Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 502: Calculate!


The first time Crazy Demon Lord and She Jun saw Xiao Lang and the others, they couldn't help frowning, and there was a glimmer of brilliant and biting killing intent in their eyes.

have nothing to say.

Obviously, this is Chen Shou's strategy.

Break them one by one.



"A mere fifteen top venerables and a small perfect venerable of the era realm, just like stopping us?"

Venerable Crazy Demon and She Jun subconsciously shouted that the top Venerable behind them were ready to kill. As for the two of them, they stared at Li Batian. They have determined that Li Batian definitely has the strength of the strongest venerable.

However, when two fight one, they didn't care at all.

Destroy with a finger!

They did not take the thoughts of Xiao Lang and others at all, only one word-kill!

Because the previous experience of the opening of the Demon Lake Holy Land told them that the possibility of the top venerables getting the origin of the stars is infinitely close to zero. In fact, the Heavenly Devil Realm has opened more than just a demon pond holy place, hundreds of times, but the number of times the top venerables have obtained the origin of the stars is zero.

Regarding this point, there are actually many speculations in the Celestial Demon Realm. One of the most acceptable points is that they have mastered their own avenues, and it is difficult to get the recognition of the origin of the stars.

Therefore, just like Chen Shou and others, when they came in again, they had already clarified their position in the entire team and the meaning of their existence.

They are the protectors of Su Han, Liu Zi and others.

Therefore, for Li Batian and others, of course they did not have the desire to capture, and they would be a killer move.

Two strongest sages, against one strongest sage.

More than forty top sages, against 14 top sages.

No matter from which point of view, they cannot be at a disadvantage, let alone lose. Under such circumstances, of course they will not have the slightest fear.

The fact is that the Mad Demon Venerable did indeed think so, and did so. He looked at each other with She Jun and saw the sneers in each other's eyes. He didn't hesitate a little bit with his bursting personality. He had a sickle in his hand and shot directly towards Li. Tyrant rushed away.

Mad Mozun's idea is very simple and straightforward.

Soldiers against soldiers, against generals!

As long as he and She Jun behead Li Batian, Xiao Lang and others will naturally collapse.


In an instant, the Mad Demon Lord rushed in front of Li Batian, hitting each other with a knife and a sickle!


The void oscillates, almost like cracking!

Immediately, the ancestors of the Lu family and the top venerables of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect also fought on the other side. Although their individual strength could not be compared with that of Li Batian and Kuangmozun, the 30 top venerables The melee is also quite terrifying.

Kuangmozun and Li Batian split immediately.

Kuangmozun retreated thirty feet.

Li Batian retreated forty feet!

Li Batian is at a disadvantage!

Because after all, he was only a top venerable. Although he possessed the strength of the strongest venerable, there was still a certain gap compared with the true strongest venerable.

It's just that such a gap will not make the battle between him and the Mad Demon Venerable in a short period of time.

Li Batian stabilized his figure and immediately drew his sword and rushed to kill again, but the Mad Demon Venerable was stunned at this moment. After light swept across the battlefield of the top Venerables in the distance, his brows frowned fiercely, and he looked behind him. She Jun et al.


He was shocked to discover that She Jun and the others hadn't moved. The only one standing with the ancestor of the Lu family was the top venerable of his team.

"She Jun, what are you doing?!"

She Jun seemed to be lost, he didn't seem to hear his urging or howling at all, and his whole body froze in place. Just as frozen in place as him, there are many top Demon Venerables around him.

However, the latter are all blank.

They were indeed ready to make a move just now, but they never expected that just before the shot, they suddenly received She Jun's voice transmission:

"Don't move for now!"

They didn't understand She Jun's intention anymore. In fact, what they didn't know was that She Jun felt more shocked in his heart at this time.

He was also ready to shoot, but suddenly he got a voice from someone——

Su Han!

"Xiao Lang...Wild Wolf?"

She Jun looked at Xiao Lang who stood motionless in the distant void with amazement.

Wild wolf!

Ancient magic tower, mysterious magic repair

Yes, this is the sound transmission he got from Su Han, and this sound transmission was also transmitted to Su Han by Xiao Lang when Li Batian and others took the shot.

Blew yourself up?


This is Xiao Lang's plan, because his identity is also fake.

But Su Han didn't know!

Sure enough, the moment Su Han got his voice transmission, he was stunned, and passed the news to She Jun, so the next scene happened.

Xiao Lang's mind was also very nervous.

Because he knew that this plan was indeed quite risky, he had to convince She Jun that he was. The key is, will She Jun believe him?

In fact.

When She Jun heard Xiao Lang say the name "Wild Wolf", he had already believed about 30% in his heart.

This name is not known to anyone.

"Are you a wolf?"

She Jun tentatively asked:

"Where did you go that day?"


She Jun's question came, Xiao Lang's heart trembled suddenly, he knew that the most critical moment had come, and he had to be foolproof. This start was quite good for him. Since She Jun didn't take action immediately, but chose to ask, it proved that he already believed a little bit in his heart.

"There was a little accident that day."

"Senior should remember Venerable Qingyun, right?"

She Jun nodded, and Xiao Lang continued:

"The younger generation imprisoned them in the flying boat that day, but they did not expect that they would have hidden the means. When the current generation tried to stop the Mad Demon Venerable, we suddenly got into trouble and we encountered an ambush."

"Things are in crisis, we had to throw Brother Su Han down and flee for their lives, and then escaped."

Is this the reason?

She Jun listened to Xiao Lang's truthfulness, and even knew that he was going to stop the Mad Demon Venerable. Believe in Xiao Lang had increased to about 40%.

"But your appearance..."

Xiao Lang smiled slightly, his face suddenly changed, and he turned into the appearance of pretending that day:

"It's just that."

"The younger generation can even change their breath, let alone their appearance?"

When Xiao Lang answered the question, he deliberately pointed out the characteristics of the ancient magic tower magic repair. She Jun heard the words and his heart trembled. At this moment, his trust in Xiao Lang reached a full 70%!

He had already determined that Xiao Lang was a wild wolf.

But I was still puzzled.

"Why are you in the team of Tianyu City?"

Since Xiao Lang came up with such a plan, of course he had already thought about it. This question happened to be one of his considerations before, and he answered quickly:

"The day after Brother Su Han talked about the Tianyu blood test, I went to see it. It was easy to sneak into, and I had a good relationship with Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian. I wanted to contact seniors immediately, but I didn’t expect that I heard that the Demon Lake Holy Land is about to open. , I think the senior will definitely appear, so there is no contact. I want to wait for the senior to inform the senior after seeing the senior."

"I just didn't expect that after I came in, there was a lot of trouble, and it was quite unsuccessful. But it's okay, because of my relationship with Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian, ​​I also got the trust of Qiu Shijie. In fact, the team of Tianyu City is completely under my control. Down."

"By the way, Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian are the sons of Qiu Shijie, Qiu Shijie, the city lord of Tianyu City, and the star lord of Chiyan Star."


She Jun was shocked when he heard the words, and his heart was shaken.

Xiao Lang has mastered the team of Tianyu City? !

Of course he knew that the star owner of Chiyan Star was Qiu Shijie, and that Qiu Shijie had two sons, Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian, ​​so when Xiao Lang finished saying this, his first thought was to believe!

But he didn't know that he happened to fall into Xiao Lang's routine.

What kind of lie is the least likely to be exposed?

That's a mix of true and false!

Most of what Xiao Lang said was true, so he appeared extremely sincere. In fact, it can be said that most of them are true, except for that premise——

He is not an ancient magic tower!

These facts, in a different way, naturally it is difficult for She Jun to distinguish the true from the false, and almost instinctively chose to believe it. However, it was still a little bit more suspicious in She Jun's heart:

"In that case, why don't you help us take them directly, why do you need to do this?"

As soon as She Jun said this, Xiao Lang's face immediately showed a mysterious smile. He was 100% sure of this question. She Jun almost believed him. Of course, the premise was that he had to answer this question perfectly.

Xiao Lang smiled and said;

"Senior Atonement, Demon Lake Holy Land is so important, of course the younger generation also wants to reap some benefits. This is one of them."

"Secondly, in addition to the origin of the stars, the younger generation has another selfishness, and I hope that the older generation can fulfill it."


She Jun was stunned when he heard this, but he didn't expect Xiao Lang to say something like this, and subconsciously asked:

"What do you want to do?"

Xiao Lang smiled, but a flash of cold light flashed under his eyes, and the undisguised killing intent fell into She Jun's eyes:

"I want to kill someone."

"Crazy Demon Lord!"

"As for the reason, Senior should be clearer than me?"

"I can't do it alone, of course I hope others will help me, but seniors think, here, is there a better gun than the people like Tianyucheng?"

Killer Demon Lord?

She Jun's mind trembled and suddenly realized.

Of course he knew Xiao Lang's purpose to kill Mad Demon Venerable.

Mad Demon Lord, but an outcast of the ancient magic tower, and fantasize about revenge every day!

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Lang's strategy is indeed no problem. However, what he didn't expect was that Xiao Lang followed by another sentence:

"Relying on their strength may not be enough. However, if Senior She Jun also makes a move, the younger generation will surely get what you want. In fact, compared to the origin of the stars, I am more concerned about the life and death of the Mad Demon. I just don’t know whether Senior She Are you willing to help the younger generation to fulfill their wish?"

"As long as the juniors get their wish, you can make a blood oath and do your best to help seniors and Su Han win the origin of the stars!"


Killer Demon Lord?

She Jun was shocked when she heard this.


Is it really good?


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