Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 664: First encounter with heaven!

The capture is at this moment!


The Five Elements Prison was condensed into a frenzied shock, like a real stormy wave, and the ultra-blue sky guards rushed forward, but in an instant, every inch of his body was sealed, and there was no gap for him to escape!

Powerful Five Elements Prison!

Although he knew from the mouths of Jiuyou Bat and Ting Chaohou, there is a wider world outside the Lihuo Great World, and on the Eternal Continent, there are many magic secretaries he can't imagine.

Compared with them, the Five Elements Town Prison is hardly comparable.

But don't forget that, despite this, the Five Elements to suppress prison is also the greatest support for the Five Elements ancestor to achieve the initial state, and it is the absolute essence of his life of practice!

This is a magical power belonging to the initial realm. In terms of suppressing a fierce spirit at the half-step Heavenly Dao level like Qing Tianwei, how can he see an opportunity?

"Do not!"

A strong and turbulent sense of oppression came from all corners of his body, and Qing Tianwei felt like he was about to be confined in a piece of land, with his limbs, hundreds of limbs, 36,000 pores and even the spirit and soul being sealed off. The only unwillingness left in my heart was immediately ignored by him, and only one thought remained--

Do not!

You definitely can't become Xiao Lang's prisoner!

He can't afford to lose this person!

Lord Lord also can't afford to lose this person!

At this time, he does not represent his own face, but also the dignity of the Profound Sky Lord and the entire Profound Sky Realm!

"I, never admit defeat!"

At the crisis, the pride in Qing Tianwei's heart not only did not collapse, but strengthened his determination. His eyes flashed sharply. The halberd in his hand, which became more and more bleak due to the ban of the Five Elements Town, suddenly ignited like a spark of fire. A force that originated from the ancients escaped from it!


The halberd trembled and the void shattered!

Inside the halberd, it was as if something was trying to get out of trouble, but the escaping breath made Xiao Lang's scalp numb, and his eyes shrank suddenly.

Qingtianwei, as expected, still has a hole card!

"Blew a natal soldier?"

Xiao Lang smelled the smell of destruction and death, but it was not the kind of death that threatened his life. Rather, Qing Tianwei was mobilizing the core force in his own destiny soldier in an attempt to break through the five elements of prison!

At this moment, even Xiao Lang felt a little throbbing!

What power is this?

Xiao Lang could faintly sense that if Qingtianwei really stimulated this power, he might really be able to tear apart the Five Elements Prison and get out of trouble!

Out of trouble?

This is certainly not what Xiao Lang wants to see.

But now, I can't seem to stop it...


"Still not killing?"

Only in an instant, Xiao Lang was decisive to kill, and deep in his eyes already revealed a strong murderous intent!


He just wanted to trap the Blue Sky Guard before and use this prisoner to enter the real Profound Sky Realm. Now, seeing that the plan was about to fail, Xiao Lang finally moved to kill!

Even if he knows, since Qing Tianwei said that he has a good status in the Profound Sky Realm, once Qing Tianwei is killed, it is equivalent to standing on the opposite side of the Profound Sky Lord. In this way, even the high priest of the Sky Demon Race is included. , He offended the two great heavenly masters at once, and he was also the only two great heavenly masters in the Profound Sky Realm!

Next, he is in the land of origin, it is very likely to be difficult to move an inch!

But is this important?

A gleam in Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, and in just an instant, he had a decision in his heart.

No matter how important, is Sun Wuji's life important?

Although Xiao Lang didn't know what the Sky Profound Order was, he could see that Sun Wuji's current state was so stable, which had a great relationship with the existence of the Sky Profound Order.

Under such circumstances, is it really necessary to give up the Profound Sky Ling?

It's impossible!

and so--

"Then kill it!"

In the depths of Xiao Lang's eyes, a ray of purple light flashed across——

The original power of the Great Dao Spirit Body is also the power of ancient times in the mouth of Ting Chaohou!


Even if Xiao Lang looked fierce before

Incomparable, but in fact, he still didn't use all his hole cards. The heavenly coffin is one, and so is the power of the ancients!

After deciding to take the path of Venerable Heavenly Dao and leaving from the Five Elements Continent, Xiao Lang never used Tonggu's power again, but he knew that as his physical body became stronger, it also became stronger. In the power, it can definitely burst out with amazing power!

Killing, at this moment!

However, just as Xiao Lang's heart moved slightly, he wanted to integrate the power of the Great Dao Spirit Body with the power of the Heavenly Dao of Death, and burst out the strongest blow to slay Qing Tianwei, suddenly--


A whisper suddenly came from a distance.

At the beginning, it was like a ripple, unobtrusive, but later, when it really arrived, it was as strong as a stormy sea, with a powerful aura, even Xiao Lang could not bear at this moment. Suddenly, his complexion changed greatly.

Especially when he turned his head in surprise and saw the void in the distance burst like a cloud and mist, a white figure suddenly appeared, and took a light step, like a fairy who does not eat the fireworks in the world, just one step, and came to the side of the battle ring.

One step, easy and freehand.

But when Xiao Lang saw the person taking this step, hundreds of cobweb-like spatial cracks quietly disappeared in front of the latter, his eyes shrank suddenly, and immediately afterwards, he hardly hesitated. ——


Xiao Lang stopped abruptly and retreated violently. At the same time, under Jin Jiu's astonished gaze, a golden light suddenly sprang out of his body and turned into a figure, throwing it at the person wrapped in vines. "Wooden sedan chair".

It's really a figure.

An old man.

The old man in a golden robe!

He stood firmly in front of the wooden sedan chair like a puppet, but from the solemnity and caution on his face, he could see that he was deeply afraid of the white shadow that suddenly appeared.


Xiao Lang landed and stood beside the old man in Jinpao, his expression also gloomy.

This time, it was Jin Jiu's turn to be astonished.

Who is the comer?

How could he let Xiao Lang, who had taken the lead just now, suddenly stop and make such a serious expression?

Could it be--

Jin Jiu thought of a possibility, his face changed drastically, and he immediately stood up from the ground, shocked by the sudden rise in his heart. At this time, Bai Ying finally arrived in front of Qingtianwei. He waved his big hand, and the cage formed by the Five Elements Prison was instantly torn apart with a wave of his big hand. A jade-like hand fell. On the halberd of Qingtianwei.


The strong fluctuations disappeared, as if nothing happened, the halberd color returned to normal.

Just one hand directly contained the self-destruction of a super magic weapon!

Jin Jiu was shocked.

Why isn't Qingtianwei like that?

In fact, when the word "Stop" came to his ears, he was stunned. When he looked up, he saw that the white shadow had reached his eyes, and the halberd in his hand had been taken away. He was aloof by nature. There was no dissatisfaction on his face, but under Jin Jiu's horrified gaze, he knelt down!

"the host!"


In the entire Origin Land, there is only one who can be qualified to let Qing Tianwei speak the word master convincingly—

Profound Lord!


The Profound Lord is here!

For Qing Tianwei, the Profound Lord is even more important than his life!

Not to mention a long halberd, even if the Profound Sky Lord asked him to die now, he would not hesitate at all, because he knew clearly that the Profound Lord had given him everything that he has now. !

"Mysterious Sky Lord!"

Aside, Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu naturally heard Qing Tianwei's address to Bai Ying, and their expressions were serious while their minds trembled.

They know who the comer is.

Profound Lord!

Master of the Profound Sky Realm!

In this world, the only two great strengths reach one of the existences of Venerable Heaven!

This is Venerable Heaven!

Even if Xiao Lang had killed four and a half-step Heavenly Dao Venerable, if there were no accidents, the Blue Sky Guard would have died in his hands just now, but when he saw this Dao appear suddenly

Xiao Lang couldn't help but feel heavy.

So strong!

"Tear the Five Elements Prison with bare hands..."

Xiao Lang understood that his research and insights into the Five Elements Prison had not reached the extreme, but even so, the Heavenly Profound Master's seemingly understatement just broke the entire Five Elements Prison, which was really too scary. !

"Venerable Heaven... really so strong?"

Xiao Lang's eyes were filled with deep fear and vigilance.

The Profound Lord is here!

With Qingtianwei in front, it is of course not difficult to guess the purpose of his coming.

Heavenly Profound Order!

It must be for the Sky Profound Order!

"How to do?"


Have you ever beaten it?

After coming to this land of origin, Xiao Lang felt great pressure for the first time!

This is the pressure brought by Venerable Heaven!

Even with the power of Tonggu as his hole card, Xiao Lang still doesn't have the slightest confidence in the face of such existence, even if he even summoned the Jinling ancestor!

"Zhentian Coffin?"

The Tiantian Coffin may be the only way to help him face the Venerable Heavenly Dao.

For a while, Xiao Lang was in a state of confusion, but at this moment, the Profound Master Sky put down his halberd and reinserted it beside Qing Tianwei, sighing deeply, and said:


"As soon as I guessed your arrogant personality, there might be contradictions. I didn't expect it to be true. Fortunately, I came. You know that once you blew yourself up, you would stop here for fear of your martial arts. Is it worth it? "

No matter how hard it is to advance in martial arts in a lifetime!

Qing Tianwei's body shook suddenly, lowered his head, and never dared to raise it again.

"Master, I..."

But obviously, the Profound Master Sky didn't want to investigate too much on this issue, and he waved his hand gently:

"Get up."

But at the same time, Xiao Lang's eyes trembled suddenly. Because, just after the Profound Master Sky had finished speaking these three words, his gaze had already been cast toward himself and others!

Qingtianwei stood up.

But at this time, no one cared about him anymore.

However, the eyes of the Profound Master Sky didn't fall on Xiao Lang's body, but on the body of the ancestor Jinling. It was faintly visible that his pupils trembled slightly, as if he had discovered something.

He discovered the secret of Jinling ancestor's body?

Xiao Lang keenly discovered this little detail of the Profound Lord Sky, and he was more afraid in his heart.

The current physical body of the ancestor of Jinling is that of the ancestor of the five elements, it is the physical body of the initial realm. If he does not reveal his aura, I am afraid the immortal realm nine-layer peak powerhouse will not be able to find the slightest clue, but now-

The Profound Lord Sky seemed to have noticed it at a glance!

"He, is he so strong?"

The ancestor of Jinling is a hole card of Xiao Lang, but the hole card seen through is still a hole card?

Even if the ancestors of Jinling desperately delay, can he really hold the Profound Master?

Xiao Lang's heart suddenly lost a bit of confidence, and this feeling made him a bit more uneasy.


Qing Tianwei was hit hard, and even almost fell into the abyss of lack of energy. For these, the Profound Master Tian didn't seem to care much, but smiled softly, as if thousands of flowers were in full bloom, the surrounding atmosphere seemed to suddenly become warm.

this is……

A precursor to hands-on?

I had to admit that the pressure brought by the Profound Master Sky was too great, and any of his actions would arouse Xiao Lang's suspicion and fear.

Because, facing the Profound Lord, he really didn't have the confidence to contend!

At this moment, a scene that he never expected happened--

On the side, Jin Jiu saw the smile on the face of the Profound Master Sky, and his body seemed to tremble, like a catastrophe, more like a decision, gritted his teeth, and suddenly stood up, his wrist turned, and a **** order The card appeared in the palm of his hand and threw it towards the heavenly Profound Master.

"Senior Profound Master, it's no wonder, I am the servant of the Blood Flower Tower, and I hope that Senior will calm down for the time being!"

Xiao Lang was surprised.

At this critical moment, did Jin Jiu dare to jump out?


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