Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 483: The real strong!

When a martial artist who is trapped in the Era Realm achieves perfection at any time, he can break through at any time, but he tries his best to suppress his martial arts and does not break through. Once he releases all his breath and pressure, what will happen?

There is no doubt that there is only one——


He will immediately break through and be promoted, become the top venerable, and completely master his own way.

Qiu Zhan knows this, because during the years when he tried to suppress his martial arts cultivation, he often had the urge to break through and promote, and as this impulse appeared more and more frequently, It will become more and more difficult to suppress.

Qiu Zhan understands this deeply.

And he knows that such an impulse is actually the induction of heaven and earth, urging you to be promoted to become a top sage. At this time, if you choose to obey, then you will follow the sky, and it will certainly not happen again.

But if you continue to suppress--

Even if you choose to be promoted on a certain day, heaven and earth will not allow you to achieve your goals so lightly.

Heavenly Tribulation will definitely come.

Therefore, when he saw the dark clouds above Li Batian and the others, and the thunder flickering, Qiu Zhan immediately realized that Xiao Lang had already made plans for a long time, and he made a foolproof plan.

Heavenly Tribulation destroys the enemy!

Heavenly Tribulation Without Master, it can only sense the existence of breath, but it has no eyes, and it will definitely not obey someone's will.

Therefore, within the scope of the robbery, when there is a more powerful martial art pressure than the robber, even if it is not as good as the robber, and the breath of other people appears, then this person will be locked in the robbery.

That's it.

The seven beasts of rhinoceros that ran from a cave in the distance have been locked by the catastrophe!


The moment the thunder light lit up, the most central and most powerful three rhino spirit beasts immediately sensed the presence of danger. However, although they were not very intelligent, they also judged it by instinct.

They can't escape.

Once locked by the robbery, it cannot escape!

They have been regarded as spoilers by the robbery. As for the disruptors like them, the punishments from Heavenly Tribulation, and even those who are attracted to Heavenly Tribulation, are even more severe!

So currently, they have only one way to go-

Hard resistance!


Following the roar of the three rhinos headed by them, the seven beasts of rhinos immediately gave up to kill the five Li Batian and hugged them together, ready to welcome the baptism of the catastrophe.

They are just ready--


The catastrophe is coming!

Suddenly, the entire cave tunnel was flooded by lightning, surging like a torrent.


Qiu Zhan shouted, his face suddenly changed. Because he saw that the five Li Batian were also instantly swallowed by the sky of thunder!

But at this moment, Xiao Lang's calm voice rang in his ears:

"do not worry."

"Such a catastrophe can't threaten Senior Li and the others."

Not threatened?

Qiu Zhan was surprised when he heard this, and looked at Xiao Lang, completely unexpected that the latter would have such a high evaluation of the strength of Li Batian and others.

In fact.

Xiao Lang's judgment on the strength of Li Batian and others is naturally high, but accurate!

When Xiao Lang entered the Demon Blood World, he had seen Li Batian and others take action.

Very strong!

It was just that at that time he was just a novice venerable, and he only had 30% of the power of the Great Dao. He only knew that Li Batian and others were very strong, but he could not judge the specific level of combat power.

It wasn't until Xiao Lang came out that he had seen various powerful men, only to realize that the power of Li Batian and others were not limited to their martial arts realm.

Their strength has long surpassed the limit of Venerable Xiao Perfect in Era Realm.

Even if it is Taiyizong and Ming Dynasty’s Era Realm Little Perfect Venerables, they are cultivated by top forces, they are definitely not their enemy of one!


Li Batian is stronger than Qiu Zhan!

If you want to say something in detail, as the most powerful of the five, Li Batian, when he was still at the peak of Xiaoyuan in the Era Realm, his combat power was probably equal to the Yang Guang that Xiao Lang met for the first time in the past. Up.


Yes, quite scary!

It is almost impossible for anyone to believe this fact!

When Xiao Lang discovered this, he doubted his own judgment a little until he realized a little--

The talent and growth environment of Li Batian and others!


No, it's an evildoer!

You know, the entire Devil Blood World has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and they have only given birth to these twenty-odd Era Realm Little Perfect Venerables.

They are not the martial artists of the same rank in Lihuo Great World, they are promoted through the way of enlightening heaven and earth.

They were killed!

Behind them, I don't know how many dead bones are buried!

All of them are murderers! Fighting power far exceeds the realm, it is a very natural thing.

What's more, they have been depressed for too long.

For thousands of years, I have been stuck in a realm.

How deep is this accumulation?

Xiao Lang couldn't even evaluate it, because it was too amazing!

If even Li Batian and others could not survive the Tribulation, then in this world, no one can become a top venerable.

This is Xiao Lang's trust in the strength of Li Batian and others!

as expected.

"Hahaha, such a catastrophe?"

"So weak!"

Qiu Zhan still had time to ask questions in the future, only to hear a loud voice suddenly sounded amidst the mighty thunderstorm, the momentum was transpiring, even shaking the catastrophe!

Immediately after--


A white rainbow broke through the sky!

Its brilliance directly overwhelmed the brilliant robbery cloud, and for an instant, the entire corridor was white and vast, like daylight.

Qiu Zhan saw vaguely, as if a long knife was leaping into the air——


Thundercloud, broken!

The robbery of the five people's heavenly tribulations condensed into one, but it was broken by this knife!


Jie Yun seemed to know that he had encountered a great challenge, violently transpiring, squeezing the power of thunder every minute, but at this moment--

"Hmph, you old ghost Li, don't think that I don't know your thoughts. You just want to show off and show off in front of Xiao Lang's little friend. I won't give you this opportunity."


With a sneer, Qiu Zhan saw again that black and white broke through the limit of thunder light, and then broke the cloud. Moreover, it was not a normal break. The black and white colors crisscrossed and turned into a chessboard, black and white clashing, thundercloud trembling, Faintly breaking!

Qiu Zhan, stupid!

What kind of monsters are these!

Five people cross the robbery, this is quite scary, let alone normal people do it, and even dare not have such thoughts, and Li Batian and the others...

Not only did they do it, they even didn't care about Lei Guang's addition, and directly launched a fierce attack on Jieyun!

"These... lunatics!"

Qiu Zhan's pupils trembled and his scalp was numb.

too frightening!

He had never heard of such a thing in the legend, and he did not expect it to appear directly before his eyes!

However, what moved his heart most was not just what he saw in front of him?

And the strength of Li Batian and others!

"too strong!"

Qiu Zhan is a genius, no matter which realm he is, he is the strongest. But now, in front of Li Batian and the others, he realized for the first time what real power is.

Xiao Lang was also shocked, but not as strong as Qiu Zhan.


This is as it should be.

After all, the background of Li Batian and others is there.

What's more, Xiao Lang didn't think that his future self would not surpass them.

Therefore, his eyes are more peaceful.

at last--


Jie Yun seemed to be unable to withstand the ravages of the five Li Batians anymore... It burst fiercely, and the thunder light was annihilated, revealing a mess of the surrounding void, and the five Li Batians standing proudly in place.

The five members of Li Batian, even their clothes, were not broken at all. The five spirits were very different, and the momentum was the same, but everyone was boundless, full of oppression, and shocking.

This is the real powerhouse!

Qiu Zhan's heart was finally convinced.

Xiao Lang was also a little surprised.

There was no messy aura surging in the five of Li Batian, which shows that the moment they were promoted to the top venerable, they had completely stabilized the martial arts cultivation base, which was comparable to the extraordinary top veteran.

However, when Lei Jie passed, the five of them were not happy, but turned their heads to look aside.

On the side, flesh and blood.

It was a trace of the tragic death of a rhinoceros.

However, of the seven beasts of rhinoceros, there were only six dead in total, and one was left undead, but the whole body was charred and looked extremely miserable, but in fact, it was powerful and still had seven or eight points of combat strength. .

Other fierce beasts exchanged their lives for its survival and complete combat power!


The rhinoceros fiercely sprang up from the ground, with red eyes, staring at Li Batian and others fiercely, full of hatred and endless evil aura.


Kill all these people in front of you!

Upon seeing this, Li Batian raised his brows, looked at the ancestor of the Zhao family beside him, and said:

"Old ghost Zhao, it's not my fault. It was you who insisted on competing with the old man, and ended up shattering the thundercloud and failed to kill it. If Xiao Lang blames it, you have to take it. This responsibility comes."

The ancestor of the Zhao family was furious upon hearing this.

"You old ghost, if you weren't busy showing how good you are, can it live to the present and leave the old man behind?"

"Huh, isn't it the old man killed it?"

As the ancestor of the Zhao family said, the arm of the ape was stretched out, and the palm of his hand immediately appeared black and white. It was extremely agile, unpredictable, and heart-trembling. It seemed that the next moment he would take action to slaughter this rhino.

But at this moment, something that surprised everyone present happened.

"Senior, wait!"

"I come!"


Qiu Zhan's expression changed in an uproar, and he was shocked. He watched Xiao Lang dash out.

Li Batian and the others were also a little surprised. Looking at Xiao Lang who rushed over, Li Batian suddenly thought of something and laughed:

"Little friend wants to kill it? Okay, after the old man kills it half to death, then let the little friend kill it!"

Li Batian thought Xiao Lang wanted to try something new, and said that he would raise his long sword, but at this moment, a shocking scene happened.

Xiao Lang shook his head and said:

"No, senior, you misunderstood."

"I mean, I want to fight it!"


At this moment, not only Li Batian and others, but Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were also stunned, dumbfounded.

Xiao Lang, isn't it crazy?

He actually wants to fight a fierce beast at the top venerable level? !

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