Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 486: Another team!

Bloodthirsty Starvine answered quickly.

It seems that it also knows that it must win Xiao Lang's attitude at this time. Xiao Lang is no longer the unworthy underdog that it had chosen before. On the contrary, Xiao Lang is now very strong, and even has the strength to compete with it. Under such circumstances, Bloodthirsty Starvine certainly does not dare. Hesitated.


"I previously killed the earth dragon controlled by the will of the origin of the stars. While destroying it, I also swallowed some of its memory fragments. There, I found a lot of things, such as the origin of the stars in this blocked space. The approximate distribution of power."

As the Bloodthirsty Starvine said, Xiao Lang only felt his soul sway, and suddenly a picture appeared.

A three-dimensional picture.

When he first saw it, Xiao Lang thought of his Dao spirit body.

It looks like a tree, the branches are quite luxuriant, and it is full of large and small light spots, counting down to exactly nine hundred and ninety-nine! Separate from each other, but there is another silver pike connecting them together.

The voice of Bloodthirsty Starvine continued to come:

"This is the control of the original will of the stars over their own strength. It is just an acquired consciousness. It is naturally strong, but the mind is very weak, especially weak."

Bloodthirsty Starvine emphasized:

"If it is based on the distinction between you humans, its mental strength is even only about the third heaven of Immortality, which can be said to be quite bad."

"But the power it controls even exceeds the Seventh Heaven of Immortal Realm! After all, this is the source power of a planet."

Immortal Realm Triple Heaven is still weak?

Xiao Lang couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the words.


You are happy, you can say anything.

However, what the Bloodthirsty Starvine said was not wrong. For the origin of stars whose power level reached the seventh heaven of immortality, the soul level could only reach the third heaven of immortality, which was indeed quite uneven.

"So, it can't completely control its own power, it must separate these powers, and then control them one by one, so as to achieve the result of occupying the entire'Devil Lake Holy Land'."

Bloodthirsty Star Vine actually used the words Demon Lake Holy Land to describe this place.

Xiao Lang knew nothing but continued to listen to the words of Bloodthirsty Starvine.

"As you can see, it has divided its own power into a thousand parts. This is everything it can do. Link to each other, and to each of the powers that he divides in turn. In this case , He can realize everything."

"My plan is to grab a part of the power!"


Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang frowned, suspiciously in his heart:

"But in this case, it should find us immediately, right?"

Xiao Lang prepared for a rainy day, but the sneer of Bloodthirsty Starvine came in his mind:

"You don't think you can really find its body before it finds you?"

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words.

Impossible, impossible!

Bloodthirsty Starvine seemed to have insight into what he was thinking from the expression on Xiao Lang's face, and said:

"Since you are going to be discovered sooner or later, there is nothing to be afraid of when you have to face the final frontal battle. Time is tight and there are so many opportunities. Start first. If you are worried about being discovered, you may even be caught by it. If the spirit clone is killed, then I have no suitable method."

"However, if you really think so and are as timid as a mouse, then there is no need for you and I to continue working together."

Bloodthirsty Starvine is very straightforward.

Xiao Lang's pupils condensed when he heard this.

Although Bloodthirsty Starvine's statement is not pleasant, it is true.

"In this case……"

Xiao Lang paused, a firmness flashed in his eyes:

"Then do it!"

Even if Bloodthirsty Starvine knew that Xiao Lang would make such a choice, but when he said these words, Bloodthirsty Starvine could not help but be overjoyed. Soon, a light spot suddenly appeared on the three-dimensional picture in Xiao Lang's heart. Lights up.

"This is our goal this time."

The voice of the Bloodthirsty Starvine came, and Xiao Lang immediately observed it, and found that the spot of light was not too big or too small, and could barely line up around the midstream.

"According to my inference, its power is not strong, only the three-star strongest venerable level. If the five people around you cooperate properly, it shouldn't be a problem to block it. Then you and I can be secretly killed by the side. ."

It's so big, it has the strength of Samsung's strongest venerable?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard the words, and couldn't help but look at other light spots, especially those with significantly larger bodies, shaking his mind.

Just such a big one has the strength of Samsung's strongest venerable, so what about those bigger ones?

"No wonder the Bloodthirsty Star Vine said that the original will of the stars can reach the Seventh Heaven of Immortality, and it is really strong!"

Xiao Lang nodded.

"You come to lead the way!"

"it is good!"

Bloodthirsty Starvine naturally agreed to this request, because although they acted together in this operation, in fact, it is not in much state now, and its combat power is not good, so it can only lead the way.

This time it was originally Xiao Lang eating meat, and his plan to drink soup was no different.


The Bloodthirsty Starvine began to lead the way, and Xiao Lang listened to its instructions and led the team forward without hesitation.

This is not because Xiao Lang obeyed the words of the Bloodthirsty Starvine, but he believed that at this time, the Bloodthirsty Starvine would not make ghosts. It may not care about the life and death of itself and others, but it would definitely care about its own life .


The progress of Xiao Lang's entire team has been nearly doubled!

When Li Batian and others arrived for the first time, they didn't care much about these things, but Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian had a very deep experience, dumbfounded, and quite surprised.

But they didn't know, Xiao Lang was equally surprised.

Along the way, they saw too few beasts!

Almost all the tunnels and tunnels that I walked through were empty. Even if there were spirit beasts, they were all very weak. They didn't even need anyone to take action. Li Batian could easily handle them.

While surprised, Xiao Lang couldn't help but glanced at the Bloodthirsty Starvine on his left shoulder.

He knew that the reason why he and others went so smoothly was absolutely because of the bloodthirsty star vine, as if... as if it had seen through all the surrounding passages, so he could arrange the best march in a very short time. route.

"It has a secret!"

Xiao Lang was full of enlightenment.

"It reserves a lot for me!"

But Xiao Lang was not angry because he knew that this was instinct. Just as the Bloodthirsty Starvine has many reservations to him, so why is he not like the Bloodthirsty Starvine?

To put it bluntly, they are now a cooperative relationship, and it is the kind of cooperation where the relationship is not very strong.

But even so, in the bottom of Xiao Lang's heart, he couldn't help but feel a little more afraid of Bloodthirsty Starvine.


For a full hour, Xiao Lang and others were constantly walking through, slashing spirit beasts with them.

at last--

"It's almost here, there are still three corridors."

The voice of Bloodthirsty Starvine suddenly sounded, and Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

According to the words of the Bloodthirsty Star Vine, the origin of the stars here is the closest to them, and even so, it took them an hour or more to arrive. It is conceivable that the entire magic pond How big is the Holy Land!

"No wonder we haven't been able to find Chen Shou and the others. It's like looking for a needle in the sea, it's really hard to find."

Distracted thoughts flashed through Xiao Lang's heart, and he nodded in return.

In fact, before the Bloodthirsty Star Vine said, Xiao Lang had already felt it, the origin of the stars here was obviously much stronger.


It's really a lot.

Almost three times as much as the place where they were killing Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum!

This is really a terrifying number. The origin of the stars here is so strong that Xiao Lang almost couldn't help but directly absorb it, but he still instinctively contained his impulse.

Converge your mind and continue on your way.


Two ways.

Three ways!

Finally, they crossed the three tunnels, and Xiao Lang's expression became obviously more tense.

After all, this was the first time he had met with the original will of the stars.

But when he was completely mentally prepared to step into the fourth tunnel, Xiao Lang was stunned.

Bloodthirsty Starvine was also stunned.

I saw that this fourth corridor was obviously wider than any one they had seen before, and it was a hundred meters in radius. Obviously, the bloodthirsty star vine was right before, and this is indeed the place where the original clone of the stars is located.


Where did it go?


What appeared before Xiao Lang and the others at this time was just an empty tunnel, with nothing inside. But just for an instant, Xiao Lang still found some traces.

Traces of the battle!

"Someone is doing it here!"

Xiao Lang's spirits shook, and he told Bloodthirsty Starvine about this discovery. Bloodthirsty Starvine obviously recognized his discovery very much, and said:

"There is also a team here! They must have discovered the existence of the Star Origin clone. Quickly, go find them and grab it!"

The Bloodthirsty Starvine's voice was rushing and full of urgency. While Xiao Lang's spirits were stunned, he also realized that the Bloodthirsty Starvine was not like he had previously judged. In the corridor, it did not find that the origin clone of the stars here has disappeared.

But where did they go?


Xiao Lang did not hesitate, and ran all the way along the traces of the battle. The speed was so fast that it was quite difficult for Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian to chase after them. However, seeing Xiao Lang's look obviously more solemn than before, they did not say What, just try to follow.

at last.

A full quarter of an hour.

When Xiao Lang led the crowd through more than a dozen tunnels in a row, and didn't know how far apart, there was a shock coming from, and even more powerful tumbling and transpiration, Xiao Lang's eyes immediately lit up.

Finally found!

Is it the original will of the stars?

Xiao Lang kept walking, and immediately followed, signalling Qiu Zhan and others to restrain their breath. After bypassing several tunnels, finally, a mess was revealed in front of him.

A big battle!

There are about thirty people in all, each with black cloaks, full of evil spirits.

It is the team of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect!

And in the middle of them, what was fighting fiercely against them was a silhouette of silver shining, without facial features, silver light shining, and unparalleled combat power.

When Xiao Lang and the others arrived, they happened to see it blasted out with a punch, smashing the head of an Era Realm Little Perfect Venerable!


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