Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 694: Finally see the fruit!

Yao Zhi!

There is a demon plant in the mountain!

A demon plant like the Bloodthirsty Starvine.

It’s no wonder that Xiao Lang’s fantasies are fascinating, because as far as he knows, such things as monsters are still quite rare in the cultivation world. At least until now, he has not seen many, and only the bloodthirsty stars have been in close contact. One rattan.

"the host."

"There is no fluctuation in my blood."

Bloodthirsty Star Vine and Xiao Lang have the same mind. Sometimes, even if there is no deliberate connection, they can guess what the other party is thinking, just like this time.

The bloodline does not fluctuate, which means that there is no relationship between them.

Xiao Lang nodded slightly unchecked, and once again focused on the battle before him. He didn't care about the Jie Yuan who was knocked into the air, not because he was ruthless, but because he knew that Jie Yuan was not dead.

Even the injuries were not that serious.

No, the battle here has just started, and Jie Yuan has already swept from a distance, and there is not even a trace of blood on his clothes.

I have to admit that there are still some quite tyrannical martial arts secrets among the eighteenth giants in the world of Lihuo. Although they cannot be compared with the inheritance left by Ting Chaohou, in a certain sense, they can also compete against each other. !

For example, the Buddhism martial arts that Jie Yuan used just now has amazing defensive power, and it blocked a blow that surpassed the half-step Heavenly Dao level directly!

Of course, he can do this for many reasons.

The most important point is to accumulate energy!

Jie Yuan only raised his defense power to this level after more than ten breaths of energy accumulation. If it were in a battle between two powerhouses of the same level, this secret technique of body refining was indeed effective, but it was definitely not as effective. It was so huge just now.

Of course, it is still incomparable with the Shura battle body.

Xiao Lang believed that even if he hadn't really raised Shura's combat body to the fifth level, even if he stood still, the demon plant in the mountain would not be able to hurt him at all, let alone pair with Jie Yuan. One's fight.

Putting away distracting thoughts, Xiao Lang focused his attention on the battle before him.


The mountain collapsed!

Dozens of half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouses all shot together, even if they did not use their full strength, they are now mostly using moves and methods to control opponents, but this coercion is also huge, an ordinary mountain, fundamentally It's impossible to resist.

The other reason is that the branches are bound, and the monster plant in the mountain seems to finally feel a great pressure and threat. Instinctively tells it that if it has been huddled in the mountain, it will only die.

In this case, it destroyed it directly from the inside of the mountain!


The earth and rocks were rolling, smoke and dust filled, under everyone's scorching eyes, a huge figure showed its figure——

An old willow!

Yao Zhi has a characteristic that other species don't possess, that is, their bodies can be large or small, and they can change freely. This is what Xiao Lang has experienced in Bloodthirsty Starvine.

The old willow at this time was exactly like this, the manifested body was a thousand feet tall, and it was still swelling, but in the blink of an eye, it even exceeded the size of the original mountain.

Bang bang bang!

The willow branch that was bound by the crowd was trembling crazily, trying to break free from the shackles. In addition, the old willow was waving other willow branches crazily, like a violent storm, falling from the sky and pouring on everyone's head!


As the overlord of this place, has it ever been treated like this?

It is angry.

Shaking the huge body, the thick willow branches are like ten thousand long whips, falling down swiftly and dazzlingly. Xiao Lang believed that if there was a pouring rain now, there would never be any traces of water under Ju Liu.

It's too dense!

What a big body!

Lots of willow branches!

When he saw Lao Liu showing his power and suddenly fell into a violent state, to be honest, Xiao Lang couldn't help being surprised, and almost couldn't help but shoot.

If its other willow branches are as strong as the first one, one can imagine how tragic the battle will be.

Jie Yuan relied on its strong magical powers and the accumulation of more than ten breaths to barely block one of its surprise attacks, and his methods, not to mention other things, were merely a defensive layer.

Second, it is definitely the strongest in the entire team, and there is no problem at all in the top five.

Jieyuan has been so well prepared, and has suffered minor injuries. If you change to someone else, who can handle it?

However, when Xiao Lang took a closer look, the steps he had almost stepped out came back again.

The battle is messy.

Or it was because no one thought that the giant willow in the mountain was so huge that it fell into a violent state at the beginning, and there was indeed a huge commotion in the crowd.

But it was just a commotion.

Facts have proved that the other branches of the giant willow are far less powerful than the branch it used for the first time. This is like the difference between a sword repairer’s natal sword and other magic swords. As long as you use a few methods, the team Most of the people can resist, even -



The sound of the sharp weapon breaking through the air sounded one after another, and every time it was heard, a long willow would inevitably fall and collapse!


There are no stubbles and no blood stains.

It was only then that Xiao Lang was surprised to discover that the giant willow in front of him looked the same as the demon plant he had seen outside, but in fact, it was not an entity, it was also composed of the power of heaven, only at its core. It seems that there is some kind of peculiar power, and the giant willow condensed such a huge body with this.

"What kind of life form is this?"

"It is like this, or is it because it was born in this world?"

Xiao Lang has past experience in the Five Elements Continent, and of course he can notice faster than others. In fact, there is a huge difference between the world created by the original owner and the Five Elements Continent.

In the ordinary world, can other worlds be born inside?

The Five Elements Mainland cannot.

But this piece of ancient world did it.

Moreover, even though the original owner did not have much explanation, Xiao Lang could also see that the many worlds in this ancient world were the predecessors of Lihuo Great World.

There is even a world with the same breath as Lihuo World!

what does this mean?

"Tong Gu Tian Di is actually a mirror."

"The Profound Master Tian once said that the original owner created this world and left when the first world was born. It seems that the truth is not that simple now."

"At least, his canniness stayed."

"Moreover, he knows everything that happened outside, the evolution of the world, and he knows everything clearly."

"And the world in my place now..."

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, thinking of the two figures that he saw on the top of the mountain when he and the others came here, thinking more deeply.

"Half a step at the Heavenly Dao level, one world can give birth to powerhouses of this level. Obviously, they definitely didn't appear when this third world was just born, but there are still their images here!

This is enough to prove the connection between Tonggu Land and the outside world.

And it's not just as simple as reflecting in a mirror.

"Fu Zhuan..."

Xiao Lang recalled what he had seen and heard in such a short time since he came here, his eyes grew deeper.

"These, it is very likely that the original owner forced to stay after the real third world was destroyed!"

Xiao Lang faintly felt that he had guessed the truth of the matter. But because of this, he also fell into a deeper mystery——

Original owner, why did you do this?

"Before condensing this Cannian, he is very likely to be the power of the pinnacle level of Yuanshi Realm, and he is only a thread away from Tonggu Realm!"

"For such a strong man, is it really necessary to keep these things?"

Xiao Lang had no doubt that the Talisman Cultivation System in the Third World was most likely to have been specially spread by the original owner, so that it could be widely spread in this world.

A world created by myself.

Self-distributed cultivation system.

Is it really necessary to keep it?

Although Xiao Lang was not a strong person at that level, he could still imagine that the original master at that time saw the practice of this world fighting against sects, and he would definitely look at the struggle of dynasties in the ordinary world. The slightest meaning.

no way.

The gap between the horizon and the realm is really too big, and it is the kind of huge that there is no way to make up!

It's like playing house, adults always look bored.

But now, the original owner has saved them as much as possible...

"There are other mysteries inside?"

Xiao Lang tried his best to substitute himself into the level and position of the original owner, frowning, thinking hard, and just as he was puzzled, suddenly a flash of light flashed deep in his mind——


"Could it be that the laws and inheritance he said are actually hidden in these remnants of history?"

"The law he said is not a power, but something else?"

Xiao Lang's eyes opened wider and wider, and his mind was shaking.


And very likely!

Otherwise, how can you explain it?

"It must be so!"

Xiao Lang's inspiration emerged, and he felt that he had broken the shackles of a certain thought. If you change to another martial artist, when you hear of inheritance and opportunity, you will inevitably look for things such as exercises and cultivation resources. After all, this is the real thing.

But now, Xiao Lang doesn't think so.

In this world, there may be some treasures of heaven and earth that are hard to find outside, and even other inheritances, but they care about these things. Does the original owner really care about it and store it specially?

Absolutely not!


"Do I have to travel all over the world, unable to find one by one?"

Xiao Lang frowned again.

To say that he has no thoughts about the inheritance left by the original owner, this is of course impossible. It's just that in Xiao Lang's opinion, compared to the inheritance of the original owner, some things are more important than it.

But now, since I have figured out the key, it is naturally impossible to let it go.

To travel all over the world, this seems to be a necessary thing, but Xiao Lang is quite worried about this. The most important of these is of course the unconscious Sun Wuji.

"Master asked me to come to this world because of what he sensed?"

"The law, or something else?"

Suddenly, distracting thoughts arose, and Xiao Lang's heart was numb. Various clues gathered in his heart, but he could not sort it out clearly. The reason was either because of the level or because he could not know the answer at all, which made Xiao Lang's mind heavy.


This feeling is really uncomfortable!

"The departure of the Profound Master and the High Priest is obviously also targeted. It is very possible that they felt something like Master. It's just that they felt different."

Thinking of the high priest again, this formidable opponent he was bound to face, Xiao Lang looked more serious and depressed, because he thought that so far, he still hadn't been able to completely master the fifth level of the Shura battle body, and he did not have the power to face the high priest directly. .



Many negative emotions condensed in Xiao Lang's heart, making him a little lost for a while.

At this moment, when Xiao Lang tried to get rid of this emotion and tried to look forward, suddenly--



A thunderous explosion suddenly sounded, Xiao Lang was awakened, and he looked forward subconsciously, and saw endless brilliance emerge. In the center, the huge figure of a giant willow was rapidly melting and disintegrating.

The battle is over!

The giant willow finally couldn't stop everyone from attacking and killing one after another, and was dying!

Its body has begun to completely collapse!

There is no doubt that this is great news, but at this moment, neither Xiao Lang nor the other people who have teamed up to create this record are completely ignorant of the giant willow whose breath has plummeted.

Just because, just when the huge body of the giant willow collapsed, they were surprised to see that in the void, the power of the heavens was crazily condensed, and based on the fragments of the collapsed giant willow, they turned into exquisite and transparent balls...

Do not.

Not a ball...

Everyone's spirits shrank, including Xiao Lang, couldn't help but feel shocked at this moment, thinking of something--

"This is the divine fruit?!"


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