Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 657: Tripartite forces!


Xiao Lang nodded quickly, as if he hadn't thought about it before. The speed was so fast that the opposite Jin Jiuyi couldn't react for a while.



So fast?

Did Xiao Lang think about it?

Of course I thought about it. In fact, Xiao Lang thought more than he thought.

After beheading the third demon puppet, Xiao Lang had already realized the difficulty of leaving this world.


There is no other reason, but the existence of the Heavenly Dao Venerable of the Demon Race here is a tremendous pressure. Xiao Lang has absolute confidence to face any powerhouse at the half-step Heavenly Dao level, but the Heavenly Dao...

Xiao Lang was unsure.

The ban on heaven and earth, what Jin Jiu said is perhaps the only way to leave the original place smoothly, Xiao Lang is not stupid, of course he will not refuse. And he is even more certain than Jin Jiu, the feasibility of this plan.

In Jin Jiu's consciousness, this method was only the deduction and speculation of the poster of Xuehualou, but Xiao Lang knew that it could be done, because he used to leave through such a tunnel in the Five Elements Continent.


Then agree.

It's that simple and straightforward.

Xiao Lang ignored the astonishment on Jin Jiu's face, looked serious, and said decisively:

"We should leave."

"They should be on the road now."

Killing the third demon puppet himself, it's impossible for the strong celestial demon clan behind him to know it, and it's impossible not to come here to investigate.

Now he is not ready to confront the Venerable Heavenly Dao, of course it is better not to encounter it.

When Jin Jiu heard the words, his spirits shrank, and he finally woke up, seeming to finally accept and digest the fact that Xiao Lang and he had become allies, nodded in recognition, but there was a worrisome fringe between his eyebrows.

"But I'm still worried."

"Brother Li, if the Supreme Profound Realm and the Heavenly Demon Race have actually joined forces secretly, isn't this our trip..."

Cast yourself into the net!

The Supreme Profound Realm and the Demon Race together?

Xiao Lang's expression sank, lost in thought, his eyes flashed brightly.

Is it possible?

Not without.


"The possibility is not great."

Xiao Lang is not comforting, but analyzing it with reason:

"If the Supreme Profound Realm and the Sky Demon Race have joined forces, then the situation in the entire Origin Land is definitely not what it is now."

"If it is true as you said, the fierce spirits of the Supreme Profound Realm have formed a kingdom, and the number of them is so heinous. They can't just shrink in the depths. I am afraid they have already galloped around the chaotic area to help the heavenly demons chase after. Kill us."

"But they didn't do it."

Xiao Lang opened the map in front of Jin Jiu, and saw hundreds of light spots flashing on it, his eyes flashing fine.

These light spots are scattered all over the chaotic area. Obviously, their identities are the same as Sun Wuji and Xiao Zhan——

The escaper!

Back then, when the strongholds of the major giants in the original land ushered in a catastrophe, obviously more people survived than he had imagined.

There is no doubt that this is good news.

And those who can successfully survive that disaster must be masters!

Are there half-step heavenly powers?

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed brightly and his mind moved slightly.


there must be!

If all those who fled back then were weak, I am afraid that the Demon Race would have hunted and killed them all. They can live to the present, not only because they can persist, but also because, perhaps even the demon clan has no confidence in taking them all down, and can only make breakthroughs one by one like dealing with Sun Wuji.

Of course, Sun Wuji is among them, and I am afraid it is also the most special one.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's mind suddenly moved slightly, and a vague thought emerged from his mind.

Three major forces!

At the broadest level,

There are three major forces in the current land of origin.

The fierce spirit kingdom in the Supreme Profound Realm is the strongest, there should be no doubt about it. Although the Heavenly Demon Race has a high priest of the Heavenly Dao level, most of them have been staying in the preparation area, but they have not launched an offensive against the evil spirits of the Supreme Profound Realm. This means that even the high priest, against the evil spirits The kingdom is also jealous, otherwise, with their personalities, I'm afraid they would have tried to occupy the entire original place.

The Demon Race, second!

The fierce spirit kingdom of the Profound Sky Realm, I am afraid there is also the existence of the power of the heavenly master!

And like himself and Jin Jiu, the warriors wandering in the chaotic area are indeed third-party forces.

The weakest?

From the highest level of combat power, perhaps this is true.

The number of people is not dominant.

It is very likely that there is no existence at the level of Heavenly Dao Venerable, otherwise, the counterattack would have started long ago.


"Perhaps, it's not as weak as I thought... After so many years, so many people have survived. There should be a lot of masters at the half-step Heavenly Dao level. Otherwise, the Celestial Demon Race won't be allowed to cast a rat-fighting weapon like this."

Xiao Lang muttered to himself, his pupils getting brighter.

When these subtle words came out, Jin Jiu was taken aback.

What is Xiao Lang talking about?

Before he could react, Xiao Lang suddenly reached out and landed on the incomparably detailed map in front of him, his eyes flickering, the next moment, he seemed to have made some kind of decision, the palm of his hand flashed, immediately ——


Jin Jiu felt his soul tremble slightly, like a person lying on his ear, suddenly making a sound.

It turned out to be Xiao Lang's voice!

"I am Li Qi in the Tianfu Palace, and killed the third demon puppet of the half-step Tiandao Yu Yanshan. Today, I have to go with the blood flower building Jinjiu, rush to the depths of the Taixuan realm, and seek a way out. The same people can walk together! "

"The Supreme Profound Realm is the name of this place..."

Next, is the introduction about the Supreme Profound Realm.

The moment he heard Xiao Lang's voice, Jin Jiu was completely stunned.

Xiao Lang actually told their plan directly? And using the tokens in each of them, passed them to everyone in Origin? !


Really everyone!

Even if Jin Jiu's realm is not high, but he can enter the Origin Land as a member of the Blood Flower Tower, of course he still has a bit of vision, so he knows that this map in Xiao Lang's hand can capture everyone's The breath and movement must be because it is connected to the super-sacred weapon in the eighteenth giants' defense war zone, and is transformed by the demon clan to produce such an effect.

Everyone in Origin Land has a token to be hauled by their own giant super artifacts. It is with that token that they can stay in this world, otherwise they would have been regarded as an alien by the rules of this place and would be directly obliterated. !

Xiao Lang, actually notified everyone!

What does he want to do?

Jin Jiu did have the courage, otherwise he would not leave Master Nianhua and others, chase Xiao Lang's footsteps alone, and tell him everything he knew.

Jin Jiu is betting!

But even so, he didn't expect Xiao Lang to reveal the news directly!

Isn't this looking for death?

You know, those demon puppets controlled by the demon species of the Sky Demon Race also have tokens on them, and they can also hear these voice transmissions of Xiao Lang!

Self-exposure, self-destruction?

Jin Jiu was dumbfounded, and was stunned for a while, completely dumbfounded, but when he was finally awakened, he found that Xiao Lang's voice transmission had ended.

Even the news of the Supreme Profound Realm has been exposed!

"Brother Li, you..."

Jin Jiu frowned and looked at Xiao Lang in disbelief, puzzled, but more angry.

What's up?

I told you all this. I already took a great risk. You even said all this. Isn't this messing with me?



At this moment, if it weren't for the scene where Xiao Lang beheaded the third demon puppet with his own eyes, Jin Jiu would even directly identify him as the demon puppet of the Sky Demon Race.

Xiao Lang seems to have seen it

Thinking of Jin Jiu's reaction, he flipped his wrist, retracted the map in his hand, looked cold, and said:

"This is for our good."

"If you are the only two of you, you can't go far."

"Venerable Heavenly Way of the Supreme Profound Realm, why should you agree to our request? Are you sure you can make him agree? Or do you really think that only you Blood Flower Tower knows the existence of the Supreme Profound Realm?"

Jin Jiu was taken aback when he heard the words.

Only the Blood Flower Tower knows the existence of the Supreme Profound Realm?

He really doesn't have the confidence to make such a guarantee.

The talent of the poster of his Blood Flower Tower is the best, but the rulers of other giants, are they all fools?

"Maybe someone has tried, but it should have failed."

"To contend with the demon clan, the power of one person and two people is too weak and useless at all. It is only possible to gather the power of all people together."

"Only when the fist is big enough can you have the right to speak!"

A cold light flashed through Xiao Lang's eyes.

His explanation was brief, but when the sentence settled, Jin Jiu felt his heart trembled, and finally understood the reason why Xiao Lang did this——

Raise the flag!

Xiao Lang absolutely wanted to use his own power to gather the power of all the wandering warriors in the entire Origin Land!

To protect yourself?

In order to put enough pressure on the Supreme Profound Realm?

Or... both?

Jin Jiu prefers the latter.


Jin Jiu was faintly excited, and even a little excited. When he knew that his stronghold had also been destroyed by the Demon Race, his hatred for the Demon Race reached a peak. Now, seeing Xiao Lang actually have the meaning of pulling the tiger’s skin and pulling the banner to fight the Demon Race, he Where can I continue to calm down?

But at this moment, Xiao Lang glanced at him coldly:

"do not think too much."

"It's impossible to counterattack, at least until we have the power of Venerable Heavenly Dao level. Now, we just need to protect ourselves."

"And if I do this, I will also force the Heavenly Demon Race to make changes. For a long time, the existence of the Sky Profound Realm has been a secret, at least for most people, and they can also avoid the Supreme Profound Realm and chase them carefully. Kill. I’m messing up the situation now. Everyone knows the existence of the Supreme Profound Realm. They are bound to be unable to sit still. In the next period of time, they will definitely be attacked and killed more frequently, and they are all masters. I should not die. , You, have to be mentally prepared."


Jin Jiu was shocked when he heard this, and finally realized that Xiao Lang's actions at this time were a double-edged sword.

He did turmoil the situation of the entire Origin Land, but because of this, he directly placed the two of himself on the bright side and became the focus of the eyes of the Celestial Demon Race!

At this moment, Jin Jiu panicked.

Big trouble!

"Then what shall we do?"

Jin Jiu panicked, where is the blood surging just now?

When he thought that he and Xiao Lang might have been on the list of the Heavenly Demon Race's kills, he suddenly panicked and looked at Xiao Lang hopefully.

Xiao Lang did not look at him. Instead, he turned and walked straight to Sun Wuji who was aside. He did not see any movement. Suddenly, a thick vine spread and fell on Sun Wuji's body, protecting him and turning him into a statue. The sedan chair floats out of thin air.

"Of course it's time to go."

"If you don't leave at this time, do you still wait for them to kill?"

Jin Jiu was shocked when he heard the words, and hurriedly followed, watching Xiao Lang's still steady pace, his eyes were extremely complicated.

Stirring the turbulence of the entire Origin Land...

Is this method good or bad?

Jin Jiu had no confidence in his heart.

No way, compared with Xiao Lang, his vision is really too low, mainly because he doesn't have the corresponding strength. Therefore, he did not expect that at the moment when Xiao Lang's voice transmission followed the token and landed on every corner of the Origin Land, a great earthquake suddenly erupted in the Origin Land!


Dozens of convergent breaths erupted in different places one after another!

The aura of some of them is so powerful that they are not even under Xiao Lang!


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