Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 619: Horrible pale youth!


This place seemed to be the restricted area of ​​the power of the great power and the power of the heaven. Darkness shrouded it, but it was not unusually dark. A pair of long and narrow eyes opened.

What kind of eye pupil is this!



It seems that there is an abyss in its center, and people can't help but be immersed in it, unable to extricate themselves. Similarly, life and death are unknown!

It is more dazzling than everything!

Growing up on a young man who seemed to be only in his twenties and similar in age to Xiao Lang's appearance, perhaps because he had just awakened, his face looked a little pale and he didn't mean to restore his blood.

The young man listened carefully and seemed to hear something faintly. His pupils lit up slightly. Although he had been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years, he still heard a clear voice:

"The Taoist..."

"For more than 20 years, I have embarked on the path of Venerable Heaven, and... is the integration of the five elements?"


"Unexpectedly, I could get such an inheritor."

"Such an enchanting evildoer, indeed has enough qualifications to wake me up."

The smile on the young man’s face grew stronger, and in an instant—


The youth escaped into the darkness and disappeared.

And if Xiao Lang was here and heard these words from him, he would definitely find many horrible clues——


You know, here is Ting Chaohou Mansion. Xiao Lang is the inheritor, so the identity of the inheritor, that is, this young man...

Unfortunately, Xiao Lang did not hear.

At this time, Xiao Lang was in confusion.

"The transmission is not over yet?"

Xiao Lang looked at the darkness in front of him, his feeling of weightlessness continued, and he couldn't help frowning.

It is different from the first level of Shura Field.

He remembered that in the first level of Shura Field, he completed the teleportation in just an instant. But this time, it has lasted for a whole dozen interest.

"What's the problem?"

Xiao Lang didn't know at this time, it was precisely because he had come here twice to make such a big change and progress, which awakened a long-sleeping existence in this second pass.

However, he soon knew.


at last.

The light and shadow in the darkness in front of him changed, and finally the color changed. As Xiao Lang watched intently, the transmission that had lasted for more than 30 breaths finally ended.


The feeling of being down to earth came from under him.

The surrounding area was empty, and it was a square, but the square was too big, like a continent, with no end in sight.

The surface of the land seems to be engraved with all kinds of marks, and it is in a silent state, with different lights flowing and full of mystery.

"Magic circle?"

"Magic Array?"

Thinking of the name of this level, Xiao Lang had a guess in his heart. However, before he could even think about it, he made any attempts, and suddenly—


A hundred feet away in front of him, the void split.

A thin figure appeared. His face was pale, his face was like paper, and the corners of his mouth had an evil smile. A pair of eyes were like the core of the universe, deep and abnormal. When Xiao Lang's gaze fell on his face, especially between his eyes At that time, I couldn't help but shudder, and my spirit was shaken.

At this moment, he even felt a sense of loss of heart and soul!

The test begins?

Xiao Lang immediately thought so, because he had such experience in the first level of Shura Field, without any signs, the task came the moment he stepped into it.

Although there was no prompt this time, Xiao Lang still thought so, so his reaction was quite decisive and direct.


Meeting is a punch!

No matter what you are, what does it have to do with the trials of this place, let's fight first!


Punch through the air!

Xiao Lang clearly felt that the space here seemed to be much more stable than the space in the Great World of Lihuo. His punch failed to shake the void, but he didn't mean it.

It means that the power hidden in his punch is weak.

Quite the opposite.

Goshawk fights the rabbit with all his strength.

The same is true for Xiao Lang.

What's more, this is the test left by listening to Chaohou. Of course, he can't have the slightest contempt.

In this fist, Xiao Lang directly integrated into the power of Death Heaven. From a certain level, this is his strongest level of combat power.

Seeing Xiao Lang's punch, the pale youth who had just appeared was visibly taken aback. He didn't expect Xiao Lang to be so bold and arbitrary. When Xiao Lang's punch was only ten feet away from him, he seemed to have finally reacted. , The corners of the mouth rise, and the chuckle spreads:

"There is courage, I like it!"

"In that case, as a master, I will teach you what it means to be someone outside of a person, there is a heaven outside of heaven."


The sound is clear and clear, and it reaches the ears.

Xiao Lang was taken aback.


What does it mean?

Is there still such a setting as a master for this level?

But before he thought about it--


The pale young man did not move, but also hit with a punch, a group of smart water greeted his eyes, and then—


The collision erupted in one thought!

Xiao Lang only felt a strong force spreading along his arm, like a torrential tsunami, out of control, desperate, and wanting to destroy his own body!


So strong?

A strong sense of oppression shocked his heart. At this moment, Xiao Lang was shocked.

Although he had seen the fighting power of the Zhong family ancestors and others in the Five Elements Continent, he had never personally experienced the power of the Supreme Being who was almost the ultimate power.

But at this moment, from the pale youth in front of him, the sense of oppression he felt was even stronger than when facing the ancestors of the Zhong family!

He surpassed the Zhong family ancestors and others?

Distracted thoughts flashed in his heart, and Xiao Lang immediately realized that he had encountered a hard idea.

Regardless of whether the pale youth's martial arts realm is stronger or weaker than the Zhong family ancestors and others, he can be sure that the other party is much stronger than him!

"Nine You Bat!"

"Bloodthirsty Starvine!"

"Jinling ancestor!"

Xiao Lang summoned one after another.

The opponent in front of him is not something he can resist alone!

He needs help!

However, after the summoning, Xiao Lang was surprised to find out—

no respond.

The trio of Jiuyoubats, who should have appeared immediately after his call, seemed to have fallen into silence without any response. Only then did Xiao Lang realize that his storage ring turned out to be sealed. !

"Can you do this?"

Xiao Lang was shocked.

And it is because of this momentary delay-


The pale youth was in the form of a ghost, Xiao Lang watched, he stepped out, the whole person was like a shadow, escaped into the void and suddenly disappeared, before he waited for him to investigate in a hurry—


Void trembling, came from his left rear, at this moment, Xiao Lang's expression changed drastically.

Void shock!

He almost broke out of the void that could not be shaken by a single blow with his full strength, and it was shaking at this time!

How fierce was the pale youth's blow?

It's not just the material level.

Along with this vacant vibration, Xiao Lang felt a strong sense of oppression coming, like a heavy hammer, smashing his heart and soul, and in an instant, the true spirit was shocked and almost burst!

Xiao Lang had no doubt that if it were a bit stronger, his true spirit would immediately collapse, and his body would die away!

"Damn, dare to be more aggressive!"

Xiao Lang was anxious.

He never expected that he would meet such a strong opponent as soon as he entered this space.

Almost the whole process!

The opponent is too strong


The displayed combat power, whether it is at the soul level or the material level, is much stronger than myself!

"Ting Chaohou asked me to come to the second level when my combat power reaches the immortal level. My current combat power is more than enough to crush the five heavens of the immortal level. I am still abused as soon as I enter?"

Xiao Lang was a little confused.


Forcibly resisting the splitting headache, Xiao Lang forcibly reversed the power of the heavenly path of death that was surging in his body. The moment the colorful barrier bloomed behind him, the purple light under his feet was like electricity.

Five Elements Town Prison!


After leaving the Five Elements Continent, he was able to re-exercise the power of other attributes. This battle, this instinct finally appeared again.

But even so--


The fist wind shook, Xiao Lang only felt severe pain in his left arm, and when he looked down, he immediately saw that his entire left arm was pierced by frost, black and purple, and it looked intimidating.

He urged the restoration of the vitality in the body for the first time, as well as the blessing of the power of reincarnation.

Xiao Lang is still quite confident in his own recovery ability. I am afraid that the recovery ability of the ordinary Immortal Fifth Heaven cannot be compared with him, but this time, the result has surprised him.

The life force is completely useless!

The power of Samsara Heavenly Dao has a little effect, but the effect is also extremely limited, and it is quite restrained.

Do not.

It's not restrained either.

Xiao Lang was keenly aware that there seemed to be a strange power hidden in the frost that penetrated his left arm, and it was precisely because of its blessing that it prevented the power of the reincarnation heaven from breaking it.

"what is this?"

Xiao Lang was shocked, this kind of power was something he had never felt before.

But at this moment, the pale youth obviously did not give him any time to think. Seeing Xiao Lang's frustration, the smile on his face grew thicker, and dozens of punches came out one after another--


The shadow of the fist shone, each of them came with blue frost, even if Xiao Lang dodged quite wonderfully, it was inevitable that they would fall on him.

Every frost fell on him, and he could clearly see Xiao Lang's figure, his escape speed slowed down a bit.

To the end--

The blue frost in the void disappeared.

Because there is no need.

Xiao Lang turned into a sculpture, banned by Frost, his expression was astonished and horrified.


Xiao Lang's body was completely paralyzed, only his soul was clear. He watched as the pale young man walked towards him step by step, with a smile on his face and an evil charm like a demon.

"Hehe, let's be honest now."

"You dare to shoot at me, your brat is really fat!"


The pale youth's eyes shone brightly, as bright as stars.

"I like!"

"My inheritor should have this kind of aura that is not afraid and not afraid. It's just that you are too weak now, I really have to make you suffer."

The wickedness on the pale youth's face became more intense, suddenly giving Xiao Lang an ominous premonition in his heart.

Still suffering?

Are you not the gatekeeper of this level?

Is it necessary to be so cruel?


Xiao Lang was bound and restrained, and there were also factors of his own willingness, because he wanted to see what other methods this pale youth had.

He could perceive that the pale youth didn't seem to have any plans to kill him. Therefore, this should be part of the test of this level. Therefore, Xiao Lang only half-pushed and grabbed with his hands, but now, seeing the evil light flashing in the latter's eyes, Xiao Lang no longer Can't calm down.

A barrier-breaker, I'm still afraid you won't make it?


this moment.

The pale youth who seemed to be still immersed in how he should "torture" Xiao Lang didn't realize it, the prey bound by him, a strange purple light flashed past Xiao Lang's eyes, and it became more and more dense--

Dao spirit body, the power of origin!


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