Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 708: perish together?


At the moment when the Profound Sky Lord sacrificed his body and turned into a Profound Sky Sword, the sword aura was vertical and horizontal, splitting the void--

Beyond the valley.

Everyone of the Fierce Spirit Clan, including Yan De and Qing Tianwei, seemed to feel inexplicable in their hearts at this moment, shaking their hearts, and couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the battlefield in the distance.

"grown ups?"

They had no idea what was happening, but they could clearly sense that at this moment, the aura of the Profound Lord suddenly exploded!


Feng Rui!

They saw that the gray mist in the sky dissipated, and the huge and terrifying figure of the Shattered Barbarian Ape leaked out, and they also saw the figure that Xiao Lang soared into the sky at this moment.

Immediately, all of them focused on Xiao Lang.

More precisely, it was on the golden long sword in Xiao Lang's hand!

Does Xiao Lang have his own destiny?

they do not know.

However, they felt an unprecedented sense of familiarity from the golden divine sword that Xiao Lang was holding at this time.

"grown ups?"

How could it be the breath of the Profound Lord Sky?

what's going on?

What's going on inside?

Yan De, Qing Tianwei and others couldn't guess what was going on inside, but when they saw this scene in front of them, everyone was full of enlightenment--

This battle has come to the most dangerous and critical moment!

It is true.

Because of all the people who came to the land of inheritance this time, there is no doubt that the High Priest, the Profound Lord, and Xiao Lang are the strongest, and if any two of them work together, I am afraid they can clean everyone else!

If even Xiao Lang came to join forces with the Profound Master Sky, and they still couldn't take down this fierce beast, then they wouldn't be able to succeed anymore.

Xiao Lang and the Sky Profound Master joined forces, this was the limit they could achieve!


An unprecedented sense of suffocation enveloped the hearts of everyone present, making their chests stuffy and difficult to breathe.

Not only Yan De, Qing Tianwei and others felt this way, but even Jin Jiu, Ao Mu, and Master Jie Yuan felt this way too!

The battle before them has already exceeded the limit they can handle.

Can Xiao Lang and the Profound Master Tian succeed?


At this moment.

Xiao Lang also saw the huge fist of the Shattered Barbarian Ape descending from the sky, and he really felt the tremendous pressure!

It hurts if you rub it.

You die if you hit it!

Of course, with the Profound Sky Sword in his hand, listening to the self-confidence in the words of the Profound Master, he could even break the defense of the initial state. According to the truth, Xiao Lang could face it head-on.

The Sky Profound Sword gave him this confidence!

But even so, Xiao Lang did not have such a choice.

Steel, use it on the blade!

Use a little power in the Profound Sky Sword, but use a little less.

Instead of using it in the present, Xiao Lang hopes to fully bloom his brilliance on the top of the shattered barbarian ape. But this means that everything that follows, until it rushes to the top of Destroyed Barbarian Ape, everything in it depends on his own power!


Xiao Lang had such a comprehension for a long time, and it could even be said that he had already planned to do so the moment the Profound Master Tian turned into a profound sword and was caught by him.


A muffled hum.


Shocking roar, resounding through the audience!

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, a huge firework suddenly bloomed under Xiao Lang's feet!

Purple light is electricity!

Green light is the wind!

Blazing hot!

The three most violent powers burst out instantly under Xiao Lang's feet!



How fierce is it?

At this point, you can see Xiao Lang’s feet at this time——


In an instant, under the impact of this tyrannical force, Xiao Lang's feet dissolved at a speed visible to the naked eye!

It really dissolves!

Including the bones!

break out!

This is an unreserved outbreak!


Xiao Lang's whole person even more directly turned into a ray of light, and swiftly jumped up along the arm that was swung down by the Shattered Brutal Ape!

Behind him, blood sprayed!

At this moment, Xiao Lang amazedly pushed his strength to the extreme, even surpassed the extreme, and even exceeded the scope of his physical body, before he was seriously injured without receiving any impact earlier!

"Little friend?!"

The horrified voice of the Profound Master of Heaven reached Xiao Lang's ears, and he didn't seem to expect that he would hate so much!

What is the difference between this and self-breaking foundation?

However, in the face of his exclamation, Xiao Lang did not respond at all, his eyes firm as iron!


Of course.

A gentleman treats me with sincerity, and I will treat others with integrity!

This is Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang who enters the Tao with love!

If before that, the Profound Master of Heaven seemed to him to be just a reliable partner and a comrade-in-arms against the high priest, then now, Profound Master of the day is willing to dedicate himself and transform into a Profound Sky Sword, with a heart of death. , When the oath to the entire race was about to be completed, at that instant, the position and image of the Profound Sky Lord in Xiao Lang's heart immediately changed 360 degrees.

It's more than just trust!

The actions of the Profound Lord Heaven moved Xiao Lang!

Must win!

Can't lose!

The Profound Master Tian put his life and death out of the picture, he just injured a pair of feet, what is this?


Xiao Lang's legs were burning, assisted by the violent divine power, at this moment, his speed reached an unprecedented extreme, following the broken barbarian ape's arm, directly into the sky!

Just one word--


Caught off guard fast!

At this moment, the treasures of Xiao Lang that could withstand a blow from the Three Heavenly Immortal Realm experts were shattering because of the huge friction generated by the space!

It is conceivable that at this moment, Xiao Lang's speed has reached a terrifying level!


When it reacted, Xiao Lang was holding the Sky Profound Sword, which had already passed its neck!


At this moment, Shattered Savage Ape finally felt a deadly threat!

Just as Jiuyou Bat said, it is just a larva. Without the guidance of the elders of the family, it has not even activated its own spiritual intelligence, but this does not mean that it has no sense of life and death.

Not only!

Even more sensitive to life and death!

This is naked instinct!

It knew that Xiao Lang must not let Xiao Lang rush on top of its head!

If it were replaced by a Destroyed Savage Ape who had experienced this kind of training since childhood, at this moment, it would definitely not fall into a panic. There were at least dozens of ways to deal with Xiao Lang's blow.

Retreat is the most direct!

Because anyone could see that Xiao Lang's outbreak could never last too long, as long as he avoided his outbreak period.

However, this shattered savage ape has only instinct consciousness, how can he think so much at this moment?

Instead of retreating, the entire huge body sank suddenly, and then—


The huge, terrifying head came directly towards Xiao Lang!

It wants Xiao Lang to be killed directly!

The head is the strongest place on its body and the most powerful weapon! From this point of view, its choice is not wrong, if its heavenly spirit cover is not connected to the world.

For Xiao Lang--


There is no doubt that this is a huge surprise!

There is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes, and it is all effortless!

While he was still worried about being chased by the Destroyed Savage Ape, the latter suddenly lowered his head, revealing the Tianling Gai! Xiao Lang clearly saw that just on the Tianling cover, which was basically impossible to be exposed on ordinary days, the Shattered Barbarian Ape had complex marks attached, forming a pattern, and pasting it on its scalp.

The judgment of the ancestor of Jinling is completely correct!

The original master's method of controlling this ruined savage ape is here!


It was not only Xiao Lang who discovered this. At this moment, the Profound Master of the Sky, who was incarnate of the Sky Profound Sword, also saw this scene. Suddenly, the sword chanted like a dragon, screaming proud of the world!

Almost at the same time.

Xiao Lang felt in his heart--


Out of the sword!

Xiao Lang is not a sword cultivator. He hasn't even used a magic weapon since his cultivation, and naturally he doesn't know how to use a sword. But, have you never eaten pork, have you never seen a pig run?

What's more, he doesn't need any seeing skills at all now, just a straight stab.

In fact, Xiao Lang did the same.

Looking at the Tianling Gai exposed by the Shattered Barbarian Ape, and the magic circle above, Xiao Lang instinctively reached out and swung out the Sky Profound Sword in his hand--


The void is torn apart, and the dragon is running!

Under the gaze of everyone, the Sky Profound Sword turned into a long dragon, tearing the sky apart, and whizzing away. The sharp sharpness erupted from it, even Xiao Lang couldn't help but feel his creeps.

At this time, the power that erupted from the Sky Profound Sword was absolutely

It was enough to hurt his body!

Initial environment!

The Profound Lord Ten Thousand Zai sharpened his sword, and the sword came out, and he could cut the beginning!


Next, there is indeed no waves.

Even the Broken Ape suddenly felt it. After he responded in this way, the sense of threat did not abate at all, but it suddenly skyrocketed, but in such a short time, he couldn't make any changes.



Under Xiao Lang's open gaze, the Profound Sky Sword incarnation finally landed on the magic circle. It is needless to say that the violent vibrations, and two crisp bursts sounded at the same time, although almost melted. As one, but Xiao Lang still recognized it.

One, originated from the head of the ruined barbarian ape!

The sword light falls, the world opens!

The top of the shattered barbarian ape's head suddenly cracked a large gap, almost directly splitting its head in half, and the crack was still extending deep.

And the second way is derived from--

Sky Profound Sword!

The Sky Profound Sword is broken!

Although it didn't fall apart directly, Xiao Lang could clearly see that its sword body was covered with dense cracks. It seemed that as long as a breeze blew, it would burst open!

"Mysterious Sky Lord!"

Lose for both?

The Profound Lord, is not dead yet?

Xiao Lang was shocked, and he subconsciously rushed over, but at this moment--

"do not come!"

The Profound Lord’s shouting sounded suddenly, and Xiao Lang was even shocked before he had time, and saw--


The head of the shattered barbarian ape burst!

The sword of the Profound Lord Sky not only shattered its connection with this world, but also directly detonated its core of strength!

This is a signal that the Destroyed Wild Ape is about to die!


Why is the voice of the Profound Lord Sky so flustered?

The next moment, Xiao Lang knew.


The head of the shattered barbarian ape burst, and the blood splashed, Xiao Lang finally saw it, among them, a shattered barbarian ape that was not known to be many times smaller than its body, suddenly rushed out, his eyes red, and his tyrannical aura rose to the sky !

Soul body!

It's the soul body of the ruined ape!

Its body is shattered, but its soul is still there!

Without reason, it does not mean that there is no soul. On the contrary, the soul body of the Shattered Savage Ape is quite powerful, and the violent aura rises to the sky, splashing wanton, even Xiao Lang feels great pressure!

This is its bitter blow!

Also the final blow!

And the target it locked was indeed the Profound Lord who had just suffered a heavy injury!

perish together?

Xiao Lang felt the purpose of destroying the barbarian ape, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Can the current Profound Master of Heaven still withstand such a blow?

Can't hold it!

Absolutely can't hold it!

Not only Xiao Lang could see it, but the Profound Sky Master himself obviously knew this, so just now, he stopped Xiao Lang from drinking, and there seemed to be a figure condensing around the Profound Sky Sword.

The shadow of the Profound Lord!

Seeing that his eyes were calm, he didn't seem to see the remnant soul of the ruined barbarian ape coming from below with a crit. He curled up his mouth and smiled lightly at Xiao Lang:

"Little friend, don't forget your promise to me."


Suddenly, a strong golden light burst out from the Sky Profound Sword again, sharp and tyrannical!


The Profound Lord Sky has accepted such an arrangement of fate, or, from the very beginning, he had foreseen this scene. But for him, death is not terrible.

"My people, goodbye."

"Be sure to trust the little friend, he will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

The Profound Lord Sky looked at the Destroyed Savage Ape who rushed from below him, his eyes were full of death.

Worth it!

Although I am dead, thousands of people can be free!

Worth it!

However, just when the Profound Sky Lord wanted to burst out the last remaining power, and die with the ruined barbarian ape, suddenly--


He felt that the sword body he had transformed into could not move.

A big hand grabbed his sword hilt!

"Entrust it to me?"

"You should do your own business!"

A familiar voice came, and the Profound Master was suddenly startled, and saw a flash of brilliance in front of him, and a thin but firm figure that looked like a heavy mountain stood in front of him——

Xiao Lang!


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