Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 525: Floating continent!

Where does this induction come from?

When Xiao Lang sensed this kind of induction from the depths of the true spirit, he couldn't help being taken aback. He never expected this kind of change suddenly.

"what happened?"

Bloodthirsty Star Vine found out that Xiao Lang's expression was wrong at the first moment, and his spirits shook, and he immediately asked.

When Xiao Lang told Bloodthirsty Starvine about his special feelings, the latter was also taken aback.

But after the two looked at each other, they both made a decision in an instant——

go with!

Although I don't know where this special induction comes from, in the current situation, of course it is better to have changes than no changes.

They can't always wander in this nih place.


So the next moment, Xiao Lang had already manipulated Linglong Feizhou to swept away from the direction where the inexplicable induction spread, at an extremely fast speed.

Next, there is endless waiting.

Of course, Xiao Lang would definitely not waste this time, sinking into practice every day, studying more powerful martial arts combined with the power of the Great Dao.

time flies.

Especially in this land of nothingness, the outside is pitch black, unchanging, even the Linglong Flying Boat will not produce any sound, Xiao Lang and Bloodthirsty Star Vine can hardly feel the passage of any time.

I don't know how long it has passed.

at last--


Xiao Lang was still immersed in the state of cultivation, and let Linglong Feizhou shuttle straight along a straight line. He was suddenly awakened by the exclamation of Bloodthirsty Starvine, and immediately looked out the window with a dreadful mind.

A group of dazzling colorful lights immediately caught sight of him, making Xiao Lang couldn't help but stand up from the ground, came to the window, and looked into the distance in surprise.


Will this thing be the key to their leaving here?

Xiao Lang didn't know the result, so he could only urge Linglong Feizhou to swept away at a faster speed.

But what Xiao Lang and Bloodthirsty Star Vine didn't expect was that their flight took more than a month!

How fast is Linglong Feizhou?

If you shuttle in the turbulence of space, it will be thousands of miles in a flash. Even in the real world, you can fly about 10,000 miles in a quarter of an hour, and it's 500,000 miles a day!

Forty days...Two million miles!

And it wasn't until this time that they realized that it was not a piece of thing that exuded colorful light in the distance, but...

One continent!


This is a continent floating in nothingness!

Shrouded in colorful glory.

Even if Xiao Lang drove the Linglong Flying Boat for more than forty days, he had only reached the edge of it. He couldn't see the end at a glance, and he didn't know how far this continent had spread.

Where did this continent come from?

In fact, when Xiao Lang and Bloodthirsty Starvine discovered many days ago that it was a continent that summoned them, they discussed and guessed.

The results are quite consistent--

"Is it related to the Five Elements Patriarch?"


Because at a place far away from this continent, they really felt that the breath and power it radiated was related to the five elements. Especially when Xiao Lang drove the exquisite flying boat through Wucai Guanghua into the area covered by this continent, he was even more shocked to find that Wucai Guanghua was like a barrier. In it, he could not perceive anything except the five elements. The existence of a great power!

Here, only the power of the Five Elements Avenue!

"It must be related to the Five Elements Patriarch!"

Bloodthirsty Starvine also felt the peculiar changes in the outside world, and came to a decisive conclusion.

Xiao Lang nodded slightly, but didn't say much, and steered the Linglong Flying Boat to continue running forward.

Even after reaching the sky over this continent, Xiao Lang could clearly sense that the call originating from the depths of the true spirit was still farther away in this continent.

Xiao Lang did not fly very high.

Because in this process, he was still observing everything on this continent, only a thousand feet away from the ground.

Green mountains and clear waters.

There are creatures on this continent!

"Will there be someone too?"

Xiao Lang and Bloodthirsty Starvine looked at each other and thought of this question almost at the same time. But at the next moment, almost at the same time, the two turned their heads and looked in the same direction.

The direction of Linglong Feizhou!

In the distance, a line of armored soldiers swept through the air, magnificent.

People came when they thought about whether there was anyone?

Xiao Lang frowned.

Immediately after--

"Who came from?"

"This place is the boundary of my Hong family. The visitor stops quickly and accepts my inspection!"

The sound came, solemn and solemn, not arrogant and upright. Xiao Lang glanced at Bloodthirsty Star Vine, and the eyes of the two flashed together, and they had the same mind at the same time.

After that, without seeing Xiao Lang's movements, Linglong Feizhou immediately stopped, floating in the void.

Stop it first.

Regarding this continent in this void, they have just arrived, and they know only limited information, so it's better to ask what's going on first.

Of course, this decision is based on the attitude of the other side and the difference in strength between the two sides.

This group of people in armour and the highest martial arts cultivation level is the middle-aged man they lead. They are just the pinnacle of the Dzogchen World Realm. For both Xiao Lang and Bloodthirsty Starvine, it is totally insignificant. what.

When Linglong Feizhou stopped, the soldiers who claimed to be Hong's family were a little surprised, but the owner of this Feizhou was so obedient.

But even if they were cautious, they still surrounded them cautiously.



The door opened.

Xiao Lang walked out of it, looked at the middle-aged man headed by this group of people, and asked directly:

"Hong family?"

"Who is the strongest person in your Hong family, and at what level?"


The big man obviously didn't expect Xiao Lang to be so direct. He was taken aback for a moment, and then a trace of fear and caution flashed under his eyes. He looked up and down Xiao Lang, and he muttered in his heart.

"This person... didn't he come to trouble my Hong family?"

The big man hesitated, Xiao Lang was a little impatient.

The reason why he stopped was entirely to inquire about the details and intelligence of the continent under his feet. In his opinion, the middle-aged man in front of him is just the pinnacle of the Dzogchen World Realm, and he knows only limited knowledge, so he is going to find the Patriarch of the Hong family and ask about it.

Seeing the hesitation of the middle-aged man, Xiao Lang simply slapped it out--


In the eyes of the middle-aged man and others, Xiao Lang just waved out a palm gently, and the breeze came slowly. They didn't feel the slightest special feeling, but they saw the woods under a thousand meters, the earth collapsed and turned into powder. With a blow, everything drifted away.

Everyone's movements became stiff, dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

"I am Venerable Era Realm. If I wanted to kill you, you would have died long ago."

"I just passed by and asked your Hong family about something."

I have to say that whether it is in the local cultivation world, strength is always ranked first. When Xiao Lang slapped a palm lightly and showed his martial arts realm, the big man's face immediately became more respectful and awe, but also a little more careful.

Although Xiao Lang said that he was not hostile, he was not sure.

I don't know the consequences of bringing Xiao Lang to his Hong family.

However, he did not hesitate for too long. When he saw Xiao Lang's face became impatient again, he quickly answered before he became angry:

"Returning to seniors, the strongest of my Hong family is my Hong family's Supreme Elder. Three hundred years ago, the great elder was promoted to the peak of the Mid-Era Realm. He showed up once, but it has not appeared again for a long time.

The peak of the mid-era realm?

Xiao Lang frowned upon hearing this.

not bad.

"take me to."

Xiao Lang waved his hand and took away Linglong Feizhou directly. As for the bloodthirsty star vine, it has been turned into a vine and wrapped around his shoulder, but the middle-aged man and others could not find it at all.

The middle-aged man quickly led the way.

"Senior, please!"

A group of people broke through the air.

With Xiao Lang's current martial arts cultivation skills, he was naturally indifferent to the speed of the middle-aged man and others, but he was not in a hurry. He also asked the middle-aged man a lot of things along the way.

Xiao Lang knew from his mouth that his name was Hong Tao, who was the 73rd generation descendant of the Hong family.

Xiao Lang learned from Hong Tao that the continent under their feet, called the Kingdom of the Five Elements, has existed for trillions of years and has been passed down for a long time.

The Kingdom of the Five Elements is divided into regions, which are the outer, inner and central core areas.

Their Hong family is on the periphery, insignificant.

But because their ancestors once appeared in top venerables, they have the control of a city. This kind of control is immutable, except for the demise of the city or the demise of the family.

To be honest, when Hong Tao said this, Xiao Lang was still quite surprised.

Only when the ancestors have appeared in the top venerable can they become the master of a city. Such conditions are simply more exaggerated than Lihuo Great World. You know, on some less powerful planets, such as Nymph's home, only four or five epochs can occupy half of the country.

Could it be that the Hong family is doing well in this continent?

Xiao Lang felt suspicious and asked again:

"On the Five Elements Continent, how many families like yours are there?"

Hong Tao was taken aback when he heard the words, and then smiled bitterly:

"Senior, you have asked me this question... There are too many families like our Hong family. My Hong family should be considered the weakest kind, so I can only settle down on the edge of this periphery."

"Like the few powerful families in the periphery, which one is not more than a dozen top venerables?"

Xiao Lang's heart was shocked when he heard this.

In the Five Elements Continent, just outside the family, there are more than ten top venerables sitting here?

What about the internal area?

Not to mention the central core area...

"This continent may not be as big as the Fire World, but the density of this strong..."

Xiao Lang was really surprised.

Continue to ask:

"Can there be the strongest venerable and immortal monarch on the periphery?"

Upon hearing this, Hong Tao gave Xiao Lang a surprised look and shook his head:

"That's not it."

"If the combat power reaches the level of the strongest venerable, you must enter the central area, and you can't stay on the periphery. This is a rule jointly formulated by the five major families and everyone must abide by it."

"We are suffering on the outside, but we are also not at peace on the inside."

Hong Tao smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

Hong Tao is in the outer area, so he doesn't envy the inner and central core areas?

"must go?"

"Why is this?"

Xiao Lang asked again, Hong Tao heard that his face became more bitter, and said:

"Not because of the animal tide."

"It's okay for us to be on the periphery. A large-scale beast wave will only happen once in decades. I heard that in the inner and central areas, the beast wave occurs every day. It is more dangerous and has a higher level. There are countless deaths and injuries... "

Beast tide?

what is that?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this, and was about to ask, suddenly--


The void shook slightly, and Xiao Lang immediately sensed it. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the vibration. He was surprised to see that a scarlet black cloud swept across the sky, exuding infinite evil spirit.

That is……

Xiao Lang was taken aback, before he could recognize him, Hong Tao's face suddenly changed next to him. He looked at the horizon in disbelief, and paled in shock:

"Animal tide?"

What kind of luck is this?

I just talked about the animal tide, the animal tide appeared?

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