Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 459: Team of 100

Xiao Lang looked at Qiu Shijie.

Qiu Shijie stood in front of the crowd with a serious face, his expression dignified and silent.

Noting Xiao Lang's gaze, he turned his head to look, nodded lightly, but said nothing, then looked away.

Xiao Lang frowned slightly.

It seems that Qiu Shijie asked Chen Shou to call himself, indeed, because of the upcoming event of Demon Lake Holy Land.

And his two sons.

Qiu Tian and Qiu Zhan.

It seems that he already knew about the Demon Lake Holy Land.

"What is Qiu Shijie doing?"

Xiao Lang puzzled.

But he didn't choose to follow up immediately. It was just like everyone else, waiting in silence.


The hall was silent.

It even seemed a bit dull.

As more and more people came, it became even more so.

For Xiao Lang, he didn't know most of them, or even saw them.

The only people I saw were Qiu Shijie himself, Qiu Tian, ​​Qiu Zhan, and Chen Shou. And the relationship is average.

As for Qiu Zhan, it was the first time I met up close, and he hadn't said a word yet.

Out of place.

Xiao Lang did feel a little like this, so he had to stand aside, watching the increasing number of people in the hall, and counting in idle time.

"One hundred and one!"

Seeing another person walking into the hall, Xiao Lang was counting silently in his heart, suddenly--


The temple door was closed.

The roar awakened everyone in the hall.

Including Xiao Lang, couldn't help but look at Qiu Shijie. Because in this hall, only Qiu Shijie himself can control the door.

With all eyes in full view, Qiu Shijie finally raised his head with a solemn expression.

"Everyone is here."

"I know you are all curious about why I want to call you here, so I won't sell it."

"It's a task."

"A mission of a lifetime of nine deaths, even you, a hundred people, will not survive!"

Ten dead without life?

When everyone heard the words, their eyes trembled suddenly.

Xiao Lang did not expect Qiu Shijie to set such a tone from the beginning.

Is it ten deaths but no life to enter the Demon Lake Holy Land?

Xiao Lang knew the inside story in his heart, did not speak, and remained silent. At this moment, Xiao Lang could also recognize from the expressions on everyone's faces, who had already known the news of Demon Lake Holy Land in advance.

the answer is--

No one!


Apart from him, none of the hundreds of people around knew about this.

Because at this moment, Xiao Lang also saw shock and touch on the faces of Chen Shou, Qiu Tian, ​​and Qiu Zhan.

Therefore, Xiao Lang's heart trembled suddenly again, and he took a deep look at Qiu Shijie.

Qiu Shijie is pushing his two sons into the fire pit!

How willing is he?

Just as Xiao Lang's heart was shaking, someone finally stepped forward.

Is a top-notch.

Although he did not use the power of the Great Dao, Xiao Lang could still feel the strong pressure from him. That originated from the condensed will of heaven and earth recognized by heaven and earth after condensing the complete avenue!

"Star Lord, this task is related to the demon cub of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect?"

This person has a dignified face, without anger or prestige.

Hearing this, Qiu Shijie nodded.


Hearing Qiu Shijie’s answer, the man’s eyes lit up suddenly, and he seemed to have made a decision immediately:

"Count me in!"

"No matter what the task is, I Lin You took it!"

The big man speaks openly.

Everyone around was shocked, took a deep look at Lin You, and said nothing.

They all knew why Lin You didn't even ask what the task was, so he took it directly.

There is no other reason.

It's just a sea of ​​blood!

When the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect suddenly descended a few days ago, Lin You's relatives were very unlucky, and they were directly found by the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect's army, and they were all killed.

Between him and the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, there is an endless feud!

Naturally, there will be no hesitation.

There are many people like Lin You.

Perhaps it was because Qiu Shijie chose this way on purpose.

Before Lin You's words were over, a small half of the hundred people immediately stood up, with a firm expression and a wave of killing intent.

"And us!"

Qiu Shijie glanced at them, nodded slightly, and then looked at others.

Many people have made a choice based on this:

"Master Star Lord, more than three hundred years ago, you made the move and saved my life. Since Tianyu City needs me Hou Bao now, of course I will not sit idly by and count me!"

"No matter what the task, I will take it!"

After Hou Bao finished speaking, he turned to look at the other people in the hall who had not yet made a decision. His voice was loud and loudly shouting:

"What are you waiting for!"

"Since Master Star Master wants you to come, why do you hesitate when you are needed?"

As soon as Hou Bao said this, the other people who had not made a choice immediately trembled, and without any hesitation, they nodded sharply at Qiu Shijie.

"Star Lord, what the task is, just say it!"

"As long as we can do it, we will die without regrets!"

For a time, the war intent in the entire hall was steaming, like a monstrous flood, surging violently.

Looking at everyone, Qiu Shijie couldn't help but his eyes flashed slightly.

"it is good!"

"The old man really didn't read you wrong."

"But to be on the safe side, before I tell you about this task, you still need to make a blood oath, leaving behind the soul blood and soul lamp."

Make a blood oath.

Soul blood and soul lamp?

Everyone was surprised when they heard the words, their faces changed transiently.

They knew that once they left the soul lamp and soul blood, it was equivalent to their lives in the hands of Qiu Shijie alone.

Of course, this is not what surprised them.

Speak the truth.

They had given this life to Qiu Shijie a long time ago, otherwise they would not directly choose to join this mission.

To their surprise, Qiu Shijie's caution!

What kind of task could make Qiu Shijie so solemn?

Everyone looked serious and walked towards Qiu Shijie.

Sacrifice the soul blood and make a blood oath.

Xiao Lang is no exception.

It was just that when he took the blood oath and gave the condensed soul blood to Qiu Shijiezhi, Qiu Shijie took it in his hand, which seemed normal, but the moment Xiao Lang turned and walked back——


Qiu Shijie slapped it silently, and Xiao Lang's condensed soul blood returned to his body.

Xiao Lang looked at Qiu Shijie in surprise, only to see the latter's expression as usual. He did not look at himself, but a slight voice rang in his ears:

"Nephew, you don't need it anymore."

"If you let Brother Sun know that I did something like this to you after going out, he will definitely not spare me."

Xiao Lang's heart moved when he heard the words, but he didn't respond and accepted all this.

Also good.

Handing the soul blood to others, Xiao Lang himself was really a little worried.

A short while.

Everyone walked around where Qiu Shijie stood. When the last person returned to the crowd, Qiu Shijie had a hundred drops of soul blood in his hands.

Of course, the one belonging to Xiao Lang was condensed and pretended by Qiu Shijie.

Seeing Qiu Shijie sending these soul blood into the storage ring, everyone's eyes flickered, but no one spoke, just waiting.

at last.

"It's about Demon Lake Holy Land."

Qiu Shijie started straight to the point and finally revealed the reason why so many people had gathered here. I

These four words come out.

Some people in the hall looked puzzled, and others changed drastically in an instant.

Obviously, it was because some people knew the existence of Demon Lake Holy Land, and some didn't.

"what is that?"

Someone immediately asked questions, without waiting for others to answer, Qiu Shijie said:

"Let me do it."

"You may have someone who doesn't know what Demon Lake Sacred Land is, let me explain."


The hall was quiet, only Qiu Shijie's voice rang. Most of them are the same as what he and Xiao Lang said a few days ago, but they are more detailed.

"...In short, the core of the Demon Lake Holy Land must be the origin of our Red Yan Star."

"Your mission on this trip is it!"

Qiu Shijie's expression became more solemn, and he said solemnly:

"It's important."

"Not only the power contained in it, but also a very important characteristic—"

"Once the origin of the stars is refined, he will immediately become the ruler of this planet. Aside from the power blessings, the most important thing is that he can clearly know what is happening on this star."

"You should understand, if it really falls into the hands of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, what will happen?"

Insight into the stars?

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, even Xiao Lang.

This is what Qiu Shijie didn't tell him before!

Unexpectedly, the origin of refining stars would have such an effect.

It's really scary!

If it is really obtained by the demon cub of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, it means that no matter what they do next, it will be under the insight of the Thousand Beast Demon Sect.

Fight back.


All the weaknesses and loopholes in it will be laid out clearly before their eyes!

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle.

That is for the party who really got the origin of the stars!


Hearing this, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.



Lin You nodded, his face solemn.

As the top venerable, he is faintly the first of the people, and his eyes flicker.

"Brother Qiu, don't worry."

"This time we would rather die than bring back the origin of the stars!"


Qiu Shijie looked serious and solemn when he heard the words.

"not easy."

"This time, we got a hundred spots. But in the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, there are a full nine hundred spots."

One to nine?

Xiao Lang couldn't help his eyes trembling when he heard this.

This ratio is really terrible!

Lin You couldn't help but feel shocked. While being frightened by this ratio, he realized once again the danger of this mission.

No wonder Qiu Shijie said that this task is a lifeless task.

There is a huge gap in combat power and number!

Such a ratio can completely form a one-sided situation!

Seeing that everyone fell silent for a moment, Qiu Shijie said immediately:

"But I also won the opportunity."

"This time, the entrance to the Demon Lake Holy Land is in Broken Soul Valley. There are two entrances, one for each of us."

Two entrances.

Enter separately?

When Lin You heard this, his face finally improved a lot, and he nodded slightly to show that he knew, but the pressure in his heart was still great.

After all, the disparity in quantity lies here.

Although they entered separately, once encountered in the Demon Lake Holy Land, a one-sided situation is still unavoidable.


This trip is indeed extremely dangerous!


Lin You frowned and looked around, passing by Xiao Lang and others, but did not stay on Xiao Lang for too long, mainly looking at Qiu Tian and Qiu Zhan.

"The two sons..."

"Why take risks with us?"

"They're just Era Realm Xiaomeng and Era Realm Late..."

Lin You looked at Qiu Shijie incomprehensibly, and didn't quite understand why Qiu Shijie wasted such a precious quota on Qiu Tian, ​​Qiu Zhan and other middle and late stages of the Era Realm and Xiao Perfection since it was such an important task.

According to his understanding, of course, all of these 100 people are top venerables, and they are the most secure, and they are more likely to succeed.

Qiu Shijie shook his head upon hearing this:

"It's not that the stronger the better."

"The Demon Lake Holy Land is weird."

"Over the years, my Tianfu Palace has also refined the origin of stars several times during the robbing of the Demon Lake Holy Land. According to the experience recorded in it, some of the dangers in it have nothing to do with martial arts cultivation. There are even some that must be relied on. The power of the middle and late eras can survive."

Is there such a thing?

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, even Xiao Lang was like this.

Is this just Qiu Shijie's excuse, or is it true?

And until then, everyone including Xiao Lang suddenly realized that they still knew nothing about the details and truth of the Demon Lake Holy Land.

What is the danger in the Demon Lake Holy Land?


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