Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 703: Downfall?

The third world.

The thirteenth day.

Luo Zifei, Master Jieyuan, and others still clearly remember how many days they came to Tonggu Tiandi, but everything that happened here has nothing to do with them.

In other words, starting from the seventh day, even if they want to participate, it is impossible.

Weak, it is flawed!

On the seventh day, Xiao Lang began to fight alone. As for them, at best they could only scavenge outside. On the tenth day, when Xiao Lang fought against the giant tree with the blood of the World Tree, they even All the qualifications to raid the formation are gone, and you must retreat thousands of miles away, otherwise your life will be in danger.

The battle has nothing to do with them, let alone the divine fruit.

Over time, some of them were even familiar with this rhythm, and they no longer resisted Xiao Lang's forcibly occupying all the divine fruits a few days ago.

This is the case in the cultivation world, where the strong are respected.

This reality cannot be changed if you are unbalanced.

On this day, they will have nothing more than to watch, and even find that just watching the battle is also valuable to them.

What's more, there was another Jinling ancestor beside Xiao Lang!

Jinling ancestor, very strong!

Especially the flesh!

Everyone saw this, because when Jinling ancestors were fighting, most of them relied on his physical body, which was very similar to Xiao Lang in this regard.

However, with his physical body alone, his lethality even surpassed their full blow, which made them unable to understand.

Especially Master Jie Yuan.

In the past few days, his mood is quite depressed.

Everyone has his own proud side in his heart, especially the strong. In the cultivation world, some battles are often not caused by deep hatred, but just some gossip that touches sensitive parts of the heart.

Master Jie Yuan is just like that.

When he saw the power of Xiao Lang's physical body a few days ago, he felt a sense of frustration in his heart, but when he thought that Xiao Lang might have condensed the immortal body and had excellent talents, he accepted it.

But now, another Jinling ancestor popped out!

As a veteran warrior who has been immersed in the secret technique for many years, he can tell at a glance that the physical body of the Jinling ancestor is not generally strong, even stronger than Xiao Lang!

The only thing that is bad is the ability to recover.

However, after so many battles these days, the number of times Jinling ancestors were injured——


"Where did these two monsters come from Tianfu Palace?"

"Could it be that the Tianfu Temple actually hides a special branch that specializes in physical training?"

Master Jie Yuan had to make such an inference.

As for these, Xiao Lang and the ancestors of Jinling naturally didn't know, they had been immersed in the battle, unable to extricate themselves.

at last--


Another demon plant completely collapsed under the joint attack of the two of them, disappeared, and turned into a total of five hundred divine fruits! Xiao Lang unceremoniously put all of them in his pocket and sent them into the pet spirit bag.

The ancestor of Jinling also looked at Xiao Lang with surprise.

To be honest, fighting with Xiao Lang these days, the surprise in his heart grew stronger.

At this point, I finally couldn't help it.

"Little friend, your physical body... is the immortal body?"

"At least the eighth floor, right?"

The eighth floor?

Xiao Lang nodded lightly, not so indifferent to others. The ancestor of Jinling, after all, was his own. Although he signed a blood oath with each other, Xiao Lang never regarded him as his servant.

Not only to the ancestors of Jinling, Xiao Lang also did the same to Jiuyou Bat and Bloodthirsty Star Vine.

"That's it."

Jinling ancestor heard the words and his pupils brightened, and sincerely sighed:


"This should be the inheritance left by the predecessor? It seems that the physical body of the little friend can immediately transform to the ninth level of the immortal body."

"That's the ultimate immortality in the legend!"

The eyes of the ancestors of Jinling couldn't help but flash with fascination.

Once, he was also a monarch of the Immortal Realm, and even reached the Ninth Heaven of the Immortal Realm. However, in his previous life, he was best at divine power. The immortal body was only about six layers. Because of this, he could not find Xiao Lang's physical body. It is fundamentally different from the immortal.

It is impossible for him in this life to challenge the limit.

Because he has the body of the ancestor of the Five Elements.

The physical body at the creation level has little relationship with the immortal body. Although it also has the characteristics of immortality, but in addition, there are more changes. Jinling ancestors have not yet fully unearthed it.

Of course, if he could unearth all the secrets in it, he might really be able to surpass the strength of the Nine Heavens of Indestructible Body, and it would not be impossible for him to even raise his martial arts cultivation to a higher level.

After all, when the ancestor of the Five Elements reached the world of creation, the changes were as simple as the Five Elements Continent, and his body also hid the secrets of the world of creation.

But at that time, it has nothing to do with the immortal body.

Here, the ancestor of Jinling was expressing his admiration for Xiao Lang, but Xiao Lang's heart trembled.


How fast can it be?

A touch of bitterness floated at the corner of Xiao Lang's mouth.

He felt the bottleneck again!

The ancestor Jinling's judgment was correct. His physical body had indeed reached the strength of the eight-fold peak of the Indestructible, which seemed to be only one line away from the nine-fold strength of the Indestructible.

But this line has become a barrier that he cannot cross.

Shura battle body has not broken through yet!

But in a battle three days ago, Xiao Lang felt that as he continued to fight in the past few days, all the treasures of the heavens and the earth had been refined into his flesh and bones, not even a bit. Omission.

It stands to reason that the Shura battle body is about to be promoted.

However, Xiao Lang still did not feel the urge to change.

The last step is as difficult as the sky!

"Could it be that you have to go through a test of life and death?"

Xiao Lang thought that in the world of cultivation, many people realized their epiphany only at the critical moment of life and death, and finally broke through, and their hearts moved.

Maybe you can try!

Xiao Lang looked deeper, the clouds and mist blurred, not knowing the depths.

He could really feel that the monsters he had encountered these days were getting stronger and stronger. Just like the game that just ended, even if he and Jinling ancestor joined forces, it took a short half an hour to finally win each other.

The injury is more serious than before.

Although it is far from reaching the limit of life and death, according to this rhythm-


Xiao Lang eagerly wanted his Asura battle body to reach the fifth level, because only in this way could he have the confidence to face the high priest.

Without the fifth level of the Shura battle body, even if there is a bloodthirsty star vine, what can it be?

"Go, continue!"

Xiao Lang didn't look back, and ran away again. The ancestor of Jinling was taken aback for a moment and hurriedly followed. He was not surprised by Xiao Lang's rhythm. He was already familiar these days.


Fourteenth day.

Fifteenth day!

Two more days passed.

After ten more fierce battles, this time, Xiao Lang finally met his most powerful opponent since he came to this world——

An iron tree!

Yes, it's really an iron tree, but it's the kind that doesn't know how many years it has grown and finally becomes a fine one.

Its body is even stronger than that of the ancestor of Jinling, surpassing Xiao Lang's physical limit!


Failed one after another!

In just one day, Xiao Lang launched dozens of raids on it, but they all ended in failure. And the biggest problem is not yet him.

Although he was seriously injured, he has the power of life, and his recovery ability is extremely strong.

The ancestor of Jinling has no such ability.

Once his body is traumatized, it is difficult to recover.

"Little friend, I may not be able to survive."

Finally, when Xiao Lang and the ancestor Jinling once again joined forces, Tie Shu directly took the ancestor Jinling out, and a scary bloodstain appeared on his waist. The ancestor Jinling finally uttered these words in fear and helplessness.

Xiao Lang's face was cold.


The most difficult time came!

The ancestor of Jinling was unable to fight again, which undoubtedly caused great pressure on him.

What's more, in the middle of the successive assaults, he also specially sneaked the soul into the pet spirit bag and asked Sun Wuji, in the body of the iron tree in front of him, he did not sense the aura of the **** of law.

This shows that the guardian Yaozhi of the law and fruit that represents the will of the soul is even more terrifying!

Even if I grind to death this iron tree, I am afraid I will not be able to fulfill the promise and defeat the last guard Yaozhi!

The situation is difficult!

Xiao Lang waved his hand and motioned to the ancestor Jinling to take a break for the time being, his brows furrowed and his face gloomy.

There is nothing to do?

My plan is about to die here?

Xiao Lang was unwilling.

Ten days of hard work, only half a step away from success, but froze here, who can stand it?

How to do?

Use the power of the Dao Spirit Body?

As soon as this thought appeared, it was forgotten by Xiao Lang.

No way!

The original power of the Dao Spirit Body is a kind of power through the ancients, once it is used, the original owner must be aware of it. Without knowing the intention of the latter, you must not use it!

Furthermore, the power of the Dao Spirit Body's origin can only be effective against the divine power, and the improvement of the physical body is minimal, even if it is used, it cannot be used to raise the physical body to the strength of the immortal body.

At a loss?

In the void, Xiao Lang was alone in hesitation and thinking, and just as he was helpless and overthrew hundreds of plans, suddenly--


Behind, far away.

The direction of Jin Jiu and others.

A familiar breath suddenly came, awakening Xiao Lang who was in thought, raised his head in surprise and looked into the distance.

"It's him?"

"Why are you here?"

"Could it be that Profound Master Tian also encountered any problems?"

Not bad.

What Xiao Lang felt was Qingtianwei!

It can be sensed from hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Xiao Lang knew that the Profound Sky Lord was better than himself, and his control of the entire team was also higher than himself. His efficiency must surpass himself. Now that the Blue Sky Guard is here, there must be only two reasons--

One is that the Profound Lord Sky has encountered a problem.

The second is that the Profound Master of Heaven has already obtained the divine fruit of the law that represents divine power!

Xiao Lang preferred the former most.

"Is it the high priest or the murderous thing?"

Xiao Lang's expression gradually became serious.

at last.

A quarter of an hour later, Qing Tianwei, panting and pale, finally arrived, and under the surprised gaze of Jin Jiu and others, he rushed directly towards Xiao Lang.

"Brother Li Qi, I finally found you!"

"For help!"

"We are in trouble!"


Xiao Lang's spirits stunned, and immediately put aside the problem in front of him, and the voice transmission asked:

"What's the trouble?"

"Have you met the high priest?"

Xiao Lang had to be cautious, because he knew that whether any of their teams encountered the high priest, it would be a disaster!

Fortunately, Qingtianwei quickly shook his head:

"No, we met an ancient monster!"

Just a murderous thing?

Xiao Lang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

This is fine.

It was the best idea in his mind.

However, Qing Tianwei's next sentence made his heart that he had just let go of suddenly raised again.

"My lord has fought it dozens of times, and I lost every time! Now, my lord is about to fall to the level of Venerable Heavenly Dao!"


Profound Lord Heaven, is about to fall to the level of Venerable Heaven?

Xiao Lang's eyes widened when he heard this!

What happened to the Profound Lord and the others? !


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