Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 102: Pit kill

Xiao Lang found Zuo Ming and Zuo Xi at first, but he didn't think much about it because of his excitement. He didn't wake up until Cao Teng discovered that there were two warlords lurking behind the four. After thinking about it carefully, he easily determined that this was a trap. , A trap against him.

Du Guxing arranged a super war in northern Xinjiang. Since it is a super war, it must use a lot of financial resources, material resources and manpower, so Zuo Jia will definitely receive news.

At such a critical juncture, it is impossible for the Zuo family to let the four young masters and young ladies travel to the Death Mountain in the south, and also dispatch so many powerful people to protect them. Although Death Mountain is dangerous, it won't send hundreds of people, right? The most important thing is that two war kings have been dispatched. The strong war king will not be easily dispatched. Like the last time in the Luoxia Mountains, Zuo Ming and Zuo Xi only brought more than 20 people, and only the strong war king One person, although there is very close to the imperial capital.

The Mountain of Death was far away from the emperor. Without flying tools, Kuaima had to walk for ten and a half days. With so many people and two beautiful ladies, the speed was even slower. Moreover, the experience has come to the middle of the Death Mountain. The profound beasts here are basically level four and five. Zuo Ming and Zuo Xi's strength experience is a fart.

Everything shows that this group of people is not here to experience, let alone play. The purpose of allowing Zuo Xi and Zuo Ming to appear so unscrupulously is to elicit the Xiao Lang that appeared in the Death Mountain not long ago.

The recognition that Xiao Lang gave to the world is now lurking in the Death Mountain Range for cultivation. In the eyes of everyone, Xiao Lang was a lunatic, and he stepped on the top of the young man all the way back to the imperial capital, playing cards completely unreasonably, regardless of the consequences. In the end, he shot and killed his own family members, even the elders of the family, which can be said to be frantic. Such a frenzied person still uses an incomparably terrifying fighting instinct, a fighting consciousness, and the most important thing is that he has a god-defying soul.

If Xiao Lang grows up in the eyes of major families, perhaps everyone will not be so panicked because it can be controlled. But they disappeared without a trace. Both appearances were furious shots and killed several people.

Zuo Family and Xiao Lang's feud is very big. Of course, this is Zuo Family's own opinion, so if there is a chance, Zuo Family will never let such a powerful enemy with the potential to guard against the sky live, so at this moment Zuo Ming and Zuo Xi are here.

Whether it was Zuo Fan's idea in the imperial capital or Zuo Pingping, who was far away in northern Xinjiang, Xiao Lang was angry at this moment anyway.

If he doesn't trouble the Zuo family, why does the Zuo family plan to kill him?

Hundreds of people? More than twenty warlords? Two war kings?

so what?

At this moment, if Xiao Lang wanted to kill someone, he really didn't want to be too difficult, so he started to retreat slowly, sneaking around, using grass and vines to constantly probe, so as not to ambush a strong person.

After half an hour, he returned to the place where he did not detect any other strong people. Obviously the Zuo family sent these people, but with so many people and two warlords lurking, if Xiao Lang suddenly attacked and killed someone, he would definitely be violently killed by the two warlords.

Secretly looking at everyone, Xiao Lang was even more sure that this was a trap, because with so many people, a sixth-level profound beast hadn't killed it after half an hour. Even if the warlord didn't make a move, the twenty-odd warlords could be killed. More than two hundred people are noisy, the purpose is self-evident, and it is obviously attracting people nearby.

"Keep on playing, Lord has patience!"

Xiao Lang slowly withdrew. Seeing this situation, within an hour or two, the people of the Zuo family wouldn't be able to kill this profound beast.

Back to the stone cave, Xiao Lang slowly ate the dry food, he did not dare to barbecue, for fear that some spies would find the fireworks and look for them.

After eating and drinking, Xiao Lang lazily lurked in the past, controlling the grass and vines all the way to explore, only to find that an adventure group was attracted by the Zuo family. Secretly following him, he thought that more than a dozen people would have ideas, but he felt the breath there from a distance and ran away immediately.

The people of the Zuo family are still acting. Hundreds of people continue to drink, surround and not kill, but Zuo Ming and a few people leisurely start to barbecue and eat. Zuo Xi’s beautiful face shows a trace of fatigue, and a pair of autumn eyes are everywhere. Sweep, obviously a little anxious.

Xiao Lang was not in a hurry, he lurked in the bushes and began to practice cross-legged, to see when they were going to play. Anyway, he has time, he can wait if there is no right time!

The people of the Zuo family surrounded this sixth-level profound beast for an entire afternoon. At dusk, seven or eight warlords made a move and sent a vicious move to kill the scarred double-headed demon lion. The warriors who came this time were obviously from the Zuo family's elite, with amazing attack power. The huge double-headed demon lion's corpse was skinned and profound crystals were extracted. A large purple fist, a large profound crystal, was handed to Zuo Ming, and a group of people began to return.

Xiao Lang continued to lurch in the same place. After Zuo Ming and Zuo Xi and others had completely left, the two lurking war kings also followed, before controlling Cao Veng to sneak out to swallow the huge profound beast corpse.

After swallowing for a whole hour, the huge beast corpse was swallowed, Xiao Lang walked over to the profound energy and shattered the skeleton completely before chasing the Zuo family's team.

There were spies all the way, and it was obvious that the people from Zuo's family prevented anyone from following and tracked down their camp.

With the help of grass vines, Xiao Lang could easily avoid the spies who could detect the ambush in advance. In the grass next to an empty ground, Xiao Lang also found a spy of the Commanding Commander realm.

Originally Xiao Lang wanted to go around, he suddenly thought of the stealth technique, and decided to see if this stealth technique could be detected against the warlord martial artist, anyway, for him, the war commander would easily kill him.

Using the stealth technique, Xiao Lang's figure completely disappeared. His figure was as light as a butterfly, sneaking forward easily. Every time his footsteps were lightly touched on the ground, his body jumped out several meters away with an extremely loud sound. small.

The result was a success!

Although he heard a slight noise, the spy Zhanshuai just sensed it everywhere, and once again lurked in the grass, Xiao Lang did not kill the spy and continued to chase forward.

With hundreds of people walking in the mountains, Xiao Lang easily chased up from the traces on the ground, and finally found a camp of Zuo's family after it was completely night.

This is a small valley, only one side can be entered. There is a small pond in the corner, and there is obviously an underground river flowing into the pond. The river is clear and there are countless fish and shrimps in the pond.

The camp of the Zuo family was stationed by the pond, and seven or eight simplified tents were erected. At this moment, the people of the Zuo family were divided into two groups and were sitting around two pairs of bonfires.

Xiao Lang smiled, and immediately went to explore the surroundings. After a while, he returned to the valley with excitement.

Only one side of this valley can be entered. The mouths of the valley are all spies from Zuo's family. There are also a few lurking spies on the other three sides of the mountain. The enemy can only enter from the front as if it is attacking.

However, for Xiao Lang, who possesses stealth skills and can travel underground, this place is completely undefended.

Looking at the burning clouds that slowly dimmed in the sky, Xiao Lang laughed, and decided to wait until the sky was completely dark.

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