Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 621: seed!

In fact, during the time when Xiao Lang and the pale youth were fighting, the three of Jiuyou Bat, Bloodthirsty Star Vine, and Jinling Old Ancestor were in Xiao Lang's storage ring.

When Xiao Lang came to Longyang Star, entered Ting Chaohou Mansion, and even met Ah Fu, they could perceive everything that was happening outside.

Xiao Lang did not ban storage rings.

This was not because he hadn't considered it, but because the life and death of the three Jiuyoubats were between his thoughts, and he didn't need defense at all.

However, when Xiao Lang stepped into the second stone gate, the three of Jiuyou Bats immediately sensed that the three of them seemed to be blind, and suddenly lost all perception of the outside.

Xiao Lang banned the storage ring, or was this place affected by inexplicable laws?

The three of Jiuyoubats didn't know, so they had been waiting, and even prepared to wait for two months, because they had heard from Ah Fu that the test of the second level would take two months at most.

Unexpectedly, suddenly, they heard Xiao Lang's voice transmission.

Outside, someone?

In the level left by Ting Chaohou, besides Xiao Lang, there are others?

For Xiao Lang’s sudden point of view, Jiuyou Bat looked blank, but he still instinctively explored his soul and looked around. However, this investigation does not matter——


The Bloodthirsty Starvine and Jinling Patriarch standing beside him even felt that the soul body of the Jiuyou Bat was showing signs of collapse at this moment.

Not because of danger.

But excited!

"Master Hou?!"

"Is it really you, Lord Hou?"


Jiuyou Bat was overjoyed. At this moment, it could be said that he was forgetful. He suddenly rushed out of Xiao Lang's storage ring. The moment he appeared, he was about to rush towards the pale youth, but at this moment, he Suddenly stopped again.

It's not because you are aware of your current identity.

Seeing his face flushed, he squeezed, as if he had seen a blind date girl who was not out of the pavilion, his eyes were full of excitement, but he wanted to stop talking, not knowing how to move forward.

Hou Ye?

Listen to the tide?

Bloodthirsty Star Vine and Jinling Old Ancestor trembled suddenly when they heard the call of Jiuyou Bat. They have only heard of the legend of Chaohou, perhaps in awe, but they are definitely not as excited as the Jiuyou Bat.

On the contrary, they even had an ominous premonition in their hearts, glanced at each other, and immediately jumped out of the storage ring and appeared beside Xiao Lang.

Really listen to the tide!

When he heard Jiuyou Bat's exhilarating shout, Xiao Lang's heart slammed, confirming the pale youth's identity.

No need to doubt.

Jiuyoubat himself said that he is an avid fan of Ting Chaohou. Over the years, Ting Chaohou's position in his heart hasn't weakened by half. Of course, it is impossible to admit his mistake.

"He's not dead!"

"Still alive!"

Xiao Lang's eyes were gloomy.

What does this mean?

Does it really mean that what the ancestors of the Five Elements said before are all true. The reason why Ting Chao Hou created Ting Chao Hou Mansion was for his plan to plunder the avenue?

Here, Xiao Lang was still speculating secretly.

Ting Chaohou looked at the Jiuyou Bat who suddenly appeared and shouted at him. He was visibly stunned, a strangeness flashed in his eyes.

He never expected that Xiao Lang would confirm his identity in this way.

"The soul body of the initial state?"

"who are you?"

Listening to Chaohou, he could see through the details of Jiuyou Bat. Although the Jiuyou Bat has only the strength of the fourth or fifth heavens of the immortal realm, his martial arts foundation is still there, which can't hide from the eyes of Ting Chaohou.

Without being recognized, Jiuyou Bat didn't seem to be surprised at all, let alone a little bit frustrated, still excited, said:

"Return to Lord Hou, the villain is the captain of the Fourth Battle Battalion of the Jiuyou Army, named Jiuyou Bat, who has seen Lord Hou!"

Nine You Bats?

Ting Chaohou obviously didn't know the Jiuyou Bat, but he clearly understood this title and the team the Jiuyou Bat said, and his eyebrows were stretched.

"Oh it's you."

"It seems that in the previous battle, I was not alone in falling into the second world. You are lucky to be alive."

Hearing the words, Jiuyoubat nodded repeatedly, and was about to talk about some of the details of his fall into the sub-world. At this moment, he found that Ting Chaohou no longer looked at him, but looked at Xiao Lang, and swept away. Seeing the calm and heaviness on Xiao Lang's face, he suddenly realized that the atmosphere around him was a bit wrong, and he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

what's the situation?

Jiuyou Bat can't understand it anymore.

However, after listening to Chaohou, who has experienced many battles and read countless people, how can he not understand the expression on Xiao Lang's face and the jealousy in his eyes?

Especially when I saw the old ancestor of Jinling next to Xiao Lang, the face that seemed to be familiar, somewhat changed but not much changed, I listened to Chaohou and smiled.

"It turns out that you have already met Yang Yaotian. It seems that he didn't say anything bad about me."

"Capture the Avenue? Haha, what a big brain hole."

"Boy, don't worry, if I really want to treat you badly, or if I want to take you away, you can't live until now."

"The old man is enough to live for a lifetime, how can he survive?"

Hearing Chaohou's words broke Xiao Lang's mind, Xiao Lang was shocked by its accuracy.

He knows it!

Even the ancestors of the Five Elements knew his bellyache and dissatisfaction?

Xiao Lang would never trust a person for no reason, especially when it came to life and death. But after hearing these few words from Chaohou, Xiao Lang's mind suddenly became much easier.

He believed it!

At least eight points!

Not for other reasons, just because what Chaohou said at this time was indeed the truth.

He has this strength.

If he really wanted to kill himself, or even seize himself, he would definitely not be able to stop him, even if he added the Jiuyou Bat and others, it would be in vain!

What's more, listening to Chaohou just now clearly showed that he was very interested in the power of Tonggu in his body, and he still did not make a move, which was enough to prove that what he said was indeed somewhat credible.

Aside, before Xiao Lang could express his opinion, Jiuyou Bat immediately shocked when he heard these words from Chaohou. He looked at Xiao Lang and said quickly:

"Don't worry, Master Hou can't deceive people. No one in the Eternal Continent knows that Master Hou has always been magnanimous in his work. No one has ever said anything bad about Master Hou, only praise!"

Jiuyou Bat is very anxious.

On one side is the master of his life, and on the other side is his idol most respected for hundreds of millions of years. He is really afraid of the friction between Xiao Lang and Ting Chaohou, and how he stands in line at that time will be nothing for him. Very difficult thing.

Hearing this, Xiao Lang nodded slightly, but he was still confused and outspoken:

"Senior knows the slander of the Five Elements ancestor against Senior?"

"If this is the case, why should senior let him survive?"

According to Jiuyoubat, listening to Chaohou's temper is indeed good, but he wouldn't even care if the ancestor of the Five Elements slandered him so much, would he?

Xiao Lang didn't understand.

When facing his question, Chaohou just smiled slightly:

"Will you kill your child yourself?"


Xiao Lang was taken aback, and immediately understood, why Ting Chaohou didn't kill the ancestor of the Five Elements.

Because for him, the ancestor of the Five Elements that he cultivated by himself is indeed like a child.

No parents will be disadvantageous to their children.

This is human nature.

It can be regarded as a reasonable reason.

"What's more, isn't he dead now?"

Listening to Chaohou, he took a deep look at the ancestor of Jinling. In an instant, the ancestor of Jinling immediately felt a great deal of pressure.

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words.

Ting Chaohou don’t know what’s happening outside?

The ancestor of Jinling didn't dare to speak, Xiao Lang would not let this misunderstanding persist, so he immediately interrupted:

"Senior was wrong, the ancestors of the Five Elements weren't killed by us..."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Lang banned the ancestors of the Five Elements and separated the soul from the body. The former went to the Eternal Continent and the latter guarded the Continent of the Five Elements. He had no idea how the ancestors of the Five Elements had fallen into his own hands. hide.

After a short while, after listening to Chaohou, there was no interruption in the middle. After a long silence, he suddenly said:

"It turns out that his will is so firm, but I misunderstood him, if back then..."

After hearing Chaohou's words halfway through, he suddenly disappeared, leaving Xiao Lang in a daze.

Listening to Chaohou, are you regretting your actions back then?

It's a pity that listening to Chaohou obviously didn't mean to answer his questions and waved his hand:

"Forget it, since it's over, let's go. I am just a ray of remnant soul, and will disappear after you pass this level. You don't need to care about it anymore."

Listening to the tide, is about to disappear?

Now he is just a ray of wreckage?

Even though Xiao Lang had guessed this a long time ago, he couldn't help but feel shocked when he was confirmed from the information that Chaohou had accidentally revealed.

A peak level of Primitive Realm, capable of fighting against Yuanshi Realm powerhouse, is about to disappear completely?

Aside from other things, this news alone is enough to make people feel shocked and difficult to calm down. Xiao Lang is like this, let alone Jiuyou Bat.

"Master Hou, you..."

Jiuyou Bat shouted loudly, full of deep reluctance, and seemed to want to persuade him to listen to the tide.

And listening to Chaohou just waved his hand gently, a flash of sadness seemed to flash in his eyes:

"I said, I only live for one life. Since this is the case, it is my destiny, there is nothing to say."

"I just didn't expect that before I was dying, I would get such a heir."

Ting Chaohou's eyes fell on Xiao Lang again, his eyes burning with a hint of curiosity.

"Where did the Tonggu power come from?"

"Or, who are you the seed left behind?"


Although I don't know what the seeds of Chaohou are talking about, Xiao Lang felt uncomfortable when these two words came into his ears, and he even responded with some resistance.

"I don't understand what seniors mean."

"I call it the power of the origin of the Great Dao Spirit Body. It was born when I reshaped the origin of the physical body, not a gift from others or something else."

"Senior did he admit he was wrong?"

Xiao Lang's words were cold, and his words were full of resistance. Hearing Chaohou did not respond to his attitude. Hearing his answer, he just raised his brows and seemed to have no thoughts.


"Not necessarily."

Not necessarily?

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang frowned deeply.

I don't know why, from these three words, he heard a strong atmosphere of conspiracy, but it did not come from the listening tide in front of him, but the ancient power in his body.

Xiao Lang has always been very firm to himself. After listening to Chaohou, the great power who once ranked at the pinnacle of the Primordial Realm, questioned twice in succession, he couldn't help but doubt himself.


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