Sovereign Fanxing did not notice the difference between the appearance of the Heavenly Demon Sect and other times in history. As he was about to ask, Sovereign Blue Moon had already given the answer.

"It's time."

How clever the Lord of the Stars is, with three simple words, he immediately grasped the main point, his expression changed slightly, and he couldn't help muttering to himself:

"Before, the Heavenly Demon Sect was born once every five million years, but this time it was born... 10 million years!"

Monarch Fanxing looked at Monarch Lanyue, and saw the latter nodded calmly.

"Did he get badly injured in the last war and need more time to recover?"

The Starry Monarch couldn't help saying.

"Do not."

"The last time I participated in the final battle, although the demon lord was injured, he definitely wouldn't be able to cultivate for so many years." Sovereign Blue Moon shook his head in denial, and a faint light flashed across his eyes:

"Compared to this reason, I am more inclined, he has new means."

New means?

"What means?"

Monarch Fanxing continued to question subconsciously, Monarch Lanyue shook his head:

"do not know."

"It's just an instinctive premonition. I went to Tianji Pavilion these days, and he feels the same way."

The Starry Monarch was shocked.

Tianji Pavilion!

Tianji old man!

It can be said that he is the most mysterious immortal monarch in the Lihuo Great World. He does not know how many years he has lived. He has been able to comprehend the way of heaven.

But Lord Blue Moon and Old Man Tianji are old friends.

Even the old man of Tianji felt that this battle between Zheng and Demons was dangerous, so the probability of such a possible occurrence is extremely high!

Monarch Fanxing stopped breathing, Monarch Lanyue noticed her discoloration and calmed down:

"It's okay. Soldiers will stop you, and the water will cover you."

"The Demon Lord has prepared for this battle for thousands of years, and we have also prepared for thousands of years. There is no difference. As for the result, we can do our best."

"In these days, you continue to invite other monarchs, and Haotian and I will do other things."

Monarch Fanxing nodded when he heard the words, and gradually calmed down, when Monarch Lanyue saw this, he flashed away and left.

Monarch Fanxing stood there for a long time, recurring the words of Monarch Lanyue from time to time in her mind. Her expression was serious, and she was obviously still worried. Suddenly, she thought of those monarchs who refused to provide help to Tianfu Palace in the past few days. Sneered:

"You guys will regret this decision!"


The Starry Monarch flicked his sleeves and returned to the hall, sitting cross-legged and waiting.


Everyone is working hard.

The Immortal Monarch is no exception.

But at this moment, what the Starry Monarch, who had been waiting again, didn't know was that the Blue Moon Monarch, who entered the turbulent space after leaving, had changed his dignified expression and frowned his brows.

"Nine deaths, a ray of life..."

"Where is this vitality? Is it in my Tianfu Palace?"

Nine deaths, a ray of life!

This was amazingly the old man Tianji's fortune-telling of the result of this battle of right and devil, so that the Lord Blue Moon couldn't help but tremble. In fact, after the fortune-telling about the outcome of the battle between the right and the demons, he even made a fortune for himself, but didn't tell it.


The catastrophe is approaching. In addition to the Tianfu Palace, other forces are also starting various preparations. There are fewer and fewer people running around, focusing on the family, sect, and imperial city.

There are fewer and fewer people entering the space turbulence.

Therefore, no one noticed that on this day, a spirit boat broke through the air, traversed the turbulence of space, and appeared in the void. This piece of void was originally the place where the Red Yan star was located, but now it is no longer there, being swallowed by the Celestial Devil Realm.


After walking in the turbulent space for more than ten days, Xiao Lang and his party finally arrived!


Li Xueya took away Linglong Feizhou easily, and then looked forward, immediately stunned. As for Li Qingshan and others, they were already dumbfounded.


The dark devilish air permeated the void, covering everything.

At least from their field of vision, Red Yan star has completely disappeared!

When he stepped out of Linglong Feizhou, Xiao Lang was still quite agitated, but when he saw all this in front of him, his heart trembled and he was uneasy.

Chi Yan star is gone!

Can Huang break into the world?

Xiao Lang immediately turned his head to look at Huang beside him, only to see that the latter's expression was calm, his eyes shone with metallic light, and he seemed to perceive the anxiety in Xiao Lang's heart.

"It's okay, I have found it."

"These Nine Nether Devil Qis can annihilate the soul, but they can't stop my exploration."

found it!

Xiao Lang's mind trembled when he heard this, his eyes regained their brilliance, and he even seemed a little impatient.

"Can you go in?"

Huang knew Xiao Lang's eagerness, so he nodded without selling Guanzi:


"But wait."

Have to wait?

Xiao Lang frowned and heard Huang explain:

"This world is changing. The confrontation between the two worlds. If you enter now, I won't die, but I can't protect you. It is about to form a prototype of a tunnel. When it stabilizes a bit, we can enter."

"It takes about half a day."

long time?

Xiao Lang clenched his fist upon hearing this.


Xiao Lang's Spiritual Mind leaned into the storage ring, saw the three soul lamps still burning, and let out a sigh of relief. In the past few days, he didn't know that he had done this hundreds of times, and it almost became instinct.

"wait for me!"

Xiao Lang thought silently in his heart and began to wait.

Can only wait.

As for what Huang said that a corridor between the two worlds was about to be formed here, Xiao Lang didn't think deeply about it at all, and his heart was completely worried about the safety of the three Nymphs.

Until three hours later-


Huang's calm voice sounded, but it was like a thunder that awakened Xiao Lang.

You can go in!

Huang waved his hand, and suddenly, a mysterious and unpredictable force enveloped everyone:

"There is an immortal monarch inside. I will help you cover your breath. After entering, don't resist anything, I will protect you."

Huang can still find the immortal monarch?

Can even hide the breath and isolate the exploration of the powerful monarchs of the immortal realm?

Everyone is surprised, but can't care to sigh——


Everyone only felt the bright light in front of them, as if entering the turbulent flow of space again, but what was surging around was not the power of space, but the strong magical energy. Huang Yima took the lead in the front, like a giant of steel, forced to squeeze away. The devilish energy in front of you, stepped out in one step, more than tens of thousands of miles!


In one step, they finally saw Red Yan star, shrouded in white light, rapidly growing.

Two steps.

The Chi Yan star is so huge that they can no longer be complete with their eyes.

Three steps!

Through the clouds, mountains and rivers are in sight!

Four steps!


Everyone landed, their faces full of shock, even Xiao Lang was the same, and couldn't believe what happened just now.

Four steps!

It only took four steps, and Huang took them directly to the Red Yan Star!

What is this trick?

Everyone looked at their faces as usual in amazement, as if there was no waste of waste, and was shocked to talk to themselves. Even if Li Xueya was the pinnacle of the Era Realm Great Perfection, Xiao Lang had followed the Blue Moon Sovereign through the space turbulence, and he had never been so shocked.

In the face of everyone's gaze, Huang just looked at Xiao Lang and smiled embarrassedly:

"Young Master, I can't recognize the direction anymore, for fear of being discovered by the immortal monarch, so I landed in the wilderness. Next, we can't drive like that."


Xiao Lang was shocked at Huang's strength. He looked around, and indeed there were mountains and forests, green grass, and the eyes flashed brightly.

It was indeed a pity that he couldn't reach Tianyu City immediately.

But this is already good.

Next, they just need to find Tianyu City!

"Find someone, ask for directions!"

Xiao Lang gave an order and awakened Li Xueya and others, nodding their heads. Li Xueya took the lead to move to the forefront. Although there are many mysterious methods, but they are not good at attacking, since he wants to rush, he is naturally best.

And before the pace was settled, Li Xueya's face changed slightly, and her body gave a sudden--

"Be careful, someone!"


Why be careful?

Aren’t they looking for people?

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words, and when he was surprised, his expression suddenly changed, and he realized why Li Xueya wanted everyone to be careful.


In the mountains and forests behind, surging waves of demonic energy whizzed out, unparalleled, and rushed straight into the sky!

They met the devil boy!


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