Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 440: Tianyu Blood Challenge

The crazy demon is chasing.

Or it is blocking.

Because his location happened to be the center of Poyue City and Tianyu City, he didn't need to chase after him, he only needed to intercept it.

Inside Linglong Feizhou, Xiao Lang and others could not tell the prophet, naturally they didn't know that they had been targeted.

The road is easy and smooth.

Although Linglong Feizhou only turned into the most ordinary flying boat, because Su Han carved a mark like a wolf's head outside the flying boat, all the magic repairs encountered on the road unexpectedly dared to approach it, and they evaded as soon as they saw it.

In Linglong Feizhou, Su Han is showing off with joy:

"Brother Wild Wolf, is my Su family's mark okay?"

"Even in the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, the strength of my Su family can rank in the top three!"

Su Han looked at Xiao Lang expectantly, hoping to be praised, but Xiao Lang just glanced at him profoundly and said:


"You mean, if my ancient magic tower is born, it's better to find your Su family to cooperate?"

The smile on Su Han's face froze. He didn't expect Xiao Lang to express his thoughts so directly, but on this day, he had already adapted to Xiao Lang's directness a bit, and took a look at Uncle She beside him. Seeing the encouraging eyes from the opponent, he bit his head and said:

"Of course I hope so, after all, my Su family is still very strong."

With that said, Su Han began to interpret the power distribution of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect to Xiao Lang. Of course, between the lines were the power of their Su family, and in the process, Xiao Lang just listened with a smile on his face and did not respond at all. .

Until Su Han said that his mouth became a little dry, the smile on Xiao Lang's face made him hairy and anxious. I don't know what the latter would say.


"Well, I understand."

"But I can't do this. If there is a chance, I will help you speak."

"Now, let's look at the mission."

Su Han's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this. Although he could hear the perfunctory traces of Xiao Lang's words, it was also a promise, wasn't it?

In Su Han’s view, Xiao Lang, the young master of the ancient magic tower, would definitely not eat his words and get fat. Even if he didn’t really do this with his heart, he would definitely say something in the ears of the ancient magic tower owner. sentence.

This is enough for him!

"Well, look at the task, look at the task!"

Su Han followed Xiao Lang's words and said that even if he was not interested in the tasks received by Xiao Lang and the others, the purpose of his trip was to have a good relationship with Xiao Lang and others.

Of course, this task is not at all important to Xiao Lang and others.

The purpose of their trip was to go to Tianyu City. Now the purpose has been reached halfway. The performance of Linglong Flying Boat has not been maximized. But even so, the distance of hundreds of thousands of miles can be reached in ten days. Three days have passed now.

However, you have to find something to do, something that is consistent with your current identity.

Here, Li Xueya took out the task book he got in Poyue City from the storage ring and handed it directly to Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

"Blood fight, ten consecutive victories?"

The task book was very simple. Only the six words Xiao Lang saw were naturally puzzled. Over there, Su Han heard the words and immediately realized that he had another chance to perform, so he hurriedly got up:

"It's Tianyu blood test!"

"Brother Wild Wolf may have known for a long time that Tianyu City is the largest city on the Red Yan Star, with the most amazing defense force. It is the center of power of the Tianfu Palace on the Red Yan Star. It is still invincible and impossible to break."

"Even, they set up one hundred and eight arenas outside Tianyu City to challenge my Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, which is really hateful!"

hold fast?


Xiao Lang understood the words, his pupils lit up.

To the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, Tianyu City was a hot potato, but this was great news for Xiao Lang.

Tianyu City's defenses are amazing, which means that Ning Fuer, Xiaodao, and Dulong must be fine!

Xiao Lang felt a little relieved. Aside, Su Han had been observing the changes in Xiao Lang's expression. Seeing his eyes lit up, he immediately misunderstood, and continued:

"Brother Wild Wolf is looking forward to it?"

"Don't worry, it is not easy for others to win ten consecutive victories in the Tianyu blood test, but it is certainly not a problem for Brother Wild Wolf! Let me congratulate Brother Wild Wolf on the victory and win ten consecutive victories. Also increase the prestige of our magic way!"

"Ha ha."

Xiao Lang smiled upon hearing the words, and did not continue on this topic.

As for the Tianyu blood test, he certainly couldn't go up.

Just kidding.

If he had gone to the Heavenly Fame blood test, wouldn't the flood rush into the Dragon King Temple and his family beat his family?

However, Xiao Lang still drew a lot of topics from the Tianyu blood test, asking Su Han and inquiring about Tianyu City. For Xiao Lang's questions, Su Han, who was obsessed with all his heart, was sure to answer all questions, no matter the details, and dedicated his responsibilities.

Only then did Xiao Lang discover that the situation of Red Yan Star was not as serious as he and the others had previously imagined.

The reason why the three giant cities including Poyue City will be broken is because they are really unlucky. The army of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect was divided into four parts to invade the Red Yan Star, and these three giant cities were directly set on fire.

Now, not only are the other seven cities well-guarded, but some big cities are still insisting.

Overall, the good news continues.

Xiao Lang also knew the reason for this situation from Su Han's mouth--

The Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect is not rushing out of the nest, it is the idea of ​​training soldiers, and it slowly wears away. This turmoil will last at least three years!

"Fortunately, there is still time."

Xiao Lang seemed calm, but he was comforted a lot in his heart.

Most of the next two days were spent in this way. Su Han had almost become Xiao Lang's licking dog, surrounded by him every day. Although Xiao Lang was upset, he was helpless. And he noticed that Su Han seemed to have something to say, but he never said anything, as if he had concerns.

The fifth day.

The journey is nearly halfway.

Su Han suddenly came up again:

"Brother Wild Wolf, let's go around for a while. Ahead is Kuishi City. There is my opponent Liu Zi. I'm afraid he will ruin Brother Wild Wolf. It's better to avoid it temporarily."

Liu Zi?

The second superintendent of the Celestial Devil Realm?

Xiao Lang hesitated for a moment, then slowly nodded, and Li Xueya immediately followed suit. When Xiao Lang turned his head, he found that Su Han hadn't left yet, with a hesitating expression on his face, as if he had something to say.

"Speak straight."

"You also know my temperament, and don't like to make rounds."

Xiao Lang knew that Su Han wanted a step, so he gave it directly. Sure enough, Su Han gritted his teeth with a firm expression on his face, expressing his purpose.

"Transportation Array?"

Xiao Lang was moved, looking at Su Han, a flash of cold light suddenly flashed through his eyes.

He finally knew the real purpose of Su Han following him to Tianyu City this time. He actually wanted to hide his aura, enter Tianyu City, and then set up a teleportation formation in the city that could allow the army to pass.

Su Han is going to shine his sword on Tianyu City!

"Good strategy!"

Xiao Lang was surprised at Su Han's ambition in his heart, but his face remained calm, as if he was weighing the pros and cons of doing so. At least, it seemed to Su Han to think so, and immediately said:

"Brother Wild Wolf, don’t worry. If this happens, the younger brother will definitely not dare to take credit. Most of the deeds are definitely yours. As for the younger brother, the younger brother eats meat, and the younger brother can drink some soup Up."

Su Han smiled flatly, anxiously.

Because he knew that he definitely couldn't do this by himself, because he couldn't change his breath. To complete it, he needed the assistance of Xiao Lang and others, so his posture was naturally very low.

As for the distribution of credit, it is sincere.

Is the credit of a Tianyu City important?

Of course it is important.

After all, it is the first giant city of the Red Yan Star, the core, and it can be said that it is the belief and pillar of the entire Red Yan Star! Once Tianyu City is taken down, the battle power of the other cities of Red Yan Star will definitely be greatly weakened. At that time, he Su Han will be the first hero in this battle!

This achievement is quite dazzling.

But if it has something to do with the public announcement of him and the ancient magic tower, it is far so important.

Lost sesame seeds, picked up watermelon!

This is Su Han's purpose!

But what Su Han didn't know was that Xiao Lang could never agree to such a thing. What was the difference between doing this and digging his own grave?


"it is good."

"When I finish Tianyu's ten-game winning streak, let's discuss this matter again."

Xiao Lang still directly agreed.

Because his current identity is here, if he refuses directly, it would be too abrupt, and it would even arouse the suspicion of Uncle She and Su Han!

It doesn't matter if you promise, you won't do it anyway.

Su Han was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately overjoyed. In fact, in his opinion, the task that Xiao Lang received was nothing at all. Compared with the victory of Tianyu City, it was a fart?

However, he didn't dare to disobey Xiao Lang's ideas, he didn't even dare to make suggestions, he nodded, and then he wanted to talk about his detailed plan.

Xiao Lang didn't stop him. He didn't seem interested, but he was absent-minded. His heart had already flown to Tianyu City, which was half the distance away.

Maybe it was because the road was so easy, no one noticed it, thousands of miles away in front of them, in the jungle of a small mountain, dozens of people were hiding and they had already been eyeing them!


The leader is a middle-aged man in a blue robe. His figure is thin and seemingly ordinary, and he will definitely not attract attention when thrown into the crowd.

In fact, his inability to attract attention is not because of his looks, but his temperament.

It seems as if it is integrated into this world, others can't perceive it.

He is waiting.

Although man stands motionless in the jungle, his eyes span thousands of miles and land on a flying boat. It looks like an ordinary flying boat, but it is no longer so because of the wolf head depicted on its surface. ordinary.

The middle-aged man’s eyes flashed brightly and his murderous intent was surging. The same is true for the dozens of people standing behind him. Everyone has the martial arts cultivation skills of the Venerable Era Realm, but the good and the bad are uneven, and the clothes are damaged and his appearance is embarrassed. I don’t know how many battles have been fought here.

For the enemy, this is a sneak attack.

But for themselves, this is--



The Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect is beheading and killing the Tianfu Temple warriors on the Red Yan Star. Similarly, on the Red Yan Star, there are righteous teams walking in the wilderness, taking it as their responsibility to kill more demons.

Finally, seeing Feizhou getting closer, a light flashed across the middle-aged man’s eyes:

"Prepare, follow the plan!"

"This is a big fish, it cheers me up!"

"Yes, Uncle Master!"

There was a burst of low roars behind him, with endless murderous intent. Finally a trace of satisfaction appeared on the middle-aged man’s face, but more of it was decisive. Seeing that the flying boat was within a hundred miles, he suddenly bowed his knees, nothing No sign did not cause the slightest shock of the power of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and the whole person was uplifted. When he was at the highest point, a whisk that also radiated blue light suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, mercilessly. Hit it!


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