Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 714: One step at a time!

this is……

"Little friend?"

The Profound Master Tian turned subconsciously, just in time to see Xiao Lang standing up from the ground, his eyes were clear, but there was no focus, his sharp light flickered, his face was lightly smiling, it seemed that what was happening outside couldn't shake his mind.

The Profound Lord instinct said.

But in an instant, it stopped again.

The words that I wanted to urge him were all backlogged in the throat, like a knuckle in the throat, but I couldn't say a word again.

Because he felt something wrong with Xiao Lang's state at this time...



Light as the wind, indifferent as the mist!

Xiao Lang, what did you understand?

The Profound Lord Sky was a little dazed. At this time, he felt a sense of incapability of Xiao Lang... No, it can be said that from the very beginning, as the strongest venerable Xiao Lang, he could actually use the Dao of Heaven. At the time of Zhili, he couldn't understand a bit.

Now, it should be said--

In awe!

Xiao Lang unexpectedly brought him a kind of instinctive awe!

It was as if he was in a low-level creature, looking at the existence of another high-level life level!

What happened to him?

The Profound Lord Sky was astonished and inexplicable, but at this moment, he only saw Xiao Lang just smiled at him, nodded lightly, and immediately, stepped forward, stepping out——


One step, light as the wind.

But at the moment when Xiao Lang's figure appeared outside the body of the ruined barbarian ape--


Lang Lang was in the void, a thunder suddenly flashed from nine days, the thunder was violent, the electric light was dazzling, and it was impossible to ignore, even Sun Wuji, who was preparing for the final blow, suddenly froze.


He saw Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang walked out of the body of the shattered barbarian ape.

Not only him, everyone saw it.

Among them, naturally also includes the high priest!

The moment he saw Xiao Lang walk out, the high priest's eyes suddenly brightened, bursting with endless cruelty and killing intent.

"You are not dead, you are hiding inside!"


Although in the heart of the high priest, it was the Profound Lord that made him most jealous. But for Xiao Lang, he had never forgotten his hatred of the avatar of Heaven to eliminate.

Javier must be reported!

This is him!

But before he could vent his killing intent, suddenly--


The sky is shaking!

Xiao Lang stepped out in one step, like a burnt red pig iron, plunged directly into the autumn water, and in an instant, the entire lake burst open!


The majestic coercion, the surging spiritual power of heaven and earth rushed like money without money, and Xiao Lang at this time was like a huge vortex, greedily absorbing these powers!




But this is not the most shocking.

At the moment when the heaven and earth vision broke out--


Xiao Lang's momentum suddenly soared, like a billowing smoke, rising into the sky, more like a steel gun, and smashed down on the void that was blocked by the will of Sun Wuji and the high priest.



Heaven and earth collapse!

Void, exploded!

Everyone watched the scene unfolding around Xiao Lang in horror, with horror.

what's the situation?

But with the pressure of his will and soul, Xiao Lang actually directly broke through the shackles of space that Sun Wuji and the high priest jointly sealed?

These are the two great gods...

and many more!

Venerable Heaven?

Everyone's spirits were shocked, and if they suddenly thought of something, their eyes straightened suddenly.

Venerable Tiandao, only Venerable Tiandao can contend, especially the will of Tiandao!

Could it be that Xiao Lang...


Xiao Lang, he has condensed his own will of heaven!

For this, the three of Sun Wuji, the high priest, and the Profound Master of Heaven were of course more convincing. At this moment, the three of them clearly felt that the world was splitting, and there seemed to be a kind of power in the underworld that was being integrated into Xiao Lang. Of the body.

The will of heaven!

Xiao Lang, took the last step!


The high priest was dumbfounded.

He never expected that Xiao Lang would break through at this critical moment, and the ground would shake the mountain as soon as he came up, making it impossible to guard against!

The high priest's eyes were fierce and vicious, and he almost couldn't restrain the urge to shoot.

One loser, another one?

No more fun, no more!

Although he was shocked at this time, he was really not afraid.

Because in his opinion, Xiao Lang was only a newly promoted Venerable Heavenly Dao, just like Sun Wuji, not enough, not enough to pose a threat to him.

After all, he has refined the magic fruit of the law, and the power of qi and blood has reached a heinous level, which is extraordinary and comparable to heaven.

He is not afraid of Xiao Lang.

Even now, he still believes that he is certain to kill Xiao Lang.

Until, he suddenly realized a problem——

Xiao Lang was just a newly promoted Venerable Heavenly Dao, how could his Heavenly Dao Will be so strong that it even shattered the battlefield where Sun Wuji and him were entangled?

The high priest realized something was wrong.

And at this moment, he hadn't seen it before he could think about the problems in it, just at this moment.

On the flat ground in the center of many worlds, the original owner dressed in a gray robe suddenly opened his eyes and looked at this area. A strange light flashed across his eyes, revealing surprise.

"this is……"

"My world, can such a genius be born?"


No one knows the original owner's sigh.

Almost everyone's eyes were focused on Xiao Lang's body. He stepped out and fell into the void, ignoring the thunder rushing above his head. Instead, he raised his brow as if he had sensed something.

"Can you do this?"

"Hehe, this martial arts is really good."

Martial arts?

Not bad?

What did Xiao Lang perceive?

When everyone was confused, suddenly--


Xiao Lang took another step towards the void, but the moment he took this step, everyone noticed something wrong.


A black shadow, like a real shadow, was stripped from Xiao Lang's body. When he stood firm, everyone suddenly discovered that two Xiao Lang appeared in the void!


Do not!

Not an afterimage!

It's the real flesh!

Both Xiao Lang's body exudes the power of surging blood, especially the Xiao Lang who stayed in place, wearing a black robe, exuding the mighty coercion like a mountain, which is more breathtaking than Xiao Lang's performance. It's even tougher!

this is……

"Blood bone clone?!"

The high priest and the Heavenly Profound Lord in the body of the Destroyed Savage Ape also exclaimed.

Is this Xiao Lang's blood and bone clone?

Very similar!

Because the blood bone clone was formed by Venerable Tiandao using a part of his body, the power should not be underestimated, the peak power is even comparable to the body.

Just like the high priest, he is now a clone of blood and bones!

But as soon as these words were uttered, the Profound Lord and the high priest almost felt something wrong at the same time.


How did Xiao Lang's blood and bone clone feel stronger than his body?

It is not like a avatar, but like a body!

Moreover, once their own blood and bone clones were condensed, the strength of the deity would definitely weaken. This was inevitable, but they did not feel any weakening aura from Xiao Lang's body.

This is how the same thing?

The high priest was stunned.

Profound Lord Tian, ​​dumbfounded!

But Xiao Lang's mouth curled up as if he had discovered something interesting.

"It really suits me."

With that said, Xiao Lang strode like a leisurely courtyard, and took another step out of thin air.

The same scene was once again shown in front of everyone——


Another avatar!

Only this time, the blood bone clone that appeared was a white robe, exuding the gentlest brilliance, spreading across the world, even the Master Jie Yuan and others who were tens of thousands of miles away could feel the light from the soul. Deep stability.

If bright!

"The power of life!"

The surging life force contained in it makes people even feel a touch of excitement!

This is the cheers and joy of life!

Its attributes are completely opposite to the first Heavenly Dao clone that Xiao Lang condensed just now. If it is said that the life heavenly path clone contains light and beauty, then the first heavenly path clone is like an endless hell, full of endless darkness and destruction. !

"The first way, symbolizing destruction?"

Everyone guessed constantly.

They had seen these two powers in Xiao Lang's body, especially the Profound Lord and the High Priest, and they could clearly distinguish the specific attributes of Xiao Lang's two Heavenly Dao clones.

But it is precisely because of this that they feel more shock and shock than others.



"This is not a avatar!"

"Blood and bone clone, how can there be such a tyrannical coercion, just like the essence?"

"This is the will of heaven!"

"His two clones are blessed by the will of heaven?"

"In just a moment, he actually realized two completely different ways of heaven at the same time?"



At this time, the two clones of Xiao Lang gathered undoubtedly became the focus of the audience's attention, even in the eyes of powerhouses such as Sun Wuji, Profound Lord, and High Priest, what Xiao Lang did at this time For, it is also so incredible.


Their almost dull gaze settled on Xiao Lang's body, and only then did they suddenly discover a greater horror.

"His body..."

The high priest was the first to find out, because he was a Venerable Heavenly Dao, and he was in a much better state than Sun Wuji, and he even swallowed the divine fruit that symbolized the law of qi and blood. Therefore, with just one glance, he felt that Xiao Lang's body Different from the previous one.


Logically speaking, to condense two flesh and blood clones in such a short period of time, this is a huge pressure for a warrior. Even if it is him, he must be closed for at least a month to create a body with 80% of his body. The flesh and blood clone of combat power, but once completed, the status and combat power of the body will be greatly affected.

Condensate the second one?

For him now, it is almost impossible.

Even if it would make him fall directly to the level of Venerable Heavenly Dao, the high priest did not dare to try.

And now Xiao Lang, after condensing two "blood and bone clones", his body turned out to be--


The high priest looked at Xiao Lang's body, who had taken three steps in succession, and finally never took another step, and his whole person was stunned. He, who has the deepest perception of qi and blood, suddenly felt an astonishing force from Xiao Lang's body, like a volcano, and could explode a blow that would make him feel threatened at any time!


"Heaven Will!"

The high priest was like seeing a ghost during the day, his eyes widened suddenly, staring at Xiao Lang incredulously, and he could no longer calm down——

In Xiao Lang's ontology, there is actually the blessing of the will of heaven!

What does this show?


What Xiao Lang has just learned and understood is not just the power of the two heavenly realms, but--


Three physical bodies, three heavenly ways!

In the world of cultivation, has such a person ever been born?

In an instant, the high priest's face changed--

Such a character, but his current life and death enemy!


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