Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 531: The first master craftsman in the mountain domain!

Bad comer?

Xiao Lang raised his eyebrows and looked at Wen Shang subconsciously.

He had just arrived in Gaoshan City, and he didn't get any enemies. This blue flying boat was definitely not coming to him, so only Wen Shang was left.

I saw that Shang was helpless and embarrassed. He noticed Xiao Lang's gaze and smiled bitterly:

"Come on, Brother Xiao Lang, I will introduce you to a master."


Xiao Lang was surprised.

Didn't the comer come to look for things?

This was beyond his expectation.

Wen Shang opened the door of Feizhou and swept away. Xiao Lang followed closely. He happened to see that the door of the cyan Feizhou was also opened. An old man with wild beard came out from the inside, his appearance was unruly, his clothes were disheveled, and his face rose. Red, still holding a wine gourd in his hand, before he spoke, Xiao Lang could not help but frown slightly when he smelled the pungent wine scent.

"Hahaha, old Wen, which kid did you go out to save again?"

"Are there any good products this time?"

Wen Shang was helpless and smiled bitterly:

"It's not my turn to shoot this time, there's nothing good."

The old man glared at Wen Yan, and then at Wen Shang, without saying a word, he walked directly towards Feizhou, still muttering in his mouth:


"It's a waste of my old man's time. If you can't get any good stuff next time, I don't think you will come back."

This person...

A hint of surprise and helplessness flashed through Xiao Lang's eyes.

This person is so welcome.

The silver elder who dared to confront the Heavenly Secret Pavilion in this way.

At this moment, when he saw the old man about to leave, Wen Shang suddenly lit his eyes and said:

"Old Iron Man, come back."

The old man called the iron old man took a halt, turned around, and said nonchalantly:

"What do you call me?"

"You don't know the old man's temper. If it is out of stock, the old man will not recognize it."

Wen Shang shook his head helplessly and said:

"How can I not know your temper."

"But when it comes to good products, although I didn't get it this time, but a few months later, maybe I can help you get a lot, are you interested?"

A few months later?

Old Man Tie's expression condensed when he heard Yan, even the wine in his eyes faded a bit, he looked at Wen Shang's body suspiciously, and suddenly turned his head to look aside Xiao Lang.

"Hey, your kid is going on the way of the soul in three months?"


Xiao Lang was a little surprised when he heard this.

The old man seemed unconscious, but he reacted so quickly!

And, how did he know?

Xiao Lang looked at Wen Shang in surprise, only to see the latter laugh and say:

"Old Iron Man, your dog's nose is really sensitive."

"Come on, let me introduce to you."

"Iron Army, you can call him Old Iron Man. Don't look at his disheveled clothes and rough appearance, but he is definitely the strongest refiner in our high mountain region. The bones he refines can even reach the level of the spiritual treasure!"

Hongmeng Lingbao?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

Hongmeng Lingbao refers to the magic weapon that can only be controlled by the top venerables above the peak of Dzogchen in the Era Realm. It is quite powerful.

It was the first time that he saw a master craftsman who could refine Hongmeng Lingbao. More importantly, this old iron man is only a small perfection in the era realm.

More stage refiner?

This is an expert!

Here, Wen Shang is introducing Xiao Lang to Old Man Tie.

"Old Tie, this is Brother Xiao Lang."

"He was indeed invited by me to participate in this journey of soul. When he comes back, he will definitely give you a huge surprise!"


What does Wen Shang mean?

Xiao Lang was puzzled, and Tie Jun looked at Xiao Lang suspiciously, his eyes full of suspicion.

"Just him?"

Wen Shang smiled triumphantly and said;

"Don't believe it, Brother Xiao Lang is absolutely fine."

"This time Hongcheng asked for help. When I arrived, the beast wave had ended. I saw with my own eyes that Brother Xiao Lang killed a blazing lion!"

Blazing Lion?

Hearing this, Tie Jun's expression immediately changed.

Three under five divided by two?

Xiao Lang was also taken aback when he heard this, because he was 100% sure that Wen Shang was not there when he let the Bloodthirsty Starvine slay the blazing lion. He also listened to the explanation of Hong Longcheng and his son.

Wen Shang tampered with the facts, what is this going to do?

Just as Xiao Lang was puzzled, only seeing Wen Shang winked at him and continued;

"It's just a pity. Brother Xiao Lang wasted a lot of energy with his bare hands. If he had bones in his hands, it would be easier and simpler."


Tie Jun was startled again when he heard the words. Now, the drunkenness on his face was completely gone, and he looked at Xiao Lang in astonishment.

"You killed a blazing lion with bare hands?"

Xiao Lang was taken aback and nodded subconsciously.

Although he wanted to say that it was not him who made the shot, it was Bloodthirsty Starvine, but after thinking about it, he still didn't solve the truth.

Seeing Xiao Lang nodded, the Tie Jun suddenly became interested, and rushed forward, shocking Xiao Lang.

"Good boy, great, there are two tricks!"

At this moment, Wen Shang leaned forward, as if he wanted to say something, but saw Tie Jun waved his hand directly without even looking at him.

"Okay, I still don't know what your kid thinks?"

"Don't worry, there are still three months left, the old man will definitely be able to tailor a piece of bone artefacts of the Harmony Lingbao level for him!"

"But boy, the old man is not working in vain, he has to be paid."

"You have entered the path of the soul, and the bones obtained by killing the fierce beast in the first sixty-four levels can only be sold to the old man after you come out! Don't worry, the old man will not cheat you, the price is good to discuss!"

Tie Jun's thousand-two sentences were for Wen Shang, and the last two sentences were for Xiao Lang.

At this moment, Xiao Lang finally understood what kind of idea Wen Shang was thinking, and also knew what the good stuff was talking about between him and Tie Jun.

It is the bones of animals!


Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words, and the depths of his star pupils flashed with brilliance.

To be honest, when the bone tool was discovered in Hongcheng as the most popular weapon on the Five Elements Continent, Xiao Lang became very curious about the bone tool.

The increase in bone weapon combat power is too obvious.

It's a pity that Hong Jiang's shank is too low-grade. Now that there is a master trainer who wants to tailor a bone tool for himself, Xiao Lang is naturally a little excited.

If you have mastered all the Great Dao of the Five Elements, what level of strength can you reach if you get the blessing of bone tools?

Bone organs.

It seems to have a miraculous effect on the Five Elements Continent!

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang replied decisively. The decisiveness even made Wen Shang who was about to negotiate terms stunned, not to mention Tiejun. The two of them paused and glanced at each other. Then Tiejun nodded and grabbed Xiao Lang. 'S hand, urged:

"Go go, follow me."

"Tell me, what kind of bones do you want?"

Tie Jun looked urgent and seemed to want to fulfill his promise as soon as possible, so Xiao Lang and Wen Shang had to keep up.

The place where the Iron Army builds the bone artifacts is in the corner of Gaoshan City. This is not because his status is not very good in Gaoshan City. In fact, when the Iron Army lives, Xiao Lang realizes that he is the first refiner in the high mountain region. Division, what is the status of the Iron Army.

His mansion is very big.

Coming all the way from high altitude, Xiao Lang also discovered that Tiejun’s mansion should be the largest in Gaoshan City. It was on a hill, but it was not like the other hills with faint green trees. Xiao Lang felt it before it settled. A strong anger hit his face.

Here is a place where the veins are!

And its level of purity is definitely the highest grade Xiao Lang has ever seen.

Above the void, there is a faint vision manifesting, and the fire cloud is transpiring.

"Heavenly steps and ground veins?"

Xiao Lang was surprised and immediately attracted Tie Jun's gaze, and a flash of brilliance flashed through the latter's eyes.

"Little friend Xiao Lang also understands refining?"

Xiao Lang immediately shook his head.

"I don't understand."

"Just know a little bit about the earth veins."

Tie Jun nodded and said:

"This is indeed a ground vein that can reach the level of the heavens. It is considered the best in our high mountains. Unfortunately, it can't be stronger, otherwise the old man may be able to refine better bones."

Tie Jun looked helpless.

Xiao Lang didn't answer the conversation, but he became more curious about Tiejun's methods.

Being able to use the heavens and earth veins to temper the bone weapons of the gods indicates that the latter's refining methods have actually reached the level of the master.

The Iron Army was in front, and the three of them flew towards the top of the hill.

Almost the entire hill is attached with dry bones. They all come from various fierce beasts. Some even Xiao Lang can't recognize what kind of fierce beast they are. There are strong breaths and weak ones, but they have the same thing. They have all been refined before, and there are special patterns flashing on them.

As if noticing Xiao Lang's curious sight, Tie Jun said proudly:

"These are all masterpieces of the old man."

Xiao Lang's heart was lost when he heard this, especially when he discovered that some of them were newly refined, and he learned more about the Iron Army.

God rewards hard work.

The reason why Tiejun was able to become the number one refiner in the high mountain domain, his talent is naturally unexplainable. But like martial arts practice, talent is only a prerequisite for your success, and the unremitting efforts acquired are the most critical reason.

Tiejun is an example.

He has become the No. 1 Refining Master in the High Mountain Region, and he can still work so hard to study Refining One.

Live up to the name of the master.

Xiao Lang looked more carefully.

Suddenly, under this mountain full of bones, he faintly discovered something.

"Is that...a puppet?"

Xiao Lang pointed to a faintly flashing behemoth buried in the bones of the beast. Hearing the words, Tie Jun glanced at Xiao Lang in surprise, as if surprised by his keen observation, said:

"Yes, it's a puppet."

"In fact, the old man's long-cherished wish is to refine a powerful puppet in his lifetime, but unfortunately, there are too few complete fierce beast corpses that meet the requirements...Perhaps, I am too greedy."

Meet the criteria?

Xiao Lang was about to question, only to see Wen Shang winking at him suddenly and interjecting:

"There is always a chance."

"By the way, Brother Xiao Lang, what kind of bone tool do you need?"

It seemed that Tie Jun had something unspeakable, Wen Shang suddenly turned off the topic, and Xiao Lang couldn't ask any more questions, but after hearing Wen Shang's question, he fell into thinking. After a while, the eyes flashed:

"Hard enough!"


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