Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 625: Seven emotions and six desires, life is varied!

Phantom world.

This is the name of this world.

It's not because this is the illusory world created by Ting Chaohou, on the contrary, it is extremely real. Xiao Lang knows his identity even better from the memory of the beggar who possessed him——

Phantom Palace!

One of the most powerful sects in the Phantom World in the past!

For tens of thousands of years, there have been three major sects in the phantom world.

Phantom Palace, Grass and Tree Pavilion, God's Grace Gate.

The reason why the Phantom Palace is one of the three super sects of the Phantom World in the past is of course because it has been destroyed. And the reason for its destruction is entirely because of one person--

"Chu River."

This is the name of the beggar.

His previous status is also extremely good-

Son of the Lord of the Phantom Palace!

But even more impressive is his talent!

Like the last world Xiao Lang experienced, no true **** had ever been born in the entire phantom world. The top masters of the three major forces were all half-step true gods.

This world seems to be under a certain curse. They have been trapped in the true gods for a long time, but they still can't complete the final transformation and break the shackles.

And Chu He once became their greatest hope in their hearts!

One hundred and eighty years, half a step in the realm of God!

This is Chu He's glorious achievement!

His breakthrough speed even surpassed Xiao Lang!

Moreover, the reason why Xiao Lang was able to rush out of that world in a very short period of time and incarnate as a true **** was one of chance, and more of it was the struggle between him and fate.

In other words, this is all he fought hard.

But Chu He is different.

He is purely talented!

Plus the vigorous cultivation of the Phantom Palace.

In just one hundred and eighty years, he was already in the Half-Step True God Realm, and his combat power was outstanding, and he was famous in all directions. It was more than 300 years more than the predecessors who reached the Half Step True God Realm in 500 years in history. time.

This made the entire phantom world think that it is finally hopeful to see the world above the true gods. As for Chu He himself, he is not only the hope of the Phantom Palace, but also the hope of the entire Phantom World.

One world attention.

For Chu He's young soul, the touch was huge. He has been cared for, and he has developed an arrogant and domineering character.

But these are not important.

Genius, who doesn't have a temper?

The Phantom Palace still protected him up and down. As long as he honestly stays in the palace to practice, retreats and sprints into the true gods, no one will say anything.

But the key lies in this.

Is Chu He a man who keeps himself safe?

For more than a hundred years, he had been protected in the phantom realm, and he had already gone mad, so he slipped out when the entire phantom realm was almost preparing for his future breakthrough.

In fact, this is no problem.

After all, it was a half-step True God Realm, and everyone knew it. It could be said that Chu River could walk sideways in the entire Illusion Spirit Realm.

However, how can he choose a mediocre place, who is hard to restrain his curiosity?

He chose, Abyss Canyon!

In the memory of Chu River that Xiao Lang got, the Abyss Canyon is an extremely special place, and in the history of the phantom world, there are many half-step true gods who will enter it when they are about to reach the end of their lives. Gain the possibility of first-line promotion.

Some people say that the Abyss Canyon is also the edge of the entire Phantom World, containing mystery, and even the mystery that no one in the history of the Phantom World has achieved a true god.

Chu He went to this place.

What surprised Xiao Lang was that, as if someone had taken a shot, the part of Chu He's memory about entering the abyss gorge completely disappeared.

Xiao Lang only knew that Chu He had failed!

He even brought a great disaster to the entire phantom world-

A peerless beast!

It is definitely a fierce beast reaching the level of a true god!

A natural disaster has come.

In just a few years, the entire phantom world was contaminated with blood, and it was out of control. Even if the three major forces joined forces, they were unable to punish them, and could only resist briefly.

In the past few years, the various auras covering Chu He were also

The first time that the fierce beast was brought out, it was completely vanished.

not only that.

He has become a sinner in the entire phantom world!

People and gods are angry, public enemy in the world!

Even the entire Phantom Palace was cast aside by the world!

The people who had supported him before disappeared or died.

Even his family and relatives avoided him.

When he went out, his notoriety spread everywhere. Not to mention his notoriety and countless curses, Chu He's young soul, who had never experienced any frustration in the world, suffered a devastating blow.

He almost collapsed!

But he also knew that the matter was caused by him, and the reason why the entire phantom world fell into this calamity was entirely caused by him.

Juvenile temperament, energetic and impulsive.

Almost collapsed, often only two results-

Collapse, or erupt!

After all, Chu He was a half-step True God Realm. Although he was suffering to the extreme, his collapse was obviously impossible.

He chose to burst!

One day, with a desperate heart, he went alone to slay the beast.

Unsuccessful, you will become benevolent

In fact, before setting off, he was already ready to fall.

However, he forgot that there are still people in this world who have not given up on him.

He lost that battle.


Almost died!

However, whenever Chu He recalled that day, he wished to die there!

He was rescued.

It was his father, who had also reached the half-step True God Realm, who made the move and saved him, but the price was heavy. His father, Chu Tianyun, forcibly used a large array of movement for his life and moved the fierce beast to the Palace of Illusion. , And directly detonated the foundation of the Phantom Palace, exploding with power enough to kill the true god!

The fierce beast is dead.

The Phantom Palace was thus destroyed.

more importantly--

Home is broken, people die!

When Chu He, who was seriously injured in that battle and lost all his cultivation base, went through all dangers and returned to the Hallucination Palace. What awaited him was a ruin, a tomb!

Home, no more.

Family, dead.

On this day, Chu He completely collapsed.

How fast can a person fall from the peak?


A wrong choice, an impulse, a big battle...


Whether it was martial arts or mind, Chu He completely collapsed. It's not the kind of collapse to die, but not to die, to force myself to experience all these painful collapses.

In his heart, this is what he deserves and cannot forgive.

Therefore, he fell.

His soul was trapped in the great battle where the Phantom Palace was destroyed, and he couldn't wake up anymore, and his grief continued to sink deeper and deeper. So far, hundreds of years have passed since that battle, and he has also suffered for hundreds of years, falling to the streets like a beggar, walking dead.

But these hundreds of years of grief have already formed obsessions.

The obsession that can't wake up.

Only then was there a sense of sadness that made Xiao Lang feel shocked and hard to get rid of.


Even if Xiao Lang's soul cultivation had reached the pinnacle level of the Five Heavens of Immortal Soul, he still could not erase the influence that this obsession and the sadness that had accumulated for hundreds of years had on him.

This is not a concept.

Rather than saying it is obsession, in Xiao Lang's view, it is more like a kind of--


"If this obsession has been allowed to exist and the devil is hard to dispel, it is absolutely impossible for me to become a true god, at least for ten years!"

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed brightly, forcibly suppressing the emotional agitation in his heart, quite sensible.

"This is the most difficult test of listening to Chaohou?"

"Life is full of emotions and passions!"

Xiao Lang was almost ready to listen to Chaohou's routine.


As far as **** is concerned, it is true that no one can abandon it, as long as he is still an individual.

Can not be affected by lust.

It is indeed one of the methods for refining the mind, and it hits the nail on the head.

But how can we eliminate the obsession in Chu He's heart?


Or rebuild the Phantom Palace to make up for the shortcomings in his heart?

Xiao Lang was thinking about a solution to his obsession, and couldn't help falling into contemplation. However, what he didn't see was that at the moment when he fell into groaning, a pair of eyes were faintly condensed from the sky, staring at him.

Not bad.

It is listening to the tide.

outside world.

Ting Chaohou looked at Xiao Lang who had fallen silent and thoughtfully, and smiled.

"Finally found it?"

"Hehe, it's not too late."

"But I'm really curious, which one would you choose?"

"Forgetfulness, extinction, or... sentiment?"

Listening to Chaohou is quite curious.

What he didn't expect was that Xiao Lang's decision was faster than he thought.

"Destroy emotions, forget emotions, forget all this, erase memories?"

Xiao Lang shook his head.

How could he make such a choice?

"Seven emotions and six desires are a part of living beings, how can you forget them? The one you forget, is that your complete self?"

Xiao Lang obviously has his own judgment and choice for the seven emotions and six desires, because he is not as he had heard Chaohou imagined, he has no experience at all, on the contrary, you must know that when he set foot on the world, he entered the Taoist way!

"Focus on things, rebuild the Phantom Palace?"

Xiao Lang shook his head again.

Fake, it's still fake after all.

Xiao Lang knew clearly that even if he had the ability to rebuild the Phantom Palace in ten years, Chu He would be able to integrate his mind and body obsessions to suppress it for ten years, allowing him to be promoted to the true **** within ten years and complete the test of this level, but , Xiao Lang still had no choice.

"People are dead, there is only a false phantom palace, what's the point?"

Xiao Lang didn't choose this one either!

Hearing Xiao Lang's muttering to himself, he couldn't help being taken aback while observing his listening.

Neither choose?

What is Xiao Lang doing?

In his opinion, these two methods are also the best way to pass, but they were both abandoned by Xiao Lang!

"Does he have a better way?"

Listening to Chaohou's eyes, he couldn't help but become more curious, and he also saw that Xiao Lang seemed to insist on the test he set.

"What is he insisting on?"

At this moment, in addition to the ancient power in Xiao Lang's body, Ting Chaohou suddenly became more curious about Xiao Lang, and a look of anticipation was born in his eyes.

At this moment, Chu He who saw Xiao Lang possessed suddenly raised his head slowly, his gaze was deep, but there was no focus outside. At this moment, his gaze seemed to fall inside the body, in the darkest corner, somewhere. In the self-imposed cage, above a rickety figure, the sound is like a bell, deep and heavy.

"Some things happen when they happen, and when they exist, they exist. What's the point of blaming yourself, blaming heaven and others?"

"Forget? Abandon?"


"It is a part of you, a part of forever."

"A life without pain, without regrets, is that still life?"


Xiao Lang's voice came, and the figure hidden in Chu He's body seemed to tremble suddenly, awakening from the nightmare that had been immersed for hundreds of years, and something changed.

At this moment, Ting Chao Hou, who had been waiting for Xiao Lang to make a choice, was also taken aback and immediately startled.


"He actually..."

Listening to Chao Hou slowly opened his mouth, it was obvious that Xiao Lang's choice was completely beyond his expectation.

"He would choose this path?"

Listening to Chaohou Yaoyao looking at Xiao Lang, he faintly saw a group of colorful souls, full of emotions and desires, fresh and exquisite, but his eyes gradually became serious.

"Use this method to eliminate obsession?"

"Isn't he afraid that one day his soul will not be able to bear it?"


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