Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 462: The third floor of the crypt


The void vibrated, and the dull voice was thunderous.

Under the gaze of everyone's surprise, the void cracked and traces spread away. The power of heaven and earth condensed crazily, turning into five vortexes, spreading towards the depths of Broken Soul Valley.

"There is a big formation here!"

"Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect has been carved long ago!"

"The dagger in his hand is probably just an introduction!"

In the sudden change, not only Xiao Lang discovered this, but Chen Shou and others also discovered it, and a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

They wanted to find out what happened to the opening of Demon Lake Holy Land.


In this case, they can use the same method to draw the power from the origin of the stars and make the strong in batches.

Unfortunately, they failed.

Can't learn.

Wan Beast Demon Sect is very cautious.

It can be said that this is one of the greatest secrets of the Celestial Demon Realm, and naturally he refuses to disclose it.

Not to mention them, even Liu Zi and others probably didn't know how all this was done, they were surprised and amazed.

However, Chen Shou and others quickly returned to normal.

Although the secret of the opening of the Demon Lake Holy Land was not revealed, the result was already in their expectations.

They just give it a try.

They knew that the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect was not a fool, and it was certainly impossible to easily expose their biggest secret.

Because it is so important.

Knowing this secret, one person can even create the martial arts magic pond holy land in batches for their own practice, and their lives will be charred.

In this case, it is normal to be unable to understand the process.

The vision continues.


The world is swaying, and the momentum is amazing.

Without the influence of the marks on the peculiar dagger in Uncle She's hand, even though this kind of aura is huge, it is still within the tolerance of the top veterans of each other.

In Tianyu City, it was naturally Chen Shou and the others who joined forces to help Xiao Lang and others resist this kind of power.

Uncle She also returned to Su Han after the dagger disappeared, protecting him wholeheartedly.



The endless power of heaven and earth roared, reaching the depth of Broken Soul Valley. Suddenly, the vision came out again--


A mighty and mysterious power suddenly erupted from the depths of Broken Soul Valley, and even directly broke through the barrier composed of many top veterans present, and it was no surprise that it enveloped everyone.

at the same time.

The five vortexes floating in the void of Broken Soul Valley suddenly shined brightly.

Su Han's eyes lit up instantly.

It is not the first time he has participated in Demon Lake Holy Land.

Even if he wasn't the one who got the most benefit before, but the magic pond holy land opened and experienced it once, naturally knowing what this scene means.


Su Han let out a decisive roar, and directly led the team behind him towards the vortex closest to them.

When everyone saw this scene, their pupils lit up.


The Demon Lake Holy Land has been completely opened!


Seeing Su Han's figure immersed in the whirlpool, the other three Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect's teams couldn't help it, and quickly stepped forward.

At the people in Tianyu City, Chen Shou's eyes lit up.

The Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect's team has already moved, there is nothing to doubt.

"Let's go too!"

Chen Shou took the lead in sweeping towards the only remaining whirlpool shrouded in Broken Soul Valley.

After other teams entered the vortex, the vortex disappeared, so only one remained.

Everyone followed Chen Shou, feeling agitated and a lot of anxiety.

After all, this was the first time they went to the Demon Lake Holy Land, and they also shouldered such an important task.

Everyone is energetic, working hard to suppress the agitation of the mind, calm the breath and accumulate strength, and prepare for the battle according to the previous agreement.

Five vortexes.

But they may lead to the same place.

The devil boy of the Wan Beast Demon Sect is vicious and has to guard against!

Of course, be prepared to fight at any time.

Therefore, no one noticed that Xiao Lang, who was following at the end of the team, suddenly flashed a strange light in his eyes.

This ray of brilliance did not appear when everyone was about to step into the vortex, but when the vortex was completely condensed and lit up by the sudden power from the depths of Soulbreak Valley!

"This power..."

Xiao Lang felt the boiling and tumbling power around him, and his mind was shaking.

Not because of its power.

Even if it is indeed powerful enough to suffocate.

But because of its characteristics, and the faint sense of familiarity, it is like the feeling that oneself is fusing the power of the fire attribute avenue and the power of the lightning attribute avenue, which is surprisingly consistent!

This made Xiao Lang couldn't help but think boldly--

"This power must come from the origin of the star of Red Yan!"

"It was unexpectedly consistent with me when I merged with the power of different great powers. Could it be that..."

"The origin of the stars, the true meaning contained in it contains the elements of fusion?"

Xiao Lang conservatively estimated that he did not dare to guess too much, because he knew the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

It wasn't until the whirlpool reached his eyes that Xiao Lang finally stabilized his mind, abandoned his distracting thoughts, and, like everyone else, entered a state of preparation, ready to fight at any time.


At the moment everyone stepped in--


The vortex suddenly revolved.

Everyone only felt as if they were teleporting through a teleportation array, dizzy, but soon they were on the ground.

It hasn't waited for them to open their eyes.



The characteristics of the surrounding environment have already impressed everyone.

There is no killing intent!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and quickly opened their eyes.

Sure enough, they did not teleport to the same place with the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect team.

However, when seeing the surrounding environment clearly, not only the joy of not meeting the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect team disappeared, but even more solemn.

I saw that the surrounding gravel was full and the stone walls were smooth, pouring diagonally downward.

Mountain cave!

They were impressively inside a cave.

From a glance, the surroundings are well connected, very tortuous and complicated.

"No wonder it's so cold and humid!"

Everyone looked solemn.

Had to be solemn.

"The crypt!"

This is what Qiu Shijie told them before, a form of mimicry space in Demon Lake Holy Land, and it ranks in the top three in terms of complexity and severity!

Compared with the other modes of Demon Lake Holy Land, the mortality rate of the crypt is too high, and it is extremely difficult to find the origin of the stars.

At least from the records read by Qiu Shijie, the magical pond sacred land imitated the crypt, on the right side of the fire world, no one has ever succeeded once, and the speed of the destruction of the whole army ranks first of all modes!

The situation is cruel!

After all, this is the magic pond holy land.

If it is a terrain that is not complicated and profound, if they seize the opportunity, they can still fight a battle with the team of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect and have a good fight.

The gap between the two sides will certainly not be too great.

But the demon pond holy land opened now looks like a crypt, so the meaning is different.

The Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect's understanding of the Demon Lake Holy Land must be extremely deep, and various models of the Demon Lake Holy Land have been studied, and the crypt is no exception.

One is to do some research.

One is ignorant.

In such a complicated environment as the crypt, the gap is not even a little bit!

Everyone was silent.

But soon, Chen Shou realized his responsibilities, smiled bitterly and shook his head, but his eyes were still sharp:

"It seems that our luck is not so good."

"But in that case, I can only admit my fate."


"I came here this time and it was a gamble. I don't need to explain what I will do next."

Chen Shou looked at the corridors extending in all directions, a glimmer of light flashed under his eyes.


"Just find a corridor and rush down directly to take time!"

Chen Shou stepped on his feet, set an example, and took the lead in skimming toward the corridor leading to the depths of the earth. The descendants immediately followed, without hesitation, Xiao Lang was among them.

Chen Shou's command, nothing wrong!

"We must first confirm our current position to pay attention to the danger that may come at any time."

Someone suggested that Chen Shou immediately nodded his head while galloping.

They didn't know anything about the catacombs.

According to Qiu Shijie, the crypt is roughly divided into three levels.

The first level-the real world level.

Although the Demon Lake Holy Land is called an independent space, in fact, it still depends on the real world. The first real world layer is the one that stands out from the real world outside.

Star Origin will fight back.

If they are in the real world, the opponents they encounter are likely to be some living creatures living underground. They can survive in such a deep underground, and their physical bodies are tyrannical. Naturally, they need powerful warriors to prepare to resist.

Below the real world level is the spiritual world level.

At this level, no creatures can survive, nor can they be controlled by the origin of stars.

But here are all kinds of treasures of heaven, material and earth, and the power of the origin of the stars can be blessed among them, causing considerable trouble.

To deal with such opponents, it is natural to need the powerful warriors of the soul to pay attention to foresight and detection in advance.

the third floor.

This is where the origin of the stars is.

There, the origin of the stars can't borrow, but can only fight back with their own strength, which is the final battlefield!

At that time, everyone is required to go all out, without focus.

In other words, there is only one point-


"Attention everyone..."

Just as Chen Shouyu was about to make arrangements, suddenly--


Accompanied by a series of sharp roars, the tunnel barrier suddenly burst in front, and hundreds of black shadows the size of fists roared out, cutting through the air, and unexpectedly bursting out with a roar of gold and stone!

The enemy has appeared!

It's a creature!

Everyone has insight into the breath of life in these dark shadows, and at the same time, they can't help but feel disappointed.

The appearance of creatures proves that their current position is only the real world level, which is the thinnest position of the Demon Lake Holy Land.

Similarly, this also proves that they are likely to have made a natural disadvantage before competing for speed with other teams.

The team of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect is probably already teleported to the spiritual world!

Xiao Lang couldn't help but feel heavy.

However, Chen Shou and other top venerables are shouldering the fate of the entire team, and there will be no hesitation. At this moment, they have already taken a decisive action and launched the killing!


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