Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 546: Strong!

Ten breaths.

Mu Qiang only supported ten breaths under the suppression of Five Elements Suppression.

This was the case when Xiao Lang didn't use any other means other than the five elements to suppress prison. Even Xiao Lang did not exert the suppression effect of the Five Elements to suppress prison to the greatest extent.

It can also be said that Mu Qiang was defeated by himself.

He really wanted to break through the suppression of the Five Elements Prison. He didn't know how many times he tried to break through, but every time he was completely blocked by the colorful light curtain. The violent back shock made him suffer, and he was covered with blood.



The ring where the two of them were in turned red.

This also means that this ring battle is over.

There are two possibilities for the end of the ring battle in the way of the soul. The first is that one of the parties admits that they are invincible and takes the initiative to admit defeat. The second type is determined by the old man guarding this place, and one of them has lost the ability and possibility of comeback and will intervene.

What Xiao Lang and Mu Qiang encountered was obviously the second one.


The crimson beneath his feet came into view, and Mu Qiang's eyes shrank suddenly. Immediately, he even felt the powerful suction from the void around his body.

He is about to be removed from the path of the soul.

On the path of the soul, death has never happened. Whenever the power gap between each other is too large, the old people guarding this place can always intervene in time. It seems that he does not want to see anyone die here.

Of course Mu Qiang was not reconciled.

But he also knew that the general situation had passed, and he had lost the qualification to stay.

But even so, he did not forget the task assigned to him by Zhong Wuyan and others. Standing in place, his hands behind his back suddenly made two movements. The next moment--


Mu Qiang disappeared, and he was moved out of the way of the soul.

The five-element light curtain covering this arena also disappeared. Xiao Lang waved his hand and the five-element prison drifted away. In the next moment, his gaze was already looking towards the distant arena.

Ten breaths.

Not only was the ring battle between Xiao Lang and Mu Qiang over, but most of the ring battles on the first floor of the entire trial tower were coming to an end, and from time to time someone turned into a beam of light and was sent out.

On the several arenas that Xiao Lang looked at, the battle was over.

Of course they ended quickly.

Because they are the absolute powerhouse among all the warriors present!

Mo Xuming, Zhong Wuyan, Mu Huarong, Chi Tianxiang, Yi Jun.

In the central core area, they are absolutely unique among the younger generation of powerhouses, and have a great reputation. It was them that Xiao Lang looked at!

"Mu Qiang was defeated?"

"There is no force to fight back?"

"This Xiao Lang is so strong!"

Xiao Lang heard the comments coming from the surroundings. Obviously, more than one person was paying attention to him at this time. After all, among the tens of thousands of martial artists present, he was the only one who was Xiao Wannian in the era, and the others were top veterans. Based on this alone, there was a lot of curiosity on him.

Xiao Lang didn't pay any attention to anyone at all, but suddenly rose into the air under everyone's surprised gaze.

"Where is he going?"

Everyone was astonished, and when they saw the direction Xiao Lang was heading towards, they were even more shocked.

The direction Xiao Lang leaped into the air was that of Zhong Wuyan and others!

Zhong Wuyan and others were obviously very surprised by Xiao Lang's sudden arrival, and Mo Xuming was even more shocked. Speaking of which, he is the only one among the five who knows Xiao Lang, and he is about to meet him, suddenly—


Xiao Lang's figure paused, then stopped abruptly, standing firmly on the second floor of the experience tower, and it was just above Mo Xuming! Immediately, he said nothing, just closed his eyes and sat cross-legged.

Everyone who saw this scene around was shocked.


They certainly don't think this is a coincidence.

Xiao Lang could clearly step forward on his original ring, and then he could climb to the second floor.

Must go to the ring where Mo Xuming and others are?

this is--


"He is actually challenging the five heavenly kings?!"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Five heavenly kings.

This is the name of Zhong Wuyan, Mo Xuming and others in the central area, domineering. At this time, when they saw Xiao Lang's movements, they realized what real domineering is.



Xiao Lang is using actions to challenge them!

"How did the five heavenly kings offend him, so that he dared to do so?"

"Could it be that Mu Qing challenged him, it was the arrangement of the five heavenly kings?"

No one who can come here and have the ability to survive the first ring is a fool, and someone with a heart immediately analyzed the reason.

However, before they had waited for them to guess the truth, the next scene was once again beyond their expectations.

The five Zhong Wuyan moved.

But no one stepped onto the arena where Xiao Lang was, but bypassed him and stood on the other five blank arenas.

Faced with Xiao Lang's provocations and challenges, the five heavenly kings actually chose to avoid?

Everyone is dumbfounded.

In their opinion, this is simply incredible, especially the warriors from the five major families in the central core area. Of course, they understand the power of Zhong Wuyan and others better than others, which is beyond their reach!

But even if they are as strong as Zhong Wuyan and others, they still chose to avoid?

Is Xiao Lang's strength really that terrifying?

He is just the pinnacle of Xiaoyuan in the Era Realm!

The warriors from the five major families suddenly felt a little ashamed, but their fear of Xiao Lang deepened. And they are not the only ones who are ashamed of the choice of Mo Xuming and others?

The same is true for Mo Xuming and others.

"Sister Zhong, did we just choose to let it? This is too..."

Yi Jun and the others are transmitting their voices, their faces are ugly. The other four people, Yi Jun and Chi Tianxiang both looked at Zhong Wuyan with incomprehensible eyes.

Not bad.

Zhong Wuyan arranged for the avoidance.

When the two of them cast doubtful eyes, Zhong Wuyan has been observing Xiao Lang, her expression is calm, her eyes are solemn, people can't guess what she is thinking, until -

"He is very strong."

"If Mu Qiang didn't feel the great pressure, he would definitely not be drawn to the super enchanting level, the same level as us."

"Mu Qiang is not crazy, he will not deliberately exaggerate his opponent in order to cover up his failure."

Super evil!

When Yi Jun and Chi Tianxiang heard the words, their pupils suddenly shrank slightly, thinking of the two gestures that Mu Qiang made when he was forcibly teleported out.

They represent two meanings-

Super evil!

The mission failed and no intelligence was found!

The five fell silent until Mu Huarong broke the calm:

"Just as Sister Zhong said, Mu Qiang is indeed not such a person. I know him. Moreover, our relationship is very good. We often discuss each other and he also knows my strength. Since he made such a judgment, it shows that it is indeed the case. ."

"Anyone of us has a great chance of failing against him."

As soon as Mu Huarong said this, the expressions on the faces of the other four immediately became more solemn, and Mo Xuming couldn't help saying:

"I have also discussed with Brother Mu Qiang. I have experienced his offensive. Even with my Mohist defensive methods and full of breath, I am afraid it is impossible to do it as perfect as him."


Mo Xuming's words were obviously more eye-catching than Mu Huarong's words, and the four of them trembled together.

Especially when they think that Xiao Lang's Five Elements Prison is not only defensive, but also contains offensive!

"This is not his full power..."

Zhong Wuyan finally concluded, her beautiful eyes trembled, she seemed to see the target, and she seemed to have found a big opponent that excited her.

"His true strength should be even more terrifying than this!"

More terrifying!

Mo Xuming and others are enchanting-level geniuses who have focused on training for the five major families over the past century. They are certainly confident enough in the strength of themselves and others, but when they heard Zhong Wuyan's judgment on Xiao Lang's strength, they couldn't help but feel worried. At the same time of shaking, he couldn't help but have a little doubt about himself.

No wonder Zhong Wuyan let them evade!

"But doesn't it mean that we can't help him, we can only watch him enter the top eight?"

Although Yi Jun had a bad temper, his heart was quite delicate, and he immediately realized that their previous plan might have failed.

When Mo Xuming and others heard this, their faces became difficult to look.

Zhong Wuyan's eyes are also more solemn.

"This is no way."

"One-on-one, maybe we can pose a threat to him, but without knowing if he has any other cards, it is too risky."

"Don't be impulsive, you can endure it."

"After the Temple of the Five Elements, we join hands, maybe there is still a chance."


Hearing this, Mo Xuming and others nodded heavily.

It can only be this way.

The situation is not good, but none of them showed disappointment or discouragement. Even Zhong Wuyan did not show the slightest embarrassment on his face when he said the word "joint hand".

This can also be regarded as one of the differences between them and those powerhouses in Lihuo Great World.



Born in the Five Elements Continent, and survived in the beast wave again and again, they never thought how important their own face was.

This is probably the reason why one side feeds the other.

This includes Mu Qiang, who was eliminated by Xiao Lang. After being treated with disdain by Xiao Lang, he also did not feel anxious and desperate to find Xiao Lang. Instead, he remembered the task Zhong Wuyan gave him. Estimated Xiao Lang's real combat power.

Of course, he did not do it.

However, his attitude is sufficient.

This is the warrior on the Five Elements Continent, including the family. Because they have a common enemy-the animal tide, and they also have a common goal-to live, so in a way, they are more united than those families or forces in the Great World of Fire.

This is the reason why they can live to the present.

If they were like Lihuo Great World, sharpened their heads when they encountered resources or opportunities, I am afraid that the entire Five Elements Continent would have been overwhelmed by the beast tide.

From this point of view, the cultivation atmosphere of the Five Elements Continent is better than that of the Lihuo Great World, but it is a pity that the existence of the animal tide has distorted their entire cultivation system.

Similarly, this is also a major reason why Zhong Wuyan and others have tried every possible means to test out his purpose after they doubted Xiao Lang's identity.

Fierce beast.

In their hearts it is already a life-like existence!

In order to eradicate the beasts, they are willing to do everything, and likewise, they are willing to avoid the edge for the time being and plan for the long term.

Of course, Xiao Lang naturally knew nothing about these. When I saw Zhong Wuyan and others temporarily avoiding their edge, and did not choose to continue to target themselves, I was quite surprised.

"give up?"

Xiao Lang certainly didn't think Zhong Wuyan and others really gave up.

All the results will not be known until tomorrow's ring battle begins.

However, when Zhong Wuyan and others chose to turn a blind eye to Xiao Lang's provocation, they still caused a huge commotion among the surrounding crowd, and more people followed Xiao Lang.

Of course, there are fears.

For a moment, in their hearts, Xiao Lang seemed to be a more terrifying existence than Zhong Wuyan and others...

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