Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 635: Shura refining body!

"Listen to Chaohou..."

Xiao Lang stopped abruptly and looked at the second door that was tightly closed behind him with a complicated expression.

Listening to the tide, fallen!

Not being killed.

It's self-destruction!

The moment he pulled out his own phantom world, it meant that his life had entered the countdown.

Xiao Lang's mind was really complicated.

To be honest, even after such a long time of contact, especially the last three days, listening to Chaohou preaching for him for three days, but to Xiao Lang, listening to Chaohou is still a stranger.

He did not understand Ting Chaohou.

Nor can he evaluate his self-annihilation.

However, listening to Chaohou's will left an indelible impression on him.

"The destiny of choice..."

Xiao Lang couldn't help but think of this sentence, listening to this sentence Chaohou said more than once these days. Obviously, long, long ago, even before Ting Chaohou Mansion was built, he already knew where his destiny was and how it ended.

The waiting for hundreds of millions of years is actually just waiting for a suitable inheritor.

Today, Xiao Lang appeared.

Xiao Lang knew that even if he was not the one chosen by Chaohou, one day, when someone truly approved by him appeared, he would choose this way.

In this way, listening to Chaohou's death does not have anything to do with him.

But Xiao Lang's mind was still extremely heavy.

Not only because he received too many gifts from Ting Chaohou, but also because of the fall of a super power at the peak level of Primitive Realm.

Primitive peak!

According to Jiuyoubat's statement, Ting Chaohou is definitely one of the top masters in the Eternal Continent.

But even so, he failed to control his own destiny, life and death, even if his annihilation was indeed his choice, but he fell into the big world of fire, but was forced to helpless.

Cultivation world, dangerous!

Xiao Lang knew this from the moment he embarked on the road to martial arts, but until now, until his combat power is considered high-end in Lihuo Great World, the sense of crisis in Xiao Lang's heart is still Not a bit weakened, but intensified!


"life and death!"

Listening to the annihilation of the last trace of Chaohou's soul, the impact on Xiao Lang was huge, leaving him in place for a long time, motionless.

And listening to the annihilation of Chaohou also attracted the abnormal movement of this Dongfu.


The earthquake trembled and the soil rolled over.

Bloodthirsty Xingteng and the others were shocked, their eyes circling repeatedly on Xiao Lang who came back suddenly and Ah Fu, who was on the side of the earth. Bloodthirsty Starvine and Jinling Patriarch didn't realize what had happened, and looked blank.

Jiuyou Bat was also a little flustered at first, but when he saw Xiao Lang's complicated eyes and A Fu's abnormal appearance, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Master, listen to Master Chaohou..."

Xiao Lang was awakened, took a deep look at Jiuyou Bat, but did not answer.


The colorful halo spread out from Xiao Lang, forming a cage, fixing the entire cave. Suddenly, the feeling of shaking the sky disappeared.

Bloodthirsty Star Vine and Jinling Old Ancestor recovered their calm, while Jiuyou Bat was obviously more flustered.

He faintly guessed the truth.

However, this truth is too difficult for him to accept.

At this moment--


A hand fell on his shoulder, Jiu Youbat's body trembled suddenly, raised his head, and saw Xiao Lang's serious eyes.


"Three days later, we set off!"

Xiao Lang still did not answer.

However, Jiuyou Bat didn't need to answer, Xiao Lang's reaction was enough to prove everything.

Jiuyou Bat fell to the side in despair, Xiao Lang glanced at him, sighed inwardly, but said nothing.

Can't comfort.

Such a thing can only be sustained by yourself!

"Senior don't worry."

"I will certainly not harm your fame in your life, and I will avenge your grudges for you!"

Xiao Lang's eyes were burning, and he looked at the second stone gate that was closed on the stone wall. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were already

Jing is calm and rational.

Now is not the time to be immersed in grief.


Become stronger!

Xiao Lang listened to Chaohou's entrustment and promise, but he did not forget his promise to Liang Ping.

There were only twelve days left before the agreed time.

Time is running out!

He must seize all the time to become stronger!

Of course, even with his current strength, Xiao Lang had the confidence to enter the origin of the world to rescue Sun Wuji. After all, according to Liang Ping, although there are many benefits to the origin of the world, the immortal realm cannot be entered. Most of them are the strongest venerables, trying to understand more ways and integrate into one.

But there are very few that can be done. I am afraid that there will be no one in thousands of years.

Now, the only ones who can threaten Xiao Lang are those who are the strongest venerables of seven-star, eight-star, or even nine-star. Xiao Lang doesn't care about the others.

However, in order to be sure of everything, Xiao Lang decided to strike while the iron was hot, and first refine the Shura Realm Order and the Phantom Realm Order.

After all, I heard Chao Hou also said that there are other surprises in these two world orders.


Xiao Lang flipped his hand, and the blood-red Shura Realm Order immediately fell on the palm of his hand.


It is just a refining world order, not a fusion of the Shura world.

Xiao Lang still knew the difference between the two.


With a thought in his heart, the power of blood in Xiao Lang immediately transpired and roared, rushing towards the Shura Realm in the palm of his hand...

This is not difficult.

After all, it is just a token, and there are no shackles and restrictions on it, so it is quite simple to refine, just a short period of more than ten breaths, when it swallows a lot of energy and blood, suddenly-


Xiao Lang's spirit was shocked, and he immediately sensed that there seemed to be something more in the depths of his mind.

The first is true spirit!

A **** strange mark appeared on his true spirit. In an instant, Xiao Lang sensed that his control of the Demon Blood World had increased crazily, reaching an extreme in an instant, and even only a thought from him, the Asura Realm could be in harmony. The degree to which oneself is completely integrated!

Xiao Lang stopped immediately.

He can always remember to listen to Chaohou's admonishment, and did not rush to continue refining.

Control, ninety-nine percent!

Xiao Lang just swept away his spiritual thoughts, and he could clearly perceive what each creature inside was doing. The demonic blood trial field, killing and experience were still continuing!

Xiao Lang understood that although he had controlled the life and death of these people before, he now truly controls their destiny. Through the Asura world, he can even see all the experiences of everyone from birth to the present!

Be in control!

This feeling made Xiao Lang couldn't help being obsessed.

The Lord of One World!

That's cool!

Moreover, he is now considered to have broken the previous restrictions on him in the Asura world, as long as he wants to, he can even move everyone in the entire Asura world!

"can do!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly lit up.

The Shura realm is a small world that is shackled by rules. Now that he has not been able to control the Shura realm 100%, he naturally cannot change the rules, which means that the people inside can only cultivate to the Era Realm Small Consummation. Pinnacle, like the old ancestors of the Li family and others, could no longer make progress.

However, once moved out, it is different.

In Lihuo World, they will not be suppressed by such rules!

At that time, how many people will be promoted?

Xiao Lang was unimaginable.

After all, no one knows better than him what people are in the Asura world.

For example, the ancestors of the Li family and others, although they are at the pinnacle of the Era Realm Small Perfection, once they come out, once they break through and achieve the Era Realm Dzogchen pinnacle, their combat power can reach the peak in an instant, and they are only a short distance from the strongest sage. !

This is because they have been suppressed for too long!

And in the Shura world...

Everyone is like this!

"A fresh blood, a strong force!"

Xiao Lang felt a little more excited.

If hundreds of thousands of people in the Shura realm are moved out, this combat power is absolutely

It should not be underestimated, the power that can be exerted in the future battle of the real and evil is really too strong!

"This thing can be done!"

"But we still have to think about it long-term."

Xiao Lang's eyes flickered with wise light.

Xiao Lang is not the kind of person who is irresponsible. On the contrary, he instinctively shouldered this part of the responsibility at the moment he refined the Asura world.

It's easy to move them out.

However, how to arrange it specifically?

Xiao Lang didn't have such experience, so he decided to go back and discuss this matter with Liang Ping, Lord Lan Yue and others.

What's more, these people in the Asura world are all equivalent to the foundation of the Asura world. Once they are all removed, will they have an irreparable impact?

There are so many things to consider.

Xiao Lang suppressed his restless mind and shifted the focus to another thing——

Shura refining body!


It was the body-refining method that Chaohou told him before!

Xiao Lang got it.

Opened and looked, Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, and he became more surprised.



This is what Chaohou said about this martial arts. Xiao Lang didn't take it seriously at the beginning. After all, as long as it is a training method, most of them have these two characteristics.

It was not until after looking through it that Xiao Lang discovered that the brutality of this martial arts school was unexpectedly more than any one he had seen before!

"Sura Nine Turns!"

"It turns out that it uses all kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures to blend into the body to achieve the effect of body tempering?"

Like a refiner!

In fact, Xiao Lang looked at the materials needed in it, and indeed many of them were used for refining...

"So cruel?"

"Make your own body into a treasure?"

Xiao Lang's eyelids jumped, and he was shocked, especially when he saw the results described above, his eyes were bright and hot.

"When Shura turns, his physical strength is comparable to the Immortal Realm Dual Level!"

"Asura reaches the sixth level of the immortal realm at the third turn?!"

"Four turns... Eightfold! Five turns... Nine-fold limit?!"

Xiao Lang was shocked again.


If all the above is true, it would be terrible!

Five turns can reach the nine-fold limit!

What about the sixth, seventh, and even nine turns after that?

Xiao Lang didn't see it, nor was he hidden by Ting Chaohou, it seemed that he was really missing.

Of course, the nine-fold limit mentioned here is just a theoretical physical strength...not the real nine-fold immortal body. The cultivation of the asura body was originally a method of purely tempering the strength of the physical body.


"This resource..."

Seeing the exponential increase in the resources needed to cultivate the Asura body, Xiao Lang couldn't help his heart trembled.

It is a huge resource!


If other people get this martial arts, seeing the resources and gains paid, they will definitely hesitate. After all, the asura body is only a method for tempering the strength of the physical body, not a true immortal body.

However, Xiao Lang was out of control.

Not immortal?

Is this important?

It's not important at all!

He is not immortal, what real immortality does he want? With the support of the heavenly power of life in the body, isn't that stronger than the immortal body?

This Shura body refining method is the most suitable method for him!

"I found the treasure!"

Xiao Lang's spirit was trembling and excited. Although it was incomplete, Xiao Lang didn't care. For the current self, the broken one is enough!

Xiao Lang's eyes were burning, it was difficult to suppress the surprise in his heart, and his gaze fell on another token in the storage ring...

Phantom World Order!

Hearing that Chao Hou had very few descriptions of Shura Realm Order, he obviously didn't care about it, but there were many introductions to the Phantom Realm Order, especially the word surprise, which made Xiao Lang couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

What kind of surprises does the Phantom World Order have? !


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