Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 433: The Might of Hongmeng Lingbao

"How can this be!"

Venerable Gopher was shocked instantly.

One knife!

With just one stab, a piece of bone wing broke on the back of Venerable Divine Wing!

It was also a duel between the top venerables of Dzogchen in the Era Realm, could it have such a result?

Venerable Gopher was dumbfounded.

What's more, being in the same team, he deeply knows the strength of Venerable Divine Wing. As Venerable Divine Wing who refines the blood of the six ghosts and bats, he is better at air combat than other top Venerables who are also in the era of Dzogchen. It's because of the bony wings behind him.

On the ground, Venerable Gopher dare to say that he can be on par with Venerable Divine Wing, but in the air, he will lose ten games if he competes for ten games!

But even so, Venerable Divine Wing was chopped to pieces by Li Xueya in the air!

How strong is Li Xueya's combat power?

"Kicked the iron!"

Venerable Gopher immediately realized that they really had a hard idea this time.

But this is not over yet.

Venerable Divine Wing was obviously also frightened by Li Xueya's knife. If he hadn't dodged fast with the knife just now, he would even be cut in half directly!

In an instant, he forcibly increased his speed to the extreme, retreating repeatedly, but before he waited for his breath, suddenly—


Venerable Divine Wing only felt severe pain coming from his back. He almost fell from the air. He turned his head and looked pale, and saw that the other bone wing that he was intact just now suddenly burned. It was just an instant that damaged the foundation. .

The flame of blood evaporates and burns continuously, no matter how the Venerable Divine Wing instigates the power of the wind system, it cannot be dispelled. It is like growing on his own back, using the blood in his body as nourishment, burning surgingly, but Suddenly, including the bone wing he had previously lost, his body's blood and energy had also been exhausted by as much as 30%!


Venerable Divine Wing is also a decisive generation, his heart is stubborn, his backhand tugged, he abruptly broke his bones and wings, and threw them far away. When he looked back, his eyes were covered with blood, hatred, and death. Staring at the **** long knife in Li Xueya's hand.

The long knife in Li Xueya's hand is weird!

"Be careful!"

"They are not envoys of the Eighth Demon Venerable! They are righteous Taoists!"

Venerable Gopher's warning sound sounded.

If they couldn't see Li Xueya's identity anymore at this time, it would be too stupid. Although Li Xueya's body was full of blood evil power, there was no devilish energy steaming, definitely not a magic repair!

What's more, they originated from the Demon Sect of Ten Thousand Beasts, and the cultivation technique that anyone cultivates and their own blood are related to Ten Thousand Beasts.

Venerable Gopher only hates that it is too late for him to wake up!


"Except for the light type, they are all killed!"

Venerable Divine Wings eyes flashed with terrible blood, staring at Li Xueya firmly. This time he lost too much. The bones and wings on his back were broken, which is equivalent to a hundred years of hard work. Even if he has won the quota and opportunity to come to the Red Yan Star this time, it is equivalent to having come in vain. How can he not hate it? ?

Venerable Gopher glanced greedily at Chi Guoguo and the scepter of light in her hand, and a bright light flashed across his eyes.

"Big brother, don't worry, take down that little lady, we are all back from this loss!"

"Go on, kill them!"

"Brother, I'll deal with this guy with you!"


As the Venerable Gopher said, he swooped forward and stood beside Venerable Divine Wing, and was strangling each other with Li Xueya. On the other side, those who followed Venerable Gopher and Venerable Divine Wing came to the world. The Consummation Moxiu finally reacted, and he also swooped forward.

For a time, this wilderness was divided into two battlefields.

Venerable Gopher and Venerable Divine Wing were not fools. They knew that they could not kill Li Xueya with their combat power. On the contrary, the strange blood knife in Li Xueya's hand was enough to cause irreversible injuries to them. .

But their goal was not to kill Li Xueya, as long as they held it back.

They discovered that Li Xueya’s team’s strength distribution is quite uneven, and there is no one Era Realm Little Perfect Venerable. The remaining martial arts cultivation is the highest, only Chi Guoguo’s peak in the late Era Realm, and it is still bright. Yes, there is not much frontal combat power at all.

On the other hand, on their side, there are a total of eight Era Realm Xiaoyuan Completed Demon Cultivation. Isn't it easy to win?

As long as Xiao Lang and others are taken, the Eight Era Realm Xiao Perfect Demon repairs will return to this battlefield, even if Li Xueya has the ability to reach the sky, don't think about it!


Li Xueya frowned and realized the trouble.

What he worries most is this scene, he is entangled by the two top veterans, and other people deal with Xiao Lang and others, he has no time to support. The best option right now is to give up and protect Xiao Lang and others.

But how can Lord Gopher and Lord Divine Wing give him this opportunity?


The two great demon lords rose up into the sky and the other burrowed into the ground, instantly locking every inch of Li Xueya's whole body, surging pressure swept through, Li Xueya's complexion instantly changed, his face flushed, and burning blood buzzed in his hands. Seriously wounded, he will also break out of the siege and return to Xiao Lang, but at this moment, suddenly—

"Senior Li, kill them!"

"You don't need to worry about it here, there is a shortage!"

"No one can let them run!"

Xiao Lang also had a murderous heart.

He saw Venerable Gopher's eyes looking at Chi Guoguo just now, and heard what he said to Venerable Divine Wing. Obviously, for the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, a martial artist of the Light Element is obviously of great value.

The news that Chi Guoguo is a Venerable Light Element must never be spread.

Therefore, the magic cultivators who know the attributes of Chi Guoguo today must die!

When Li Xueya heard the name "Huang", his mind immediately became calm.


There is a shortage!

As long as there is a shortage, Xiao Lang and others will never have trouble!

For a moment, Li Xueya's mind was stable, the blood gleaming in his eyes, suppressing the violent blood in his body, killing intent poured out, without saying a word, stood up, and rushed towards Lord Gopher and Lord Divine Wing.

And here, the Eighth Epoch Realm Xiaoyuan Demon Lord has surrounded him, fierce and evil, and endless greed is revealed in the scarlet eyes, everyone is staring at Chi Guoguo, like a wolf pack that has been hungry for ten days. Saw a piece of plump fresh meat.

Although they didn't know who "Huang" was, they absolutely didn't believe that Xiao Lang and others could escape their culling.

In fact, will Xiao Lang really escape?

of course not!

How can it escape.

Chi Guoguo's bright attributes have been exposed, they have only one way to choose——


"Guoguo, open up the domain and slaughter them!"

Li Qingshan, Chi Lian and others were not surprised by Xiao Lang's instructions. This is the Xiao Lang they are familiar with!

Moreover, they knew where Xiao Lang's hole cards came from, because they had the same hole cards in their hands!


Chi Guoguo was equally fearless, on the contrary, her small face flushed, and she was not at all excited about the battle she had participated in for the first time. The scepter of light plunged into the ground under her feet, and in a moment—


The pure white and flawless light is like milk without any impurities, spreading across the void and covering the entire battlefield. When they passed Xiao Lang and others, everyone's spirits were drenched, as if they were suddenly swallowed and inspired. The potential pill, the aura suddenly skyrocketed, and on the other hand, the eight demon lords, shrouded in light, suddenly began to collapse and fall apart, and the blood in their bodies was also in chaos!

"what happened?!"

"My blood!"

Everyone was shocked.

As Era Realm Little Perfect Venerables, they have mastered the power of their Dao Dao to the extreme, but when the light is shining, they surprisingly find that their control of the power of their Dao Dao is unexpectedly descending. , Instantly fell to the level of Xiaozhuo in the era realm!

"The road is against each other!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lang finally had a smile on his face.

Yes, it is the Dao Xiangke!

The power of the Great Dao of Light is the nemesis of all the filthy and dark things in the world. The local Lord Rat suddenly raided, and Chi Guoguo subconsciously sacrificed the Light Scepter. When Lord Gopher was directly bounced and flew, Xiao Lang realized it. At this point, sure enough, the scepter of light showed its miraculous effect again!


The waves suddenly started, and the eight Era Realm Xiaowan Demon Lords hadn't awakened from the panic when their power was suddenly suppressed. Of course, Xiao Lang would not give them this opportunity. He stepped out one step at a time, and the afterimages behind him condensed into one body. The flames of the fist and the light of thunder condensed, and the crimson lotus flower quietly formed, and no one responded. Xiao Lang's fist had already hit the front demon venerable, and the latter subconsciously raised his fist to greet him, but the result-


Thunder swept, flames exploded!

Under everyone's horrified gaze, the original person who was still intact suddenly fell apart under Xiao Lang's fist, splashing blood and spurting demonic energy, but was instantly dispelled by the surrounding light.


The Demon Cultivator at the pinnacle of Xiao Perfection in the Era Realm died, and died in Xiao Lang's hands!

"Brother Sui?"

The remaining seven Era Realm Xiaoyuan Mandemons were shocked instantly.

At the peak of the Mid-Era Realm, one punch to kill an Era Realm Xiao Perfect?

What did they see!

And although both are the pinnacles of the Era Realm Small Perfection, Big Brother Sui is definitely the best among them. He didn't even stop the punch of the pinnacle of the mid-Era Realm?

what happened?


All stunned!

However, Li Qingshan, Chi Lian, and Xi Tong were not stupefied. They had long known that Xiao Lang's combat power was amazing. Sun Wuji once said that if he was not prepared for the peak of Xiao Yuan, he would die by his punch. What's more, in the Light Realm with the Scepter of Light, the latter's combat power was greatly affected and suppressed, so it was naturally not so surprising that Xiao Lang had such an amazing result with one punch.

On the contrary, just because of the preparations, the reaction of the Demon Venerable has long been judged, and they shot at almost the same time.

"Big Dipper Seven Star Sword Formation, Tianshu!"

When Li Qingshan flipped his wrist, a peculiar looking stone appeared on the palm of his hand as if it had been split into two by a long sword. A misty sword energy was contained in it, followed by a pointing out——

call out!

The sword aura hung up in the sky, it seemed that even this bright field was cut open, and it instantly approached the center of a person's eyebrows. The latter seemed to be immersed in the dominance of Xiao Lang's punch, unable to make any reaction. Instantly pierced, Jian Qi carried the volume of red and white slurry splashed out.

at the same time--


Not to mention the major Demon Venerables, even Zhao Feng, who was watching the battle, did not notice. At the moment when Li Qingshan's Demon Venerable fell to the ground, a Demon Venerable beside him also fell.

It's Chi Lian!

With the improvement of martial arts cultivation, Chilian's assassination methods are even more difficult to defend!

He Tong also aimed at a Demon Venerable, but unfortunately his combat power was not so impressive, being blocked by the latter, hurting both. However, such a result is shocking enough.

Four warriors who weren't even Xiao Wan Man in the Era Realm, fought against the eight Xiao Wan Demon Venerable in the Era Realm.

"how is this possible!"

Here, Lord Gopher was also watching the battlefield here, shocked. Xiao Lang watched this scene with satisfaction, smiling at the corners of his mouth.

Lack of realm?

Then come to join in!

This is the power of the best Hongmeng Lingbao!


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