Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 711: Gods fight, mortals suffer!

"Sun Wuji?"

"It turned out to be him?"

"His combat power..."

Everyone was horrified, his eyes widened.

Sun Wuji is not dead yet?

They obviously all know Sun Wuji. As the apprentice of Lord Lanyue, Sun Wuji is also the Supreme Elder of Tianfu Palace. He has become famous after he came here, and he has only appeared a few times since he came here. , It has been well-known by the major giants.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long for the eighteenth giants to be purged by the high priest.

From that day on, Sun Wuji disappeared.

Some people say that they have seen Sun Wuji and the high priest Tiandao avatar in a battle, and fleeing after being seriously injured, may not have died at that time, but nearly two years have passed, and Sun Wuji has never appeared again. For everyone, so long No appearance, Sun Wou-ki should be dead.

Unexpectedly, at this time, they saw Sun Wuji again.

And, his combat power!

"Venerable Heaven?"

Just now, not only the high priest cautiously manipulated the demon puppet, but even all of them focused on that demon puppet, expecting a miracle to happen.

The miracle really happened.

However, it was not Profound Master Heaven or Xiao Lang who shot, but Sun Wuji!

one move!

With only one move, a half-step heavenly path level, a demon puppet that was not comparable to them, died on the spot.

Venerable Heaven?

Sun Wuji, has he been promoted to Venerable Heaven? !

Everyone exclaimed, unable to hide their excitement and expectations.

They didn't know how Sun Wuji came here, but no matter how they thought, they definitely couldn't get rid of the relationship with Xiao Lang, because Xiao Lang was from the Tianfu Palace.

However, these are not important!

Historically, there have been many warriors who have been promoted to Venerable Heavenly Dao in the land of origin. Almost every wealthy family has such a strong man, but the birth of a Venerable Heavenly Dao has never been so exciting.

Because Sun Wou-ki's promotion is really crucial!

The only one who can contend with the high priest is Venerable Heaven!

But now, the Profound Lord Sky and Xiao Lang do not know their life or death, they have fallen into an endless abyss, and Sun Wuji has become the only hope!

"Elder Sun..."

"Fuck him!"

Some people shouted in their hearts.

Of course, they dare not say such words directly to death. They can only be passed through their eyes. If the high priest is angry, they don't even need to turn around. They can be killed by just one move!

The situation was once again confusing because of Sun Wuji's sudden appearance.

Will Sun Wuji become the **** who saves them?

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Even Yan De and others are the same.

If you can live without death, who wants to go this way?

Between everything, life and death come first!

Only if you survive, there is hope!


And just as hope was floating in the hearts of everyone, they suddenly felt that the void of the whole body suddenly vibrated slightly, and a suffocating coercion quietly came on them, and their chests were dull and hard to breathe!


The will of heaven!

But it is not only the will of the high priest alone, but also--

Sun Wuji!

This is surprisingly two heavenly wills clashing!

Perceiving these, everyone's eyes are brighter.


Sun Wuji really merged the nine types of wind system avenues, condensing the power of the wind system, and set foot on the ranks of the gods!

This is the real power to challenge the high priest!

To be honest, even though Xiao Lang and the Profound Master of Heaven had both exploded in battle power far surpassing that of Venerable Half-Step Heavenly Dao, no one had absolute certainty and trust in their hearts whether they could truly compete against the high priest.

no way.

Sometimes you can only choose tall ones from short ones, even if you don’t believe it, you must believe it!

Because neither the Profound Lord Sky nor Xiao Lang condensed their own sky

Dao will, and everyone knows that the strongest of the heavenly Dao is the blessing of the heavenly will!

Everyone's eyes are bright.

Even if this coercion makes them uncomfortable, they can bear it!

A pair of eyes stared at Wukong, their eyes fell on Sun Wuji and the high priest, full of anxiety and anticipation.

at last--

"No wonder you are so emboldened. It turns out that you were the one who got the Profound Sky Order."

"I should have thought of it long ago."

"With a kid who has just entered the land of the origin, how can it be recognized by the Profound Sky Order."

The high priest seemed to have seen something and shook his head with emotion. As soon as this word came out, Master Jie Yuan, Old Man Aoki and others were taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked at someone——

Luo Zifei.

As early as when Sun Wuji suddenly stood up, the look on Luo Zifei's face changed, flushed, full of anxiety, and he did not dare to go back to the crowd.

Because just now, he stood up and exposed that the actions of the Profound Master Tian and Xiao Lang were enough to make him a target of public criticism, labeling him a traitor for his own destiny.

Now, when the high priest uttered these words, his face suddenly paled.

Because he said before that the reason why Xiao Lang possesses such a powerful combat power is because of the Profound Sky Order. And now, the mystery is revealed!

There is no Sky Profound Order on Xiao Lang!

The Sky Profound Order has always been on Sun Wuji's body!

He is the chosen one!


Everyone was angry and stared at Luo Zifei.

Except for one person--

Jin Jiu!

Jin Jiu didn't even look at the two of Sun Wuji and the high priest who were facing each other in the void. His eyes were still staring at the body of the ruined barbarian ape lying motionless on the ground, with a strange gleam in his eyes.

But he obviously heard the words of the high priest.

"It turns out that it is."

"How did you survive these days?"

Without the Profound Sky Order, Xiao Lang's performance... was so overbearing, it was difficult to be confused.

what does this mean?

Jin Jiu suddenly remembered that Xiao Lang had never hesitated on this journey, even in the battle with the Shattered Barbarians just now, he couldn't help but fall into thinking, thinking about his own martial arts.

"Is this going forward?"


No one heard Jin Jiu's inner self-talk, and no one noticed his abnormality at this time.

Even their eyes didn't stay on Luo Zifei's body for too long.

Luo Zifei is not important anymore.

He is a mortal!

In this battle, whether the high priest won or Sun Wuji won, Luo Zifei couldn't continue to live. Of course, if the high priest wins, he is not the only one who will die.


"You must win!"

Everyone was looking forward to it in their hearts, but at this moment, suddenly—



A thunderous explosion suddenly rang in their ears, as if there was a peculiar power that shocked the soul, especially when they instantly recognized that the sound originated from Sun Wuji, and it was even more shocking.

What's the situation?

Most people did not react.



They suddenly saw Sun Wuji standing proudly before destroying the barbaric ape's body. Suddenly turning his wrist, a spear that exuded a brutal wind appeared in his hand, and slammed to his side somewhere!


A simple stabbing caused the void to collapse!

In the deep void, everyone was shocked to see that there was no trace of flesh and blood, only the sharp claws of bones were blocked by Sun Wuji.


It turned out that when the high priest spoke just now, he had already quietly shot!



Everyone was scolding in their hearts subconsciously, but at this moment, they suddenly realized

I realized why Sun Wuji told them to retreat just now, even if the two of Sun Wuji were thousands of miles away from them!


Miles... not enough!


Heaven and earth collapse!

This space of heaven and earth seems to be unable to withstand the head-on confrontation between Sun Wuji and the high priest. At this moment, everyone was shocked to see that a series of dark and terrifying space cracks erupted from the center of their confrontation, rapidly extending, and more Closer to them, the more terrifying!

In the depths of the battlefield, perhaps Sun Wuji and the High Priest were suppressed by the will of the heavens. The space collapse was not serious, but before them, the void waves and vibrations were like a tsunami!

Damn it!

Everyone was shocked, and finally thought of Sun Wuji's reminder just now, and finally truly understood the power of the Lord of Heaven!

Do not.

If it was Sun Wuji or the high priest alone, it was absolutely impossible to cause such an outbreak.

This is a battle between two heavenly masters, and the destructive power exponentially exploded!



Everyone retreated frantically, for fear of being swept in by the wave of this space. It's a pity that even if their response is already fast, they are still a step late.

Bang bang bang!

Everyone was concentrated by the void shock one after another, only feeling like a heavy hammer, slammed on the top of their heads, making people dizzy.


Some people vomited blood and suffered internal injuries.

Someone's arms and thighs were directly torn!

But even so, no one dared to stop and flee madly. In their minds, a word suddenly appeared--

Gods fight, mortals suffer!

They are Half-Step Heavenly Dao Venerables, and they are not mortal anymore, but they have to be compared with anyone.

Under the sudden outbreak of the battle between Sun Wuji and the high priest, they really felt that they were like a mortal. From this moment on, they could no longer control their own life and death!


I can't go back the first moment!

They are like rabbits chased by hounds. They don’t dare to pause for a while and flee madly, because in addition to the first wave, fluctuations are still coming one after another. This means that the battle between Sun Wuji and the high priest, It's already started!

Of course they knew that the outcome of this battle between Sun Wuji and the high priest was enough to determine the fate of each of them, and they wanted to witness that moment, but now, they dare not!

I am afraid that people are dying before they have time to witness!

at last--


After tens of breaths of fleeing, when it was sensed that the aftermath of the battle passed to this side could no longer cause great damage to the void, finally, someone stopped.


In other words, it is temporarily safe!

They escaped!

Although each one is extremely embarrassed, and there are countless people who have suffered heavy losses, but fortunately, they are not dead yet!

However, when they cast their sights on the distant battlefield again, they were shocked to discover that they had escaped for fifty thousand miles this time!

How terrifying is the fight between the venerables of Heaven?

However, this is not what surprised them the most.

far away.

They saw four figures entangled in a battle.


Four ways!

Although the remaining two Dao focused on Sun Wuji's side, they were not Xiao Lang and Sun Wuji. One of them was dressed in a golden robe, they knew--

Jinling ancestor!

And the other one is a monster plant!

A demon plant that can even block the high priest's blow directly!

Is that Sun Wuji's favorite?

This thought came out of everyone's minds, but it disappeared instantly.

This is not important

The important thing is that they actually saw that under the combined attack of Sun Wuji, the ancestor of Jinling, and the inexplicable demon plant, the high priest fell into a disadvantage!


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