Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 449: Material is hard to find

When Chen Shou said that Ning Fu'er would also go, Xiao Lang's first thought was not someone else but Qiu Tian.

It's nothing more than Qiu Tian is the identity of Nymph's suitor.

But after another thought, it was not quite right.

"If it is about Qiu Tian, ​​Qiu Shijie will not let Senior Li and the others go with him."

"It looks like it's about the Primitive Teleportation Array."

"The materials have been gathered, or is there something wrong?"

Xiao Lang wondered in his heart that he had already spoken to Xiaodao and the others. After a while, everyone was there. When he heard that Qiu Shijie wanted to see them, he was immediately refreshed.

"Star Lord?"

"I've been here for so long, I haven't seen Master Star Master yet."

The knife is very excited.

Xiao Lang didn't expect Qiu Tian to follow.

Qiu Tianyi pouted:

"I don't want to see it."

Qiu Tian and Qiu Shijie have a bad relationship?

Everyone was surprised when they heard the words, but did not ask much. Chen Shou just smiled and rushed to the city lord's mansion.

It's still the hall.

The crowd entered one by one under the leadership of Chen Shou. At first glance, Xiao Lang saw Qiu Shijie frowning in the center of the hall. There was another person beside him.

A middle-aged beautiful woman, with a gentle and elegant appearance, but she didn't know what Qiu Shijie and the others were talking about. Their expressions were a little dignified, and the beautiful woman looked reluctant.

Xiao Lang didn't know this person.

But when Ning Fu'er, Xiaodao, and Dulong saw her, they were immediately shocked. They ignored Xiao Lang's introduction and hurried forward:

"The disciple visits Master."


Xiao Lang immediately knew the identity of this beautiful woman--

Liu Rong!

She is the trustee who Sun Wuji gave Ning Fuer!

When he woke up, Xiao Lang had already walked to Nymph's side and also bowed his hands in salute:

"Xiao Lang has seen senior, thank you senior for taking care of Fuer, Xiaodao and Dulong over the years, for causing you trouble."

Liu Rong looked at Xiao Lang earnestly, finally less worry on her face, and smiled:

"No trouble, they are still very obedient. I didn't expect that you could do this for Fu'er and came from outside the world of devil. It is her blessing that Fuer can meet you."


Ning Fu'er was shy when she heard the words, and wrapped Liu Rong's arm: "There are still so many people here."

Liu Rong laughed when she saw it, and touched Ning Fu'er's hair dozingly:

"Good good, the master will not say anything."

Here, Ning Fu'er and Liu Rong's teacher and apprentice are deeply affectionate. Xiao Lang looked at the warmth in his heart, and was suddenly pulled by Chen Shou by his side.

Xiao Lang immediately stepped forward, and without waiting for Qiu Shijie to speak, bluntly said:

"Senior, is there something wrong with the materials?"

Qiu Shijie's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he was surprised at the accuracy of Xiao Lang's guess. But since Xiao Lang has broken the words, of course he will not sell them anymore, and directly said:


"One of the most troublesome-golden source stone."

Golden source stone?

Xiao Lang frowned slightly when he heard this. He had seen the list of materials before, remembering every material on it, and of course also remembering the golden source stone.

It is the most in demand on the list of materials, and it needs a million cubic meters!

There are many types of materials required for ordinary magic circles, but the quantity does not need to be that many. The reason why so many golden source stones are needed is because it is the foundation of the entire primitive teleportation array!

In other words, it is essential!

"What's the difference?"

Xiao Lang was not at all polite and asked directly. Qiu Shijie knew what was most important now, and didn't care about Xiao Lang's attitude, and replied:

"Much difference."

"In our Tianyu City treasure house, there are only 300,000 square meters of gold source stones in total."

Missed by more than half?

Xiao Lang frowned instantly and looked at Qiu Shijie.

"Since the predecessors let us come, surely we have already figured out a solution?"

Qiu Shijie nodded and said:

"That's it."

"Although there is not enough gold source stone in my Tianyu City, as far as the old man knows, there is still a gold source stone vein on my Red Yan star, but because the demand for this ore is very small, it has never been mined. Yes, so the reserve is complete, at least one million cubic meters, which should be enough."

Is there such a vein on Red Yan?

Xiao Lang was overjoyed when he heard this.

This is certainly good news.


Xiao Lang urged next time, because only the source of gold was enough to build a primitive teleportation array. Naturally, the sooner the source of gold was collected, the better, but when he saw the sparkling light in Qiu Shijie's eyes, Xiao Lang suddenly realized something , Frowned slightly, hesitated:

"Senior wants me to go?"

Qiu Shijie was surprised when he heard the words and gave Xiao Lang a deep look. With just this glance, Xiao Lang knew that he had guessed it right!

If you just go outside Tianyu City to find the source of gold, Qiu Shijie will arrange it directly, without having to find himself. But since he let himself come today, it means that he is not just trying to tell him these things, but has other considerations.

When Xiao Lang thought it was true, he saw Qiu Shijie shook his head:

"Do not."

"Or not only the little friend, but also the little friend's friend, the most important thing is Nymph."


Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this, and subconsciously looked at Ning Fu'er, only to see that the latter was also surprised, even a little dazed, not knowing what Xiao Lang and Qiu Shijie were talking about.


It was too risky to let Nymph out of town.

Xiao Lang came from Poyue City. He knew what the outside of Tianyu City looked like now. Once their identity was revealed, they couldn't run if they wanted to!

Xiao Lang needs a reason.

Obviously, Qiu Shijie was already prepared and said:

"Because she is so talented."

Qiu Shijie said, looking at Liu Rong who was standing aside, and said:

"I said it may not be convincing, let Elder Liu Rong speak."

Xiao Lang looked at Liu Rong. Liu Rong's complexion was complex. He sighed deeply and said:

"Yes, Fuer is indeed talented. My Tianfu Palace has an assessment of perception. When Fuer was at the pinnacle of the world, his perception of gold things surpassed the ordinary age-level sages, and now he is promoted. After the Venerable Realm, her perception is stronger, even above me."

"If it is to explore mineral veins, Fu'er is indeed the most suitable. With her joining, it will definitely achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort. But..."

Liu Rong's face floated unbearably.

"It's too dangerous outside Tianyu City, in case..."

Xiao Lang's expression had already become heavy when he heard this.

Nymph has such a specialty?

This is indeed something he didn't expect.

But since even Elder Liu Rong said so, it shows that Ning Fu'er does have such a talent. Liu Rong's concern for Ning Fu'er was beyond words, and Xiao Lang could still recognize the authenticity.


Xiao Lang took a deep breath, looked at Qiu Shijie, and said:

"Junior understands."

"Senior knows Fu'er's talent, but also knows that the younger generation can't let her take the risk alone, so that's why I found me and hope we will go together, right?"

Qiu Shijie and Xiao Lang looked at each other, without a trace of evasion in their eyes, nodded and said:


"But beyond that, there is a more important reason."

Xiao Lang was so angry at Qiu Shijie's frankness that he suddenly became suspicious when he heard the latter say this:

"what reason?"

Qiu Shijie's eyes flickered, and said frankly:

"This matter is too important. Even with regard to the lives of all the people who are on Red Yan with my Tianfu Temple, I dare not take the risk and leave this task to others."

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly when he heard the words.

I am trustworthy, so I have to bear it?

Xiao Lang took a deep look at Qiu Shijie, and saw that the latter was still looking at him frankly. These all proved that this was Qiu Shijie's "conspiracy", which was open and honest, and there was no trace of conspiracy and tricks.

Is Xiao Lang willing to go?

Of course not.

Even if he has absolute confidence in Huang's strength, he has no worries about future troubles. Even if Xiao Lang had a lot of methods, he could even conceal his identity and breath, but Xiao Lang was still unwilling.

Because no matter how small the risk is, there are risks.

In case something goes wrong——

For high probability, this is just in case, but if it acts on the individual, this statement has no meaning at all, it is ten thousand!

But what Xiao Lang knew better was that he and others were indeed the most suitable candidates to accomplish this.

Should you take a risk?

Xiao Lang couldn't help sinking into thoughts.

But at this moment--

"Brother Xiao."

Ning Fu'er's crisp voice suddenly rang in his ears, Xiao Lang's spirits shook, and when he subconsciously looked, he saw that the girl's expression was firm, and she seemed to have made a certain determination. When he saw Nymph's eyes, Xiao Lang immediately knew— —

What a bad thing!

as expected.

"I think we should go."

From the dialogue between Qiu Shijie and Xiao Lang, Ning Fuer finally got a general idea and understood what Qiu Shijie needs to do by herself.

She chose to agree!


Elder Liu Rong looked at Ning Fu'er in surprise, unbearable.

"It's too dangerous, in case something accident happens..."

But before Elder Liu Rong finished speaking, Ning Fu'er smiled and said:

"Master, how can Scarlet Star be not dangerous now? I know that outside Tianyu City is much more dangerous than inside, but..."

Ning Fu'er said, turning her head to look at Xiao Lang, the trustful glow in her eyes flickered:

"I believe Brother Xiao will definitely not let any accident happen."

Xiao Lang's spirits stunned when he heard the words, and finally he breathed a long sigh of relief, and smiled at Ning Fu'er, and the two of them clasped their ten fingers together. Then, Xiao Lang turned his head to look at Qiu Shijie, who was full of expectations, and said:

"Well, we did this."

Xiao Lang agreed!

Qiu Shijie's eyes lit up and he was quite excited. He never expected Xiao Lang to agree so easily. Of course he could see that Xiao Lang agreed mostly because of Nymph.

"it is good!"

"Sure enough, I didn't read the wrong person! Good nephew, this kind old man has written down!"

As he said, Qiu Shijie flipped through his hands and handed him a rolled up picture scroll, as well as a few bottles and cans.

"This is the map of Chiyan Star. The gold source stone is located in the mining area, Gold Mountain. I have already marked the location for you. As for these medicines, there are life-returning pills and spirit-explosive pills. I think you know their effects. I won’t go into details."

"I wish my nephew every success and come back soon."

Qiu Shijie was straightforward, and Xiao Lang was equally refreshing, and took the spirit pill in the hands of the former.

This is what he deserves.


There is no excessive greetings.

Everyone knows that time is pressing.

As a result, in the dead of night that night, no one noticed, a Modao flying boat with the imprint of a wolf head on its exterior quietly sailed out of Tianyu City and disappeared into the misty night.


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