Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 534: Terrifying speed!


Xiao Lang rushed directly into a portal, and immediately——

The situation changed drastically.

It is a wasteland.

Xiao Lang used his peripheral vision to roughly judge the surrounding environment, and immediately his gaze fell on a burly body ten miles away in front of him.


Exudes the aura of the pinnacle of Era Realm Xiao Perfection.

When Xiao Lang discovered it, it also saw Xiao Lang and immediately craned its neck. Even if it was about to burst out with a roar, it hadn't waited for it to make a sound--


Between its throat, I don’t know how many times it has protected it from the hard and solid scales of danger, like a brick, it tore in an instant, like being pierced by an invisible spear, even with a whine Failed to emit, the breath of life poured down like a tide, and instantly died on the spot.

at the same time--


Void Thunder Zhen, another portal appeared.

Xiao Lang didn't even glance at the ground rhinoceros below, as if his footsteps never stopped, stepping out, his figure disappeared in the door.

The second level!

In an instant, Xiao Lang had already passed a level!


at the same time.

Takayama City.

When I saw Xiao Lang and a whole thousand other people disappearing into the void of the portal, the people below who were seeing them farewell, their faces were solemn, still staring at the void.

Almost in an instant.


The thunderous sound shook, and the void shook again, as if something was about to break out of the ground. Seeing this scene, including Tiejun and Wen Shang, everyone was shocked.



A huge stone monument came, standing upright on the ground, the blue stone tablet was full of names, and at the top of it, there were also a few large characters—

High mountain domain, God of War monument!

This stone stele was not portrayed by someone, but made of heaven and earth!

The God of War monument exists at the same time as the path of the soul, and every time the path of the soul is opened, it will appear. The names depicted above are exactly the names of every warrior who entered the path of the soul in the mountain region this time. Behind their names, they also depict the level they are trespassing.

Ten days.

The God of War monument will only exist for ten days.

Ten days later, all warriors who failed to pass the first sixty-four levels will be directly eliminated. This is the rule of the path of the soul.

This also means that after ten days, the real contest between the evildoers and geniuses in each region will officially begin.

The information engraved on the God of War monument is just a prelude to this feast. But for outsiders who are waiting outside and ignorant of everything that happens in the path of the soul, it is the only support for them to know the inside.

It will exist when someone passes the first level.

Ever since, when the God of War monument appeared, everyone's sights fell on it, and at the same time, they also saw the name that ranked first——

"Xiao Lang, fourth level!"


Everyone was shocked and taken aback.

The fourth level?

"I'm not mistaken, is this the fourth level?"

Someone exclaimed.

You must know that when someone passes the first level, the War God monument will be manifested. The entire manifestation process is only a matter of three or five breaths. In such a short time, Xiao Lang has already reached the first. Four levels?


Someone was astonished. They were about to continue to sigh, but they saw that after Xiao Lang's name on the God of War monument, the number changed again.

Fifth level!

In an instant, Xiao Lang passed another level!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The same goes for Wen Shang and Tie Jun.

Speaking of it, they were the only people among these people who knew Xiao Lang, because Xiao Lang was brought by Wen Shang. However, even if he knew from the mouths of Hong Longcheng and his son, even if it was four

The star fierce beast, the blazing lion, is not Xiao Lang's one-piece enemy, and at this moment, he can't help but be stunned when he sees the successively changing numbers on the War God monument.

What monster speed is this?

At this moment--

"Wen Shang."

A shout awakened Wen Shang, turned his head and looked at him, only to see an old man with white hair and white beard looking at him, who is not the branch master of the Tianji Pavilion in the mountain region?

"I remember, you brought this Xiao Lang?"

Wen Shang hurried forward.

"Back to the cabinet master, yes."

Immediately afterwards, Wen Shang recounted the first meeting with Xiao Lang in detail and quickly, and during this process, the surrounding cries of surprise repeatedly showed signs of inability to stop.

Because Xiao Lang's breakthrough is still in progress at a heinous speed.

"By the way, Master Iron Army also refined a Hongmeng Lingbao-level glove for him."

Hongmeng Lingbao?

The white-haired old man gave Tie Jun a surprised look.

The Tiejun's spirit was stunned, and he also reacted, but his face was still slightly dull.

"But my pair of gloves are not that strong, right?"

The white-haired old man showed a solemn expression upon hearing the words:

"It seems that you really found a real evildoer for our high mountain domain this time!"

"It took just a quarter of an hour to pass 17 levels...this speed is unprecedented in our high mountains."

The fastest in history?

Wen Shang was taken aback after hearing the words, and subconsciously asked:

"What about our entire Outland?"

The white-haired old man was startled when he heard the words, a trace of remembrance flashed under his eyes, and he shook his head:

"I don't know much about this. But I remember that the record of our outer domain, the record of the thirty-second level should be five hours."

"The record of the sixty-four pass is two days and eleven hours..."

"The key is after the thirty-second level..."

The white-haired old man sighed and awakened everyone present, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Not bad.

The most important thing is after the thirty-second level, because it is a watershed, the previous thirty-two levels, they encountered all the fierce beasts at the pinnacle of the era realm, and from the thirty-third level, it is the era. A fierce beast of the Great Perfection level. I

Fast in the later stage is the key!

Xiao Lang, can he break the record of Outland?

Just as everyone secretly speculated, the number of layers behind Xiao Lang's name on the God of War monument was also rapidly rising——


twenty two……

twenty four……

Very balanced.

It seemed that Xiao Lang hadn't encountered any trouble, all the battles ended quite quickly, and the time spent in each level was basically the same, which meant that he completed these battles in a crushing posture.

As for this time, most of it is just spent on the road.

"It's the thirty-second level, only one hour?"


The number behind Xiao Lang's name had become thirty-two. At this time, the entire crowd in Gaoshan City had completely exploded.

An hour!

Thirty-two levels!

What kind of speed is this fucking!

Before, the entire Outer Domain’s time was only five hours, but Xiao Lang did this with only...

One-fifth of the time!

New record?

This is no longer a record-breaking thing!

This time, will Xiao Lang really break the record so aggressively?

Just when everyone's hearts were shaking and it was difficult to stabilize, suddenly--


The number behind Xiao Lang's name has changed!

In just one hour, he passed a full thirty-two passes. Halfway through the sixty-four level of the fierce beast level!

Everyone is dumbfounded.

This is true for the gray-haired old man, Wen Shang, and Tie Jun.


They were completely shocked by the speed Xiao Lang showed at this time.

There was no sound.

No one can say a word.

Until... after just twenty or thirty breaths--

On the monument belonging to the God of War in the High Mountain Region, the number behind Xiao Lang's name jumped again——



"What's going on? What happened?"

It was as if a huge rock fell into a flood of autumn water, and a thousand waves were instantly set off. If the speed that Xiao Lang showed before made them lose their souls, then now, when the number behind Xiao Lang's name is beating again , They are almost crazy.

What does this mean?

It meant that Xiao Lang had already killed the fierce beast of the 33rd pass in just 20 to 30 breaths. It also includes his time to find the entrance to the next level!

Twenty to thirty interest.

It is indeed longer than Xiao Lang's previous level to pass any level, but you must know that in the 33rd level, the fierce beast of the Era Realm Dzogchen level is comparable to the top venerable!


They are completely crazy.

One of them was counted as one, his body trembling unceasingly, trembling, looking at the God of War monument on the void, his expression frightened.

Is there something wrong with the God of War monument?

Or what's going on?

"He's just Era Realm Xiao Perfect! Don't he need to break through?"

According to their previous experience, trying to pass the 33rd level is not a big trouble for every hero on the path of the soul, and it will take a lot of time, even more than after Some of the levels are even more.

Because what they will face in the future are fierce beasts that are comparable to the top venerable level. In this case, if you want to ensure the speed of breaking through the barriers and the safety of your own lives, direct breakthrough is the best choice.

In fact, everyone who enters the path of the primordial spirit can step into the era of great perfection anytime and anywhere.

This is why they spend the most time in this level.

But now, this must have happened to Xiao Lang's body.

"He didn't choose to break through?"

Twenty or thirty breaths, in such a short time, it is impossible to complete any breakthrough, let alone a rise in the martial art realm. However, the deep meaning contained in it is even more shocking.

Xiao Lang, who was only the Xiao Perfect Venerable of the Era Realm, killed the beast of the top Venerable level!

This is no longer just as simple as a battle of tiers.

Even a top venerable who has experienced many battles, I am afraid I can't guarantee that he can end a battle of the same rank in such a short period of time!

"Something happened!"

Everyone is aware of Xiao Lang's good quality and strange performance.

Zhou Tong is even more so.

As the branch master of the Tianji Pavilion in the Gaoshan Region, he knew more than Wen Shang and others, had rich experience, and was able to judge more things.

Therefore, just as soon as his mind stabilized, he immediately flipped his wrist, and a simple ring appeared on the palm of his hand, and a brilliant light flashed.

Wen Shang and others couldn't help being surprised when they saw this scene.

What is Zhou Tong doing?

They didn't understand, and they didn't have time to ask, because most of their attention was still locked on the God of War tablet in the void, looking at the number behind Xiao Lang's name, slowly climbing at an extremely stable speed.

"Thirty Four... Thirty Five... Thirty Six..."

Another half hour passed.

The time for Xiao Lang to pass through the barrier seemed to be slower, but it was also much faster than others. You must know that the second person below him can pass the tenth level in one and a half hours!

For the past, this speed is not bad, but it compares with Xiao Lang...

It's totally incomparable!

Just as everyone’s hearts were getting stronger, suddenly—


The void shook, and a silver flying boat suddenly tore through the void, shocking everyone present. Seeing the golden mark on the flying boat, someone couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Gold Medal Elder?!"


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