Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 79: Xiao Lang's means

"Come out! Is this interesting?"

"Youxie, what is your ability to hide your head and show your tail like this?"

"The evil spirits get out and die, you coward, scumbag, dare to blaspheme my woman? This general tells you that Zishan has been secretly committed to me for life, you have no chance!"

"get out!"

Zuo Jian roared and released profound energy everywhere, but Xiao Lang still couldn't be seen, and there was no movement around him.

"I won't come out before dozens of voices, this general will not accompany me!"

Zuo Jian's face was anxious, and as soon as his patience was wiped out, the opponent suddenly attacked, and he must have lost his mind. This is a big taboo in battle.

When he first stood here, his aura was strongest. At that time, if Xiao Lang rushed over, he grabbed a halberd and cut off Xiao Lang's head. At this moment, the momentum has fallen again and again, and if you continue to wait, you will become more and more anxious, and you don't have to fight at that time, and you just give in.


So Xiao Lang could only be forced out, he stood with his halberd, his eyes were looking at Qingyi City in the distance, the nerves of his whole body were tightened to the extreme at this moment, watching Liu Lu, listening to all directions, always preparing for Xiao Lang to appear, and immediately send out his full strength. one strike.






Finally, when he shouted "one", the ground on the left rear moved slightly, and the tension of the left sword was like a broken string at this moment. The muscles of the whole body trembled slightly, and both hands held the halberd, and profound energy poured out. After coming out, a four-meter-long Xuan Qi sword light was condensed. With a strong kick on both legs, he jumped into the air, turned backhand to the place where the ground moved behind him, and slammed it down.


In an instant, smoke and dust rolled, mud and rocks splashed, and the ground was split into a bottomless gully tens of meters long and more than one meter wide.

It's just that there is nothing but gully!


At this time, a slight noise came from behind Zuo Jian again, and the sound of mud and rocks falling in front of him was still extremely loud, if ordinary people would not be able to hear it.

But at this moment, Zuo Jian's mouth showed a grimace, and his eyes also showed a monstrous murderous intent. He was able to kill countless blood barbarians in the psychedelic forest, and he also killed a peerless genius of the blood dynasty among thousands of troops, naturally, it was not luck.

In fact, he was so anxious just now, half of which he pretended to be. He did not report any hope for the full blow at this moment. Instead, after the attack, he was more focused and fully explored the surrounding situation.

Can't help it? Are you showing your feet?


The painted halberd drew a semicircle in the air, quietly condensed the profound energy sword light, and shot out again. This time it was longer and bigger than last time, and it was faster. If Xiao Lang sneaked behind him, he would Instantly was fried into minced meat.


There was nothing behind, empty, the huge black sword glow whizzed away, smashed into the ground, and once again exploded a deep gully.

The profound energy drove the wind, blowing Zuo Jian's black clothes into a hunting noise, and also slightly squinted his surprised eyes.

Now he was really a little frightened, a big living person disappeared, and two noises were heard, and he split the black sword light for the first time, but still no one was seen.

He was extremely confident, and he reacted so quickly to the second light. Even the high-ranking warlord can't avoid it.

This barbarian only has the strength of the first-level war commander, how can he avoid it, and how is he invisible?


The ground on the right trembled again, and the left sword was taken aback, and hurriedly struck the ground again.


The ground on the right moved again, and the left sword was so frightened that the soul was about to split, and it slashed like lightning.





Zuo Jian is going crazy, even in the Battle Emperor Realm, it is impossible to have such a fast speed, right? Even if he could be invisible, how could he move so fast?

The enemies on the bright side are often not terrible, the most terrifying are the unknown enemies, and they have strange magical powers.

After Zuo Jian continuously slashed more than ten profound energy sword lights, he woke up instantly. I felt that the profound energy in the body had consumed more than half. At this moment, he understood Xiao Lang's thoughts, consumed his profound energy, made himself terrified and frightened, his mind lost, and then he issued a fatal blow.

Without any hesitation, he immediately turned his profound energy into his armor and shot towards Qingyi City.

He can't continue to drag on, this damned barbarian has such a means, and if he continues to drag on, there is only a dead end.

He wants to force Xiao Lang out. If he doesn't come out, he won't play anymore. No one will show up anyway, and it won't be embarrassing to say this!

When he moved, Xiao Lang moved again!

As soon as his feet leaped to the ground, the ground under his feet trembled, and the left sword immediately jumped up in fright. The painted halberd hit the ground hard, twisting his body forcibly in the air, and ejected away.

Just when he opened his eyes and locked on to the place where he had cut, the mud behind his back suddenly burst, and one end of the grass vine turned into an afterimage, and it smashed down his back.

Zuo Jian's mind was completely attracted by the sound under his feet just now. At this moment, his body was forcibly twisted and ejected, how could he react? His body was smashed and flew out, and when he turned his head, he only saw a black shadow retract to the ground like lightning.

"What the hell? Roots? Tentacles?"

Zuo Jian was protected by profound energy armor, but he was not injured, but he was shocked inside, not knowing what the **** it was.

The grass and vines have become more than a thousand meters long, and they have also grown a lot, and they are still entities. Zuo Jian would think of Shenhun? Thought it was a root of a tree, or the tentacles of a monster.

What frightened him even more was--

He had just hit the ground heavily, and the ground he was lying on exploded again, and the grass vines entangled him with the painted halberd like lightning, and then violently pulled down to the ground.

"Ah! Grandma, help!"

Zuo Jian struggled in horror, and shouted desperately. It's just that the speed of the grass cane is too fast, and he was immediately dragged to a depth of 100 meters underground at this time.

Only then did Zuo Jian react, struggling desperately, and at the same time letting out his profound energy, forcibly twisting his arm, and slashing against the grass cane.

The grass vine broke instantly.

At the same time, Xiao Lang, who was sitting cross-legged in a lair not far away, spouted a mouthful of blood. But at this moment his eyes were bright and scary, and he sneered: "Since you are down, Zuo Jian, you will stay here forever!"

Ignoring that the grass vine was injured and his mind was hurt, Xiao Lang forcibly urged the grass vine, retracted, and then twisted the control grass vine to tumble underground.

In an instant, the entire nearby ground shook, and the passage that pulled down the left sword completely collapsed. Before Zuo Jian could react, he had buried him alive!

Zuo Jian's shout did not alert Zuo Pingping, but after Zuo Jian was pulled into the ground, a black shadow floated over like lightning.

Looking at the black hole in the ground, feeling the ground trembling and the passage collapsed, the black-clad man's eyes were filled with amazement, and he murmured in disbelief: "This kid, the young envoy and I are still worried about him. I didn't expect him to be Is there such a method? The first-level warlord is killed just like playing?"

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