Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 649: Seeing the Golem for the first time!

Xiao Lang walked quickly.

Faster than before.

Because he had only used Fenglei Step before, and knew that the fierce spirit in this world was powerful, he always used his divine consciousness to detect the surroundings.

Before, he did find a lot of strange fluctuations, but they all passed around, because the purpose of his trip was very clear, it was to find someone.

The appearance of the space evil spirit was completely accidental.

The previous Xiao Lang was not familiar with the Dao of Space. Even if his divine mind perception changed again and became extremely sensitive, he couldn't penetrate the space directly. He still waited for the moment when the latter invaded him and appeared within a few hundred feet. He only discovered the existence of the latter.

But it's different now.

Xiao Lang entered the room on the Avenue of Space. Although his achievements were not obvious, it was enough for him to detect and perceive more things. Even if it is a fierce spirit who is good at space together, don't try to hide his spiritual thoughts.


There is no need to avoid too much.

When you encounter a fierce spirit, you will directly sneak into the space to hide, without worrying about being discovered.

One step a thousand miles.

Xiao Lang is fast.

But because his attainments in space are just ordinary reasons, and the distance is limited when he uses his spirit to explore, so Xiao Lang just shrouded his spiritual thoughts within 30,000 miles of his body, just like he is now, even if he is only a short distance away from Yanshan. There were a million li left, and I did not notice that there were dozens of evil and enchanting auras around Yanshan.

"What a treasure!"

Walking between the heaven and the earth, Xiao Lang admired again and again in his heart.

Not to mention other things, Xiao Lang can fully understand why Liang Ping-ping people admire this place so much just by killing the crystals of the Great Dao.

Too many opportunities!

The Crystal of the Dao is too important for the strongest Venerable who wants to take the path of Venerable Heaven.

Everyone knows that if you want to follow the path of Venerable Heaven, there are two biggest hurdles——

Enlightenment Avenue.

Fusion Avenue.

Relatively speaking, which is more important?

Of course it is the former, because understanding the avenue is the prerequisite for the fusion of the avenues. If you can't comprehend all the avenues of this heavenly path, even if you have different spirits, no matter how you match the fusion of the avenues, it will be difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

And these fierce spirits in the land of the origin of the Great World of Fire provided them with a good opportunity.

No need to retreat.

Just kill the evil spirits.

As long as you kill enough, sooner or later you can gather all the crystals of the Dao you need to understand. In this theory, almost everyone who enters this place has the hope of gathering all the roads they need.

Of course, in fact this is very difficult.

Killing the evil spirits is not a simple matter. This can be seen from the battle between Xiao Lang and the space evil spirits before. Only the fierce spirits merged together, and they walked the extreme way, their true combat power. , Much stronger than the breath they showed.

But this is also hope, isn't it?

Outside, there is no chance to comprehend the Crystal of the Dao.

For ordinary warriors, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, especially for Xiao Lang. Because of his very different talents, even if there are more roads for understanding, the more the better.

The more avenues he controls, the more perfect his avenue spirit body.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang couldn't help but look at himself, his eyes locked on a slowly burning purple halo.

The power of the spirit body of the Dao!

That is to listen to the ancient power of Chaohou and Jiuyoubat!

Xiao Lang clearly felt that after he had comprehended and controlled the space and tore the avenue, it seemed to grow a little more, although it was insignificant, it really existed.

For a long time, Xiao Lang didn't know how it cultivated and grew, but he has captured the changes today.

"For me, it is even more blessed."

Xiao Lang's eyes flickered.

Although he can't completely control this power now, he can also use it a little bit to blend into himself and increase his combat power. However, when he was in the world realm, such an increase was quite obvious, and when he became a Venerable, the effect of the increase was minimal.

Xiao Lang knew that this was not because its potential had been developed to the limit, but because its number was too small.

If it is enough, it can also achieve the same effect, or even stronger!


When I think about it, killing more evil spirits and mastering more avenues seems to have become more important to him.

"When you find the master, try!"

Xiao Lang's thoughts were turbulent, and a gleam of light flashed under his eyes, and his spiritual thoughts were submerged in the storage ring. In the depths, a soul lamp burned slowly, emitting a faint light.

Sun Wuji's soul lamp!

Brought by Xiao Lang.

This was also Liang Ping's suggestion. He was worried that Xiao Lang would look for him when he came in. If Sun Wuji died, he would naturally not need to take risks.

The soul lamp is still burning. Although dim, it at least proves—

"Still alive!"

Xiao Lang let out a sigh of relief, his eyes regaining clarity.

There is no doubt that for him, this is the best news.

Xiao Lang raised his head and passed through the misty fog. He could already vaguely see that a broad shadow of the foothills came into view on the ground ahead.

Yanshan is finally here!

There is less than one hundred thousand miles!

"Master... are you there?"

After finally arriving at Yanshan, Xiao Lang's heart was of course turbulent, but he soon stabilized.

He knew very well that Sun Wuji was still alive if the soul lamp hadn't gone out, but the possibility of still being in Yanshan was very slim.

According to Xiao Zhan, he was the encounter of Sun Wuji whom Yu Yanshan had seen more than a year ago, and he was only remotely sensing, and he did not dare to approach him.

And those people who are trapped in the original place have mastered the super-sacred tools of the major giants to suppress the strongholds, and can capture the whereabouts of each of them, even now himself.

Sun Wuji was definitely within the scope of being arrested.

According to this logical conjecture, Sun Wuji might have left long ago.

However, Xiao Lang was not disappointed. He had been mentally prepared for this situation. The reason why he still chose to take a trip was just to find some clues in the place where Sun Wuji stayed for a short time, which would help him to continue tracking. .


Therefore, Xiao Lang directly dispersed his spiritual thoughts.

Probe, perceive.

Divine Sense is like a misty mist, covering the foothills of Yanshan Mountain in an instant.

Inspection of traces is a meticulous work, slow and cumbersome.

Xiao Lang was also mentally prepared for this, but when his spiritual thoughts enveloped the entire foothills, suddenly, Xiao Lang's brows trembled, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.


He actually caught the breath of living beings!

Not ordinary flowers and trees, but--


At the moment he was awakened, Xiao Lang immediately made the most accurate choice. He twisted his waist and disappeared in place, already escaping into the space crack.

Spatial fissures are not only useful for hiding in shape, but also more wonderful for hiding body shape and breath. This is what Xiao Lang learned from that space fierce spirit.

Xiao Lang continued to observe.

The eyes are like electricity, emerging from the cracks in the space, locked on the dozens of black figures in the mist.

And just for an instant, Xiao Lang recognized the person who was faintly headed among them——

"Xu Zuo!"

Xiao Lang narrowed his eyes.

He knows Xu Zuo.

In other words, he knew each of the other seventeen people who entered the Land of Origin this time because of the information that Liang Ping had collected for him.

Xu Zuo is a martial artist of the Ming Dynasty!

But at this time, Xiao Lang didn't focus too much attention on him, his sharp eyes swept across the others, his expression becoming colder and colder.

do not know!

He doesn't know anyone else!

Obviously, they did not come in this year.

But Xu Zuoque joined them, and all this in front of him immediately made Xiao Lang's heart a possibility--

"He joined it too!"

"Really it is the Demon Race?"

If Xiao Zhan hadn't lied, no one of the strongholds in the original place of Lihuo Great World is complete and has been destroyed, then there are only two kinds of people left in this space.

One is like Xiao Zhan, walking in the wilderness, evading hunting and killing.

The other is to ban the people in this world.

In the former, it is impossible to act in a group, even if it is a collective action, it is impossible for so many people. The situation is chaotic. I am afraid that even my brothers cannot be trusted. Who dares to take such a big risk?

Thinking about it this way, Xu Zuo's identity has only one possibility left.

It's a pity that each of them converged their aura, silently escaped, without any fluctuations leaking out, even Xiao Lang couldn't tell whether they had been controlled by the Celestial Demon Race.

The devil puppet does not mean that it must be a demon repair.

Even if, sooner or later, they will go to the road of magic repair.

"Why are they here?"

Identity confirmation is simple, but the purpose is different. Xiao Lang was hidden in the gap in space, and his divine thoughts scattered around his body to form a barrier, covering everything. A pair of gleaming eyes stared at Xu Zuo and others, watching them form a line, following the foot of Yanshan Mountain. Investigation.


Seeing the movements of these people, Xiao Lang had some guesses, and next, Xu Zuo's movements strengthened his guess.

Xu Zuo waved his hand, and a map appeared in front of him. It was far away. Xiao Lang couldn't see the color and outline on it, but he could hear Xu Zuo's voice:

"Be careful!"

"He hasn't left, he's still here! Don't neglect the least bit of the land, and find out for me by digging a hundred feet of land!"

Xu Zuo's voice was urgent and full of expectations, and the voice was settled. The pace of those people was obviously slower because the search was more careful.

Xiao Lang didn't care about these.

What makes him care about is the message revealed in Xu Zuo's words——

Find someone!

Xu Zuo and the others are looking for someone!

Who are you looking for?


"Does the master have not left yet?"

Xiao Lang's eyes widened suddenly, and even his soul trembled, his aura almost exposed. Fortunately, he had taken control in time and was still concentrated in the gap in this space.

However, this conjecture was out of control.

He had no hope of finding Sun Wuji here before, but now, Xu Zuo's words made him think of this possibility. Because there is only one person hidden in the Yanshan Mountain, and he only knows the one he most wants to find——

Sun Wuji!

For more than a year, Sun Wuji has been hiding here without anyone looking for him?

Is this really possible?

As for the answer to this question, Xiao Lang couldn't be sure. I don't know the reason, but this is also a kind of hope, isn't it?

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up immediately, and in the next moment, he was going to flee from the crack in the space and start killing.


The first thing Xiao Lang thought of was murder!

Even if it was not Sun Wuji who was hiding in the Yanshan Mountain, Xiao Lang didn't care anymore, because he saw the map of Xu Zuona. Although he didn't see it clearly, Xu Zuo could judge that someone was hiding here. It shows that this map must be related to the traces of the people in the Origin.

Of course you have to get this kind of treasure!

Even if this place is not Sun Wuji, he can better look for it.

It was too late to say, it was fast, even if Xiao Lang had to step out in one step and break through the cracks in space, but at this moment, suddenly--

A voice full of surprises resounded throughout the audience.

"found it!"

"it's here!"

A black-robed man suddenly yelled, Xu Zuo's body trembled suddenly and raised his head, his eyes were full of killing and ecstasy.

Finally found!

found it?

Xiao Lang's footsteps stopped, a trace of surprise flashed under his eyes, and he stopped abruptly.

At this moment, he was not in a hurry, his eyes stared at where the black-robed man was standing, his eyes flashing like electricity.

Is it Sun Wuji?

He is hungry for an answer.


And at this moment, neither he nor Xu Zuo who flew away noticed. Just under the ground where the man in black was standing, in the deep darkness, a misty black shadow trembled slightly, as if it had sensed it. What, wake up quietly.

Whisper like wind.

"Finally, did you find me?"

But full of endless murderous opportunities!


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