Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 465: Coincidentally

Spiritual world!

When Fang Jin said this, most of the people present couldn't help but nod their heads.

This is indeed a good way.

The spiritual world is different from the real world.

In the three levels of the crypt, apart from the real world level, which can be entered by the body, the spiritual world level and the core level will undergo tremendous changes in the body and enter in the way of divine souls.

This is their opportunity.

Even though the Bloodthirsty Starvine is powerful, a large part of the reason is that it is a magic plant with a powerful body!

However, its spiritual origin is really not strong.

I am afraid that as long as it is a small perfect era, it can be easily wiped out!

Entering the spiritual world, it is dead!


"I think this method is good."

"Then don't hesitate, hurry up!"

The crazy demon urged, and looked at Chen Shou with a dissatisfaction.

Five forces.

Among them, the four directions of the Ten Thousand Beasts Demon Sect can be called Yiyantang, one person makes the decision, and the others only have to listen.

Under this circumstance, the identities of Su Han and the others as superintendents were no longer useful, and it was the guardian standing by their side who made the decision for them.

Just like Uncle She next to Su Han.

The crazy demon around Liu Zi.

However, Chen Shou is not like this.

Even if he has such an identity and the strength to make everyone obey.

Chen Shou was still negotiating with many top venerables around him, but he glanced at the crazy demon and ignored him.

Until everyone around him put forward his own suggestions, Chen Shou thought about it, and finally made a choice.

Xiao Lang's heart suddenly lifted, especially when he saw Chen Shou's head lifted slightly, as if to nod immediately, he immediately lost his breath.

"Senior Chen Shou, I don't think this is right!"


Xiao Lang's voice suddenly sounded at this moment, not to mention harsh.

No one thought that under this circumstance, someone in the Tianfu Temple crowd would suddenly stand up and interrupt Chen Shou's words about to blurt out.

In the eyes of Crazy Demon and others, this is almost impossible to happen around him.

Because in Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, the order is strict.

Such a move is tantamount to looking for death!

There is no place to say injustice to death.

"what are you!"

The mad demon was immediately furious, and it was the long knife in Chen Shou's hand that could meet him.

"To shut up!"

"This is my own business in Tianfu Palace, what to do with you!"

"Go, go kill the Bloodthirsty Starvine by yourself!"

The crazy demon didn't expect Chen Shou's reaction to be so strong, his eyes widened, his personality burst, and he almost couldn't help but make a move, but in the end he trembled because of the words Bloodthirsty Star Vine and endured it.

The big picture?

Do not.

It's life and death first!

Crazy demon is not a person who cares about the overall situation and rules.

The only thing that can threaten him is the question of life and death.

When Chen Shou saw that the crazy demon stopped speaking, he looked at Xiao Lang, and a flash of splendor flashed through his eyes:

"Little friend Xiao Lang, do you have any different opinions?"

Chen Shou actually wanted to listen to Xiao Lang's opinion!

Su Han and others were surprised.

Although they have fought against Tianfu Palace on Chiyan Star for a long time, most of them are life and death battles. This is the first time they have seen the internal exchanges of Tianfu Palace.

Xiao Lang is just the peak of the mid-Era Realm!

Make a show?

Do not.

Su Han and others can still recognize it.

When Xiao Lang stepped forward, everyone in the Tianfu Palace looked ordinary, and they didn't seem surprised at all. As if this kind of thing is normal in Tianfu Palace.

Regardless of the level of martial arts cultivation, you can always make your own suggestions.


"Disturb Tatsuzuna!"

The crazy demon whispered and crooked beside him, disdainful of sarcasm.

No one paid attention to him at Tianfu Palace, and everyone's eyes were focused on Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang stood still in front of Chen Shou and said:

"In doing so, the casualties must be heavy."

"Not only that, but there is also a great danger of annihilation of the entire army, which is really irrational."

As soon as Xiao Lang said this, Chen Shou did not respond. He only heard the sneer of the crazy demon next to him:

"Hahaha, coward, greedy for life and fear of death!"

"Don't come for fear of death!"

Chen Shou was furious upon hearing this, his eyelids jumped.

He couldn't help it anymore.

However, someone is faster than him——

Xiao Lang suddenly turned his head and looked at the crazy demon, his eyes flashed with unabashed contempt and disdain.

"Rugged man!"

"Can you use your brain to do things!"

"Do you know what level of strength the Bloodthirsty Starvine has reached now? Do you know how soon it will absorb the flesh and blood, and how long will it produce the next mutation?"

"Do you know how big its body is? How long will it take you to rush out to reach the spiritual world?"

"One more thing, do you know where the spiritual world is?"

Xiao Lang's voice hurriedly sounded like firecrackers, or bombings, resounding through the ears of the crazy demon.

When the mad demon saw Xiao Lang looking at him in such a way, he was already furious.

But as Xiao Lang raised one question after another, the crazy demon's face changed suddenly, gloomy, red and green, changing one after another.

He couldn't answer any of these questions!

He was not the only one who changed.

There are Su Han, Uncle She, Liu Zi, Fang Jin and others.

Originally, they just wanted to get rid of the crisis as quickly as possible, using the simplest and most rude and fastest way, that is, to run wild and break out of the siege.

But when Xiao Lang raised these questions, they discovered that it is not easy to do it.

Many people will die!


Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect doesn't care, at least they don't care at all, as long as they are still alive, they will live to the end.

But the question is, once these people around them die, are eaten up by the bloodthirsty star vine, and evolve again to become more powerful, can they really survive?

No one is so sure.

This is no longer a question of self-confidence and conceit, but--

court death!

For a moment, the audience was silent, only Xiao Lang's voice echoed in the cave.

When Xiao Lang's voice was about to dissipate, the crazy demon seemed to have finally reacted, his face flushed, his eyes full of killing intent.

"Boy, you..."

But at this moment, he was interrupted mercilessly.

It's not Chen Shou this time.

But Uncle She.

"you shut up!"

Uncle She suddenly stood up, and even Xiao Lang was quite surprised. After seeing Uncle She reprimanded the crazy demon, regardless of the latter's face was extremely ugly, he turned to look at Xiao Lang with a smile on his face.

"Little brother, that's good."

"It's true that we owe it."

"However, since the little brother feels that doing this is insecure, then I want to ask, can there be a way for the little brother to let us all leave this place safely?"

Xiao Lang glanced at Uncle She, but did not answer him. Instead, he looked at Chen Shou and said:

"Senior, so I think we can't do this."

"Rather than run wild and fight to the death, it's better to wait."


Everyone frowned upon hearing this.

How to wait?

Are you waiting?

Bloodthirsty Star Vine doesn't only kill them and devour flesh and blood will gradually grow. In the real world, there are also many fierce beasts hidden in the tunnels of the crypt.

Bloodthirsty Starvine swallowed them, and they can also evolve and improve!

Wait, isn't it looking for death?

Everyone in the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect frowned, but Chen Shou did not show any strange expressions. He only glanced at Xiao Lang deeply, and said:

"Go on."

"Since you let us wait here, there must be other arrangements too?"

Xiao Lang shook his head and said:

"There are no other arrangements."

"It's a matter of fate."

"I remember someone said that all creatures in the real world are under the control of the origin of the stars, and will destroy all the creatures that enter this place. But I think that the bloodthirsty star vine may have been beyond the control of the origin of the stars, otherwise, it How can they kill each other?"

Uncle She touched his nose a little awkwardly.

It was him who said this before.

Xiao Lang definitely knew, but he ignored him at all.

Chen Shou's pupils light up slightly:

"So you mean..."

Xiao Lang took the call decisively--


"The origin of the stars will certainly not sit idly by. The Bloodthirsty Starvine has been out of its control, and the Bloodthirsty Starvine is so special that it will continue to evolve and become stronger as long as it has enough strength."

"Bloodthirsty Star Vine may have threatened the existence of the origin of the stars."

"So I think the Bloodthirsty Starvine is probably already on the list of the Star Origin must kill!"

Xiao Lang finally finished.

As soon as these words came out, the crowd changed again and looked at Xiao Lang in surprise.

This is of course not because Xiao Lang's words are too unreasonable and unrealistic. On the contrary is--

What Xiao Lang said makes sense!

"It makes sense!"

Uncle She's eyes lit up and he was the first to respond.

Although the crazy demon had long been full of killing intent on Xiao Lang, at this moment, when he heard what Xiao Lang had said, he was still impressed. It's just that the killing intent is stronger in my heart.


The whole tunnel immediately agitated following Xiao Lang's words, everyone was talking in a low voice, and his eyes were bright and shining.

Obviously, in their hearts, they have slowly changed their minds.

This is especially true for the low-level Era Realm Demon Lords of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect.

They don't want to die!

But they know that once the first set of plans is implemented, as the weak, they must be a death squad on the front line, and they will definitely die!

Being selfish, they are also more inclined to Xiao Lang's method.


Maybe also die.

But at least there is still time before dying.

To die in the hands of Bloodthirsty Star Vine is really terrible, there is no flesh and bones!

However, they are humble, how can they have a chance to speak?

At this moment, they suddenly admired Xiao Lang and Tianfu Palace even more.

At least in Xiao Lang's team, they still have a chance to speak.

After more than ten breaths.

Finally, it seemed that all the teams had made a new decision. Uncle She was about to speak, but was interrupted mercilessly by Chen Shou.

"it is good!"

"Well said."

"Little friend Xiao Lang, your method is similar to what I thought of. If that's the case, then let's wait."

Chen Shou has made a choice!

This is equivalent to all teams must do this.

Because the team of Tianfu Palace is already very important at this time. Without them, the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect would definitely not dare to charge!

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Uncle She's face and retreated into the crowd.

Xiao Lang didn't care about him, but looked at Chen Shou in surprise.

Chen Shou's previous choice was to wait?

Is he wrong?

At this moment, suddenly a hand came from behind and wrapped his shoulders:

"Brother Xiao, great!"

"Unexpectedly, you were the same as my unlucky brother thought!"

Xiao Lang turned his head in surprise, and saw Qiu Tianzheng looking at him in admiration. Next to him was his brother——

God of Blood, Qiu Zhan!



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