Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 514: Five Elements Town Prison!

It's Xiao Lang!

He came out of the training circle!

Chen Shou, Li Batian and others were taken aback, and immediately showed ecstasy, because they saw that at the moment Xiao Lang appeared, the original clones of the surrounding stars were broken.


At this moment, the original clones of the stars, which were originally extremely violent and pressed their breath by instinct, were like a mixture of mud and sand. The water in the body was evaporated clean, and was blown by the surrounding hurricane, directly broken. Crack, go with the wind.

What does this mean?

The original will of the stars is dead!

"Xiao Lang controls the origin core of the stars!"

It is not only Chen Shou, Li Batian and others who realize this, but also She Jun who is rushing towards the heart-refining circle, Yue San in the distance, and the top venerables of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect. , Their complexions changed a lot, showing awe.

Most of them are not the first time in Demon Lake Holy Land today.

She Jun and Yue Laosan chose them because of this, because each of them has experience, so of course they also know what it means to them that Xiao Lang got the Star Origin Core.

A complete failure!

They are done!

Xiao Lang got the Star Origin Core, which meant that he could completely control the entire Demon Lake Holy Land. The Demon Lake Holy Land has not been destroyed. During this period of time, Xiao Lang was the king here, the only god!

He didn't even need to take action by himself, as long as he condensed a massive amount of star origin clones by relying on the star origin core, they could not stop it.

And it is the origin clone of the stars completely under his control!

"It's over!"

Many demon sects of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect wailed in their hearts, as if they had seen the fate of themselves and others, and had fallen into the abyss of death.

However, She Jun and Yue Laosan had obviously not given up yet.

No avatar of the origin of stars appeared around!

this means--

"He doesn't know how to use the star origin core to maximize the effect and combat power?"


She Jun and Yue Laosan saw the opportunity.

Opportunity to reverse this result!


"Kill him, the core of the star origin is ours!"


Before the words were over, She Jun and Yue Laosan rushed towards Xiao Lang fiercely. Behind him, the many magicians of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect looked at the silent surroundings, their eyes lit up, and they shot directly. .

It's really an opportunity!

And it is a great opportunity, even the only opportunity!

"Hahahaha, they are really stupid!"

The Demon Lord of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect looked at Chen Shou, Li Batian and others, with a ridicule in his heart, a hideous expression, and a direct shot. For a while, the entire void battlefield was surging with devilish energy, and everyone exploded with all their strength. , In order to win this last chance.

"He doesn't know the origin clone of the condensed stars?"

In their view, Xiao Lang did not make good use of his greatest advantage.

In fact.

They are right to think so.

It was not just Xiao Lang, but Chen Shou, Li Batian and others had never thought of this. Although before coming to the Demon Lake Holy Land, they got a lot of news about the Demon Lake Holy Land from Qiu Shijie.

But there is no such thing.

In the rush, no one thought.

Especially when they saw She Jun and Yue Laosan rush towards Xiao Lang, everyone's expressions changed.

The two strongest sages!

Although just now in response to the avatar of the origin of the stars, She Jun and Yue Lao San played the role of the mainstay in the team of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect and consumed the most, but such consumption could not shake their martial arts foundation.

Now they can still play their peak combat power.

What's more, they know that this is probably their last chance, and also the best and only chance. Of course, they will never retain any strength anymore, and they have directly played a twelve-point combat power!


Behind She Jun, the devilish energy evaporates and rises into the sky. It seems that there is a wisp of true spirit and soul blood hidden in it. A large mad python evaporates into the sky, and the violent power exudes both Chen Shou and Li Batian. Can't help the color change.

The soul of the true spirit!

She Jun is really fighting for his life this time!

The old Yue San by his side is also no small thing. Although the vision on him is far less eye-catching than She Jun's, but the violent fighting spirit and evil spirit that rises from him is not much weaker than She Jun, his eyebrows are raised. The short stick burst into violent fluctuations, and there seemed to be something to be cut out of it, shaking the world!

The true peak combat power!

If She Jun and Yue Laosan had reservations about each other when they joined forces just now, it was because, in their opinion, they would definitely win this battle.

They also had different intentions and jealousy just now, and they wanted to save their strength to fight for the core of the star origin.

But now, Xiao Lang has come out, and the star origin core has obviously been taken away by him. For each of them, this is the most dangerous time, and of course they no longer have any reservations.

Fight for the core of the origin of stars?

The premise is to be able to survive!

Once dead, there is nothing!

"Xiao Lang be careful!"

"We will help you!"

Chen Shou, Li Batian and others saw this scene and immediately culled them.

It is impossible for them to watch Xiao Lang die!

What's more, they have now taken the lead, and without the influence of the Star Origin clone, their overall strength is about the same as the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect.

In other words, since entering the Demon Lake Holy Land, they finally gained the upper hand for the first time, and of course they refused to let this hard-earned advantage disappear.

I would rather die than stop She Jun and Yue San!

They only worry that their speed is not fast enough!

But at this moment, suddenly--

"I don't need you, I will do it myself!"

Under the surging demonic energy, Xiao Lang's extremely domineering voice suddenly sounded, and the sound was ear-splitting, making Chen Shou and Li Batian suddenly startled.

Haven't waited for them to recover--


The explosion sounded suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Shou, Li Batian and others saw a spectacle.


A beam of light condensed from five colors suddenly soared into the sky, and the mighty and turbulent demon energy could not even stop it, and it was directly penetrated.

Immediately after--


Just say it, just like Tianwei!


Without any force bombarding this beam of light, the beam of light itself suddenly burst and turned into thousands of multicolored puppets, connected together, covering the sky and the sun. At the same time, Chen Shou and Li Batian only felt a powerful force. A sense of oppression fell from the sky, and a cage formed by the practice of colorful horses took shape in an instant!

"this is……"

When Chen Shou, Li Batian and others were shocked, the expressions of She Jun, Yue Lao San and other Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sects also changed drastically.

They are trapped!

"What is this?"

She Jun and Yue Lao three looked around, they entered the Demon Lake Holy Land more than once, and more than once saw the core of the origin of the stars that were refined, but they had never seen such a move.

But it was too late to think about it. Since the two of them have taken the shot, of course it is impossible to watch themselves and others trapped inside. In a flash, the two of them shot together and are under careful consideration. At this time, the two have a tacit understanding, and they are all aiming. Is a place.

Whatever it is--

"Break it for me!"

Of course, She Jun and Yue Laosan have great confidence in their own strength, undefeated at the same level, facing a weaker point, or the same level of martial arts restrained by themselves, and even beheaded!

But at this moment--


It can be said that the strongest blow of their team was indeed smashed out, and it also smashed into the colorful and continuous void, but when the loud noise came out, the faces of the two changed suddenly, their eyes widened, full of disbelief .


Shocked and roared, dull as a bell.

There is no feeling of penetration at all.

Of course.

Their offensive did not break this cage at all, and of course there was no feeling of penetration.

Under the surprised gaze of Chen Shou, Li Batian and others, they saw the colorful brilliance circulating, just like water waves. The circulation was indeterminate, and it was only a moment of effort. She Jun and Yue Lao San joined hands. The horror blow turned into nothingness and disappeared completely.


Everyone was dumbfounded and unbelievable.

As for the top veterans of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect who had just shot at the same time with She Jun and Yue Lao San, their offensive is even less worth mentioning, falling on the colorful cage, not even the slightest ripple or splash. Splashed out.

They were dumbfounded.

What kind of method was this capable of blocking the combined blow of two genuinely strongest Venerables and more than 20 top Demon Venerables?


"Innate talent?"

"This is the innate supernatural power he obtained after refining the core of the star origin?"

She Jun couldn't help being stunned, and was shocked.

There is indeed such a legend about the core of the origin of refining stars. The origin core of the stars is originally the product of the creator's creation of heaven and earth. Once it is refined, it may be gifted by heaven and earth, and a talented magical power will be obtained.

She Jun had heard of it, but had never seen it before. It wasn't until this time that she suddenly thought of it.

is not it?

This issue is not so important anymore.


Everyone in the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, including She Jun and Yue Lao San, was imprisoned in this colorful brilliance condensed cage. The devilish energy outside was like rootless duckweed, and of course it dissipated immediately. The thin figure appeared and fell into everyone's eyes.

Xiao Lang!

I saw that his face was gloomy, and the depths of his eyes were full of evil spirits, staring at the imprisoned She Jun, Yue Lao San and others. Although he didn't say a word, everyone present could clearly understand Feel the surging anger from the bottom of his heart from him!

She Jun and Yue Lao are still accumulating strength.

They are not reconciled!

Really unwilling!

Before entering the Demon Lake Holy Land, their power was the most powerful, four times as many as the people brought by Chen Shou, no matter from which point of view, they could not lose.

But now, it seems that when it is time to tell the winner, they are the ones who lose. How do they accept this?

They still want to fight to the death again.

But how could Xiao Lang give them this opportunity?

"you guys……"

Xiao Lang spoke, and a cold and murderous voice spread into everyone's heart, causing everyone including Chen Shou, Li Batian and others to tremble in their hearts, clearly seeing that behind Xiao Lang, blossom The lotus is in full bloom.

Tricolor lotus.

Thunder Lotus!

The moment she saw these lotus flowers, She Jun's face finally showed despair.

He had seen Xiao Lang offering such a lotus-like moves, exactly when the latter killed the Mad Demon Lord. At that time, Xiao Lang only sacrificed one flower, but now...

Wandering around Xiao Lang's body, more than thirty or fifty flowers?

"Do not!"

"Damn it!"

She Jun's exclamation and Xiao Lang's muffled roar sounded almost at the same time. Immediately, dozens of ice and fire Thunder Lotus floating around him turned into arrows from the string, and rushed into the colorful cage.


A firework rain.

A big bang!

Neigh, wailing.

It's better to pass the pain before death clearly into the ears of Chen Shou, Li Batian and others, making them numb and shocked.

When the fireworks dissipated, everything in the colorful cage was displayed in front of them. Even if they had expected it, Chen Shou, Li Batian and others couldn't help but froze in place.


There are still some people in there?

She Jun, Yue Laosan...


In this way, Xiao Lang was bombarded and killed!

Reminiscent of the scene just now, there are only two words left in the hearts of Chen Shou, Li Batian and others——



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