Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 729: Get together again!

Come back home!

These two words are so kind.

Kind enough to make Xiao Lang feel strange.

He couldn't help but think that he had left the Five Elements Continent nearly a year ago and was planning to go home immediately, but he never thought that he would meet Liang Ping and enter the land of origin.

"I have completed the task."

Xiao Lang smiled, cheerful and relaxed.

Sun Wuji, he brought it back!

Not only that, but Sun Wuji has also been promoted to the position of Venerable Heavenly Dao. Although it has little to do with him, it also means that in future battles between Zheng and Demons, both Sun Wuji and Tianfu Palace will have more power. Strong.

A sense of belonging!

Xiao Lang understood that the joy in his heart was not just about bringing Sun Wuji back, but because he finally had a sense of belonging to Lihuo World and Tianfu Palace.

This sense of belonging is home!


Xiao Lang glanced at the Profound Lord and other members of the Fierce Spirit clan on the side, and asked:

"But they..."

Sun Wuji waved his hand and waved his hand, a luxurious spirit boat appeared in the void, inviting everyone to enter, while explaining:

"Don't delay."

"Now your brother and the people you brought are in Tianfu Palace. Just now, I have received a voice from Master, let's go directly to Tianfu City."

"As for Brother Tianxuan, you don't have to worry about it. With me, you will explain it clearly to Master and arrange it properly."

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this.

The Profound Lord Sky is the same, his eyes trembled slightly.

Lord Blue Moon, have you found them?

Even, just now, has already transmitted to Sun Wuji's soul?

And during the whole process, they didn't even feel the slightest strangeness?

Xiao Lang was awe-inspiring.

Suddenly, he vaguely understood what Jin Jiu said--

The water away from the fire world is very deep!

According to the Lihuo Great World Cultivation World, Venerable Heaven is already an existence of the Ninth Heavenly Layer of Immortal Realm. Xiao Lang now is not an ordinary Venerable Heavenly Dao.

But even so--

He hadn't even noticed that Lord Blue Moon's divine spirit had come!

What a horror is this?

You know, his divine consciousness perception is stronger than that of Venerable Heavenly Dao, that is because of the blessing of the Refining Pavilion, but even so...


Xiao Lang sighed from the bottom of his heart, and the joy and pride that had just been transformed immediately faded away.

From the fire world, the strong are like clouds!

"Luo Li, I'm afraid it's not as simple as an ordinary Immortal Realm Nine Heavenly Expert."

Xiao Lang couldn't help but think of Luo Zifei's master who was killed by him. Legend has it that he and Lord Lanyue are at the same level and are not the same.

Thinking of him, Xiao Lang's sense of crisis suddenly rose.

This is a powerful enemy!

So strong, he can't help but be sloppy!

You know, a warrior’s divine mind is the display of the tip of the iceberg of his combat power. I can’t find their divine mind by myself, which means I can’t notice when their surprise attack will come!

It is not too simple for the other party to kill himself.

Xiao Lang originally thought that he had realized that the three kinds of heavenly wills were added, and his strength was already very strong, and he did not care about the threats that Luo Zifei was about to die.

But thinking about it now, my heart is really too big.

"This is a threat!"

In Xiao Lang's philosophy, there must be no existence that threatens his own life. Therefore, when he is afraid, Xiao Lang's first reaction is to go to Lord Blue Moon immediately.

No one else can!

In the entire Tianfu Palace, I am afraid that only Sovereign Blue Moon can guarantee the safety of him and his relatives.

But in this way, he couldn't find Xiaodao and Nymph at the first time.

Xiao Lang struggled, and this hesitation also manifested on his face, and was immediately caught by Sun Wuji.

He was so familiar with Xiao Lang. With a flash of inspiration, he immediately guessed what Xiao Lang was worried about, and said with relief:

"do not worry."

"You behead the big disciples, this matter also has my responsibility, the master will definitely not let you back the pot, everything is his. Even if it is Luo Li, he will definitely not dare to enter my Sky Floating City to kill people."

"You'd better go to yourself first."

The sky is falling, the tall man is holding it!

Sun Wuji's words successfully calmed Xiao Lang.


Sovereign Blue Moon will certainly not sit idly by!

Hearing this, Xiao Lang's heart was relieved a lot, his expression relaxed, and he nodded lightly to Sun Wuji, stepped onto the spirit boat, and sat cross-legged on the ground.


Lingzhou is not happy.

Because this is actually the site of the Tianfu Palace, Sun Wuji said before.

Taking advantage of this time, Sun Wuji was introducing everything about the Tianfu Palace to the Profound Master of Heaven. In fact, Xiao Lang didn't know much about the many things inside. His understanding of the Tianfu Palace was really limited.

That's because when his realm was still low, he didn't have this qualification.

But when he had this strength, he never came back.

Xiao Lang did not attend.

Not not being curious, but not in this mood.


He even wished to see Nymph now, leaving the flying boat and walking alone. But when he thought that the flying boat was Sun Wuji's, he still held back.

at last.

After a full hour--


The spirit boat vibrated, like piercing through a thin film.

Go beyond the turbulence of space and enter the real world!


Xiao Lang immediately stood up from the ground, and his spirit was pouring down like flowing water, and he was about to cover the entire Tianfu City, eagerly looking for the trail of the knife and others.

at this time--

"Don't worry!"

Sun Wuji's majestic spirit enveloped the entire spirit boat, easily blocking Xiao Lang's spirit.

Of course, with Xiao Lang's current Heavenly Will, Sun Wuji couldn't stop him if he forced a breakthrough, but of course Xiao Lang would not do so, frowning, looking suspiciously at Sun Wuji.

Sun Wuji could see Xiao Lang's eagerness, and explained with a smile:

"Your divine mind has not been injected into the magic circle of Tianfu City, you will be treated as an enemy."

There is no need to explain too much, because Sun Wuji knew that Xiao Lang would definitely understand, and he also knew what Xiao Lang wanted to know most from his own mouth now.

"Diziyi District."

"Your friends are all there."

Immediately, a detailed map of the entire Tianfu City flooded into the depths of Xiao Lang's mind, and the door of Lingzhou opened.

One area of ​​the word?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

He had been to Tianfu Palace, and that time, Sun Wuji introduced him to all kinds of basic information about Tianfu City, including the division of various areas of Tianfu City.

There are some special places that are transformed into three levels of heaven, earth and human.

Herringbone District 72, which is the place where world-level geniuses live, are all gold disciples, and they are among the elites among them.

The Seventy-two District of Earth Characters is an area where only those with strong Era Realm are qualified to live.

Tianzi, of course, is the place of immortal life, there are also 72 districts.

Numbers also have a certain meaning.

The more forward, it means that the higher the talents of the warriors who live inside, or the approaching barriers, there will be a certain resource tilt.

Ning Fu'er and the others, actually lived in the first district of Dizi?

what does this mean?

Some of them are going to be immortal?

Or is it because of the special care of Tianfu Palace?

In a hurry, Xiao Lang didn't ask Sun Wuji for a while. He twisted his waist and immediately turned into a stream of light and swept toward the area marked by Sun Wuji on the map.


Xiao Lang's figure disappeared in a flash.

Sun Wuji looked at his back in a hurry and couldn't help but shook his head...

"My apprentice..."

Sun Wuji seemed to have emotion.

On the side, the Profound Lord Sky was also looking at the place where Xiao Lang disappeared, his expression dignified, and said:

"Love is deep and righteous!"

Love is deep and righteous!

This is a very high evaluation, and it also contains his gratitude to Xiao Lang. After all, if it weren't for Xiao Lang, I'm afraid everyone of their fierce spirits would have to confess to the land of Tonggu, where could they come here?

Sun Wuji nodded in approval, but the smile in his eyes gradually diminished, his expression became a little more serious, and a little worry was revealed:

"Yes, love is deep and righteous."

"However, this may also become a big stumbling block on his road to martial arts!"

Recalling those words that Lord Lanyue answered him an hour ago, Sun Wuji's eyes

The color of worry is even stronger.

Xiao Lang was only surprised at the strength of the Blue Moon Sovereign, but he didn't further inquire about more things, including Nymph, including others.

However, Sun Wuji is his master, why would he not ask?

He asked.

Lord Blue Moon also answered.

But this answer made him feel a little more disturbed.

"stumbling block?"

The Profound Lord Tian asked in a puzzled face.

Sun Wuji waved his hand, helplessly said:

"It's his own private matter without him. I can't say more. But, I'm afraid you will know it soon. It's not a secret."

"Now, I'll take you to see Master first."


Lord Blue Moon!

It is very likely to be the most powerful existence in Lihuo World!

Hearing the words, the Profound Lord's spirit drenched, his expression suddenly became serious, and even his concern for Xiao Lang was temporarily put down. Because in his heart, of course the evil spirits are the most important.

And then, the fate of the entire fierce spirit family is very likely to be in the thought of Lord Blue Moon!

How does this make him not nervous?

"Please lead the way."


Following the response of the Profound Master Sky, the flying boat continued to speed, skimming over the sky above the floating city.

Of these, Xiao Lang naturally knew nothing.

In just a few ten breaths, he had already reached the sky above the No. 1 area marked by Sun Wuji, floating in the air, protruding his spirit, and immediately, a touch of surprise came to his eyebrows.

He felt it!

A lot of people!

The breath of many people--

Just before he could tell them one by one, suddenly--


Next to him, the void rippled, and a burly figure quietly appeared beside him. During the whole process, even Xiao Lang didn't notice anything, until, a powerful voice came:

"Master, you are back."

Xiao Lang was taken aback and turned around suddenly, only to see the identity of the speaker——


It's a waste!

Huang looked exactly the same as it was a few years ago, without any change, except for his metallic eyes, he was also exactly the same as a normal person.

But this time, when Xiao Lang saw Huang once again, he clearly felt that he seemed to be a little different from before.

Huang's eyes still looked so plain, like a stream of autumn water, but it seemed that it could no longer be calm, ripples appeared, it was like, cold and ruthless, he finally had feelings.

But this feeling--



Such as the continuous autumn rain, it makes people cold and invades the bone marrow.

Xiao Lang's spirits were shocked, and suddenly he thought of what Huang called him just now.

Not a young master.


the host!

Xiao Lang suddenly understood, looking straight at Huang, the joy and excitement of returning was also dimmed a bit, and said softly:

"You know everything?"

Huang nodded slightly, still not saying a word, but as if he had seen Xiao Lang, his inner emotions finally had a catharsis, and the ripples in his eyes gradually subsided and turned into the initial peace.

"Yes, Master, I know everything."

"I will definitely follow the old master's decree and take good care of you, the little master."

Huang got it!

He knew the death of Ting Chaohou!

That is complete death, death that can never be reversed!

take care of me?

Xiao Lang sighed, walked forward, patted the wild and thick shoulders, just about to comfort him, suddenly—


"Huang, why did you come out? Go back, but Elder Liang said, we can't..."

A loud voice came from behind Huang, and Xiao Lang's arm trembled suddenly. At this moment, Huang seemed to have also felt Xiao Lang's emotional changes, and quietly moved away. Suddenly, the two faced each other.

That voice suddenly stopped.

Between heaven and earth, only the four eyes are facing each other.



Immediately, endless thoughts spewed out!

"Big Brother?!"

Come, it's a knife!


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