Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 435: Ancient Magic Tower

Pretend to be a magic repair?

Li Xueya's pupils shrank slightly and couldn't help nodding.

This is indeed a good idea.


Li Xueya said solemnly, but before Xiao Lang and the others showed joy on their faces, Li Xueya's eyes flashed with solemnity, and continued;

"But not enough."

Li Xueya looked towards Huang:

"Senior, although you are not good at attacking, can you help us hide our breath?"

Xiao Lang's spirits startled when he heard the words, and he looked towards Huang with anticipation, but the latter nodded slightly without hesitation:

"Yes, it's not difficult."

Xiao Lang was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly asked:

"Also during the fight?"

Huang looked at Xiao Lang, with a visibly more smile on his face, and nodded, "No problem, as long as the opponent is not an immortal monarch and has not reached the level of comprehending the origin of the avenue, he will definitely not be able to see through."

When Xiao Lang, Li Xueya and others heard the words, their pupils immediately brightened.

It's done!

With Huang as their backing, they would no longer be afraid that Moxiu would recognize their true identity.


"not enough."

Li Xueya thought for a while, frowning again, Xiao Lang looked at it in surprise, and heard Li Xueya's solemn voice:

"Even if we can conceal our breath and identity, if we encounter teams like Venerable Gophers and Venerable Divine Wings again like today, and if they don't agree, we don't need to worry about our identity being exposed, but our combat power is limited. "

"We need identities."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang immediately understood the meaning of Li Xueya's words, and nodded in agreement.

Not bad.

They really need an identity, it’s best to enter the identity known to all the demonic cultivators of the Red Yan star, and not be in the lower level of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, otherwise, even if they encounter other teams from the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, they will report their names. You don't necessarily miss yourself and others.

The magic way, the law of the jungle.

They are not like the orthodox sect. They all have regulations that no private fights between the same sects and brothers cannot be mutually harmed. What happened today has proved that the killing within the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect is also very cruel.

They do not see the same door, only interest!

Venerable Gopher and Venerable Divine Wing are dead, and other things are left, so naturally they also have their identity tokens, are these enough?

It is clear.

not enough!

The rudder master and the sub-rudder master, this kind of identity and status is only to cover up their identities, it must be enough, and the devil cubs of the ordinary beast demon sect will definitely not dare to shoot them at will.

But, what if they run into other rudder masters and deputy rudder masters on the road?

There is a shortage, pretending to be a demon cultivator will not put any pressure on Xiao Lang and the others at all, but they are too unfamiliar with the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect and become their biggest weakness.

"We need intelligence."

Xiao Lang's final word and uncovered the biggest problem of himself and others at present, also obtained Li Xueya and others nodded in agreement. This is indeed what they lack most now.

Although the plan to pretend to be a magic repair is feasible, it has too many shortcomings.

In addition to identity, they also need to know a reliable route. After all, the situation on Red Yan star is really too complicated. They just arrived, they encountered the magic repair of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, and they were powerful.

God knows how many such teams are left.

If he rushes to Tianyu City like this, he will suffer endlessly.

And to gather information, naturally you have to go to places where there are many magic repairs.

On the side, Li Xueya spread out the map he got from the storage ring of Venerable Gopher. After finding the location of everyone again, the next moment, his eyes locked on one of them.

The point that was altered on the map was black, and it was inconsistent with the color of the entire map. It was added by Venerable Gopher and others.

"Poyue City."

Xiao Lang also leaned forward, carefully distinguishing its original name, with a firm expression on his face.

"This is it!"

Xiao Lang once again made a final decision. Everyone understood the importance of going to Poyue City this time. Naturally, no one had any other opinions. The next moment, everyone had already set out to go.


After two full hours, Xiao Lang and his group finally came to Poyue City. They were speechless all the way, but Huang once again demonstrated his magical ability to help Xiao Lang and others conceal the fluctuations in the simulated aura, and the Gopher Zun they had encountered before. The others are similar, full of demonic energy.

Huang condensed a few peculiar beads and handed them to Xiao Lang and the others to carry with them. In this way, even if everyone left his side, such a cover would still be effective.

Everyone was amazed by the peculiar abilities of Huang, and then they tried new things on the way to Poyue City, and they were speechless all the way, not because they never encountered other magic repair teams, but did not encounter the insatiable evil of Venerable Gopher. It's nothing more.

On the contrary, they encountered so many magic repair teams!

The closer you are to Poyue City, the more obvious it is.

Obviously, Poyue City has become a stronghold of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, it is the Demon Cave!

But even if Xiao Lang and others were prepared for this, when they really stood at the foot of Poyue City, they still couldn't help being surprised.

Bo Yue City is huge!

It is not a small city imagined by Xiao Lang and others. On the contrary, it is enough to rank in the top five of the big cities that Xiao Lang has ever seen, if only by area.

Bo Yue City must have a high status, but even it has fallen!

Xiao Lang and the others looked at each other, seeing the solemnity in each other's eyes, but there was no communication, for fear of being heard by others, passing through the unguarded city gate, they couldn't help but be surprised.

Full of magic repairs!

This was not unexpected to Xiao Lang, because when they stood outside Poyue City, they could clearly see that the entire sky above Poyue City was pressed by the dark clouds, and the devilish energy was horizontal and horizontal. The words absolutely cannot cause such a big impact and fluctuation on the world.

Facts have proved that the number of magic repairs gathered here has reached an alarming level!

But what surprised Xiao Lang and others the most was--

There are also ordinary righteous warriors here!


Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect occupied this city, and did not kill all the righteous people, and left a lot. Xiao Lang clearly saw that there were many shops open on both sides of the street, most of them were restaurants and teahouses. The righteous monks who only had true gods or world martial arts cultivation base bowed to their knees, welcoming the presence of many demon cultivators, with a flattering face Smile.

Those demons were arrogant, shouting at their throats, and countless words of abuse and abuse popped out of their mouths, but the shopkeepers could only accompany each other with a smile, hard work and resentment, and dedicated their responsibilities. Xiao Lang saw it in his eyes and was annoyed in his heart.


These people are selling friends for glory, so they survived a life?

Even Xiao Lang noticed that there were even more people on the street with weak demon energy, and it seemed that it hadn't been long since they set foot on the demon way and became one with many demon cultivation.

Obviously, they are the real traitors!

"Damn it!"

Xiao Lang couldn't help it, clenched his fists and creaked, which immediately attracted Li Xueya's attention. When he looked back, he saw that Xiao Lang, Li Qingshan, Zhao Feng, and others were all like this, with a face of injustice and anger, and he immediately reminded:

"Don't be impulsive, remember the purpose of our coming here, don't lose big because of small things."

"This is a troubled time. Don't judge them from the perspective of normal people. Perhaps they are just to survive. As long as people live, they are more valuable than death."

Li Xueya's words were like a basin of cold water, poured over everyone's heads, and the eyes of Xiao Lang and others immediately regained clarity, but the disdain and anger still existed.

Different road non-phase plan.

They would rather die than do such a thing anyway.

Li Xueya saw the stubbornness in the eyes of Xiao Lang and others, and sighed inwardly, but didn't say much, and found an inn that was still open.

Bo Yue City is here, who is going to check the news?

He Tong hesitated for a moment, and stood up decisively:

"I go!"

"I am better at dealing with people, and once I die, the master will know immediately, and you can also evacuate! I come!"

It was indeed Xiao Lang's accident that Mi Tong suddenly stood up, but I had to admit that Mi Tong was indeed the most suitable one. Xiao Lang pondered slightly;

"Don't worry, you won't die."

"Huang, trouble you to follow him. If there is an accident, take him out of Poyue City, and then find a way to pick us back. We must get information before we can leave."

Huang Wenyan nodded and stood beside Wei Tong. Wei Tong gave Xiao Lang a grateful look and turned and left.

Next, just wait.

The danger of acting together is so great that only a child can go out alone.

Speechless for a while, everyone sat cross-legged, waiting. Finally, after half a day, even Xiao Lang was worried. When he couldn't help but want to contact Xiao Tong through the soul blood contract, the latter finally returned.

"I am back."

The voice of Wei Tong's soul sounded outside the door, and Li Xueya immediately stepped forward to open the door, and Wei Tong and Huang stepped in. Xiao Lang and others immediately surrounded him, his eyes full of expectation:

"What did you hear?"

The child showed a smile:

"very smooth."

Immediately afterwards, Xi Tong told Xiao Lang and the others about the news that he had inquired about today. After a quarter of an hour, everyone's expression was slightly solemn.

"Poyue City turned out to be one of the top ten cities in Tianyu City?!"

"The ten major cities of Tianyu City, including Boyue City, have already fallen to three, and the other cities are still struggling to resist?!"

When Xiao Lang and the others met the team of Venerable Gopher in the wilderness, they had a foreboding that the situation on Scarlet Yan might not be optimistic, but they did not expect that it had been so bad!

The top ten cities!

It can definitely be called the ten strongest defensive cities of the Red Yan Star, but they have already fallen into three. According to this rhythm, how long can Tianyu City last?

There are also those small and medium-sized cities.

The ten major cities have been subverted, can they continue to exist?

Xiao Lang and the others realized once again that the situation on Scarlet Yan was severe, and everyone looked solemn. Especially when they heard the words from Xiaotong that some human races had indeed betrayed and joined the Demon Dao camp, making their faces even more ugly.

Troubled times!

There is always an unsteady mind!

"But some people continue to insist."

Seeing that Xiao Lang and the others looked ugly, he quickly said: "And there are still quite a few people, and there are not many cities. During the day, I ventured to the center of Pau Yue City. It used to be a battlefield, but now it has become a magic repair It’s a place for discussion. Similar to the mission hall of the Tianfu Palace, it seems that someone is giving tasks to attack those cities and rewards."

With that said, Xiao Tong glanced at Xiao Lang, hesitated, and said:

"Tianyu City is among them."

Tianyu City is among them?

Xiao Lang's pupils shrank slightly when he heard that, but he was not angry. Instead, his pupils lit up and asked:

"Once you receive the task, you can go directly to Tianyu City?"

The child nodded immediately:


"The team that receives such a task seems to have privileges, and can even receive a flying boat to rush!"

Flying boat?

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and so did Li Xueya and others.

Great opportunity!

If they can mix in it, wouldn't they be able to rush to Tianyu City more smoothly?

But soon, Xiao Lang suppressed his excitement, looked at the child, and asked the most critical question:

"Is such a task easy to receive?"

"What are the requirements?"

"If we replace the identity of the Venerable Gophers team, can we receive it?"

Hearing the words, he immediately shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't work. Their screening is very strict. It seems that the tasks of the ten cities are very important. They need to be guaranteed by the same door, prove their identity, and make a blood oath. The whole process is quite troublesome. And secretly, I can only inquire about these. Many teams are not qualified to take on such tasks."

Xiao Lang's expression sank upon hearing this.

Are ordinary teams eligible for connection?

Isn't this bullshit!

For a while, Xiao Lang was a little angry, but he couldn't catch the opportunity before his eyes, which was really uncomfortable. Seeing this, Xi Tong was enraged. Knowing why Xiao Lang was angry, he suddenly gritted his teeth and said:

"But I also found out one thing. After some teams were rejected, I said that if they were the team of the ancient magic tower, they would definitely not be rejected. If we can replace them, it should be possible."

Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

Ancient magic tower?

What kind of power is that, so much face?


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