Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 667: It turned out so strong!

Caught off guard!

This is not only all the feelings of the high priest at this time, but also the only feelings of the Profound Lord Sky, Azure Sky Guard, and Jin Jiu!

Xiao Lang suddenly shot them, without any warning, and directly frightened them.

The high priest, but the true God of Heaven!

Needless to say, the four words Venerable Heavenly Dao alone are enough to prove his power.

If you think about it, it is even more terrifying.

It can be said that before the high priest of the Sky Demon Race came to this world, the Profound Lord Sky, as the only power at the level of the Heavenly Dao, should be the strongest in this world.

After the high priest came, he twisted the situation and sealed the world, completely looking like an overlord.

Does the Profound Master Tian hate him?

The answer to this question is self-evident.

But even so, it seems that the Profound Lord has never taken a shot against the high priest. What does this mean?

I'm afraid that even the Profound Master Heaven has no absolute certainty to take down the high priest!

It is such a existence, even if it is only a clone, it is enough to scare the world. But at this time, Xiao Lang unexpectedly launched a surprise attack on him!


Profound Master Tian's inner judgment seemed to be enough to clear all this.



One punch!

The three people of the Profound Master of Heaven were surprised to see that the high priest who was caught off guard suddenly retreated, the demonic energy around his body burst, and the blood rain filled.

He blocked Xiao Lang's punch!

But obviously, the first opportunity in this level of battle still occupied a very important role. In the first confrontation, Xiao Lang turned out to have the upper hand!

"A show?"

When Qing Tianwei and Jin Jiu saw this scene, their pupils brightened.

It seems that this clone of the high priest can't stop the crazy Xiao Lang?

Only the Profound Master Sky is still sensible, with deep gleams in his eyes, standing in the same place, he has no intention of making a move, as if he is judging something.

It's just a raid.

In the eyes of the Profound Master, if Xiao Lang's fist was unable to create such an advantage, it would be a waste.

The key is not current.

But lies in--

Can such advantages continue one after another?

The Profound Lord Tian did not expect that Xiao Lang would bring him the answer in the next moment.


Second punch, strike!

The fierce concussion was still in the air, and the void exploded. Even the high priest himself was repelled by the fierce concussion for several miles, but Xiao Lang did not seem to feel the strong impact at all. It is like a tide, coming swiftly, like a storm, unable to stop!


More than just the second punch!

But dozens of punches in succession!

Bang bang bang!

In this process, the high priest had nothing but to resist, and was completely unable to organize any effective counterattack, retreating violently, but before he could stop his feet, Xiao Lang's fist, like a heavy hammer, had come again!

"The power of heaven?!"

"The power of death!"

"How is this possible? He..."

Xiao Lang's violent figure came into view. This time, not only Qing Tianwei and Jin Jiu, but even the Profound Master Sky could not help but stunned, aphasizing, and exclaiming again and again.


He saw it.

The power poured into Xiao Lang's boxing watch is definitely not the power of the Great Dao, but the power of the Heavenly Dao, and it is also the power of the four top heavenly Dao——


The Profound Master of Heaven was only able to see it through the dissipated and dissipated blood mist around the high priest.

A major feature of the power of the heavenly path of death is to annihilate all things and contain the path of destruction!

But because of this, the Profound Master Sky was even more shocked.

This is the power of heaven!

The power of the Heavenly Dao that only the Venerable Heavenly Dao can master, now appeared on Xiao Lang, a half-step Heavenly Dao level martial artist, how could he not be surprised?

"He is Venerable Heaven?"

In consternation, the Profound Master Sky doubted Xiao Lang's identity for the first time, but when he carefully sensed the power fluctuations from Xiao Lang's body, he couldn't help frowning.


"The power he controls is absolutely at the level of the power of heaven. But his will..."

The Profound Lord Tian sensed the power of Xiao Lang's spirit, but it was only half a step into the level of the heavenly Dao, and he had not completed the transformation of the heavenly path.

Not a Venerable Heavenly Dao, but mastered the power of Heavenly Dao...

Even if the Heavenly Profound Master had a lot of knowledge and experience, he was at a loss at this moment.

"How did he do that?"

The Profound Lord Sky fell into deep thought.

And Qing Tianwei and Jin Jiu on the side were dumbfounded when they heard the exclamation he had made before.


The power of Tao!

It turned out that what Xiao Lang mastered was the power of heaven!

No wonder he dared to attack the clone of the high priest!

From the perspective of power levels, Xiao Lang also controls the power of the Dao of Heaven, and he is indeed no weaker than any Venerable Dao of Heaven.


The will of heaven!

This is also critical!

Although Xiao Lang didn't know what chance he had mastered the power of the Dao of Heaven, he didn't have the blessing of the will of the Dao of Heaven. Was he really the opponent of the High Priest clone?

While Qingtianwei and Jin Jiu were shocked, they couldn't help but worry.

And at this moment--


The shadow of the fist was like a squally rainstorm, overwhelming the sky, and sealed all the escape space around the high priest clone. It was extremely accurate, and the fist greeted the vitals around him, violent!

Suppression continues!

Xiao Lang, hold on!

"He actually did it?"

Qing Tianwei and Jin Jiu were stunned, feeling unbelievable, couldn't believe that Xiao Lang could suppress the suppression so perfectly, and it has continued to the present.

It is even more incomprehensible.

How did Xiao Lang, who only mastered the power of the Dao of Heaven but did not have the blessing of the will of the Dao of Heaven, do it?

Of course they couldn't think of it.

Although Xiao Lang didn't have the blessing of the will of heaven, but in his body, there was more than a kind of force of heaven?

Not one kind.




The power in Xiao Lang's body was transpiring, violently as a tide, and the three colors of white, gray and black flickered frequently, symbolizing that he had urged the three powers of heaven to the extreme——

Life, reincarnation, death!

His boxing watch seems to have only black lights flashing, but in its depths, the three colors are condensed, and they burst out!

The High Priest clone mastered the Dark Heavenly Dao, and Xiao Lang could only barely contend with the power of the Death Heavenly Dao, but when the power of the three heavenly Daos came out, the result was completely different.

The exponential skyrocket!

Will of Heaven?

Is it important?

Ten will drop in one effort!

Xiao Lang knew that his mastery of the three powers of heaven was just a first glimpse, far from reaching the level of integration, after all, he could not do this without the blessing of the will of heaven.

However, he has three powers of heaven!

Insufficient mastery, come together!

As a result, this suppression was continued by him.

Qing Tianwei raised his head and looked at the cracked void. The two figures and the shadows of the fist that were constantly walking through the sky were so frightened that they couldn't help but think of himself just now.

The battle between himself and Xiao Lang.

Qingtianwei couldn't help but shiver.


The battle in front of him really resembled the battle he had with Xiao Lang just now, the same suppression, the same chasing after, and the inexplicable sense of familiarity made Qing Tianwei frightened.

"Even if I blew myself up, is it really his opponent?"

Qing Tianwei didn't dare to think further, and was even more grateful. Fortunately, in the previous battle, Xiao Lang just wanted to capture him alive and didn't want to kill him. Otherwise, how could he stand here on all fours?

"It turns out that he is so strong!"

All kinds of thoughts turned into a sentence, Qing Tianwei's mind was distressed.

And the people who felt the same way as him were not only the Profound Master and Jin Jiu around him, but also the clone of the high priest who was suppressed by Xiao Lang's fist!

After a series of violent retreats, he hurriedly resisted. At this moment, he was finally awakened from the initial surprise, and he realized Xiao Lang's strength.

"Mastering the power of the Dao of Heaven, but not the evildoer of the Venerable Heaven?"

Like the Profound Master of Heaven, he also distinguished that Xiao Lang had mastered the power of the Dao of Heaven, otherwise it would be impossible to compete with him for so long. However, what he felt more deeply than the Profound Master of Heaven was Xiao Lang's endurance!

The more you fight!

Xiao Lang is like a perpetual motion machine...No, it is stronger than a perpetual motion machine!

His fists became more and more violent, and a punch was stronger than a punch!

When the High Priest clone finally realized that Xiao Lang was not as simple as an ordinary Half-Step Heavenly Dao Venerable, he was shocked to find that in this continuous confrontation, his clone's power had already consumed as much as 50%. , The blood cloud lingering around the body has shrunk by half!

"If this continues, I will die?"

The high priest avatar was stunned, and he was frightened in disbelief for his inference.

When he sensed the appearance of the avatar of the Profound Master Sky, he immediately dispatched the avatars wandering around in the Origin Land on the way, he never expected such a situation.

He knows the fear of the Profound Master of Heaven towards him.

It was also clear that the Heavenly Profound Master would definitely not attack him. Because today is not the first time their clones met.

The only thing he didn't expect was Xiao Lang.




There was a disagreement and a big fight.

Is this something a reasonable person can do?

"Damn it!"

"How did I meet such a lunatic!"

The High Priest clone gritted his teeth and tried his best to control the inverted figure, looking at Xiao Lang, who had no idea how many times he rushed forward, his killing intent was steaming in his eyes, and it was hard to contain it.

If his eyes could kill people, Xiao Lang would have died thousands of times!

In fact, the high priest did not understand Xiao Lang.

The first time he knew about Xiao Lang's existence was also from Xu Jianyang's mouth. He only knew that Xiao Lang was a helper who suddenly appeared beside Sun Wuji.

The reason why he dispatched the three major demon lords to chase after him was simply curious about whether Sun Wuji was dead or not, and who Xiao Lang was.

The three great demon lords died tragically in a short time, and the soul lamp went out. He realized for the first time that Xiao Lang was probably a variable, but even so, he didn't feel any pressure, and it was far worse than his killing of Sun Wuji Yi is so powerful.

Because in Sun Wuji's body, there was a breath that made him feel threatened!

Until now.

He finally understood Xiao Lang a little.



It's an evildoer and a lunatic!

Although it wouldn't make his body threaten, but now, let his clone smell the smell of death. And this sense of crisis finally aroused the strongest murder in his heart!

"The last Sky Profound Order was placed on his body by Sun Wuji, so he can master the power of Heaven?"

Thinking of this, the high priest felt that he had finally found the truth, as if he had made a certain decision, and finally he was determined in his heart, and the light in his eyes was fierce and violent!

"It's just a clone... If it can be exchanged for the last Sky Profound Order, it's worth it!"

The high priest's spirit swept across. When Yu Guang saw that the Profound Lord was still standing on the spot, he had no intention of making a move. The corners of his mouth raised a sneer, and his eyes became sharper and more breathtaking, but there was no other action, just whistling at him. Xiao Lang who came, put out a hand——


The fists meet, and there is a resounding roar.

For the three of the Profound Masters, this was just an ordinary confrontation between Xiao Lang and the high priest, but the result was far beyond their expectation.



Bloody water filled, exploded wildly!

The high priest clone, broken!

Faced with the violent bombardment of thousands of punches from Xiao Lang, his clone seemed to have finally reached the limit of endurance, suddenly burst open, and turned into a rain of blood, roaring and falling!


The avatar of the high priest was just killed by Xiao Lang?

Not to mention them, even Xiao Lang who was in mid-air was taken aback for a moment, his body froze in mid-air, and his face was confused.

So simple?

Crushed to death?

Speaking of it, this result is really not unexpected. After all, the high priest's avatar is just rootless duckweed. Faced with Xiao Lang's violent bombardment, he will sooner or later be unable to bear it.

The punch just now seemed to be the last straw to crush the camel.

The truth is this truth.

Everyone understands.

Xiao Lang is no exception.

But even so, he still felt something was wrong.

It’s not logically wrong, it’s just the feeling in the heart and the judgment of the character of the high priest——

"A person who wants to control the existence of the core of one world, will he really allow himself to die silently like this, even if it is just a clone?"

Xiao Lang felt uneasy instinctively, but when he leaned out of his mind and looked closely, he found nothing. There was only a rain of blood and evil spirits around him, nothing else.

The heavenly clone of the high priest is really dead?

Xiao Lang scrutinized a dozen or so times in the rain of blood wafting in the void around him, and found nothing. Just as he relaxed and determined that the high priest had no other moths and died completely, suddenly—

on the ground.

The Profound Lord Sky suddenly changed his expression as if he had sensed something.

"Little friend, be careful!"


Be careful?

Where does the crisis come from?

Xiao Lang's vigilance that had not been completely put down was raised in an instant, and his divine consciousness swept away. He wanted to find the trace of the high priest's avatar, but at this moment, he hadn't waited for him to find anything.


Void, the rain of blood shocked.

A violent coercion like a mountain suddenly came, like a giant hand, suppressing the entire world, including every inch of space!


The will of heaven comes!


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