Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 85: Kaisou

Xiao Lang really wanted to start in the evening, but thinking of Duguxing's explanation, he said cruelly: "No, Uncle Duguxing asked me to go for a scuba cultivator for a while. Maybe I can't accompany you during this time, Hongdou sorry!"

There was a trace of disappointment in Dongfang Hongdou's eyes, but the smile on his face remained undiminished. After a moment of silence, he raised his head and looked at Xiao Lang and whispered: "Go, cultivation is the most important thing. Hongdou is willing to wait for you, no matter how long!"

Xiao Lang felt a pain in his heart. He almost couldn't help holding the dignified woman in front of him, but he felt the glances from around him from time to time. Xiao Lang suppressed his emotions forcibly, and said with a smile, "Wait for me to come back!"

Hong Dou walked away with a smile on his face. Xiao Lang smiled and watched her walk away. Although the two of them were smiling on their faces, their hearts were extremely painful.

What's more painful than a lover who knows that they are going to be separated, yet forced a smile?

Next, many young masters and ladies came to celebrate and congratulate them. Xiao Lang smiled and greeted them, without looking at Dongfang Hongdou's direction. Dongfang Hongdou had always been with Ni Cang Chamu and smiled. The eyes that occasionally looked at Xiao Lang were clear, without any affection or color.

The banquet ended in the middle of the night.

Xiao Lang returned to the yard arranged by Duguxing, but couldn't sleep. Many times he wanted to use grass vines to cross the ground and went directly to the Dongfang family yard to find Dongfang Hongdou. But in the end they all held back. After tossing and turning for a night, Dongfang Hongdou's lost pretty face was in her mind. Tonight Dongfang Hongdou will probably suffer from insomnia.

After spending three days in Tsing Yi City, Xiao Lang kept accepting visits from young masters of various families, and received a lot of gifts. Dongfang Hongdou also came again, but left after only meeting in the hall. Xiao Lang saw that Dongfang Hongdou was obviously thinner, and he was even more heartbroken.

On the fourth day, the order to march alone was issued, and Xiao Lang became the hussar general of the Zhenbei Army, but he was not qualified to lead the army and was transferred to the Zhenbei Army.

Autumn hunting began again.

The withdrawal of Zuo Jian and Xiao Lang greatly reduced the strength of the Zhan Dynasty, and the arrest of the Blood Red Moon on the Blood Dynasty was even more crazy. Dongfang proudly Ni Cang Yefei and the others brought the army in several times, all at the expense of soldiers. In the end, no one from the war dynasty dared to lead in.

This year's autumn hunting started early and ended early.

Xiao Lang disappeared in Tsing Yi City, disappearing from the eyes of everyone, the news from the Military God's Mansion was that Du Gu Xing was preparing to give Xiao Lang special training, while practicing and studying witchcraft, while learning to lead soldiers to fight war strategies. The purpose is self-evident, obviously it is to cultivate and nurture his son.

It is not surprising to everyone, after all, the people whom the military **** values ​​must cultivate good successors. Otherwise, even if he was given a powerful hussar general with 50,000 people, the soldiers would not be convinced, would they?

As expected, Yun Zishan was secretly delighted, thinking that Xiao Lang was retreating because of her, and he would not go to the camp outside. Every day, he stayed behind closed doors at Yunyan Pavilion and did not see guests. No one knew what she was doing.

Due to the war evasion of the War Dynasty, the Blood Dynasty had no choice but to withdraw its troops. On the surface, it seemed that they had won, but the Blood Dynasty had lost miserably this autumn hunt. The son of the blood-clothed marshal of the Blood Dynasty died in battle, and the three princes were captured alive. Although there were more ordinary soldiers who died in the War Dynasty, the big men only died of rebellion.

The blood emperor was furious, and the blood cloak was also full of grief and indignation. The hidden spies of the war dynasty had retrieved the information, and the blood dynasty began to assemble a large army to drill, secretly prepare for the chariots and horses, and wait for the winter to start aggressively attacking the blood dynasty, by the way.

Northern Xinjiang was once again war clouded, and the lonely line began to train soldiers and horses, gather food and grass, and prepare for battle.

Xiao Lang did not participate in the army drill, and Qianxun lived in a small courtyard in the Central Army Camp of the Zhenbei Army.

It has been two months since he left Tsing Yi City, Xiao Lang has converted all his longing for Dongfang Hongdou into motivation for cultivation, and he has been practicing day and night.

He tempered his body during the day, practiced profound energy for an hour and a half in the morning and evening, and studied the mysterious combat technique "Stealth Art" in the evening. In the middle of the night, he used grass and vines to drive him into the ground and walked through the ground to find ant nests. It was hard and even painful. Days.

The medicinal power of the Huoyun Pill had been fully radiated, but Lone Guxing prevented Xiao Lang from taking any pill. Only relying on body tempering, two months of crazy cultivation Xiao Lang's profound energy realm was further improved, and he was about to reach the middle rank of the commander.

It's night!

When Xiao Lang finished his profound energy cultivation, Qianxun brought food, and the two quickly finished eating. Xiao Lang continued to comprehend the stealth technique. After two months of comprehending this weird combat technique, he was only just getting started. Although it was extremely difficult, Xiao Lang liked it, and on the contrary became more interested.

Because of the above description of this stealth technique, the cultivation is great, the speed has doubled, and it is difficult to find a strong person who is more than a few levels of himself. Coupled with the restraint technique, that is the best way to escape and assassinate.

Looking at the secret book, Xiao Lang ran with lightning in the yard, his movements were vague and weird, and even awkward. He stopped halfway by accident, pondered, and found that it was wrong and went back to look at the secret book.

Qianxun sat in the courtyard to rest, watching Xiao Lang so hard, feeling deeply. Xiao Lang had been doing this for the past two months, as if he was cultivating into a demon. In fact, only he knew how bitter Xiao Lang was in his heart, because for many nights, he had seen Xiao Lang toss and turn, sleepless all night.

After studying for an hour, Xiao Lang decisively put the secret book into the Xu Mi Jie in his hand, which was given to him by the Zuo family. He was not afraid of being seen by others, and was wearing it openly.

"Chihiro, go to bed first, I'm going!"

Xiao Lang confessed, and Cao Teng roared out silently, dragging him towards a deep hole in the courtyard, and Qianxun responded with a grin, but still sitting in the courtyard, waiting for Xiao Lang to return.

Every night Xiao Lang went out to look for the ant nest, he would let Qianxun sleep first, and Qianxun always agreed, but every night Xiao Lang came back, he would see a big bald head sitting in the moonlight waiting for him.

The grass and vines traveled through the ground quickly. Xiao Lang was already very familiar with the underground of the Zhenbei military camp. Every distance he would find a nest for ventilation, he would continue to travel.

In two months, all the profound beasts in the vicinity were swept away by him, and the grass and vines continued to grow. At this moment, they had become 1,500 meters long. However, there was no further evolution, although Xiao Lang still swallowed dozens of fifth-level profound beasts.

"Go a little farther tonight and see if there are any high-level profound beasts? It seems that no matter how many low-level profound beasts are swallowed by this grass vine, it will not evolve. Only take risks to kill high-level profound beasts!

Xiao Lang silently thought of letting Cao Teng take him straight to the west. At this moment, he was 100 meters below the ground, and he was not afraid of being spotted, walking through unscrupulously.

After turning midnight, Xiao Lang returned helplessly in the early hours of the morning. Although he swallowed more than ten ant nests and killed several fifth-level profound beasts, he did not find a higher-level profound beast. In the Northern Xinjiang, there were wars and soldiers everywhere. Even if there were high-level profound beasts, they would have been killed long ago.

Follow the underground passage and return to the Zhenbei military camp. Qianxun is still there, but Xiao Lang accidentally finds that Qing Ming is also here.

Looking at Xiao Lang with a stunned face, Qing Ming's eyes were filled with satisfaction, and he smiled and said, "I went to Death Mountain a few times, but I didn't go to see your aunt and the knife. The Majesty asked me to take you back to Yinzong One. trip!"

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